
Sting is Armed and Dangerous

Feb 18th, 2016
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  1. 16:16 Sister-Sting The [insert city here] Hospital, where medics and mages help the wounded. And after the robotic battle crafted by who knows. Many were wounded, but one hero of Paradigm was wounded horrible. Sister Sting laid in bed, everything but her head covered by a blanket. She was asleep but was soon about to have the shock of her life
  2. 16:18 Flamberge- knocks quietly
  3. 16:18 Flamberge- "Um, hey sting, you up?"
  4. 16:18 TheLioness is waiting outside the door by Flamberge's side, arms crossed.
  5. 16:19 Sister-Sting "Uhhg, w-what? Where am I GAH! E-everthing hurts"
  6. 16:19 *** Stork left #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  7. 16:20 Flamberge- is starting to think this might be a bad time
  8. 16:20 TheLioness raised an eyebrow and looked to her boss. "...Y'think she'd want guests right now?"
  9. 16:21 Flamberge- "Maybe? She's kinda angry all the time, it's hard to tell"
  10. 16:22 Flamberge- "Sting, um, do you want us to come in?"
  11. 16:23 Flamberge- has no idea what to do in this situation
  12. 16:23 Sister-Sting "Uh, sure? What the hell is even going on here?"
  13. 16:25 Flamberge- enters the room
  14. 16:25 Flamberge- "Well, um, things kinda went south in that robot battle, and it sorta landed you in the hospital"
  15. 16:25 TheLioness stepped in after Flam, giving a little wave and a bright smile.
  16. 16:27 Sister-Sting "Figures...You're Lioness right?" She lifts her arm up for a hand shake "I'm Sister St-ah!" Its a wrapped up stub a few inches above the elbow "..A-Ah"
  17. 16:29 Flamberge- flinches a little "Um, yeah, remember how i said things went south?"
  18. 16:30 TheLioness "You'll be happy to know that we dealt with the robots and the sphere that was making them."
  19. 16:30 Emit *Emit's voice can be heard down the hallway of the hospital, clearly arguing with someone about the legality of ...something. Moments later he walks in holding a small metal briefcase, nodding at all who are in attendance*
  20. 16:31 Emit *in hushes tones* "hey everyone, I've brought something for her pain, we had our scientists whip it up last night; Sting, I can't administer this without your permission."
  21. 16:31 Emit hushed*
  22. 16:32 Flamberge- (exactly how much of her arms are left, by the way?)
  23. 16:35 Sister-Sting doesn't answer, she looks at her other arm. Laying back down in bed. She doesn't look it, but her rage is undescribable inside
  24. 16:35 TheLioness gave a little greeting nod to Emit while she sighed and looked on.
  25. 16:35 Emit *Emit's watch starts blinking and displaying an emergency* "I'm sorry I have to go, there is a state-of-the-art sedative, that should help regenerate any damaged cells inside, *starting to walk and stops* No it wont regrow anything, but it will help with the pain, much faster than anything currently on the market. I have to go I am sorry
  26. 16:36 Emit *leaves the hospital room in a hurry*
  27. 16:37 *** F1nlandia joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  28. 16:37 Sister-Sting "...Who got me here? I doubt I ran all the way to the hospital"
  29. 16:37 *** Emit quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  30. 16:37 *** RubieTuesday quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  31. 16:37 *** Emit joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  32. 16:38 Flamberge- "Eidolon teleported away with you, to this hospital apparently"
  33. 16:41 Flamberge- "I gotta say, i'm glad he was there, who knows how quickly anybody else would've been able to get you here"
  34. 16:43 TheLioness "Everybody was taken up with fighting off the robots. Me and this fellow named Shamash managed to turn off the 'source' and the big bots got beaten down. It was looking pretty dire up until that point."
  35. 16:44 TheLioness "You got out alive, and that was a miracle."
  36. 16:45 Sister-Sting "Yeah, never would of expected Eidolon. Guess he ins't as much as an ass as I thought...So why are you two here?"
  37. 16:46 *** Stork joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  38. 16:47 Flamberge- "Well, um, after what happened, i kinda had an idea for dealing with your um...current issue"
  39. 16:47 *** Shamash joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  40. 16:47 TheLioness "...I just wanted to see if you were alright. But, the boss usually has good ideas, so I wanna hear it too."
  41. 16:48 Flamberge- "I've never really worked on anything like this before but...
  42. 16:49 Flamberge- draws from his storage plate what looks like.. a pair of gauntlets?
