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Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. command /warp [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. aliases: /warps
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg-1 is set:
  5. if arg-2 is not set:
  6. execute player command "essentials:ewarps %arg-1%"
  7. else:
  8. execute player command "essentials:ewarps %arg-1% %arg-2%"
  9. else:
  10. open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&8» &3Menu&8 - &7Warps" to player
  11. wait 1 tick
  12. set {_num} to 0
  13. loop 9 times:
  14. format gui slot {_num} of player with black glass pane named "&0"
  15. add 1 to {_num}
  16. set {_num} to 9
  17. loop 9 times:
  18. format gui slot {_num} of player with white glass pane named "&0"
  19. add 1 to {_num}
  20. set {_num} to 18
  21. loop 9 times:
  22. format gui slot {_num} of player with black glass pane named "&0"
  23. add 1 to {_num}
  24. format gui slot 22 of player with nether star named "&3Tilbage" with lore "&8» &7Klik for at gå tilbage til &bmenuen&7." to close then run player command "menu"
  25. format gui slot 11 of player with iron pickaxe with no nbt named "&3Normale miner" with lore "&8» &7Klik for at se alle||&8» &bnormale miner &7warps." to close then run function nWarp(player)
  26. format gui slot 13 of player with compass named "&3Warps" with lore "&8» &bCrates, Plots, Mineparty.||&8» &7Klik for at åbne &bwarps&7." to close then run function warps(player)
  27. format gui slot 15 of player with emerald named "&3Donator miner" with lore "&8» &7Klik for at se alle||&8» &bdonator miner &7warps." to close then run function dWarp(player)
  29. function nWarp(p: player):
  30. open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&8» &3Warps&8 - &7Normale miner" to {_p}
  31. wait 1 tick
  32. set {_num} to 0
  33. loop 9 times:
  34. format gui slot {_num} of {_p} with black glass pane named "&0"
  35. add 1 to {_num}
  36. set {_num} to 9
  37. loop 27 times:
  38. format gui slot {_num} of {_p} with white glass pane named "&0"
  39. add 1 to {_num}
  40. set {_num} to 36
  41. loop 9 times:
  42. format gui slot {_num} of {_p} with black glass pane named "&0"
  43. add 1 to {_num}
  44. format gui slot 40 of {_p} with nether star named "&3Tilbage" with lore "&8» &7Klik for at gå tilbage til &bwarp menuen&7." to close then run {_p} command "warp"
  45. if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is not "A":
  46. format gui slot 9 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3A" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b80%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b20%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp A"
  47. format gui slot 10 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3A2" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b80%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b20%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp A2"
  48. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "A":
  49. format gui slot 9 of {_p} with blue glass pane named "&3A &8(&bNuværende&8)" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b80%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b20%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp A"
  50. format gui slot 10 of {_p} with blue glass pane named "&3A2 &8(&bNuværende&8)" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b80%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b20%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp A2"
  51. if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y" or "Z":
  52. format gui slot 11 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3B" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b70%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b20%%&8]||&8[&7Iron ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp B"
  53. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "B":
  54. format gui slot 11 of {_p} with blue glass pane named "&3B" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b70%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b20%%&8]||&8[&7Iron ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp B"
  55. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "A":
  56. format gui slot 11 of {_p} with red glass pane named "&4B" with lore "&8» &cDu har ikke adgang til denne mine."
  57. if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y" or "Z":
  58. format gui slot 12 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3C" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b32.5%%&8]||&8[&7Andesite&8: &b32.5%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b20%%&8]||&8[&7Iron ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Gold ore&8: &b5%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp C"
  59. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "C":
  60. format gui slot 12 of {_p} with blue glass pane named "&3C" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b32.5%%&8]||&8[&7Andesite&8: &b32.5%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b20%%&8]||&8[&7Iron ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Gold ore&8: &b5%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp C"
  61. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "A" or "B":
  62. format gui slot 12 of {_p} with red glass pane named "&4C" with lore "&8» &cDu har ikke adgang til denne mine."
