
Abnormal Norman 4: Team-up from the Dump

Aug 19th, 2013
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  2. Abnormal Norman 4: Team-up from the Dump
  3. ____________________
  5. 7:11 Split Segment
  6. Be Norman
  8. "Ahh! My ass!"
  9. >Fell from the window, now three guys are looking at me
  10. >"The hell are you supposed to be?"
  11. "I...I'm the bane of your existence, and you guys are going down."
  12. >You can feel your body cringing to the core.
  13. >That was horrible.
  14. >Comic book heroes make it way too easy to make a quip
  15. >"Is this asshole serious?!" The thug asks his people.
  16. >"Boy, are you high or something?"
  17. >You're sweating like bullets, but you don't stand down.
  18. >With a fighting stance, you went on to taunt the thugs.
  19. "Let's finish this quickly. I have a date with your sister."
  20. >There we go, that was a good insult, but a bit generic
  21. >Oh shit the dude's eyes are bulging out in anger
  23. "AHH!"
  24. >In a moment's flash, you unleash an unholy punch.
  27. >With that punch, the man was launched to the wall like a dart. The impact was extremely painful for the man.
  28. >He was no match for the speed of your fist.
  29. >Oh wow, that felt easy. Now for these two blokes
  30. >"Oh HELL no, bitch!" The robber said as he took his pistol out
  31. >The thug rapidly shoots 3 shots. Two of those hit you where you stand
  32. "GRAAAAH"
  34. >Looking at your stomach. It's turning red. Your leg bleeds but it's nothing compared to a bullet to the intestine
  36. >The two remaining thugs took their bats and proceeded to hit you with all their might
  38. >As the bats hit your bones, you yell like a dog . The ring doubles your strength, but not your ability to withstand pain
  39. >So... this is it huh. This is how you die
  40. >You begin to lose focus, bats hitting your elbows, ribs and helmet
  41. >Suddenly a faint voice from the distance
  42. >"You mess with him, you mess with me!"
  43. >You use up all your strength to lift your head up to look who it was
  44. >A man in a grey jacket wearing football gear
  45. >And he's wearing his underwear over his pants
  46. >"What the hell...Ack!"
  48. 7:11 Split Segment
  49. Be Lyra
  51. >Hide by the wall next to the dumpster
  52. >You can hear the hobo in the trench coat telling the thugs about being the bane of their resistance.
  53. >It's happening. Blood will be spilled, but you could care less about the masked man.
  54. >You do a roll and sneak by the store door.
  55. >Tapping lightly, you got your scared mother's attention, who was hiding behind the aisle of junk food
  56. >Mother is in tears. Understandable due to a traumatic incident she had when she was a child.
  57. >She's petrified by fear, and you couldn't coax her to come out.
  59. >There goes the first punch, now goes the pistol.
  60. >BANG!BANG!BANG! went the piece.
  61. >Why the hell aren't there any police around here?
  62. >They're beating the man up without remorse.
  63. >Third guy still holding his stomach in pain.
  64. >Oh god, you don't know what to do. You sweat in fear.
  65. >Try to use time stopping powers. Can't. Your mind can only handle so much in one day.
  66. >Suddenly a shadow glides through the door.
  67. >A man in football gear proudly walks in the store.
  68. >Thugs stops beating the hobo up in confusion of the new challenger.
  69. > he wearing his underwear out?.
  71. 7:11 Split Segment
  72. Be Brad
  74. >Holy shit the ninja went through the window
  75. >You're hiding besides the dumpster, spectating from a window
  76. >Ninja speaks something about the Bane of their assistance
  77. >...
  78. "Wait a tick...that voice, those fists, that bulge."
  79. >IT'S NORMAN!
  82. >You watch gleefully as you spectate on your best bro take out one of the thugs.
  83. "Oh boy, it's happening!"
  84. >But wait, the other guy brought a gun
  85. >Three bangs, two went in.
  86. >Shit, Norman's down.
  87. "Oh crap oh crap, what do I do?
  88. >You thought to yourself that every hero needs a sidekick.
  89. >And you're perfect for the job.
  90. >You take your football gear out of your bag.
  91. >Helmet, Shoulder padding, gloves.
  92. >You strip your pants to wear your underwear out.
  93. >Under the belief that it's good luck to do this as a debuting vigilante.
  94. >It's not cool to argue with flawless logic.
  95. >You rush in, bust up in the store.
  96. >"HEY!" you yell at them.
  97. >They look at you with confusion, you look at them with determination.
  98. >"You mess with him, you mess with me!".
  103. Be Rarity
  104. Home
  106. >Something's wrong with my friends. They're hiding something. From me and Pinkie
  107. >Looking at Pinkie, she seems a bit oblivious to all of it, but it's not the least of your problems
  108. >"It's Norman. He seems to be the center of all this" you theorized.
