
userlistraw idea

Feb 24th, 2020
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  1. alias userlists {
  2. if ($1 == file) { return Scripts[v1]\User_Lists.ini }
  3. if ($1 == status) { return $readini(Scripts[v1]\User_Lists.ini,userlists,status) }
  4. if ($1 == message) {
  5. if ($2 == autokick) {
  6. if ($3 == added) { return $+(userlists[a-kick\added]) }
  7. elseif (!$3) { return $+(userlists[a-kick\,$readini(Scripts[v1]\User_Lists.ini,kick,$ial($nick).addr),]) }
  8. }
  9. }
  10. if ($1 == scan) {
  11. if (!$2) { echo -a $theme(time) error $theme(x) userlists 1:2 you did not specify a channel1...2 }
  12. elseif ($2) {
  13. echo -a $theme(time) 1* ------------------------------2 | echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 scanning $+($lower($theme(replace,$left($2,7))),1...2) for users1...2 | echo -a $theme(time) 1* ------------------------------2
  14. var %cnt = 1, %ttl = $nick($2,0), %users = 0
  15. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),kick,$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 $+(kick,$str( ,2)) $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  16. var %cnt = 1
  17. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),gowner,$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 gowner $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  18. var %cnt = 1
  19. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),gvoice,$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 gvoice $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  20. var %cnt = 1
  21. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),ghost,$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 ghost $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  22. var %cnt = 1
  23. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),ghelper,$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 ghelper $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  24. var %cnt = 1
  25. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),gwatch,$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 gwatch $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  26. var %cnt = 1
  27. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),gurl,$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 gurl $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  28. var %cnt = 1
  29. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(lowner.,$remove($2,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 lowner $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  30. var %cnt = 1
  31. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(lhelper.,$remove($2,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 lhelper $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  32. var %cnt = 1
  33. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(lhost.,$remove($2,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 lhost  $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  34. var %cnt = 1
  35. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(gurl.,$remove($2,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 gurl  $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  36. var %cnt = 1
  37. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(lspec.,$remove($2,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 lspec  $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  38. var %cnt = 1
  39. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLq.,$remove($2,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 !NoLq  $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  40. var %cnt = 1
  41. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLo.,$remove($2,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 !NoLo  $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  42. var %cnt = 1
  43. while (%cnt <= %ttl) { $iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(!localshit.,$remove($2,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick($2,%cnt)).addr),echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 !localshit  $theme(x) $nick($2,%cnt)) | inc %cnt }
  44. var %cnt = 1
  45. echo -a $theme(time) 1* ------------------------------2 | echo -a $theme(time) 1*2 scan complete1...2 | echo -a $theme(time) 1* ------------------------------2
  46. }
  47. }
  48. :end
  49. }
  51. menu menubar,status,nicklist {
  52. -
  53. User Lists
  54. .$iif($readini($userlists(file),userlists,status) == on,$style(2)) Enable:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) userlists status on | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) enabled1...2 }
  55. .$iif($readini($userlists(file),userlists,status) != on,$style(2)) Disable:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) userlists status off | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) disabled1...2 }
  56. .-
  57. .$iif($readini($userlists(file),halt,$active) == on,$style(1)) $iif($me ison #,Halt Channel) {
  58. if ($readini($userlists(file),halt,$active) == on) { remini $userlists(file) halt $active * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) halt for $remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37)) 1:2 removed1...2 }
  59. elseif (!$readini($userlists(file),halt,$active)) { writeini -n $userlists(file) halt $active on | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) halt for $remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37)) 1:2 added1...2 }
  60. }
  61. .-
  62. .$iif($me ison #,Auto Kick)
  63. ..$iif($readini($userlists(file),kick,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{
  64. writeini -n $userlists(file) kick $ial($$1).addr $$?="Enter Reason:" $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) a_kick 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2)
  65. if ($me isowner $active) {
  66. if ($$1 isowner $active) { KICK $active $$1 $userlists(message,autokick,added) }
  67. }
  68. if ($me isowner $active) || ($me isop $active) {
  69. if ($$1 isop $active) && ($$1 !isowner $active) { KICK $active $$1 $userlists(message,autokick,added) }
  70. elseif ($$1 !isop $active) && ($$1 !isowner $active) { KICK $active $$1 $userlists(message,autokick,added) }
  71. }
  72. }
  73. ..$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),kick,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) kick $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) a_kick 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  74. ..-
  75. ..$iif($readini($userlists(file),kick,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Quick Add:{
  76. writeini -n $userlists(file) kick $ial($$1).addr $$1 quick.add | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) a_kick 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2)
