
Bubble Berry's Party (Gay)

Feb 28th, 2016
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  1. >”Hey Non, what's gotcha down?”
  2. >You break out of your daydream and look down to the pink party pone standing at your feet.
  3. “How did you get into my house?”
  4. >”Oh, do your poor locks got you upset? If so, I know this really great locksmith that I'm friends with and he even taught me how to lockpick-”
  5. >You cut off the rambling pony.
  6. “If you must know,” You shift uncomfortably in your seat, “Another date went sour.”
  7. >”Another!” It didn't seem to be a question, almost excited. “But that's the third one just this month!”
  8. >You sigh as Bubble Berry proclaims that fact, putting your hand to your forehead.
  9. >”Aw, don't worry Non, I'm sure you'll find someone that makes you smile, they may even be closer than you think.” Bubble jumps into your lap.
  10. >While you talk you scratch Bubbles mane, much to his pleasure.
  11. “Thanks, but I think I'm staying off the dating scene for a while. I just don't seem to connect with any of these mares.”
  12. >”I know that feeling...” Berry mumbles to himself.
  13. “It's not easy being the only human.”
  14. >Suddenly, Bubble perks up.
  15. >”Hey, you know what would make you feel better?”
  16. “Is it a p-”
  17. >”A party!” He yells and jumps into the air.
  18. >You're tired, but you'd hate to disappoint him.
  19. “I'd love one.”
  20. >”I knew you would. Everyone loves a Bubble Berry party!”
  21. >He gives you a time, and starts to head out.
  22. “Hey Bubble. How'd you know I was upset?”
  23. >He blinks at the question.
  24. >”Silly Anon, I'm always looking out for you.”
  25. >Bubble jumps up and gives you a quick bonecrushing hug, which you return.
  26. >Normally you don't like contact with guys, but with Bubble you don't mind.
  28. >Before you can say anything else, Bubbles jumps out of your arms and disappears in a cloud of dust as he runs off.
  29. >Huh.
  30. >Now that you think of it, you don't remember the last time he called you 'Anon'.
  31. >Usually it was some pet-name variation.
  32. >You don't dwell on the fact, and kill time until the time Bubble stated arrived.
  33. >With the sun nearly finished setting, you head over to Sugar Cube Corner.
  34. >You hear the party before you see it.
  35. >Bubbles parties reflect the party thrower, always full of energy and fun to be around.
  36. >Coming into view, you can see a couple ponies loitering outside, chatting among themselves.
  37. >Seems you're a little bit late.
  38. >Entering the party, you can see dozens of ponies have a grand ol' time from your vantage point of being a tall human.
  39. >You scan the party for Bubble when you feel a sudden weight on your back.
  40. >”Hiya Non, glad you could make it.”
  41. “Wouldn't miss it for the world.” You say as Bubble rubs his cheek on your neck, and sighs.
  42. >He slides down your body and plops on the floor, before springing back up to his feet.
  43. “I'm always amazed how quickly you can throw a party together, and how fast everyone drops everything to join in on it.”
  44. >”Only the best for my bestest of best friends.” Bubble winks.
  45. >You blush a little, and laugh awkwardly.
  46. >He's always so damn nice to you.
  47. >”So, watcha wanna do first?”
  48. “Honestly, after the past few days, I just need a drink.”
  49. >Bubble gasps, “I think that's a great idea!” He really stresses out 'great'
  50. >He leads you through the crowd of partying ponies, expertly weaving between them as you make your way to the drink counter.
  52. >”I knew you had a rough couple of days, so I took the liberty of giving the punch a little 'spike' to liven up the party.”
  53. “You know me so well.” You say, laughing lightly.
  54. >Getting a big cup full, you offer one to Bubble, who refuses.
  55. >”I already had a cup, and I don't like getting too tipsy at my parties. Somepony has to referee after all.”
  56. “More for me.” You say in a sing-song voice, before attempting to down the cup.
  57. >Attempting, because you nearly did a spit take as it burns your throat.
  58. ”Cr- crap, Bubble, the hell did you spike this with?”
  59. >”Nothing special, just some hard bronco.” He gives a cheeky smile.
  60. >Bronco is a type of liquor here.
  61. >It even manages to confuse some of the ponies.
  62. >You rub you mouth, and cough again.
  63. “No kidding, guess I should be a little more careful.” You say before taking a sip this time instead, adjusting to the taste.