  109. >Twilight and Flutters don't dare talk about all this. Only Brad and Rainbow could spill the beans without looking like they're making up a story.
  110. >What could they possibly hide from us, and why?
  111. >Well, at least my dear Norman's getting fitter by the second, if he really was working out
  112. >Pretty soon, he'll gain muscles from lifting, and then his body...his sweaty sweaty body.
  113. >GAH...what am I thinking.
  114. >You blush in embarrassment as you try to do your homework.
  116. Be Lyra Heartstrings
  117. Store
  119. >You look in a surprised manner as some crazy guy busts in a robbery wearing a football helmet and his underoos out.
  120. >"What the hell is up with this town?" says the thug with the gun.
  121. >Before the man could even hold the pistol on the new guy's head, he tackles the armed goon to the ground.
  122. >Second guy swings his bat down to hit the challenger but he dodges on time and the bat hits the armed thug.
  123. >Third guy recovers from the hobo's punch and elbows the challenger, causing him to be stunned.
  124. >You rush inside the store while the crazies battle it out. Got to know how mom is doing
  125. >"C'mon mom" you whisper. "we gotta get out of here!"
  126. >You check how the guys are doing
  127. >Challenger get's his helmet confiscated and gets a punch from second guy
  128. >You recognize the guy. It's Flash Sentry!
  129. >The hell is he doing?!?
  130. >But wait, where's the masked hobo?
  131. >Third guy about to swing his bat onto Brad's face
  132. >Masked hobo out of nowhere jumps from the shelf aisle and hits the armed goon with a bottle of scotch.
  133. >Armed with a broken bottle in his hand and the thug's bat on the other, he gives no mind on his bleeding stomach and body.
  134. >Second guy charges in, throwing a straight punch to his jaw.
  135. >Masked hobo returns the favor by hitting the guy with the bat, and then scars his face with the broken bottle.
  136. >Armed guy looks like he's shitting himself.
  137. "Come on, mom we have to go."
  138. >You take your mother by the hand and slipped right out of there.
  139. >"H-Huh? HEY!"
  140. >Shit, the armed guy saw us
  141. >He ran towards us and shoved me aside and took my mother hostage
  143. >"HAHAH!"
  144. "YOU BASTARD"
  145. >Brad stood up as the masked man took notice after beating the second guy up
  147. >You look at the thug with anger
  148. >No one holds a gun on your dear mother.
  150. >Sound slowly dims below the hearing line. Cuts forming inside your nose.
  151. >Using all the remaining strength you have, you stopped time for the fourth time this day.
  153. >The pain is unbearable.
  154. >Blood gushes from your nose and mouth as everyone holds their position.
  155. >Man's grip and wrist is too strong to pull away from your mother's neck, so you do what needs to be done.
  156. >You grab the man's wrist and proceeded to break his fingers, every last one with a glass shard.
  157. >40 seconds in. You can feel time coming back soon.
  158. >Grab a bottle, straight kick to the nuts
  159. >59 seconds, you ready your position
  160. >Time flows back in.
  162. Be Norman
  163. In Pain
  165. >This is the most painful day you've had
  166. >Blood gushing from your stomach, all this because you wanted to stop some goons from stealing shekels
  167. >See this asshole taking some mother hostage
  168. >Wait a minute, you recognize the girl he just shoved
  169. >It's Lyra, and her eyes went blue for 2 seconds
  170. >Suddenly the man jumps up and down in pain
  171. >Holding his hand, and then his crotch, he bends over to the agony
  172. >"OH GOD. OH SHIT" the man whimpers
  173. >You look at Brad in confusion.
  174. >Lyra raises the bottle and weakly hits it on the dude's head
  175. >The man lies down, seemingly unconscious from the event.
  176. >You look at Lyra and Brad, both of which tired from the battle that had taken place in this very store.
  177. >Silence everywhere. You don't seem to realize what was happening.
  178. >"Holy shit we need to get you guys to a hospital!" Brad told you and Lyra.
  179. >Frankly, he's the only one here who isn't bleeding like hell.
  180. >I held my stomach and leaned towards the wall. The cashier already dialled 9-11.
  181. >You unmasked yourself. Was getting hot from the sweat and fear
  182. >Lyra asked her mother if she was alright. Brad kept on laughing at the whole ordeal
  183. >Police sirens come
  184. >"Shit man, we gotta go" Brad insists.
  185. "Can't run . This hurts like a bitch"
  186. >You can't escape, but you know you can't get arrested for vigilantism and stuff.
  187. >You look around, and you see a shadow standing by the distance. It looks like a lady's body, but your vision is blurred by the black eye you got.
  188. >At long last, you begin pass out.
  189. >"NORMAN" you hear Brad yell.
  190. >Darkness invades your mind. Too much beatings.
  191. >You let go of your consciousness for a good night's sleep.
  193. End of Chapter 4
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