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Jul 16th, 2016
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  2. lauren Galey interviews Sandra Walter
  3. June 2016
  5. LG: Let's talk about what is going on.
  6. We are coming up to June solstice and passing another energetic shift which goes on for the next 4 months
  8. SW: Let's really go quantum with this conversation
  9. We are getting a taste of it with our Wed meditation
  10. I really want to tap into that vibration
  11. Everyone breathe
  12. Remember time is an illusion and we are all connected as one
  13. Unify our hearts as one
  14. Breathe
  15. Connect
  16. Unify
  17. Setting the intention of raising the collective vibration by this conversation........
  18. The divine return of divine love to the planet
  19. Dissolving all timelines that do not serve behaviours, which do not serve belief systems, do not serve and expressing our higher multi-dimensional self
  20. Every thought, deed, action and creation - authentic, genuine expression
  21. Let's set our personal intention
  22. To receive the transmission of light being held through this sacred space of ascension
  23. .... the human heart grid of all awaking and ascending souls
  25. The next 4 months are a divine opportunity for this level of embodiment
  26. All the phases of ascension are playing out and unfolding perfectly and absolutely divine perfection.
  27. At last, the 1st embodiers are emerging from the cave phase
  28. And we are inspired with new creations, new intuitions about our journey and new ideas in a much broader perspective on this cosmic shift
  29. Now we get to know our new self and shed which does not serve again from this higher level, the ability to be flexible and fully conscious of where the moment-to-moment intention and choices
  30. Our key to experiencing .... these motonic frequencies which do have a very divine purpose
  31. These divine light waves are physical
  32. Be present to it
  33. There's much to receive during this passage which provides clarity on what needs to stay or go in your personal journey
  34. It may not feel linearly clear at first that there is a multi-dimensional self that is being forged
  35. So you need to feel it through the heart centre - the Source spark within, not the mind
  36. The energies continue to push the globe for change
  37. Higher choices, creating a life in alignment with the new self
  38. And this resurrection phase which is embodiment of the higher self, can feel like a very physical process during a dimensional shift
  39. However, it is a shift in consciousness
  40. A shift in our multi-dimensional consciousness....
  41. ..... We need to let go and surrender the old self
  42. So the integration of our new codes, new harmonics and these higher adjustments which come faster and faster and more frequently than ever.
  43. They are flowing on to the planet as we speak, bring forth a spiritual disclosure
  44. I know a lot of people talk about disclosure as being ET contact and ... the revaluation of currencies, financial disclosure, political disclosure blah blah blah
  45. All that old paradigm stuff
  46. There's a whole segment of the awakened and ascending population which is experiencing a new level of spiritual disclosure, which is the purpose of my work
  47. which is the embodiment of personal and collective realities which are on the agenda
  48. These are cosmic possibilities that were put in place by us, our Higher Beingness, our future selves
  49. And now we get to experience them
  50. because time, our realities way out in this .... of the lower self
  51. Collectively, we have created something very brilliant and we are hitting these gateways, blasting these doors open with these higher and higher experiences
  52. Individually we can struggle with inevitable change
  53. Or we can embrace that absolutely, experience moment on moment
  54. Gatekeepers have been experiencing other timelines quickly playing out and dropping off
  55. Collectively when we embrace those higher and higher experiences and being OK with the unknown, releasing the fears and doubts of what we're becoming, we get more and more of the universe coming and presenting us with possibilities
  56. A lot of times, the quicker imagery or the pineal getting very busy, allows us to glimpse the other possibilities playing out
  57. Do you know that the realities have to play out in some parallel experience?
  58. So the collective gatekeepers especially get to witness the other timelines playing out and kind of throwing images at you
  59. And not just the other timelines playing out that we collectively are not going to experience
  60. But a lot of that stuff is you getting a flash part of the quicker images that have been very prevalent in December
  61. It's just the lower timelines dropping off
  62. ..... a Higher Beingness presenting....