  64. >”Sorry Non, I'll warn you next time. I forgot how humans are kinda lightweight.”
  65. >When you first heard of pony alcohol, you thought it would be some light stuff, to relate to their size.
  66. >Instead, you found out you can control your alcohol worse than a child.
  67. >When cider season came around, you accidentally got yourself drunk and made an ass of yourself.
  68. >It haunts you sometimes at night.
  69. ”Even if I'm lightweight, I still didn't expect that kind of liquor to burn this bad. I'm not that sensitive to alcohol.”
  70. >”Wonder why then?~”
  71. “Maybe I shouldn't-” Bubble stops you before you can put the cup on the table.
  72. >”Nonono, you should drink lots!” He practically forces the cup to your lips.
  73. “Uh, Bubble?”
  74. >”O-oh, sorry, It's just I, uh, really want you to have a good time.”
  75. >He looks nervous.
  76. >Suspicious...
  77. >But you trust the little guy.
  78. >You resolve to drink all punch you can handle, but promise yourself not to let yourself get too out of hand.
  79. >You're a cuddly, huggy drunk, and in a party mostly consisting of guys...
  81. >After finishing the rest of the cup, you slam it down on the table.
  82. “Damn, that's brisk.” You shake your head.
  83. >”Great, have some more!”
  84. >Bubble somehow got another cup nearly filled to the brim in your hand without you noticing.
  85. “I-”
  86. >”Come on, let's go have fun!” Bubble jumps into the air before dragging you off into the depths of the party, you focusing on not spilling your drink.
  87. >Bubble drags you into conversations with multiple different people, which almost always seem to center around you.
  88. >”Hey Non, have you met Bulk Biceps here? He works out a lot, he might even be stronger than you!”
  89. “I'm not that strong.” You say, after tons of different conversations, the alcohol starting to hit you.
  90. >”Nonsense, look how big your muscles are here.” He says, rubbing a hoof up your leg, touching your shin and pressing into your thigh.
  91. “You're touching me a lot.”
  92. >”Hey look! It's Blitz! Think you could beat him in a hoofrace, or would it be footrace?” Bubble changes to subject.
  93. >Most of the talks go like that, until you finish your drink.
  94. >”Hey Non, I hear a good way to stay sober is exercise, helps get that alcohol out of your system.”
  95. “Is that how works? I thought it just made it worse.”
  96. >”Nope, come on! Let's dance.”
  97. >Normally you wouldn't be caught dancing if your life depending on it, but the liquid courage helps you along.
  98. >Tons of ponies dance and laugh around you, and you feel yourself smiling and silently singing to the music playing.
  99. >Bubble dances around you, constantly bumping you with his rear, jokingly of course.
  100. >Eventually, you start to feel really tipsy, and you find yourself using Bubble as a little stabilizer whenever you start to lose your balance.
  102. >”You feeling okay Nonny?”
  103. “I -urp- yeah, just a little dizzy.”
  104. >”Aw,” Bubble zips away and comes back with a new drink,” take this, and let's go get a seat.”
  105. >Yes, that seems reasonable.
  106. >You're taking sips as Bubble leads you to a couch near a corner of the room, out of the general party area.
  107. >He sits you down gently, and you continue taking little sips as he jumps up on the spot next to you.
  108. >Bubble's tail flicks as you stare forward, taking more sips.
  109. >For some reason, you can't stop drinking it.
  110. >Sip.
  111. >Bubble scootches over to you, pressing his side against you.
  112. >He smiles as you drape an arm over him.
  113. >That's not weird, you think.
  114. >You hug him, that's similar, right?
  115. >Sip.
  116. >”So how are you enjoying the party so far?”
  117. >Bubble starts rubbing his face against your chest, a hoof tracing your stomach.
  118. >That might wrinkle it...
  119. “Great. You overshot my expectations which I didn't think was possible since I expected perfection.”
  120. >Sip.
  121. >”Hehe, I didn't realize you were such a flatterer when you were drunk.”
  122. “Hey, I ain't drunk. I'd know when I was drunk.”
  123. >Sip.
  124. “When I get drunk, I get cuddly, and kinda dumb.”
  125. >”No kidding, huh?”
  126. >You hug Bubble closer as he purrs.
  127. >Hey, it's kind of like a cat.
  128. >Sip.
  130. “And I sort of lose focus. And I can't take a hint.”
  131. >”You don't need alcohol for that to happen.”
