
voronoy map generator

May 9th, 2016
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  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
  2.  <title>Chrome,Opera,are better for Webgl</title><style>body{margin: 0px;overflow: hidden;}</style></head> <body><canvas id="can"></canvas><div id="i"></div><script id="vs"type="x-shader/vertex">attribute vec3 position;void main(){gl_Position=vec4(position,1.0);}</script><script id="fs"type="x-shader/fragment">
  3.  //the interesting code segment that sets the scene starts at line 33:
  4.  //@Ollj made this;
  5.  //...tiny Offline HTML5 WebGl|GLES canvas Boilerplate GlslSandbox GLSL Vertex Shader Test
  6.  // more easily code GlGl offline, without any external libraries as single .html file, best with Chrome.
  7.  //The methods are;
  8.  //...commonly used to visualize linear algebra, geometry or raymarching/sphere-tracking signed distance functions.
  9.  //The error message line numbers are;
  10.  //... off by +1 line, that line is the html header above
  11.  //... and even though error messages are minimalistic glsl, ollj saw other boilerplates handling errors much worse.
  12.  //the IO functions of the Boilerplate;
  13.  // still pretty messy, handlers and variables exist but are not utilized well. mouse "works"
  14.  // keyboard input in here, as I saw no use for it, not yet.
  15. #ifdef GL_ES
  16. precision highp float;
  17. #endif
  18. //#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
  19. //"GL_OES_standard_derivatives" is used a lot in shadertoy but it just doesn't work too well for many environments.
  20. ///---start of input values, constant and identical for each pixel, set by "Boilerplate" code segment FAR below---
  21. //uniforms have duplicate aliases for compatibility to copy paste scene-code from different sources.
  22. uniform vec2 res;////number of screenspace pixel.xy
  23. uniform vec2 iResolution;//<-res
  24. uniform vec2 resolution; //<-res
  25. uniform float time;//increments over time for animation
  26. uniform float iGlobalTime;//<-time
  27. uniform vec2 mouse;//mouse position.xy
  28. uniform vec2 iMouse;//<-mouse, some applications insist on a vec4 mouse.
  29. //no support for images yet.
  30. #ifdef GL_ES
  31. precision mediump float;
  32. #endif
  33. ////---end of input values, constant and identical for each pixel, set by "Boilerplate" code segment FAR below---
  34. ////------start of variable scene code---
  36. // Voronoi
  37. // By: Brandon Fogerty
  38. // bfogerty at
  39. //
  40. //@ollj modified it to use as simple "random level generator" by making the following values constant or seeded:
  41. //- mx mouse.x  //set voronoi-zoom -> larger regions
  42. #define mx mouse.x
  43. //- my mouse.y  //set voronoi-seed within randomVec2() -> different level.
  44. #define my mouse.y
  45. //- tilesize //set tile size. application dependent //larger tilesize makes larger more blocky image.
  46. #define tilesize 10.0
  47. //- darkness //set brightness-threshold that turns flattened grey-scale image to monochrome image.
  48. //           //larger darkness makes more cells black, -0.5->0%; 0.5->50%; 1.5=100%
  49. #define darkness 0.7
  50. //- t time   //Brownian-like motion of voronoi-cells.
  51. #define t time
  52. //below lines 62 and 68 are optional masks. remove them to visualize the underlining subroutines.
  54. vec2 randomVec2(vec2 p){mat2 m=mat2(15.27,47.63,99.41,88.98);return fract(sin(m*p*my)*46839.32);}
  55. vec2 voronoi(in vec2 p){vec2 g=floor(p);vec2 f=fract(p);vec3 res=vec3(100.0,0.0,0.0);
  56.  for(int y=-1;y<=1;++y){for(int x=-1;x<=1;++x){
  57.   vec2 l=vec2(x,y);vec2 o=randomVec2(l+g);
  58.   float d=distance(l+(sin(t*o)*0.5+0.5),f);
  59.   if(d<res.x){res=vec3(d,o);}}}return vec2(res.yz);}
  60. void main(void){vec4 p=gl_FragCoord;
  61. //below line is optional, makes scene blocky by applying [tilesize] as voxel size.
  62. p.x-=mod(p.x,tilesize);p.y-=mod(p.y,tilesize);//doing mod() per dimension makes it more backwards compatible.
  63. vec2 v=((p.xy/ resolution.xy)*2.0-1.0)*res.x/res.y;vec2 c=voronoi(v*mx*10.);
  64. vec3 f=cos(c.x*10.+vec3(1.,2.,3.))+.6;//3 color dimensions
  65. //vec3 f=cos(c.x*10.+vec3(1.,0.,0.));//1 color dimension
  66. //below line is optional, increases contrast to monochrome
  67. if(f.x>darkness)f=vec3(1,1,1);else f=vec3(0,0,0);//increase contrast to moochrome
  68.  gl_FragColor=vec4(f,1.0);}
  70. ///-------end of variable scene code-----
  71. ///-------end of variable scene code-----
  72. //below is a wrapper to bridge from common other boilerplates to Shadertoy namespace
  73. //void main(void){vec4 c=vec4(0.0);mainImage(c,gl_FragCoord.xy);c.w=1.0;gl_FragColor=c;}
  74. //if (you get the error message "no main() function") just uncomment the line above.
  76. </script><script>//crossBrowser.requestAnimationFrame by
  77. //start of Boilerplate
  78. window.requestAnimationFrame=window.requestAnimationFrame||(function(){return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame|| window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(callback,element){window.setTimeout(callback,50/3);};})();
  79. var c,gl,b,v,f,p,o,mx,my//lots of var's needed to initialize glsl and to bridge a html5 canvas and glsl.