  63. It means that the human heart grid is getting stronger and stronger
  64. And that's why we're doing these Wednesday meditations - to give us a taste of what the Christed self actually feels like
  65. It can be very strong activations, very strong releases
  66. We are getting a taste of what happens when collectively, we unify
  67. We've heard over and over again the direction from on high has been unify in moments of collective consiousness
  68. Just through the heart without an agenda
  69. Let the Christed self take over
  70. Expand your consciousness and see what happens
  71. Because we prove it to ourselves of our new self stepping forth
  72. We prove it to ourselves that healing and miraculous things and miracles are merely something that are out of our range of possibilities or out of our range of experience
  73. As things present, it become even more miraculous and it becomes commonplace, when we unify
  74. So I invite everyone to join us Wednesday unity meditations
  75. We don't treat time on Weds and these will continue until they are not needed any more
  76. But right now, we are proving to ourselves that coming from that authentic, genuine place without ego, without intention, without thought, purely connection through the heart, that miraculous things unfold
  77. It's very unique to each individual what they experience
  78. But the feedback has been quite miraculous
  79. It's been very strong on what's been happening
  80. The only intention is: let's unify and see what happens
  81. Unify in pure Christ light
  82. Shine light through the human heart grid
  83. Unify as one
  84. Unify into divine love
  85. Then more love into the planet and that is the only agenda
  86. It's not trying to fix things. It's not trying to force activations
  87. It's just opening up this ?? that we're light
  88. Wherever you are in your process, it's taking care of business
  89. ... Some people say, "Oh my gosh! It's so easy!"
  90. This means embodiment for some, and active participation in the ascension process starting to present for others
  91. And more folks awakening to the shift than ever before
  92. Many in the light tribe are going to experience in the next level of ascension, officially over the next 4 months
  93. This is a gateway of focus that begins in June that a conscious wave of wayshowers shift
  94. It affects the collective ...... as the earlier waves of photonic transformation trickles through the reality bodies and dissolves clear, reveals the higher choices available
  96. LG asks about the unity meditations
  97. Everyone can come in their own space and their own time but at specific hours during the day
  99. SW: We spread it out over 9 hours....
  100. We are holding that space for connection
  101. We have had a lot of success with the Christ light activations which is a free download on my website
  103. Using the solar gateways that the gatekeepers have been working on for the past year to open and send us into high gear
  104. Those were popping open
  105. Shasta is working as this huge transmutation gateway right now
  106. It's sucking stuff out of the planet at lightning speed
  107. It's really powerful with storms coming here and just clearing, clearing. clearing
  108. That will continue all the way thru solstice, thru our activation windows all the way through 30 June
  109. I recommend everyone go to your ascension toolbox and whatever it is that puts you in the purest, clearest state
  110. Whether it's fasting or cleanses or meditation or spending the max time in nature, get yourself clear and connected to the human heart grid.
  111. It's not useful to be looking at the past, repeat the same thing as we make this quantum leap
  112. Vibrational mismatches and your fear
  113. Fear and love trying to cohabitate will get very uncomfortable
  114. Try and stay open to the new.
  115. Stay open to contact from your higher levels
  116. Remember there are aspects of you in every single dimension...., all the way back to Source.
  117. Your higher aspects and your divine teams merge with you as you go thru the ascension process
  118. Yes it gets weird and your space gets very active
  119. But your willingness to surrender the old self, the old stories and all the past journeys are key to a smooth embodiment
  120. If you're putting it off or delaying, we've done with that
  121. Put that to rest. Let it go.
  122. Fortunately the Christed state runs on Source auto-pilot through your Higher Self direct, as a present through the physical
  123. You'll be directed thru the heart to share, prepare, to be in certain places in order to assist
  124. The Christed work is serving as a conduit
  125. It's not fixing or healing things like the egoic gods of old
  126. The new vibration is empowerment, empowering the collective thru unity and just being the higher vibrational presence on Earth