  132. >Bubble jumps into your lap and starts to slide back and forth on your leg.
  133. >You wonder if that's habitual.
  134. >Like how your other leg is bouncing right now.
  135. >Sip.
  136. >Wait a minute.
  137. “I have nothing left to sip.”
  138. >You frown as Bubble knocks the cup out of your hand and onto the floor.
  139. >Looking at him, the two of you lock eyes.
  140. >Though the room is kind of dark, you can see his face flushed.
  141. >”Hey Non,” Bubble places his hoofs on your shoulders, “have you ever considered the reason your dates fail cause you're looking for the wrong person?”
  142. “...Uh, No puedo entender.”
  143. >He looks slightly jolted, but continues regardless.
  144. >”Maybe the right person for you is really close, like, right under your nose close.”
  145. >Bubble shuffles forward on your lap more.
  146. >Your arms rest on his hips.
  147. “Like a coworker?”
  148. >”Maybe,” He bites his lip, “Or maybe, I dunno, a friend?”
  149. “I...” Wait, something just hit you.
  150. >”Someone you never thought of before.” His voice gets deeper and more husky.
  151. ”I need to...” Yep, you can't believe you didn't notice sooner.
  152. >”Someone nontraditional. Can you think of anypony like that?” He leans forward.
  153. >You can't hold it back much longer.
  154. “I need to pee.”
  155. >”W-what?”
  156. “Sorry, I just,” You shuffle out from under Bubble, “I'll be right back.”
  157. >He sits in a huff as you stumble away to the mens room.
  159. >When you come back out, you see Bubble talking to a really beefy, tough looking pony.
  160. >He nods to Bubble and walks off as you approach.
  161. “Hey, sorry, that stuff just flows right through me.”
  162. >”Don't worry. I understand. Come on, follow me.”
  163. >You don't think to ask why.
  164. >Why would Bubble do anything wrong, anyway?
  165. >He leads you up some stairs, and as the two of you climb, you look back and notice the beefy pony from before taking position in front of the stairs.
  166. >Standing guard?
  167. >You frown, but don't think much more of it.
  168. >And still, even when Bubble leads you to his room.
  169. >He slams the door behind you as you stumble in, locking it behind you.
  170. >The room is dark, but the moonlight and party lights flowing in from the window illuminates the bed space enough to see.
  171. >Just as you're thinking this looks like a good place to nap, Bubble pushes you onto his giant bed, and you land with a pomf.
  172. “Waah! What are we going to do on the bed?”
  173. >You burst out laughing at your own reference as Bubble climbs up onto the bed, standing over you face to face.
  174. >He lowers himself on you, his small but heavy, warm body pressing down on you as your faces are inches apart.
  175. >”Non, do you like me?”
  176. >You feel his warm breath wash over you as his face reddens even more.
  177. >Maybe he had more booze then you thought?
  178. >It doesn't smell too much like alcohol.
  179. >”Yeah, yourra great friend ever.” Your now complete drunkness changes your speech, slurring slightly.
  180. >God damn, this furry guy looks cuddly, all staring at you half lidded and blushing.
  181. >You gotta get more comfy too.
  182. >He lets out a small gasp as your wrap your arms around him, scratching at his back.
  183. >”N-no. Something more than that.”
  184. >One of your hands trace down over his rear, and your press up to scotch him closer to you.
  185. >It's somewhat plump, but you can still feel traces of hard muscle underneath.
  186. “Like bestester special friends?”
  188. >”Heh, that's funny Non. I like how you're funny.”
  189. “I like how you're funny to-”
  190. >You're cut off as Bubble presses his lips against yours.
  191. >It's quick, only a second, but it leaves an impression.
  192. >Warm, slightly wet.
  193. >Full lips.
  194. >Man lips?
  195. >Wait, Bubble Berry lips.
  196. “Woah, Bubble...” You've hit maximum confusion.
  197. >”But I hate how you play so hard to get.”
  198. >He sits upright, his rear pressing hard into your crotch as he looks down at you with lust-filled eyes.
  199. >Wait a minute, lust-filled eyes?
  200. >”Sorry Non, but I can't let this opportunity slip away. I did this party for you, after all.”
  201. >He pulls out a small metal box with a big red button on it, and presses it while grinning madly.
  202. >Thick metal cuffs attached to a metal line shoot out from behind the bed, grabbing onto your wrists and holding them down.
  203. >When did Bubble get the tech to do this, is the first thing that comes to mind.
