
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 123

Mar 14th, 2014
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  1. [15:34] <Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:34] <Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:34] <Kjell> -Session 123-
  4. [15:35] <Kjell> After a harrowing encounter with a nasty black scorpion of colossal size, Kjell and Kahree managed to enlist the help of Gunthirax to get out of trouble, and paid a visit to Kilarra after resting for a day in order to be restored.
  5. [15:36] <Kjell> After that, they returned to their new settlement in time to Break Ground, with Kahree thusly Dubbing the new settlement to be as 'Liri; City of the Liberated'. She then used her Rod of Splendor to provide a feast as a reward to the workers.
  6. [15:37] <Kjell> As the feast goes on, Lil takes her place in the spotlight, intent to tell a tale of what the city is to become, and how they might all come to prosper for it.
  7. [15:44] <Kjell> Lil's words seem to carry a supernatural weight and impact. The crowd hangs on her every word as she speaks.
  8. [15:44] * Kjell looks to Kahree with a bit of a snicker, "I'm glad she came."
  9. [15:45] <Kahree> Kahree nods, glancing at Kjell. "How long 'til we go try and free some slaves? Before or after building?"
  10. [15:47] <Kjell> Samaritha chimes in on that, "Even if you were to free the slaves, we're not quite ready to support them. Considering the climate... it might take up to a month to fully chart paths and set up irrigation and the like."
  11. [15:48] * Kjell considers Samaritha's words, "She has a point. If we brought the liberated here, we first need to be able to support them. At the very least, we have to have the foundation of support laid, such as for farms or fishing."
  12. [15:49] <Kjell> Samaritha looks to Kahree apologetically, "I know it must hurt to think your friend and others are still in captivity, but if were to free them only for them to starve or succumb to the environment..."
  13. [15:50] * Kahree nods. "Yeah, I get it... just whenever we can, I'd like to go."
  14. [15:53] * Kjell thinks about it, "Perhaps we could make some surveillance trips while the land is being prepared. Confirm where your friend is, how many others might be with him, what routes might be safe to and from the city, places where guards frequent... that sort of thing."
  15. [15:54] * Kahree shrugs. "If you think we should-- you two are more the brains of this." She rolls her eyes.
  16. [15:59] <Kjell> Samaritha chuckles, "True, but you are from here. Or, from Sedeq at least. What can you tell us about the city?"
  17. [16:01] * Kahree frowns. "Nothing really useful. Slaves don't get much information, and we're normally confined to smaller spaces-- at least I was. A house servant. I didn't see a whole lot of the city, even having lived there for sixty years."
  18. [16:01] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, "What about gaining entrance?"
  19. [16:03] * Kjell blinks and looks to Kahree, "You're sixty?"
  20. [16:03] <Kahree> "I'm eighty." Kahree replies, then looks to Samaritha. "If you look like a trader, they'll let you in."
  21. [16:06] * Kjell thinks about that, looking to Kahree's Rod, "If I remember right, that rod has the ability to garb you in fine dress, yes? Perhaps if one of us came in looking like a wealthy merchant we could get in without trouble. I suppose after that it would depend on what we encountered in the city as to what to do next."
  22. [16:07] * Kahree nods. "Could work, but it'd have to be one of you." She frowns. "I've never seen one of my own kind working as a trader."
  23. [16:08] * Kahree blinks. "Lil could do it... she'd pass for a trader, with how good she is with words."
  24. [16:08] * Kjell nods, "I see. Perhaps if you appeared to be in my employ? Oh! But would they apply the same thoughts to a tiefling that they would to an elemental quasi-human?"
  25. [16:12] * Kahree purses her lips. "I... don't think so. You'd be considered an outsider, as in not a native-born, either way."
  26. [16:13] * Kjell nods, "I'd probably pass better as a bodyguard anyways.
  27. [16:13] <Kjell> "
  28. [16:14] <Kjell> Lil finishes her storytelling and slips back over to the trio, "I think that did the trick." She smirks coyly
  29. [16:16] * Kahree smiles and nods to Lil. "Thanks."
  30. [16:18] <Kjell> Lil nods, "I know how much it sucks to be cooped up, so I had a bit of relatability I think. Plus people always love to listen to me talk. Or at least look at me while I'm talking."