  77. if ($me isowner $active) {
  78. if ($$1 isowner $active) { KICK $active $$1 $userlists(message,autokick,added) }
  79. }
  80. if ($me isowner $active) || ($me isop $active) {
  81. if ($$1 isop $active) && ($$1 !isowner $active) { KICK $active $$1 $userlists(message,autokick,added) }
  82. elseif ($$1 !isop $active) && ($$1 !isowner $active) { KICK $active $$1 $userlists(message,autokick,added) }
  83. }
  84. }
  85. .-
  86. .$iif($me ison #,Global)
  87. ..$iif($me ison #,Global Owner)
  88. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),gowner,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) gowner $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_owner 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  89. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),gowner,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) gowner $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_owner 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  90. ..$iif($me ison #,Global Host)
  91. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),ghost,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) ghost $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_host 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  92. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),ghost,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) ghost $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_host 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  93. ..$iif($me ison #,Global Helper)
  94. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),ghelper,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) ghelper $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_helper host 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  95. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),ghelper,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) ghelper $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_helper host 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  96. ..$iif($me ison #,Global Watch)
  97. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),gwatch,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) gwatch $ial($$1).addr $$1 | /auser watch $$1 - $buzz.decode($$1) *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr - $fulldate by 4[0 $me 4] | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_watch 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  98. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),gwatch,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) gwatch $ial($$1).addr * | .ruser watch *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_watch 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  99. ..$iif($me ison #,Global Voice)
  100. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),gvoice,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) gvoice $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_voice 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  101. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),gvoice,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) gvoice $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_voice 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  102. ..$iif($me ison #,Global URL)
  103. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),gurl,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) gurl $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_url 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  104. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),gurl,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) gurl $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_url 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  105. .-
  106. .$iif($me ison #,Local)
  107. ..$iif($me ison #,Local Owner)
  108. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(lowner.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) $+(lowner.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_owner 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  109. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),$+(lowner.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) $+(lowner.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_owner 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  110. ..$iif($me ison #,Local Host)
  111. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(lhost.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) $+(lhost.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_host 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  112. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),$+(lhost.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) $+(lhost.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_host 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  113. ..$iif($me ison #,Local Helper)
  114. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(lhelper.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) $+(lhelper.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_host Helper 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  115. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),$+(lhelper.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) $+(lhelper.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_host Helper 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  116. .$iif($me ison #,Local STOPS)
  117. ..$iif($me ison #,Local spec)
  118. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(lspec.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) $+(lspec.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_spec 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  119. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),$+(lspec.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) $+(lspec.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_spec 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  120. ..$iif($me ison #,No Local Owner)
  121. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLq.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) $+(!NoLq.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_No Local Owner 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  122. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLq.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) $+(!NoLq.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_No Loacal Owner 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  123. ..$iif($me ison #,No Local Host)
