

Apr 20th, 2016
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  1. Nyx's body stiffened as she felt a strangers hand grab her shoulder. Not only was the threat of contracting some sort of disease from the contact something that she was worried about, but the way this person just touched her without being familiar with her in the slightest.
  3. "How dare this filthy plebeian put their hands on me! It disgusts me that I have to personally teach this disgusting swine manners myself, but I must educate them in how to treat a superior being. They'll know how to properly behave and present nourishment to me when I'm done with them. It will be child's play, even in my current condition."
  6. However all thoughts of responding like that flew right out the window when she sensed the newcomers energy. She hadn't noticed it at first due to her sickness and fatigue weakening her. It didn't help that it was all she could do to stand on her own two feet at the moment. But now that this individual was right in front of her, she could clearly both see the individual and sense her energy. Nyx wasn't sure which part terrified her more.
  8. The woman in front of her was a Saiyan, a member of the race notorious in the galaxy for loving combat and going from planet for planet and leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. At least that's what her people told her when describing their behavior. Nyx had dismissed most of it as just rumors blown out of proportion: she didn't deny that they were a threat, and that there were probably Saiyans out there that acted like that, Yet she couldn't imagine an entire race living like that. Such a species would be the most ugly, filthy, barbaric, savage race to have ever existed. Such a species was uglier to her then then the existence of the Planet Trade Organization, who were known to clear out entire planets to sell to potential buyers. At least that was the culmination of many species gathering for a single purpose, note on race dedicated to nothing but the horrors of combat.
  10. Now that she actually stood face to face with a Saiyan, she still believed that what her people told her about them was unbelievable. No, they were far worse then she could have imagined. Her eyes bulged, just staring at her without moving a muscle. She was too frozen in fear to flee, even if she was at full strength.
  12. "This energy I'm sensing from her... How could she be this strong? I've never felt anything like this before. It's completely overwhelming. She's going to.... No, calm down. I can get out of this situation. She's still just a stupid monkey. All I have to do is play along for now, and I'll get out of this alive." Nyx stretched her lips into what she hoped was a convincing smile, slowly reaching out for the hotdog with one hand. Her arm was shaking in fear, but she put all her effort into making it
  14. "I appreciate the kind sentiment you're showing me, which is matched only by your generosity. You were right to show concern: my body wasn't going to last much... longer."[\S] Nyx collapsed forward, her worn out body unable to cope with the sheer amount of energy the Saiyan was emitting. Nyx felt like she was drowning in a ocean, sinking deep into the black abyss as the water pressure crushed her body. It was all she could do just to hold herself on her hands and knees, hyperventilating as she stared down at the ground. She just didn't have the strength to handle the alien warrior in front of her. She could no longer hide her fear either, her whole body trembling as her terror became evident on her face.
  16. "What cruel, twisted events led me to this fate? I'm going to die on a backwater alien planet to a more revolting species then the primitive natives of this planet. It's not even a dignified death through combat: I'm going to die on all fours like a aging beast of burden. No! I won't let this be the end! I'm not going to die like like this!" Nyx tried pushing herself up, but she couldn't lift herself higher then a foot. She was beginning to realize that anything she could do was futile, but she wasn't going to just fall over and accept her fate either. She was going to cling to her life as much as she could, even in the presence of a creature she couldn't hope to defeat.
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