  127. In a very creative way, it's very active
  128. It's not passive any longer
  129. It's a very active, creative presence
  130. You ask yourself, "How are you representing the new consciousness?"
  131. Whether it's thru ceremony or any actions on behalf of the whole
  132. It's not individual me and my journey, me and my process
  133. It's not co-dependency.... either
  135. We've already done the inner work.
  136. I'm speaking specifically to the high vibe tribe
  137. That is my direction
  138. I've done with the assistance of people who are speaking up.
  139. There are people who are stepping into that role of assisting the newly awakened collective....
  140. The interconnectiveness of the high vibe tribe that now fully understands the interconnectedness and the quantum effect and express it thru creation
  141. On behalf of the highest intentions and the highest interests of all concerned - that is where it is at right now
  142. We are experimenting with it; it's something we need to play with
  143. If you are going and doing ceremony the same way you did last year, take a look at that
  144. How does it feel? Is it 'oh, i'm so done with that' or 'I want to take it up a notch'
  145. And get new tools and recalibrate my crystals
  146. You are that being in the past...
  147. But if you recreate what we did in Atlantis or Lemuria etc, we're not honouring what's happening right now
  148. We have to keep up with the vibration because it is changing
  149. We're not going to experience the planet or our own consciousness in the same way we did in the past
  150. We really have to keep up and that is part of the unity meditations which is showing us what serves us right now
  151. By staying clear, by staying open and going 'Wow! I really need this etc.'
  152. Staying intuitive, conscious and present with what we are and breaking away from the collective when we need to and unifying with the collective when we need that support
  153. It's pure balance and kind of walk between realities on Gaia and many other realms as we level up
  154. This is our multi-dimensional self....
  155. We really own it - own your multi-dimensional self
  156. Understand that you're in several different realities all at once
  157. And where you direct your consciousness, it's where your focus is going to be
  158. You are constantly directing on a lower vibe or constantly concerned about that, you're putting so much energy into that as you level up
  159. Your energy gets stronger and stronger so be very conscious of where you put your energy, where you direct your focus.
  160. That will assist the body, in the body of the Christ
  161. Every time you feel you are being pulled into a lower reality for some reason, shift instantly.
  162. It's so easy to drop that focus and go, "No. No, thank you."
  163. Immediately put your focus on a higher reality because as your energy gets bigger, the more you focus on the Christed reality, the bigger that vibration gets
  164. The larger space you hold, the more you're able to transmit activation and support for the collective
  165. My own energy fields have changed dramatically even in the last couple of months just by the consistent focus
  166. And the expansion thru the heart centre is incredible
  167. It's a very calm, clear and direct fractal of Source
  169. LG talks about how some of us get annoyed by the old and we're so ready for the new
  170. Sometimes we slip in and out of divine neutrality
  172. SW: Yes, divine neutrality is key
  173. That's one of the primary lessons of the Christ embodiment ascension; is getting neutral, no-judgement
  174. There's still discerment but if you're entangling yourself consistently with lower vibrations, you need to stop
  175. You need to make that choice
  176. If anyone is struggling with that - are you overloading yourself with exposure to the lower reality? And why?
  177. If you're in a job or situation where you are constantly involved with lower vibration,
  178. First of all, you're probably judging it as a lower vibration and not resonating with your own Beingness just experiencing being in that lower reality
  179. As we level up, you feel like you are the master that is put into this lower reality and say, "OK. It is what it is."