  204. >You frown in thought, but your mind gets interrupted as Bubble pounces on you again, his breathing increased and hitting you rapidly.
  205. >Smells like cherries.
  206. >”I need you Non. I've been holding back for too long and I need you so badly. So I'm going to do this whether you want me too or not.”
  207. “I'm cool with it.”
  208. >”But I guarantee by the end of the night, you'll be loving i-waiwaiwhat?”
  209. >Bubble looks dumbfounded.
  210. “I always kinda thought you were cute. I've never been completely opposed to doing it with the opposite gender, but nobody caught my fancy until I met you.”
  211. >You take a deep, exaggerated breath.
  212. “And I didn't know if those feelings were legit or anything. I wasn't sure. Or whatever.”
  213. >”So-so I coulda just asked this whole time and you would have said yes?”
  215. “Well, I probably would have had to think 'bout it, but if 'little me' has anything to say 'bout it,” You shake your hips, emphasizing your bulge, “I'd probably say yeah.”
  216. >Bubble looks absolutely flabbergasted.
  217. “I mean, it may just be the alcohol talking...”
  218. >”How do I know you're telling the truth?”
  219. “Because your metal cuffs are made of tinfoil.”
  220. >You easily tear away from your binds and wrap one arm over Bubble's back, and one behind his head.
  221. >In one swift moment, Bubble eeps as you pull him into a deep kiss.
  222. >Your lips mash, and as the two of you are connected like that, with your heart fluttering and mind at ease, you knew this was the right choice.
  223. >That missing piece you couldn't find with the other mares was filled.
  224. >Slowly, you break away, and look into his still shock-ridden eyes.
  225. “Believe me now?”
  226. >He whispers in a husky voice.
  227. >”We need to do this right now.”
  228. >With that, you mash lips again.
  229. >His heavy, warm, soft body pressing you down into the plush bed, his fur tickling you, you feel so damn comfy.
  230. >You hold him as tight as you can without hurting him, desperate for his comfort and warmth.
  231. >You moan into his mouth as you feel his thick tongue slick with saliva wriggle into your mouth.
  232. >His tongue is a lot bigger than yours, desperately try and fight back as it violates your mouth.
  233. >”You taste so gooood.~” He backs off and says, before digging right back in.
  234. >You've only been swapping spit for a few seconds and you could already feel Bubble's fifth leg pressing into you.
  235. >Bubble starts bucking his hips slowly, rubbing his erection over your thigh.
  236. >Finally, he breaks the kiss, and leaning over you, he stares into your eyes.
  237. >”Get your clothes off.”
  238. >You're not going to object to that, and he travels down your body to take off your pants as you throw off your shirt.
  240. >He uses his mouth to pull down your zipper and unbutton your jeans expertly, as if he's done it before.
  241. >But ponies don't wear jeans...?
  242. >Your mind stops focusing on that and instead focuses on the fact your pants are around your ankles and you're pressing painfully against the fabric of your boxer briefs.
  243. >Bubble seems to be drooling as he stares at your bulge with sex-crazed eyes.
  244. >He rubs up against your length with the tip of his hoof as he speaks.
  245. >”Non, do you have a surprise for me?”
  246. >He leans down and rubs his muzzle against it as it begins twitching wildly.
  247. >”I love surprises.~”
  248. “D-dammit Berry, stop teasing me and let it out.”
  249. >”But Non, you teased me for so long. I'm not sure...”
  250. “Berry!”
  251. >”Oh Fine. Just say please first.
  252. >He bites on the waistband and waits.
  253. “P-please Berry? For me?”
  254. >Bubble giggles before he quickly pulls down your boxers, and your shaft explodes out of its prison and stands tall.
  255. >”I can't believe you were hiding this from me for so long.”
  256. >His hot breath washes over it, making you grip the bedsheets.
  257. “Fuck, Bubble just...”
  258. >”Is it this hard for me?”
  259. >Bubble gives the tip a wet kiss, making it twitch and spit out a little pre.
  260. >”Wow, you're so excited. I'm excited too.”
  261. >He stands tall between your legs, and slightly obscured by shadow, you can see his thick shaft sway between his legs.
  262. >You gulp.
  264. >He sits back down on your crotch, his full balls pressing against your hard-on.
  265. >But your attention is more drawn to the thick, blackish slab of meat standing fully erect.
  266. >Even from way down your body, it looks imposing.
  267. >”I love yours. Do you love mine?”