  43. 16:50 Flamberge- "I think these might be able to help"
  44. 16:51 Flamberge- "We might want to use emit's thing first though"
  45. 16:51 Sister-Sting "You heard him, its a painkiller, not a arm growing"
  46. 16:52 TheLioness "This, uh- This what I think it is?"
  47. 16:53 Emit *inside the case, is a pair of syringes, clearly meant to be injected*
  48. 16:55 Flamberge- "I know, you just might want to heal up before trying these on"
  49. 16:57 TheLioness rubbed on her chin and sat down on the end of the bed.
  50. 16:57 TheLioness "You're gonna keep doing superhero stuff after this, Sister?"
  51. 16:59 Sister-Sting "Kinda hard seeing how my stingers are gone. Fucking, happened so fast, I had no clue what was going on...Alright, I'll try some of Emit stuff"
  52. 17:00 TheLioness then looked at the gauntlets.
  53. 17:00 TheLioness "Flam. Those have anything built into them?"
  54. 17:00 *** Golden_Egg joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  55. 17:01 F1nlandia walks in to Sister's room
  56. 17:01 F1nlandia "Wait just a minute"
  57. 17:01 Golden_Egg *Nequam trots into the scene, yapping.*
  58. 17:01 Flamberge- "Well, yeah, but she might want wait until she gets out of here before she test them out"
  59. 17:02 F1nlandia "Before we do anything hasty, Emit. What are in those syringes?"
  60. 17:03 Sister-Sting is surprised by F1ns entrance, even more so with Hell Yeah.
  61. 17:04 Golden_Egg *Nequam yaps as he trots into Sister-Sting's room and begins to gnaw on her bed's leg*
  62. 17:04 Emit *inside the case is a hastily scrawled note, it reads.* "This serum is developed using my dna, it possesses some form of a latent regenerative power, the same power that has kept me alive for all of these years. We tested it on numerous types of injuries and although it does not regrow limbs it will regrow minor amounts of tissue and fix damaged nerve endins
  63. 17:06 Golden_Egg *Nequam leaps at Emit, swipes his wallet and runs off*
  64. 17:07 Emit (Emit isn't here)
  65. 17:07 F1nlandia "Using any serum on a hero without Paradigm's say so, would go against the protocol. . . but I will not report this so long as nothing goes wrong. If something happens Emit, you will be held accountable. You know that right?"
  66. 17:08 Golden_Egg *Nequam leaps at F1nlandia and steals the hero's sword. The dog then runs off before anyone can catch him*
  67. 17:09 Flamberge- "I'll allow it, if sting's up for it"
  68. 17:09 TheLioness "I'm just saying..."
  69. 17:09 TheLioness "She can get new stingers if we do this right"
  70. 17:09 Sister-Sting "...Do it."
  71. 17:10 TheLioness "She can go back to work if the gauntlets are outfitted with stingers, could get some work done and get them like before. Maybe better."
  72. 17:11 TheLioness "I know a thing or two about that stuff. I could help."
  73. 17:11 *** Emit quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  74. 17:13 TheLioness "Boss, whats in the gauntlets right now?"
  75. 17:14 Flamberge- "Um"
  76. 17:15 Flamberge- "Shotguns"
  77. 17:15 Sister-Sting "I dont care whats in them, only option I have. Unless someone else has an ide-Pardon?"
  78. 17:15 TheLioness "Shotguns?"
  79. 17:16 Flamberge- shrugs "I thought it'd be cool"
  80. 17:16 TheLioness "...We can totally keep them on if you want it, Sis."
  81. 17:16 TheLioness "But I'm going to see if I can put a pair of stingers on there."
  82. 17:17 Sister-Sting "..."
  83. 17:17 Sister-Sting "Shot gun stinger?"
  84. 17:18 F1nlandia "We did come up with great amount of Platinum recently, might want to make the stingers out of that. Paradigm will pay all the expenses"
  85. 17:20 TheLioness "I've picked up some crafting tricks. Made the rapier that I use so often. I don't work magic exactly, but we've got people for that."
  86. 17:21 TheLioness idly twirled a piece of hair between her fingers while thinking. "Or we could channel that electricity thing through them. Or get my roommate's help in fixing it up."
  87. 17:21 TheLioness "Lotta options."
  88. 17:21 *** MisterHoliday joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  89. 17:21 MisterHoliday wot
  90. 17:23 Sister-Sting "Gah! Why do people keep popping in to here?"
  91. 17:26 Flamberge- "Oh, uh, right, these things are magic, is that a problem? i know you've got some kind of thing with magic"
  92. 17:26 *** Shamash quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  93. 17:28 Sister-Sting "Maybe? Not sure if the teeth spark gave me have like, a limited range or body effect"
  94. 17:30 Flamberge- "Hmm, well i guess we'll find out"
  95. 17:31 TheLioness nods.