  63. if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y" or "Z":
  64. format gui slot 13 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3D" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b60%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Coal block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Iron ore&8: &b20%%&8]||&8[&7Gold ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp D"
  65. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "D":
  66. format gui slot 13 of {_p} with blue glass pane named "&3D" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b60%%&8]||&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Coal block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Iron ore&8: &b20%%&8]||&8[&7Gold ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp D"
  67. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "A", "B" or "C":
  68. format gui slot 13 of {_p} with red glass pane named "&4D" with lore "&8» &cDu har ikke adgang til denne mine."
  69. if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y" or "Z":
  70. format gui slot 14 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3E" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b30%%&8]||&8[&7Andesite&8: &b30%%&8]||&8[&7Coal block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Iron block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Gold ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp E"
  71. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "E":
  72. format gui slot 14 of {_p} with blue glass pane named "&3E" with lore "&8[&7Stone&8: &b30%%&8]||&8[&7Andesite&8: &b30%%&8]||&8[&7Coal block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Iron block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Gold ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp E"
  73. else if {mine.%{uuid.%{_p}%}%} is "A", "B", "C" or "D":
  74. format gui slot 14 of {_p} with red glass pane named "&4E" with lore "&8» &cDu har ikke adgang til denne mine."
  75. format gui slot 15 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3F" with lore "&8[&7Stone bricks&8: &b27.5%%&8]||&8[&7Andesite&8: &b27.5%%&8]||&8[&7Coal block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Iron block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Gold block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Gold ore&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b5%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp F"
  76. format gui slot 16 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3G" with lore "&8[&7Block of quartz&8: &b60%%&8]||&8[&7Coal block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Iron block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Gold block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp G"
  77. format gui slot 17 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3H" with lore "&8[&7Block of quartz&8: &b55%%&8]||&8[&7Coal block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Iron block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Gold block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp H"
  78. format gui slot 18 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3I" with lore "&8[&7Block of quartz&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Iron block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Gold block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b10%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp I"
  79. format gui slot 19 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3J" with lore "&8[&7Block of quartz&8: &b55%%&8]||&8[&7Iron block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Gold block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b12.5%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b12.5%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp J"
  80. format gui slot 20 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3K" with lore "&8[&7Bricks&8: &b45%%&8]||&8[&7Gold block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b15%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b15%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp K"
  81. format gui slot 21 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3L" with lore "&8[&7Sand&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Red sand&8: &b50%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp L"
  82. format gui slot 22 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3M" with lore "&8[&7Coarse dirt&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Gravel&8: &b50%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp M"
  83. format gui slot 23 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3N" with lore "&8[&7Andesite&8: &b40%%&8]||&8[&7Gold block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b15%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b15%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp N"
  84. format gui slot 24 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3O" with lore "&8[&7Diorite&8: &b45%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b15%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b15%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b15%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp O"
  85. format gui slot 25 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3P" with lore "&8[&7Coal ore&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Coal block&8: &b50%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp P"
  86. format gui slot 26 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3Q" with lore "&8[&7Iron ore&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Iron block&8: &b50%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp Q"
  87. format gui slot 27 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3R" with lore "&8[&7Gold ore&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Gold block&8: &b50%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp R"
  88. format gui slot 28 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3S" with lore "&8[&7Cyan stained clay&8: &b40%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b30%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b30%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp S"
  89. format gui slot 29 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3T" with lore "&8[&7Cyan stained clay&8: &b30%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b30%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b30%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp T"
  90. format gui slot 30 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3U" with lore "&8[&7Cyan stained clay&8: &b45%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b20%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b20%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp U"
  91. format gui slot 31 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3V" with lore "&8[&7Cyan stained clay&8: &b40%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b25%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b5%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b25%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp V"
  92. format gui slot 32 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3W" with lore "&8[&7Cyan stained clay&8: &b40%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b25%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b25%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp W"
  93. format gui slot 33 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3X" with lore "&8[&7Diorite&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond ore&8: &b40%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp X"
  94. format gui slot 34 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3Y" with lore "&8[&7Diorite&8: &b10%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald ore&8: &b20%%&8]||&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b20%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp Y"
  95. format gui slot 35 of {_p} with light blue glass pane named "&3Z" with lore "&8[&7Diamond block&8: &b50%%&8]||&8[&7Emerald block&8: &b50%%&8]" to close then run {_p} command "warp Z"
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