  180. Technically, we all became different beings in Dec 2012.
  181. The experience of time in the 3rd, 4th dimensional reality makes everything feel puffy, long and drawn out
  182. After Dec 2012, we spent 3 yrs on the mastery path.
  183. The traditional 3 yrs of service of the Christed templates
  184. And we went through the 4 equinoxes and blended gateways
  185. And then we eliminated the false timelines and programs which kept the collective looping in that repetitive reality at the end of 2015
  186. That's only 5/6 months ago
  187. Already we've had these tremendous shifts
  188. The shift in the high vibe tribe like "Wow! I feel those old realities are collapsing."
  189. This year continues those sensations of walking between worlds
  190. If you think we're holographically here and not here in form, which is the truth
  191. Technically, we are not really fully here
  192. This old reality is just burning itself out.
  193. It exists until the collective doesn't need it any more
  194. And the collective becomes the high vibe tribe, going higher and higher and higher
  195. And the quantum effect of the lower timelines dropping off because there's this higher reality that's being amplified
  196. It's just the beginning of multi-dimensional awareness
  197. We are in many places and experiences all at once
  198. And as those lower realities drop away, it looks a little crazy cos the folks that are completely entangled in that lower reality are clinging to it for dear life.
  199. It gets crazier and crazier....
  200. It is what it is.
  201. If you participate in it, it will drag you down. It keeps you back.
  202. The higher reality becomes a more Source like experience, an observation, merely a fractal of Source experiencing that
  203. But we're taking advantage of the veil thinning to get to know our multi-dimensional self
  204. With focus and practice, we engage with these multiple timelines but we're not connected to it
  205. We are not entangled with it
  206. We are not believing the false reality or holographic realities
  207. And as all this stuff which kept the collective looping got unplugged at the end of 2015 (and that plays out now), there're a lot of people and a lot of beings that are continuing and trigger, trigger, trigger
  208. A lot of people are awakening and going 'this does not make sense' and they don't know why
  209. Free men's souls from the lower reality and that does drop away
  210. Right now, they're still needed in order to trigger them into awakening.
  211. It is what it is.
  212. But if you as a higher dimensional being are still entangled yourself with that lower reality, that doesn't mean denying that other people are having an experience.
  213. But it's having the patience and a wide-opened heart to go: 'Yes and there's a higher reality and these other experiences that you can choose from moment to moment'
  214. We become very present with it and we are able to interact with people in an open way and be patient
  215. Recently I've had interaction wtih people who are at an early stage of awakening
  216. It can be difficult if you want it to hear all these problems
  217. But there's patience...
  218. You authentically are there if they choose to ask questions or if they ask, "How do you get to where you are?"
  219. A lot of times when people are blinded by the reality, or waking up etc, they are not even engaging with an ascension process
  220. They're just kind of looping in at those programs like the awakening phase of conspiracy and disclosure etc
  221. All that mind stuff rather than engaging the heart
  222. But we are now in our mastery
  223. We're doing what every master has done for aeons
  224. This is pre-Atlantean times
  225. We've always been the ones that hold the space for the ascension processes.
  226. Ascension is the goal of this planet, of Gaia being a more solar like entity, a spiritual centre, is not going away
  227. That is THE GOAL however long it takes
  228. However there is a higher cosmic agenda
  229. The consciousness on Gaia and the effect of the awakening process and the ascension on Gaia trickles through all the different realities
  230. And affects planetary consciousness, the solar consciousness, the galactic consciousness, the universal consciousness etc.
  231. The overarching mission of this beautiful Being on this planet and many others (it's not just us - there's a cosmic perspective on this whole thing)
  232. That IS the bigger perspective.
  233. When you resonate with that, all that lower stuff doesn't matter.
  234. Financial rest, revaluation, politics etc - who cares?
  235. It just doesn't matter
  236. ....Yeah, there is spiritual hierarchy and if you're going to resonate with your multi-dimensional self, you're going to have a different perspective on this
