

Aug 26th, 2014
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  1. Let's make a game!
  2. Awesome Clicker
  3. by WaffleSauce
  4. version 1.0.4
  5. created on 26/8/14
  6. last updated on 26/8/14
  7. Settings:
  8. prices increase by 110%
  9. selling gives back 50%
  10. resources are visible by default
  11. clickables are visible by default
  12. buildings are visible by default
  13. upgrades are visible by default
  14. achievements are visible
  15. hide log
  16. background: "blue"
  17. text color: "red"
  18. custom stylesheet: /*Apply this class to some text to unlock the secrets of the third dimension!*/
  19. .Three-Dee{
  20. font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', cursive;
  21. line-height: lem;
  22. color: #fff9d6;
  23. font-weight:bold;
  24. font-size: 134px;
  25. text-shadow:0px 0px 0 rgb(231,231,231),1px 1px 0
  26. rgb(216,216,216),2px 2px o rgb (202,202,202),3px 3px
  27. 0 rgb(187,187,187),4px 4px o rgb(173,173,173),5px
  28. 5px 0 rgb(158,158,158), 6px 6px 0
  29. rgb(144,144,144),7px 7px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 7px 7px
  30. lpx rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0px 0px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.2);}
  31. fonts : Comic Sans MS
  32. Resources:
  33. *Coins
  34. -visible
  35. -starts at 0
  36. -show 1 digit
  37. -displayed as %a%r
  38. *Power
  40. -visible
  41. -starts at 0
  42. -show 1 digit
  43. -displayed as %a%r
  44. *Stars
  45. -starts at 0
  46. -show 1 digit
  47. -displayed as %a%r
  48. *Waffles
  49. -visible
  50. -starts at 0
  51. -show o digits
  52. -displayed as %a%r
  53. Clickables:
  54. *Make Coins
  55. -gives 1 coins
  56. -visible
  57. -gains 1% per coin making kit
  58. -converts into coins
  59. *Get Power
  60. -gives 1 power
  61. -visible
  62. -gains 1% per lightbulb
  63. -converts into power
  64. *Go Star Catching
  65. -gives I stars
  66. -visible
  67. -gains 1% per star catcher
  68. -converts into Stars
  69. *Make Waffles
  70. -gives 1 waffles
  71. -visible
  72. -gains 1% per Friendly Dad
  73. -converts into Waffles
  74. *Buildings
  75. *Coin Making Kit
  76. -"A coin making kit to make coins faster. Each kit adds 1% to Make Coins. Makes 0.1 coins per second"
  77. -costs 10 coins
  78. -gives 0.1coins
  79. -named Coin Making Kit|Coin Making Kits
  80. -visible
  81. -picture :
  82. *Mine
  83. -"a mine to get ores for coins"
  84. -costs 75 coins
  85. -gives 1 coins
  86. -named Mine|Mines
  87. -visible
  88. -picture :
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