
tlumaczktos to

Apr 18th, 2019
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  1. register_message: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &eYou must register to continue, type /register <password> <password>'
  2. login_message: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &eLogging in...'
  3. incorrect_password: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cLogin failed, incorrect password.'
  4. session_restart: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aSuccessfully reconnected to session.'
  5. login_to_continue: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aYou must login to continue. /login <password>'
  6. already_logged_in: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou are already logged in!'
  7. already_registered: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou are already registered!'
  8. not_registered: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou are not registered.'
  9. login_success: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aSuccessfully logged in!'
  10. not_logged_in: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou are not logged in!'
  11. logout_sucess: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aSuccessfully logged out.'
  12. logging_out: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cLogging out...'
  13. correct_login_usage: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cCorrect usage: /login <password>'
  14. retypePasswordError: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYour second password did not match the first one!'
  15. correct_register_usage: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cCorrect usage: /register <password> <password>'
  16. register_success: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aSuccessfully registered, and logged in!'
  17. registering: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &eRegistering...'
  18. max_ip: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cMaximum users per ip has been reached'
  19. database_ip_error: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYour IP did not match the one inside of our database, please login /login <password>'
  20. login_timer: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou did not login in time, try again.'
  21. register_timer: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou did not register in time, try again.'
  22. blacklisted_name: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYour Minecraft name is blacklisted.'
  23. correct_password_usage: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cCorrect usage: /changepw <password> <password>'
  24. password_changed: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aPassword changed!'
  25. password_same: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cThe password cannot be the same!'
  26. passwords_do_not_match: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cThe passwords do not match.'
  27. premium: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aLogged in as a premium player.'
  28. high_logins: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &eOur server is currently experiencing high login rates.'
  29. setemail_correct_usage: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cCorrect usage: /setemail'
  30. setmail_disabled: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cThis feature is disabled.'
  31. email_disabled: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cEmails are disabled.'
  32. email_set: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &eYour email has been set to: &6%email%'
  33. email_cooldown: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou must wait &e%time% &cminutes to set your email again!'
  34. email_verify_sent: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aA verification code has been sent to &6%email%'
  35. no_email: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou do not have an email set!'
  36. email_valid: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aYour email is already identified as &7: &e&lVERIFIED'
  37. verify_invalid: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cThe verification code you entered is invalid.'
  38. verify_correct_usage: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cCorrect usage: /verify <secret-key>'
  39. verified: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aYour email has been verified!'
  40. forgot_password_correctusage: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cCorrect usage /forgotpassword'
  41. forgot_password_cooldown: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou must wait &e%time% &cminutes to use this command again.'
  42. unverified_email: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYour email has not been verified.'
  43. forgot_email_sent: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &aA forgot email password has been sent to &6%email%'
  44. registration_denied: '&a&lAuth &8&l &cRegistration has been denied!'
  45. please_verify_email_to_login: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cYou must verify your email to login! /setemail <>'
  46. lobby: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &eReturning to lobby...'
  47. cannot_use_this_password: '&a&lAuth &8&l| &cThis password cannot be used too small or banned password!'
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