  237. Especially as your Christed self, that force - it's patient but also pulling the vibration up.
  238. You are also working with people and that means being there for them and teaching and wayshowing
  239. What have you learned?
  240. What do you know about love?
  241. And how can you share it?
  242. That is THE thing right now
  243. What do you know about love? Be authentic. Do not repeat what Sandra said or what so and so said
  244. What do you really know? Get out there and share it.
  245. How do you resonate with love?
  246. How do you resonate with creativity?
  247. What can you create that brings the vibration up?
  248. I'm not talking about creations like 'expose the dark'. Enough
  249. Focus on creativity that brings the vibrations up
  250. What can you do and it can be so simple
  251. eg random acts of love, kindness, use yr voice etc
  252. Be genuine.
  253. There is a level of authenticity here that is dissolving that new age hierarchy, guru thing
  254. It's so distasteful at this point
  255. I can't deal with people who are still in that mindset
  256. It's a mind set.
  257. The heart set is 'Look this is me. This is what's going on. " Have to be authentic
  258. 'All I can do is share what I am receiving and my experience with galactics and higher beings and all that'
  259. I cross paths with a lot of people. I've had a lot of contact with ETs and stuff......
  260. [SW talks about her ET contacts]
  261. There is so much love. It is so beautiful that they are unifying with me right now....
  262. It's so beautiful and it isn't this mind game of the Arcturians this and the Pleiadians that and we have got to activate you and all you humans don't know what you are doing
  263. It's completely different
  264. It's such a unity and purity and it's so present
  265. And it's just constant now
  266. And it's so quantum how we're unifying
  267. The fear and the doubt and when are they going to land - doesn't make sense to me any more
  268. We are playing out the higher ascension timeline
  269. The beings around me have always said, "The divine human is HUGE"
  270. That is a huge beingness that is so pure and it's such a new divine creation and why do you think we've been playing with DNA this whole time?
  271. Because we want that in our field
  272. That Higher Beingness is like - we want that living library in our own system
  273. Why do you think we've been breeding with you this whole time?
  274. Why do you think we've got these hybrid children?
  275. Because we want a piece of you
  276. It's not that we're trying to put ourselves into you
  277. We're going to put you into us
  278. It's this merging
  279. This divine creation is so brilliant
  280. The moment we step into that realisation, it's a unity
  281. It's not one or the other
  282. There is no hierarchy
  283. It's just this divine state of purity
  284. It's so gorgeous and holding that in your field and unifying with all that you are...
  285. I understand that I have other aspects in other dimensions in and off world
  286. but when I unify all those divine aspects, everything that I am, and connect with Source strand in that DNA, you become that presence
  287. And then the realities around you start to self correct
  288. All you do is interact with people and they are getting activated, they are getting cleared, they are waking up
  289. All you have to do is be present and share authentically anything. Any kind of creation....
  290. There's no judgement.
  291. The way you express yourself as the Christ is unique
  292. While the entire experience of ascension is a conscious choice, those who have been in pursuit of ascension in a very conscious way, have tremendous support for every positive risk, creation or active empowerment that you dare to take during this time
  293. Awakening will happen to the collective by proxy due to the laws of quantum physics
  294. Those leveling up in their ascension hold the rest of humanity up by quantum effect
  295. So it's time to get out of the cave and express yourself in any way possible.
  297. LG: You mentioned that you have other aspects of yourself elsewhere
  298. You've said that this year of 2016, you are not even here; that you have been working with 2017, holding that gateway open
