
Lich Doctor Chapter Three

Jan 6th, 2013
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  1. >Kids these days. Getting all excited over a simple Dagger of Healing.
  2. >You are Anonymous, and Sweetie Belle has once again passed out.
  3. >She must have really low blood pressure.
  4. >Well, back to healing.
  5. >You undo the remaining splints on the legs of both Scootaloo and the yellow pony.
  6. >Drawing the blade of your dagger across the fractures, you can feel the energies knit the bones back together and soothe the inflamed tissue.
  7. >Having mended the ailments of the three young fillies, you decide to get some proper clothes. A lab coat and a towel as a hood is NOT proper appearance.
  8. >But that's not a priority right now.
  9. >Reconstruction of your left foot is.
  10. >You would prefer to do this manually, but Super Glue will only hold ligaments together for so long.
  11. >You found that out the hard way.
  12. >Arranging the bones and ligaments in the proper position of what a foot would normally look like, you trace lines of magic from one old fingertip between the bones.
  13. >The magic takes hold and binds the bones and ligaments in place, making your foot whole again.
  14. >Having successfully rebuilt your foot, you gather the three fillies in a towel and bundling them together.
  15. >You make your way from the Medical wing to a room you had cleared out for your personal use.
  16. >A private study of sorts.
  17. >It had everything a proper study should have. A desk, a desk chair, a couch, a load books, a liquor cabinet (not that you could partake), and a most comfortable chair.
  18. >On your way to the study, you think of subjects to discuss with the fillies when they awaken.
  19. >You end up settling on who and what you are.
  20. >You'll save the nature of this facility for someone who is more mature.
  22. >Upon arrival in your study, you set the three fillies on the couch and then make your way back to the Generator room to repair the damage done to the hydraulic radiator.
  23. >A simple reshaping spell and some creativity should get the job done.
  24. >You really hate using magic, but it's a necessity to keep this complex up to your standards.
  25. >A necessary evil, if you will.
  26. >Arriving in the Generator room, a thought suddenly hits you.
  27. >How DID those fillies get in your complex?
  28. >You think for a moment and finally put two and two together.
  29. >Sweetie Belle had a concussion.
  30. >There's a horn shaped hole in the generator's hydraulic radiator.
  31. >She fell.
  32. >You look up, and sure enough, there's a mangled ventilation grate with a saddlebag dangling fro-wait a second.
  33. >You reach up and grab the saddlebag that was snagged on the broken vent.
  34. >This must have belonged to one of the fillies.
  35. >A pair of reshaping spells later and some thinking led you to the conclusion that the fillies fell through an old ventilation shaft that was connected to the surface above.
  36. >Great. You'll have to go up there and fix it.
  37. >You REALLY don't want to go to the surface.
  38. >One of the last times you did, a white alicorn almost succeeded in banishing you to Hell.
  39. >What was her name again?
  40. >Bah, it doesn't matter.
  41. >As you walk off, you forgot to be not retarded and hold the saddlebags right side up.
  42. >Instead, it is upside down.
  43. >As it's contents spill out over the tile floor, something catches your eye.
  44. >...
  45. >Hey, you remember that book!
  47. >During the walk back to your study, you glance through the book to confirm that it is indeed the book you thought it was.
  48. >This was one of your later attempts to make contact with the ponies.
  49. >It detailed where you were and a few pieces on what and who you were. It also gave a vague account of what your facility was for.
  50. >Well, if these three fillies read this book, then your discussion will be much easier.
  51. >Upon entering the study, you see that the three are still passed out.
  52. >Good, this gives you time to change into something more appropriate.
  53. >Throwing off the lab coat and towel, you grab a simple black hooded robe with long, loose sleeves and don it.
  54. >Now you felt presentable.
  55. >Now all that was left was for the three young ponies to wake up.
  56. >....
  57. >...
  58. >..
  59. >.
  60. >Okay, this is boring.
  61. >Snapping your fingers, you summon some smelling salts from the medical wing.
  62. >You really didn't like using magic, but again, necessary evil.