  268. >You nod dumbly, and he giggles in response.
  269. >”I wonder if they like each other.”
  270. >He moves his balls out of the way and places his shaft against yours.
  271. >Bubble doesn't say anything, but he's clearly bigger, though it's not much of a fair comparison to be honest.
  272. >Even if his height is smaller than you, he's still a horse.
  273. >It's really hot, and having another mans thing against yours is making your heart pound rapidly.
  274. >He starts bucking his hips slowly, frotting his against yours.
  275. >”Like it Nonny? Huh? Do ya?” He whispers as he starts leaning forwards against, coming face to face with you against as his shaft presses down hard onto yours.
  276. >His kisses you again, and resumes his frotting.
  277. >The globs of pre coming out of his member drips out onto your shaft and stomach and his furry coat.
  278. >You find yourself lost in the sensation of Bubble's lips and shaft, until he breaks away.
  279. >He grins down at you madly.
  280. >”Get up please.”
  281. >You do, and he takes your place, sitting up against the headboard, his member sticking straight up into the air.
  282. >”You're going to suck my dick, and make it super incredible, alright?”
  283. “Woah, uh, a little fast...”
  284. >”Come on Non, don't you like me?”
  285. >That is true...
  286. >And the way Bubble is slowly stroking gets another twitch down there.
  287. >One little try can't hurt, right?
  288. “Just come to the edge of the bed, okay?”
  289. >”Okiee Dokiee Lokiee!”
  290. >He scootches over as you kneel at the edge.
  291. >As you kneel before him, his member is very imposing.
  293. >And his scent, that musky smell, HIS musky smell, is overpowering you on a primal level.
  294. >”I know you've never done this before, but just do what comes naturally. I'm sure you'll be a pro at it.”
  295. >Gulp.
  296. >You grab hold of the thick slab of meat in front of you with two hands, and start stroking it gently.
  297. >”Mmnf.~ That's good, but it's not your mouth.”
  298. >Right, right...
  299. >One hand grabs the frontside and another travels down the full orbs below.
  300. >You'd need two hands to fully grab the oranges he has as sacks...
  301. >Regardless, you stick out your tongue, and tentatively lick the underside, from bottom to top.
  302. >”Good start, but I'll need more than that. And stop using your hands, use only your mouth.”
  303. >You obey, and place them behind your back when Bubble stops you.
  304. >”Don't move, I just want to do something quickly.”
  305. >You allow Bubble to grab the back off your head roughly with one hoof, and place your face in his full orbs.
  306. >Your nose and mouth are deep into his sack, and he holds you there so you have no choice but to breath in his scent.
  307. >The smell is so powerful. It attacks and muddles your brain, filling you with desire.
  308. >You moan into his orbs, and he shivers in pleasure.
  309. >”I can tell you like that. Try sucking me now.”
  310. >He lets you go, and newly reinvigorated, you dig into your meal.
  311. >You broadly lick all over his shaft, moaning at the taste and covering it slick with saliva.
  312. >Not to leave them out, you dig into his balls, licking and attempting to suck on them, leaving a hickey.
  313. >They're slightly salty with sweat, smooth and giant.
  314. >You can't get enough of them.
  315. >This in turn makes him spurt out loads of pre, which you gladly travel up to his tip to greedily drink it all.
  316. >Salty, but with a noticeable sweetness to it.
  317. >It's addictive.
  318. >Bubble coo's you on as you do your best to pleasure him.
  319. >You attempt to take it in your mouth, but it's unfortunately just a little too big.
  320. >Bubble tells you we'll work on it later.
  322. >Eventually, your mouth is tired and you need to take a little break.
  323. >Bubble smiles at seeing your tired form and his saliva coated cock, just begging for release.
  324. >”You did amazing, but I think it's time for the final phase, Operation A.N.A.L!”
  325. >Your drunk mind takes a minute to register what those letters spell out as Bubble picks you up and onto the bed.
  326. >When Bubble says, “I wonder how tight it'll be,” you finally figure out.
  327. “Wa-wait wait wait! We can't do that.”
  328. >”Aw, why not?”
  329. “I haven't really done any butt stuff before, and with your thing, frankly it wouldn't be fun for either of us.”
  330. >He frowns for a second, but a lightbulb appears over his head.
  331. >”So you're saying you'd like to top me instead?”
  332. “I guess for now.”