  299. Some people who have been in contact with off planet beings say that there could be this flash of light
  300. But you have inside intel.... I think you call them revelation energies that we are going thru now
  301. But those 3 flashes are something different
  303. SW: It's kind of different
  304. It's kind of interesting this unfolded because the Pleiadians started talking about them back in '99
  305. I wove it into my novel "Creative States"....
  306. The experiment was all these creative people got together and shifted consciousness
  307. The final thing that happens is when they all unify with this divine intent
  308. These 3 waves of light come thru and shift the collective consciousness with a push.
  309. And shift the collective consciousness and everyone is like, "OMG! What happened?"
  310. The old consciousness could not be supported any longer
  311. It does not mean we all burst into light and go Hallelujah
  312. It takes a while to shift the planetary consciousness because we are honouring free will
  313. However, we have 3 preparatory waves in 2016
  314. 2016 is like this weird free for all
  315. This weird adjustment to the new self that we're all going through
  316. Like stepping into the new stuff
  317. Gatekeepers really stepping into this new way of gatekeeping
  318. You do gatekeeping in the old way and you feel like this is old news
  319. There's new things presenting when you do gate work
  320. We have these 3 preparatory waves of intense light prior to the dimensional shifting flashes of 2017
  321. The 1st light arrived in Dec last year which got rid of all of the false timelines
  322. All the holographic inserts stuff that was keeping people looping
  323. Now we're seeing the effects of that and people are like 'I don't know what I am doing anymore. Why was I even doing that?"
  324. A lot of people waking and that flowed thru mid-January.
  325. A weird sort of passge for a lot of people,
  326. Clearing, things happening with the pineal
  327. Gatekeepers seeing all kinds of people leaving
  328. Thousands and thousands of people leaving the planet this year, above and beyond the norm
  329. That flowed thru to mid Jan when we migrated reality from the lower timeline to the higher timeline
  330. That timeline structures which kept people re-creating the same reality were dismantled
  331. The synthetic impulse for more of the same, that tricky loophole in freewill dropped away.
  332. Because of the timeline, it takes a while to settle in
  333. There are many who will never experience the light in the way that we do
  334. And yet the acceleration is getting palpable, even for newly awakened
  335. The higher ascension timelines were then amplified and the 2nd wave came in thru mid-March to April.
  336. Which is why May was so crazy because the light came in and there were all these adjustments
  337. OK, now we're settling in to what has just happened
  338. And the 3rd amplification is here, arrive in Sept; probably around equinox time
  339. Which is typical because to utilise equinox because Gaia has a balancing act energetically
  340. That is as linear as the year gets when it comes to gateways because the work and the energy is consistent
  341. There is no waiting game
  342. It's day to day, moment to moment choices for purification and expansion.
  343. Even though we honour solstice as another little jump, and there's always mastery week which is the 1st week of July when the energies get amplified.
  344. There's this consistent passage and especially that 2nd wave opened solar gateways.
  345. So now we're getting some interesting solar activities
  346. We were told to look for changes in the sun
  347. So we're going to keep an eye on that over the next 4 months
  348. Because there is supposed to be gravitational anomalies and anomalies like solar winds and different solar storms that start to pop up
  349. Like corona holes that appear out of nowhere that demonstrate that our solar gateways are doing something new
  350. The energy that comes in in Sept has a snow ball effect rolling right into the 2017 wave
  351. I do not have when those 3 blasts (although I know there's 3; a sequence of 3 blasts) of light that arrive in 2017
  352. While the collective can always keep that back, 2017 it's gonna happen no matter what.
  353. There's no collective or programs that can do anything that prevent that from happening because we're already embracing and on that higher timeline
  354. Certain thing have to happen no matter what
  355. All the gatekeepers and gridworkers and the lightkeepers - we're on track making that as powerful as possible
  356. Which means grace and beauty and a real shifting of the collective to higher choices, to choice that align with the new consciousness, the new Earth and the end of all the focus on trying to kill the dark or trying to change things with old systems