  63. >It always felt so....unnatural.
  64. >Turns out though it WAS natural, but that's another story.
  65. >Time now for waking up the fillies.
  66. >Hopefully ammonia gas works the same for ponies as it does on humans.
  67. >You wave the packet in front of the muzzle of the yellow pony.
  68. >Her nose wrinkles, she recoils a bit and her breathing rate increases.
  69. >Good, it's working.
  70. >You pursue the retreating muzzle with the odious substance until the yellow pony awakens groggily.
  71. >You put the hood of your robe up so as not to startle the yellow one.
  72. >Next, you move to wake up Scootaloo and repeat the process. She awakens faster than the other one.
  73. >Finally, you move to Sweetie Belle. It only takes a whiff of the salts to awaken her.
  74. > You settle yourself down in your comfortable chair and await for the fillies to fully awaken.
  76. >After a few moments, they do indeed awaken and all eyes are on you.
  77. “Have a nice nap?”
  78. >The three nod nervously, Sweetie Belle most likely still very confused and the other two are likely very scared.
  79. “Before we begin, I would like to take the time and tell you that I don't wish to hurt you and I have also healed you. Your legs and Sweetie Belle shall be proof enough.”
  80. >Scootaloo seems dumbstruck that you knew Sweetie Belle's name.
  81. >”How did you know her name?”
  82. “Sweetie Belle told me, Scootaloo.”
  83. >”How did you know MY name?”
  84. “Again, Sweetie Belle told me. But she did not tell me what your name is.”
  85. >At that point, you point an aged finger at the yellow one.
  86. >”M-mah...mah name's Applebloom...”
  87. “A lovely name Miss Applebloom. Oh, forgive me. Where are my manners. I haven't introduced myself yet. My name for now is Anonymous.”
  88. >Applebloom and Scootaloo visibly relax slightly at your babbling.
  89. >You are glad that you can give them some sense of safety.
  90. >You already feel terrible about scaring them half to death.
  91. >Seizing the lapse in the conversation, Applebloom gathers her nerves and takes the initiative by asking the all-important question.
  92. >”Uhh...Mister Anonymous, what ARE you?”
  93. >You chuckle a bit. Just the question you wanted to hear.
  94. “I'm glad you asked. You see, I'm the last human on the entire planet.”
  96. >Applebloom cocks her head in what you can only assume is morbid curiosity.
  97. >”What's a human?”
  98. >It seems they DIDN'T read the book. Oh well, back to basics it is.
  99. “We were the first dominant race of this planet a very long time ago.”
  100. >Scootaloo's turn.
  101. >”How long ago?”
  102. “I think it's been about...twelve thousand years, give or take a few thousand years, since the human race died off.”
  103. >Sweetie Belle's turn.
  104. >”How old ARE you?”
  105. “About twelve thousand years old, give or take a few thousand years.”
  106. >”Oh...right. Last human...”
  107. >Applebloom's turn again.
  108. >”How'd ya get to be so old? What's this place? And how can you use magic?”
  109. >You chuckle again.
  110. “Those are questions for another time. Since you are all healed and fit again, I believe it's time to send you back where you came from.”
  111. >Suddenly, the three of them realized that they had forgot to tell anyone where they were going.
  112. >All at once, they begin panicking about how they're going to explain what happened.
  113. “Calm down girls. Calm down. I have a fix for this.”
  114. >Getting up from your most comfortable chair, you rummage through a drawer in your desk and after a time produce a crystal ball.
  115. >You walk into the middle of all the furniture to a bare spot in the carpeted floor and sit down, beckoning the fillies to join you.
  116. >The three hop off of the couch and onto the carpet and come to sit near you, still a little unnerved by your presence.
  117. “I'm going to scry for the location of someone who might be looking for you. I'm going to need one of you to visualize that person so the spell can work. Any volunteers?”
  118. >The three glance nervously at each other before Sweetie Belle works up the courage and steps forward.
  119. >You nod and begin to place a withered finger on her forehead.
  120. >She recoils slightly, but then holds firm.