  333. >”Ookie Dookie. Just remember, once you do this, you have to pay me back later for it, okay?”
  334. “Yeah, sure.”
  335. >”Great! But we need to get you prepared for now.”
  336. >He zips away and back, carrying lube, a controller, and some kind of plastic stick.
  337. >As Bubble takes the stick and starts covering it in lube, you realize it must be some kind of strange dildo.
  338. >”Okay, bend over.”
  339. >Hesitantly, you bend over the bed and Bubble positions the plastic dildo thing as your rear entrance.
  340. “What even is that thing?”
  341. >”Say Non, do you like me?”
  342. “What? Yea- AH!”
  343. >It burns as the dildo forces itself inside you, shocking you out of speaking as you grit your teeth.
  344. >”Do you still like me?”
  345. “Let me think for a second.”
  346. >Bubble grins.
  347. >”Does this help you think?”
  348. >You eep as Berry turns a dial on the controller and you feel the thing inside you start to vibrate.
  349. “W-what?”
  350. >”Vibrating Buttplug. I want you to keep this in you overnight until you're ready to take me in you. Understand?”
  352. >You grunt affirmatively, and he jumps up and claps his hooves.
  353. >”Great! Now one other thing before you start...”
  354. >He jumps up onto the bed and gets into that pose.
  355. >Yes, THAT pose.
  356. >IWTCIBB
  357. >”You've gotta lick me first.”
  358. >Uh...
  359. >”Don't look grossed out, it's clean. I made sure earlier today~”
  360. >That's better than.
  361. >You get behind him and spread his cheeks apart, getting a good look at the ponut.
  362. >It's dotted with perspiration, and you can't help but wanna dig in.
  363. >Bubble lets out a small jolt at first contact with your tongue, but quickly relaxes.
  364. >You tongue travels circles around his entrance just to get him ready.
  365. >But you're not planning to tease.
  366. >You quickly dig in, burying your tongue into his ponut, wriggling around.
  367. >Bubble moans and presses back into you.
  368. >Your hand massages his rear while the other goes down to teasingly rub his shaft.
  369. >”Dam- I-I need something bigger, lube it up and stick it in!”
  370. >Well, you're not one to leave a friend hanging.
  371. >You get the lube and spurt a little bit into his hole, before spurting a generous amount onto your member.
  372. >You stroke it to make sure it gets everywhere as you line it up with his hole.
  373. >Feverishly, and without much grace, you stick it in.
  374. >You may not be as large as a horse, but you can hilt inside, and Bubble certainly felt it.
  375. >Hilted inside him, you ask if he's ready.
  376. >”I'm ready for this rodeo.”
  377. >Dammit Bubble.
  379. >You begin pounding his furry butt, rocking him in his place.
  380. >His rear bounces against your hips.
  381. >You can feel him use his muscles to massage your member, drawing you in and constricting around you.
  382. >Losing yourself in your pressure, he begins to buck back into you as much as you're screwing into him.
  383. >”Haah, didn't- AH!.. realize you were so good- Mmnf, at fucking other guys.”
  384. >His tongue lolls out as you turn him around missionary and lean over him.
  385. “Nah. It's just you.”
  386. >The sounds of the rooms are filled with grunts and moans of pleasure, almost completely forgetting there is a party below you.
  387. >The music is probably covering it.
  388. >”I-I love you, Nonny.”
  389. >You give him a quick kiss in response.
  390. >”So I'll give you a r-reward.”
  391. >In one swift moment, he reverse the roles, knocks you onto your back, and skewers himself on your member.
  392. >”I'll make you sure enjoy this as much as possible.” He says as he turns the dial on the controller to max.
  393. >The vibrator in your ass turns your mind to mush as the pleasure between Bubble's hole and it is too much.
  394. >You find yourself unable to move, and Bubble rides you with all his worth.
  395. >Bubble feels the twitch of no return from your shaft, and simply presses down on your crotch with all his body weight and begins stroking his shaft as fast as possible.
  396. >His cum shoots into the air, covering you and Bubble himself in cum as your own orgasm shakes your body to it's core.
  397. >Your mouth opens in a scream of pleasure, and you barely register the thick Bubble Berry cum covering your body and the some bit dripping into your mouth.
  398. >The muscles in his rear massage you and make sure to get out every drop available.
  399. >”Aah, my buns are so glazed.”
  400. “God, dammit Berry.” Is all you can say before you pass out from a combination of drunkness, tiredness and pleasure.
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