  357. Like throwing away the old systems and just going into the new
  358. Just walking away from the old stuff
  359. Just shifting that collective consciousness
  360. The info from the book and the earlier channels - they haven't been wrong
  361. All that info that has been coming in is consistent
  362. Here comes a flare. Bam! There it is!
  363. Here comes the wave of energy. Bam! There it is!
  364. That's stuff that can be scientifically tracked
  365. If everything has been delivered thru this conduit, has been on so far
  366. If the 3 waves of light are going to be represented in those earlier channels, then it is consciousness
  367. It's a shift to everyone experiencing a heart opening
  368. An opening of the crown
  369. An opening of the higher levels of consciousness where everyone is going to be released from the lower vibrations
  370. It's beautiful and then you are presented this choice where everyone is feeling better
  371. And everyone is going, "You know what? I am going to change. I'm going to do it."
  372. It just makes everything a lot easier
  373. It's not going to be the end of old Earth or old Gaia or anything like that.
  374. All the lightworkers and the gridkeepers and the light tribe will get their quantum selves online and unify as much as possible
  375. We can make this absolutely amazing
  376. That's what we're playing with right now
  377. It comes a whole half a year ahead of time because we need to step into that now
  378. There's no waiting game.
  379. There's no more waiting
  380. We're demonstrating it now. We're using the quantum effect and amplifying, accelerating , really getting the highest vibe possible so that we can shift the consciousness as easily and as effortlessly as possible
  381. We are not going to impose our reality on anyone else
  382. There's 7 billion realities running on this planet
  383. But we're going to make it a lot easier for people who are suffering; for people who are in emotional states of consciousness that they can't get out of; for people who are still making low vibe choices
  384. It changes the way you eat, the way you think, what you do, what you buy, where you live, how you live
  385. All of that can be shifted very quickly by the light tribe when we co-ordinate with our higher levels and the sun and the galactic centre, the great central sun, all the way back to Source
  386. That's where it's coming from
  387. We've created these pathways but the energy is actually coming from Source
  388. Source is re-writing the whole universe
  389. That's where the light is coming from
  390. We just get a heads-up - hey! get your quantum soul online because you can really use it
  391. You really push things into a state of pure consciousness
  392. A much purer state of consciousness for everybody
  394. SW holds a meditation to connect to the sun
  395. [no notes taken]
  397. Connecting is the most important thing to do first when we have that connection, the neutrality will flow, the answers will flow]
  398. 1st we have to get aligned with these energies 1st
  399. Yes, otherwise you are just trigger happy
  400. You are constantly getting triggered
  401. You are not in divine neutrality
  402. You can't change what is happening in the lower reality and all of those issues if you are constantly triggered by it
  404. If you are being triggered by the stuff like chemtrails etc, then your focus is on the wrong place
  405. If you want to do something about it, you got to do something about your reaction to it
  406. and then you have to take action
  408. LG:Those tools you gave us and the way to engage with the human heart grid is really essential
  409. and join in their meditations
  411. SW: Engage with the human heart
  412. Do not be angry
  413. If you are constantly angry, you are looping
  414. Ascension is about expressing the higher, taking care of the planet, and stewardship and gatekeepership for this planet
  415. Express that thru every word, deed and action
  416. If you are on FaceBook going on about the bad stuff, are not on the ascension timeline. That's your choice if you want to be there
  417. Enough of complaining
  420. Don't ask lightworkers about the dark, go and ask the dark
  421. It's nothing to do with us
  422. [eg don't ask a lightworker why they are still spraying chemtrails - it's nothing to do with them]
  425. All of that exists till you don't need it any more
  426. It's a learning tool for people to step into their power
  427. You can't hide in your house and expect things to change
  428. That's not how it works
  429. It's there because you allowed it to be there
  430. It's about unity
  431. You power up by connecting with the human heart grid (this is around the planet) and then go out and unifying with others
  432. You change things
  433. Whatever is triggering you, you can't avoid it.
  434. Spirit is telling you to do something
  436. If you are upset, you may be not raising your vibrations high enough or you can be neutral about that stuff and say the collective still needs it
  437. Or you could be one of those people who are supposed to do something about it and you are denying that out of fear
  439. If you are upset, something's not right
  440. Go into the place of divine neutrality and from there, we are empowered to make changes
  441. It's about action, not inaction
  443. The next 4 months will be very intense
  444. Engage with this energy
  445. Put our focus on embodying this Christ energy
  446. Bring forth this new light
  447. Provide for Gaia and humanity
  448. Speak our truth
  449. Tap in to the human heart grid
  450. Join with her for meditations every Wednesday at 8:11, 11:11 and 5:11
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