  96. 17:31 TheLioness "You'll need time to recover and all, but we can get to work preparing this whenever."
  97. 17:33 Flamberge- "Oh, right, are we doing the serum thing, because i don't think you should put these on until you've healed"
  98. 17:34 Flamberge- "Might be a bit uncomfortable"
  99. 17:34 Sister-Sting "I can take it, can't be worse then arm crushing"
  100. 17:36 Flamberge- "You sure?"
  101. 17:37 TheLioness hopes she's right.
  102. 17:42 Sister-Sting breaths in
  103. 17:43 Sister-Sting "Do it"
  104. 17:44 Flamberge- "Okay...just hold still"
  105. 17:45 Flamberge- tries to put on the right arm very carefully, afraid of causing sting any more pain
  106. 17:51 Sister-Sting "g-gah! Dont stop, even for my sake"
  107. 17:52 Flamberge- feels awful for this, but moves on to the left "Just hang in there, you're almost done"
  108. 17:53 TheLioness doesn't speak up for this.
  109. 17:54 Flamberge- "And...there"
  110. 17:54 Flamberge- "You okay?"
  111. 17:56 Sister-Sting [was this the arm or the Emit injection?]
  112. 17:58 Flamberge- [arms]
  113. 17:58 Flamberge- [sting's an absolute madwoman]
  114. 17:59 Sister-Sting has a few tears come down from the pain. A finger moves slightly "I-I'm good...FUCK THIS HURTS!"
  115. 18:00 Flamberge- "Shitshitshit!"
  116. 18:00 Flamberge- "Lioness, grab a needle!"
  117. 18:00 Flamberge- grabs the other
  118. 18:01 Flamberge- "Okay, on 3"
  119. 18:02 *** Gestalt joined #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  120. 18:02 TheLioness takes one of the needles, gulping. "Okay!"
  121. 18:03 Gestalt is Typing away in his office
  122. 18:03 Flamberge- "1"
  123. 18:03 Flamberge- "2"
  124. 18:03 Flamberge- "3!"
  125. 18:04 Flamberge- injects the serum into sting's right arm, hoping it helps
  126. 18:05 TheLioness sticks it in at the same time as Flam!
  127. 18:06 Sister-Sting "A-AA-oh that feels pretty nice actually."
  128. 18:10 Flamberge- removes the needle, sighing with relief "You scared the shit out of me"
  129. 18:10 Flamberge- "How're you feeling?"
  130. 18:11 TheLioness watches on like an unsure nurse on the first day of her job. Even is wearing all white.
  131. 18:11 Sister-Sting "not bad, pretty energetic." She looks at the robotic arm, slowly bringing it up "This, might take a bit to get use too"
  132. 18:12 Flamberge- "Yeah, um, let me know it there's anything i need to adjust, okay?"
  133. 18:14 Flamberge- [honestly, they're barely mechanical, you're pretty much al from the elbows down]
  134. 18:14 Sister-Sting [al?]
  135. 18:15 Flamberge- [alphonse]
  136. 18:15 Sister-Sting [ah]
  137. 18:18 Flamberge- gives sting a hug "I'm just glad you're alright"
  138. 18:20 Sister-Sting moves the arm a round a bit more "Getting the hang of this"
  139. 18:20 TheLioness goes with the most natural course of action from there. Gives Sting a hug too. She hardly knows this girl.
  140. 18:21 TheLioness is a social mastermind.
  141. 18:22 Sister-Sting "U-Uh. yeah." She pats her on the back
  142. 18:23 *** Gestalt is now known as Randomize
  143. 18:23 Randomize Walks in adjusting his shades and jacket
  144. 18:23 Randomize looks at Sting
  145. 18:23 Randomize "I-is that her arm?"
  146. 18:24 Sister-Sting "Yeah, pretty sick right?" she punches the air in his direction, what can only be described as a fire shotgun blasts from it
  147. 18:25 Randomize "Holy Shit. That's insane."
  148. 18:25 *** MisterHoliday left #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  149. 18:25 Randomize "Did Flamberge do that?"
  150. 18:25 Sister-Sting looks to Flam
  151. 18:25 Flamberge- "Yeah, pretty cool, right?"
  152. 18:26 Sister-Sting "Fuck yeah dude! How many times can I do that?"
  153. 18:26 Randomize "Nice. Y'know "Other Me" could've fixed you right up>"
  154. 18:26 Randomize "But I doubt you would ever want my help."
