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Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. Lexington "Lex" Knight
  2. An only child, Lexington was always concerned for his own well being and nobody elses. He has always been very protective over his friends and family, however, lacked emotion when truly showing it. The little actions Lex did, it all mattered and countered to his survival in Los Santos. He took this personal attribute and laid it over the basketball court, where he was a Point Guard for the Las Venturas Jets.
  3. He lead the league in scoring for two years straight and in the assist department, dominating the league. However, due to a horrid career-ending injury, in his Achilles tendon, the basketball and the court left him. Lexington, in need of a fresh new start at a career found himself in the heart of Los Santos.
  4. With the funds he earnt from being a basketball player he was smart, wanting to invest into something that would offer him a substantial return. Looking around at the local papers in the business section, restaurants, bars and gyms did not really attract Lexington. Real Estate however caught his eye and invested his money and time into run down properties on the east side of Los Santos.
  5. However, due to the Las Venturas and Los Santos economy crash, the San Andreas Government decided that funding for schools and hospitals were more crucial at the time. Which meant that housing and real estate were not getting any injection of cash or assistance, Lex lost his investment bond within this area.
  6. He still had his own home, however, he was left with nothing. His natural athletic talent could not help him. Lexington found himself at Ganton, sharing his clutch moments in the league and how he analyzed each and every play on the basketball court with the local guys who hung out there. Lexington is the rock of the Ganton Blocc Families, always holding a tight ship, being mentally tough and setting the people who need it, straight.
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