  31. [16:19] * Kahree smirks and rolls her eyes. "Think you might be up for another favor?"
  32. [16:19] <Kjell> Lil looks to Kahree, "I suppose that depends on what it is."
  33. [16:22] * Kahree nods, and shows Lil the rod of splendor. "This thing can dress you up in all sorts of finery, as well as make a feast," She gestures to the tent. "We want to scope out Sedeq before we finish building our settlement, but you can only get in there as a merchant if you aren't native. We were hoping you could pose as one for us."
  34. [16:23] <Kjell> Lil nods, "Okay, so we're finally getting a move on. I can appreciate that. One problem though; do we have anything to sell? Or to look like it's being sold?"
  35. [16:24] * Kahree nods. "I've got several thousand gold worth of jewelry. I think that'd be sufficient."
  36. [16:25] <Kjell> Lil looks at Kahree's things. "A jewel merchant. Alright, that sounds good." She looks ot the Rod of Splendor, "How do you use that thing?"
  37. [16:28] <Kahree> Kahree passes the rod to Lil. "Press it to your clothes and concentrate."
  38. [16:28] <Kjell> Samaritha goes over to the supply tent and fished around for a minute, coming back with a small, plain chest that could be used to hold Kahree's jewellery. "Anything bigger I suspect owuld be harder to bring along."
  39. [16:29] <Kjell> Lil nods, taking the Rod. "How long does it last?" She moves to press it to her 'dress', but waits a moment for an answer.
  40. [16:30] <Kahree> Kahree, after handing over the rod of splendor, reluctantly begins to place her jewelry into the chest. "A day, and it can be refreshed each day," she answers, still taking off her precious jewels.
  41. [16:31] <Kjell> Lil giggles at how much Kahree has. "Impressive collection." She focuses as she pressed the rod to her person
  42. [16:32] * Kjell looks to Lil curiously, "Your words have an impressive potency to them. Is it a natural gift, or did you study somewhere?"
  43. [16:33] <Kjell> Lil's glammered dress is replaced by an elegant gown of incredibly fine white silk, the collar, cuffs and hem lined with pearls and diamond.
  44. [16:33] <Kjell> Lil giggles a bit excitedly, "oooooh! I gotta get me one of these."
  45. [16:34] * Kjell nods, looking to Kahree, "I still have two teleports prepared today, since we used your boots earlier."
  46. [16:34] * Kahree eventually parts with her jewels, then nods approvingly at Lil. "Glad you like it."
  47. [16:35] <Kjell> Lil notes to Kjell, "Seems to be a natural talent. Can't really explain how it works, I jsut know how to make it work for me. I have a few other magic tricks up my sleeve if I need them as well."
  48. [16:35] * Kjell nods, "Such as?"
  49. [16:36] <Kjell> Lil smirks, "I can make myself an amazing liar. Well, more amazing. I can make people much friendlier, I can animate ropes and my scarf, and I did recently learn how to make myself disappear from sight for a brief time."
  50. [16:36] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "Shold we stick together once we get into the city, or let Lil go off on her own?"
  51. [16:38] <Kjell> Lil's new outfit contains a luxurious mink fur shawl, cape, and muffler.
  52. [16:38] <Kjell> All in the matching white
  53. [16:38] * Kahree hmms. "Might want to stick around, if you'll be posing as her bodyguard." She nods. "Speaking of which, are you able to disguise me?"
  54. [16:39] * Kjell shakes his head, "I'm a bit terrible at illusions." He looks to Samaritha
  55. [16:40] <Kjell> Samaritha shakes her head, "Not my forte."
  56. [16:40] <Kjell> Lil shrugs, "I can't even disguise myself. Afraid someone will recognize you after... what was it, twenty years?"
  57. [16:43] * Kahree shakes her head. "No.. just not really wanting to pose as a slave."
  58. [16:44] * Kjell considers that, "Is there something that differentiates between a demi-elemental humanoid that is and isn't a slave?"