  155. 18:26 Randomize gives Flamberge a "Good Job" signal
  156. 18:27 Sister-Sting "You actually got something right for once....And uh..."
  157. 18:27 Randomize "Oh and Sting.....Sorry for being a dick - I'll try to be more considerate, to everyone."
  158. 18:27 Randomize "Starting with you"
  159. 18:27 Sister-Sting "Thank you. for bringing me here"
  160. 18:27 Randomize "No Problem"
  161. 18:27 TheLioness watches it all happen. Awww. Friendship.
  162. 18:28 Randomize Gives Lioness a "WTF?" shrug and walks outside
  163. 18:28 Flamberge- "Um, in theory, about 4 shots per arm before an hour long recharge"
  164. 18:28 Randomize then gets on his Motorcycle and Leaves to his Sanctum Sanctorum
  165. 18:29 Flamberge- "But hey, it's technically infinite ammo, that's still pretty cool"
  166. 18:30 Sister-Sting "Did...Did he ride his bike into the hospital?"
  167. 18:30 TheLioness "I think he does that everywhere"
  168. 18:34 Flamberge- "He does, unfortunately"
  169. 18:34 Flamberge- "I can't tell you how many times he's left skid marks in hq"
  170. 18:35 Randomize drives back to drop a shitload of money in front of the three - about 500 grand
  171. 18:35 Randomize "You're Welcome"
  172. 18:35 Randomize Drives back off in a mad dash
  173. 18:35 Sister-Sting "...Guess I'm richer now"
  174. 18:36 Randomize Screams from the Distance.....
  175. 18:36 TheLioness "..."
  176. 18:36 Randomize "GET WELL PRESENT STIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
  177. 18:36 TheLioness "How rich are you already"
  178. 18:37 Sister-Sting "I have about, 40,000 thousand in bank?"
  179. 18:37 Sister-Sting [400,000, said that wrong]
  180. 18:38 Flamberge- [wow, that's even more insane]
  181. 18:38 *** F1nlandia left #World-of-Superpowers-Rp
  182. 18:38 TheLioness internalizes her jealous greedy feelings.
  183. 18:38 TheLioness "...Good- Good for you"
  184. 18:39 Flamberge- "Wow"
  185. 18:39 Flamberge- is stunned
  186. 18:39 Sister-Sting "Course now with that, its 800,00"
  187. 18:39 Sister-Sting "Course now with that, its 800,000"
  188. 18:40 Randomize Drives back and drops a few things
  189. 18:40 Randomize gives Lioness a Giant Diamond
  190. 18:41 Randomize Gives Flamberge A giant Dimensionally-Transcendent Crate of Technology, Materials and Performable Spells
  191. 18:41 TheLioness blinks with what is in her hands now.
  192. 18:41 TheLioness wonders why her first thought was to make a sword out of it.
  193. 18:41 TheLioness thinks she might have issues.
  194. 18:41 Randomize gives Sting a Giant Poisionous Samurai Sword
  195. 18:42 Randomize then Drives off to remember where he parked his TARDIS
  196. 18:42 Flamberge- "I..."
  197. 18:42 TheLioness "..."
  198. 18:42 Flamberge- "The fuck?"
  199. 18:42 TheLioness "I'll trade you the diamond for the sword"
  200. 18:42 Randomize Yes TARDIS - you think I didn't have one did you? It's Bigger on the inside like Flame's gift!
  201. 18:43 Sister-Sting "...This is why I hate the guy"
  202. 18:43 Flamberge- is really fucking confused
  203. 18:43 Randomize left a note
  204. 18:44 Sister-Sting " want another sword, fuck if I know how to use it"
  205. 18:44 Randomize - "Dear Everyone, you guys are really nice and considerate, this is to try and make up for being a massive douche to you all."
  206. 18:44 TheLioness softly puts the diamond down on Sting's side and takes the sword.
  207. 18:45 Randomize - "I know it's going to be too much, But I'm trying! Dammit. Trying to be more considerate and caring! So I don't care if you hate it or not - I tried! - Love Random"
  208. 18:45 Flamberge- plans to donate the crate to the rest of paradigm, but might take a look through the spells himself...
  209. 18:46 Randomize - "The contents of this package are things I picked up from Universal Travels, and were taking up space in my TARDIS, so have fun."
  210. 18:47 Sister-Sting "TARDIS's are fucking infinite.The Dumbass."
  211. 18:47 Randomize "P.S. If Sting makes a remark about TARDISes being infinte - tell her I don't think I can be nice to her, ever."
  212. 18:48 TheLioness is fixated on this sword right now. Girl liked swords a lot.
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