  121. “Now, visualize the person in your mind. The more details, the better the spell will work.”
  123. >Sweetie Belle closes her eyes and begins concentrating on the pony she'd know would come looking for her.
  124. >While Sweetie Belle did this, you touched the crystal ball with your other hand and smoke began swirling in the once clear orb.
  125. >As Sweetie Belle's concentration grows, the smoke begins to coalesce into more clearly defined shapes and begins to take on colors.
  126. >Soon, you were staring at....two marshmallows?
  127. >A purple curly thing flicks back and forth before the marshmallows move and the face of a white unicorn comes into view.
  128. >Oh, it was a pony butt.
  129. >....Ewwww.....
  130. >”Hay look, it's Rarity!”
  131. >Thank you Applebloom for the name.
  132. ”Let's take a look to see where she is.”
  133. >Focusing your mind, you broaden the scrying area and see that she's...very near.
  134. >In fact she's literally on top of you.
  135. >Lucky for you there's an access ramp that leads to the surface not too far away.
  136. “We're in luck. This Rarity is quite close. Let's get you to her. But first, I need to grab something.”
  137. >Getting up from your seated position, you grab the crystal ball, return it to it's place, and pull out a gold chain with a large ruby pendant and two golden bracelets with a ruby set in each.
  138. >You hope you won't need these, but it's best to play it safe.
  139. >Donning the jewelry, you set out with the three fillies in tow for the access ramp to the surface.
  140. >All the while you're hoping that whoever you meet is friendly.
  142. >You are Rarity.
  144. >Mother will kill you if you don't find Sweetie Belle.
  145. >She was annoying at times, but she was still your sister.
  146. >Fluttershy, Applejack, and yourself have been searching the forest around Zecora's hut for nearly three hours now.
  147. >Fluttershy flew off about an hour in to go get more help and came back with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, both the Cakes, Flitter, and Cloudchaser.
  148. >Even Mayor Mare was here.
  149. >Zecora was also drawn in by the disturbance and volunteered to help with the search.
  150. >You swear when you find those three they are getting the tongue lashing of their lives!
  151. >You can practically FEEL your mane going gray with worry.
  152. >You definitely needed a spa day after today.
  153. >You might even get *gasp* WRINKLES!
  154. >As you continue your inner banter, Rainbow Dash touches down near you, bringing you out of your reverie.
  155. >”Rarity, we found where those three might have went!”
  156. >Needing no further prompt, you dash after Dash.
  157. >About a minute later, you arrive at a good sized crack in the ground. Ponies have already started gathering around.
  158. “Are they down there? Have you found them?!”
  159. >Twilight, who was standing next to you, speaks up.
  160. >”No, but take a look at that.”
  161. >She points her hoof down into the miniature ravine.
  162. >Is that...metal?
  163. >With a bit of effort, Twilight manages to wrench the metal thing out of the crack in the ground.
  164. >It looks like a vent of some kind.
  165. >Twilight examines the object with a look of concern.
  166. >”Girls, I think this hole is deeper than we think.”
  168. >As she finished saying that, you hear a loud noise off in the distance.
  169. >Everyone starts at this, but then runs off to the source.
  170. >As you get closer, there is a mound of earth that appears to be making the noise.
  171. >No, wait, the mound is getting bigger.
  172. >No...something's pushing the ground up.
  173. >As soon as you realize this, what appears to be a giant trap door opens in the ground, revealing a gaping chasm that leads down into the earth.
  174. >The entire thing seems to be carved out of stone with precision that can't be found outside of Canterlot. It is also lined with strange lights.
  175. >But the odd thing is, there's no rocks around here that look like this.
  176. >Just as your train of thought was beginning to depart, it was derailed by the sound of hoof steps.
  177. >In the distance, you see Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo round a corner.
  178. >Everyone begins to rush in but stops simultaneously upon seeing a strange and scary sight.
  179. >Walking around the corner is a towering creature dressed in some sort of hooded black clothes. Under the hood, you could see blazing blue flames where you think eyes should be.
  180. >What did these three find now?!
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