  59. [16:54] <Kahree> "The only was out of slavery for an ifrit here is if you're born from a slave and citizen... and even then, you're considered a foreigner. You're registered as a foreigner, and they're only allowed to stay within Qadira so long as they have something to sell or buy." Kahree shakes her head. "Young demi-elementals don't of course, so more often than not, they end up in slavery to survive anyway-- or they die in the desert while leaving when they're kicked out."
  60. [16:55] <Kahree> --leaving when they're kicked out."
  61. [16:56] <Kjell> Samarithia chimes in, "Is the registration a document?"
  62. [16:57] * Kahree nods. "Yes. When you enter a city, you need to register after stating why you're visiting."
  63. [16:58] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, "If you could bring me one, I might be able to forge a copy for you." She blushes a bit, "I have a lot of linguistic skill, and that has been... well, it's a possible use for it."
  64. [16:59] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "Could you do that? Sneak in somewhere and get a copy for her to duplicate?"
  65. [17:00] * Kahree shrugs. "I can try."
  66. [17:01] * Kjell nods, "Alright, so we have a plan. Or, an outline at least." He chuckles, "We've gotten through worse with less though."
  67. [17:04] * Kahree chuckles and nods.
  68. [17:04] * Kjell then gets an idea, "Kahree, I think I have it. You vanish, sneak around the guard while Lil and I converse with him, grab the documentation you need to duplicate, then slip back in with us. Once we have a place to stay, I can teleport us back to the camp and Samaritha can make a forgery."
  69. [17:05] * Kahree smirks. "Sounds good to me."
  70. [17:07] <Kjell> Kjell nods, "Alright then. Shall we go now?" He looks over the map to get a feel for the distance from their location to Sedeq.
  71. [17:07] * Kahree nods. "I'm ready when you all are."
  72. [17:08] <Kjell> Lil nods, handing Kahree back the rod to place in her chest with the rest
  73. [17:10] <Kahree> Kahree deposits the rod of splendor!
  74. [17:10] * Kjell holds out a hand each to Kahree and Lil
  75. [17:10] <Kjell> Lil takes one of his hands
  76. [17:11] * Kahree takes the other.
  77. [17:13] * Kjell utters the word of power for telelporting, and they vanish with a pop
  78. [17:13] <Kjell> The trio reappears near the town, but about half a mile distant. The city is visible to the north, but they didn't end up inside it.
  79. [17:13] * Kjell nods, "Close enough I guess."
  80. [17:14] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "Best give me the chest so that I can hold and display it for Lil as she states our 'purpose' here."
  81. [17:15] <Kahree> Kahree nods, handing over the chest, then starting towards the town.
  82. [17:15] <Kjell> Lil takes the lead, although she removes the fur muffler, it being a bit too hot. She attempts to pass it to Kahree, only for it to simply disappear.
  83. [17:19] <Kjell> Lil shrugs, then looks back to Kjell, "Best hold my cape up. I'll look more dignified that way." She seems to be wryly amused that the plan involved them taking orders from her
  84. [17:21] * Kjell rolls his eyes, tucking the chest under one arm and holding up her fur cape.
  85. [17:22] <Kjell> Lil slips out in front as they approach the border. There is another wagon in front of them. Lil suggest to Kahree, "Slip off while you can. Then, once I get the guard talking, you can vanish and slip in."
  86. [17:22] * Kahree nods, ducking low and slipping off to the side, using her magically-enhanced armor to hide.
  87. [17:24] <Kjell> The wagon is eventually allowed to pass. The entrance is blocked by four guards and a rail on a hinge that can be raised and lowered. After the wagon passes, one of the guards lowers it and the four stand in front. Meanwhile, at the near side of the gate, there is a simple tent with a window in the side for the entrance office.
  88. [17:25] <Kjell> Lil steps up to the Window and begins to talk to the guard. She speaks as verbosely as she can to give Kahree the time she needs.
  89. [17:29] <Kahree> Kahree begins to make her way past the guard post, looking for where they might stash their documents...
  90. [17:31] <Kjell> Peering into the tent from the open flap on the side opposite the speaking window, Kahree can see a few sleeping cots, some chests, and a desk covered with papers.
  91. [17:32] <Kahree> Kahree heads for the desk after pressing her hand to her chest, turning invisible (Just in case), and examines the papers.