  124. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLo.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) $+(!NoLo.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_NO Local Host 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  125. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLo.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) $+(!NoLo.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_NO Local Host 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  126. ..$iif($me ison #,Local Shit List)
  127. ...$iif($readini($userlists(file),$+(!localshit.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) $+(!localshit.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_Local Shit List 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  128. ...$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),$+(!localshit.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) $+(!localshit.,$remove($active,$chr(35),$chr(37))) $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) l_Local Shit List 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  129. .-
  130. .$iif($me ison #,Watch list)
  131. ..$iif($readini($userlists(file),gwatch,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Add:{ writeini -n $userlists(file) gwatch $ial($$1).addr $$1 | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_Watch 1:2 add $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  132. ..$iif(!$readini($userlists(file),gwatch,$ial($$1).addr),$style(2)) Rem:{ remini $userlists(file) gwatch $ial($$1).addr * | echo -a $theme(time) user lists $theme(x) g_Watch 1:2 rem $+(1[2,$$1,1\2,$left($ial($$1).addr,17),1*]2) }
  133. .$iif($me ison #,Scan Channel) { userlists scan # }
  134. .Open File:{ run $userlists(file) }
  135. }
  136. on ^*:join:#:{
  137. if ($nick != $me) && (!$hget(flood,#)) && ($userlists(status) == on) && (!$readini($userlists(file),halt,#)) {
  138. if ($me isowner #) || if($nick($chan,p-o-n-y,') || if($nick($chan,pony_1,') || if($nick($chan,pony,') {
  139. if ($readini($userlists(file),gowner,$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan +q $nick }
  140. if ($readini($userlists(file),ghost,$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan +o $nick }
  141. if ($readini($userlists(file),ghelper,$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan +h $nick }
  142. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(lowner.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan +q $nick }
  143. }
  144. if ($me isowner #) || ($me isop #) || if($nick($chan,p-o-n-y,') || if($nick($chan,pony_1,') || if($nick($chan,pony,') {
  145. if ($readini($userlists(file),kick,$ial($nick).addr)) { KICK $chan $nick $userlists(message,autokick) $lf ACCESS $chan add DENY $ial($nick).addr 0 : $userlists(message,autokick) }
  146. if ($readini($userlists(file),gvoice,$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan +v $nick }
  147. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(lhost.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan +o $nick }
  148. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(lspec.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan -v $nick }
  149. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLq.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan -q $nick }
  150. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLo.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan -o $nick }
  151. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(lhelper.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick).addr)) { MODE $chan +h $nick }
  152. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(!localshit.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($nick).addr)) { /kick $chan $nick Local Shitz Kisted | $lf ACCESS $chan add DENY $ial($nick).addr 0 }
  153. if ($readini($userlists(file),gwatch,$ial($nick).addr)) { .echo -a 4WARNING 11 $nick is a 8Watched 11user 4WARNING in $chan | /splay flood.wav }
  154. }
  155. hadd -mu1 flood $chan $true
  156. }
  157. }
  159. on ^*:OP:#:{
  160. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLo.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($opnick).addr)) goto Test | halt
  161. {
  162. :test {
  163. if ($readini(nohost.ini, $nick, nohost) != true) {
  164. writeini nohost.ini $nick nohost true
  165. /mode # -o $opnick
  166. .msg $chan ( $nick ) Please do not Host ( $opnick ) , he/she is not alowed to host here
  167. .timer 1 30 /remini nohost.ini $nick nohost
  168. halt
  169. }
  170. else {
  171. /mode # -o $opnick | /mode # -o $nick | msg $chan Hey ( $nick ) I said Do NOT HOST ( $opnick ) Here!!!!
  172. }
  173. }
  174. {
  175. :end {
  176. echo -a 4 END
  177. }
  178. }
  179. }
  180. }
  181. on ^*:OWNER:#:{
  182. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(!NoLq.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($opnick).addr)) goto Test | halt
  183. {
  184. :test {
  185. if ($readini(nohost.ini, $nick, nohost) != true) {
  186. writeini nohost.ini $nick nohost true
  187. /mode # -q $opnick
  188. .msg $chan ( $nick ) Please do not Owner ( $opnick ) , he/she is not alowed to Owner here
  189. .timer 1 30 /remini nohost.ini $nick nohost
  190. halt
  191. }
  192. else {
  193. /mode # -q $opnick | /mode # -q $nick | msg $chan Hey ( $nick ) I said Do NOT OWNER ( $opnick ) Here!!!!
  194. }
  195. }
  196. {
  197. :end {
  198. echo -a 4 END
  199. }
  200. }
  201. }
  202. }
  203. on ^*:VOICE:#:{
  204. if (($1 == +v) && ($2 == $vnick)) {
  205. if ($readini($userlists(file),$+(lspec.,$remove(#,$chr(35),$chr(37))),$ial($vnick).addr)) goto Test | halt
  206. {
  207. :test {
  208. if ($readini(nohost.ini, $nick, nohost) != true) {
  209. writeini nohost.ini $nick nohost true
  210. /mode # -v $vnick
  211. .msg $chan ( $nick ) Please do not Voice ( $vnick ) , he/she is not alowed to Have Voice here
  212. .timer 1 30 /remini nohost.ini $nick nohost
  213. halt
  214. }
  215. else {
  216. /mode # -v $vnick | /mode # -q $nick | /mode # -o $nick | /mode # -v $nick | msg $chan Hey ( $nick ) I said Do NOT Voice ( $vnick ) here !
  217. }
  218. }
  219. {
  220. :end {
  221. echo -a 4 END
  222. }
  223. }
  224. }
  225. }
  226. }
  228. on tagged:TEXT:*:*:/splay ChatTag.wav | /echo # 8* $converter($nick) TAGED user 4(11 $1- 4) 8 TAGED 
  229. on tagged:Action:*:*:/splay ChatTag.wav | /echo # 8 $converter($nick) TAGED user 4(11 $1- 4) 8 TAGED
  230. on watch:TEXT:*:*:/splay ChatTag.wav | /echo # 8* $converter($nick) WATCHED user 4(11 $1- 4) 8 WATCHED 
  231. on watch:Action:*:*:/splay ChatTag.wav | /echo # 8 $converter($nick) WATCHED user 4(11 $1- 4) 8 WATCHED
  235. echo -a 10* TAB 4 1 11Main 
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