  80. var lastMouseX = null;var lastMouseY=null;var mouseDown=false;
  81. var mdX=null;var mdY=null;//mouse speed as derivation of mouse positions over time.
  82. function handleMouseDown(event){mouseDown = true;
  83.   //lastMouseX=event.clientX;
  84.   //lastMouseY=event.clientY;
  85.   mx=event.clientX*0.001;my=event.clientY*0.001;
  86. }function handleMouseUp(event){mouseDown=false;
  87. }function handleMouseMove(event){
  88.   //if (!mouseDown){return;}
  89.   var newX=event.clientX*0.001;var newY=event.clientY*0.001;
  90.   //var deltaX = newX - lastMouseX;
  91.   //var newRotationMatrix = mat4.create();
  92.   //mat4.identity(newRotationMatrix);
  93.   //mat4.rotate(newRotationMatrix, degToRad(deltaX / 10), [0, 1, 0]);
  94.   //  var deltaY = newY - lastMouseY;
  95.   //  mat4.rotate(newRotationMatrix, degToRad(deltaY / 10), [1, 0, 0]);
  96.   // mat4.multiply(newRotationMatrix, moonRotationMatrix, moonRotationMatrix);
  97.   //lastMouseX=newX;
  98.   //lastMouseY=newY;
  99.   mx=newX;my=newY;}//making a compatible UI, something I don't want to spend much time with for now.
  100.  par={start_time:new Date().getTime(),time:0,screenWidth:0,screenHeight:0,screenRatio:0};init();animate();
  101. function init(){v=document.getElementById('vs').textContent;f=document.getElementById('fs').textContent;
  102.  c=document.querySelector('canvas');
  103.  c.onmousedown       =handleMouseDown;
  104.  document.onmouseup  =handleMouseUp;
  105.  document.onmousemove=handleMouseMove;
  106.  try{gl=c.getContext('experimental-webgl');}catch(error){}if(!gl){throw "";}
  107.  b=gl.createBuffer();gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,b );
  108.  gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,new Float32Array([-1.0,-1.0,1.0,-1.0,-1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);p=createProgram(v,f);onWindowResize();window.addEventListener('resize',onWindowResize,false);
  109. }function createProgram(v,f){var p=gl.createProgram();var vs=createShader(v,gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
  110.  var fs=createShader('#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\n\n'+f,gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
  111.  if(vs==null||fs==null)return null;
  112.  gl.attachShader(p,vs);gl.attachShader(p,fs);gl.deleteShader(vs);gl.deleteShader(fs);gl.linkProgram(p);
  113.  if(!gl.getProgramParameter(p,gl.LINK_STATUS)){alert("ERROR:\n"+"VALIDATE_STATUS: "+
  114.   gl.getProgramParameter(p,gl.VALIDATE_STATUS)+"\n"+"ERROR: "+gl.getError()+"\n\n"+"-Vertex Shader-\n"+v+
  115.   "\n\n"+"-Fragment Shader-\n"+f);return null;}return p;
  116. }function createShader(src,type){var s=gl.createShader(type);gl.shaderSource(s,src);gl.compileShader(s);
  117.  if(!gl.getShaderParameter(s,gl.COMPILE_STATUS)){
  118.   alert((type==gl.VERTEX_SHADER?"VERTEX":"FRAGMENT")+" SHADER:\n"+gl.getShaderInfoLog(s));return null;}return s;
  119. }function onWindowResize(event){c.width =window.innerWidth;c.height=window.innerHeight;
  120.  par.screenWidth =c.width;par.screenHeight=c.height;gl.viewport(0,0,c.width,c.height);
  121.  //document.onmousemove=hmm;
  122. }function animate(){requestAnimationFrame(animate);render();
  123. }function hmm(event){//event.clientX; .Y <- mouse when klicked on an element.
  124. //var r=c.getBoundingClientRect();
  125. //mx=event.clientX;//-(r.left+r.width *0.5);
  126. //my=event.clientY;//-( +r.height*0.5);
  127. //mdX=mx*0.00005;mdY=my*0.00005;
  128. }function render(){if(!p)return;par.time=new Date().getTime()-par.start_time;
  129. //if(mx<0.1)mx=0.1;//lastMouseX;
  130. //if(mx>1.0)mx=1.0;
  131.  //my=0.0;//lastMouseY;//min(max(my,1.0),0.0);
  132.  //setting uniforms of glsl. this is the bridge between html5-canvas and glsl, .js var's set glsl constants:
  133.  gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);gl.useProgram(p);
  134.  gl.uniform1f(gl.getUniformLocation(p,'iGlobalTime'),par.time/1000.0);
  135.  gl.uniform1f(gl.getUniformLocation(p,'time'),par.time/1000.0);
  136.  gl.uniform2f(gl.getUniformLocation(p,'res'),par.screenWidth,par.screenHeight);
  137.  gl.uniform2f(gl.getUniformLocation(p,'resolution'),par.screenWidth,par.screenHeight);
  138.  gl.uniform2f(gl.getUniformLocation(p,'iResolution'),par.screenWidth,par.screenHeight);
  139.  gl.uniform2f(gl.getUniformLocation(p,'mouse' ),mx*1.02,(1.0-my*2.0));
  140.  gl.uniform2f(gl.getUniformLocation(p,'iMouse'),mx*1.02,(1.0-my*2.0));
  141.  gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,b);//Render
  142.  gl.vertexAttribPointer(o,2,gl.FLOAT,false,0,0);gl.enableVertexAttribArray(o);gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES,0,6);gl.disableVertexAttribArray(o);}</script></body></html>
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