  92. [17:33] <Kjell> The papers seem to bear the current date, and mostly seem to do with people who have been admitted within that day. There's a drawer labelled 'Permits'
  93. [17:35] <Kahree> Kahree opens the drawer!
  94. [17:36] <Kjell> Kahree finds a number of parchment rolls. Thankfully, they're labeled, and the foreigner documentation is easy to find
  95. [17:37] <Kahree> Kahree stashes one of said documents and turns to leave, holding her hand to her chest to refresh her spell of invisibility.
  96. [17:38] <Kjell> Kahree remains unnoticed as she can overhear Lil being rather captivating.
  97. [17:39] <Kahree> Kahree maneuvers herself so that Lil can catch a glimpse of her once her spell ends, then goes back into hiding, signaling her completion of the deed.
  98. [17:40] <Kjell> Lil takes note of that and quickly has Kjell show off the 'merchandise' as proof of her words, then recieves their documentation and the guards permit them to pass, pulling up the guard rail
  99. [17:41] * Kjell resumes holding up Lil's cape as the enter the bustling city.
  100. [17:43] * Kahree follows Kjell and Lil... sneakily.
  101. [17:43] <Kjell> Lil eventually slips into an alley to wait for Kahree to catch up.
  102. [17:43] * Kjell sticks with her, as befitting a bodyguard.
  103. [17:44] <Kahree> "Got it," Kahree whispers, coming into view behind Kjell and Lil.
  104. [17:44] * Kjell jumps a bit, "You're a little too good at that."
  105. [17:44] <Kjell> Lil smirks, "Smooth."
  106. [17:46] * Kahree snickers. "Yeah, so, you said we'd find a place to stay next?"
  107. [17:46] == Kyrria|zzz has changed nick to Kyrria
  108. [17:47] * Kjell nods, "We'd best make sure it's someplace nice, or secure at the very least considering the valuables we were flashing around."
  109. [17:49] * Kahree nods. "You lead, I'll follow."
  110. [17:55] <Kjell> Lil nods and, after getting Kjell to pick her cape back up, begins searching for a place to stay. They eventually find their way to a more upscale inn towards the center of the city. Lil whispers back to the other two, "I may look like it at the moment, but I'm not sure I can afford a place like this for all that long."
  111. [17:58] <Kahree> "Here," Kahree whispers, handing Lil a masterwork backpack. Inside is 400 platinum coins.
  112. [18:00] <Kjell> Lil blinks in surprise, "Well... that'll do it." She leads them inside and gets them two rooms. One for herself, one for her 'subordinates'.
  113. [18:03] * Kjell nods and heads to the room with Kahree, so they could have som privacy to discuss their next steps.
  114. [18:04] <Kahree> Kahree sighs in relief once she reaches the room. Much less stressful.
  115. [18:05] * Kjell shuts the door and seats himself on one of the beds. "Well, with Lil 'relaxing' after the long trip here, we've got some time. You said you had an idea of where we would find your friend?"
  116. [18:10] <Kahree> "The landmarks I saw were two bronze statues in the shape of efreetis... near a palace or something. I'd guess it's something to do with genie-benders."
  117. [18:11] * Kjell nods, "Are we going to be endeavoring to free any genies as well?"
  118. [18:12] * Kahree nods. "Yeah... if we can. Otherwise more and more genie-born would be born as slaves."
  119. [18:15] * Kjell nods, "I suppose they'd likely try to get more even if we did free these, but doing nothing would be worse. Their evil actions are on their own souls. Still, would genies make any good allies potentially?"
  120. [18:17] <Kahree> "Probably not efreeti..." Kahree frowns. "They're not known for kindness. The others, they would be good allies."
  121. [18:19] * Kjell nods, "Well, we'll see I suppose. I guess for now, until we have more information, our priority should be making sure you've got the freedom to move around. I take it you got something for Samaritha to copy?"
  122. [18:20] * Kahree nods, pulling out the documents for Kjell to see.
  123. [18:21] * Kjell nods, "I had three teleports prepared today, so we can get there and back easily enough. I'm not sure how long it will take for her to duplicate it though."
  124. [18:33] <Kjell> -End Session-
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