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Fanfic number 2

a guest
Apr 25th, 2019
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  2. The following work is copywrited to me, in full, with all rights reserved. You are permitted to read it as many times as you need, but not copy, exchange, or use its ideas or characters without my explicit permission. Permission can be obtained by emailing me at
  3. Failure to ask permission will result in me suing to the full extent of the law.
  4. So listen up or else!
  6. Anyway, on with the story...
  8. Everyone who looked could see there was a undeniably, ravenous animal attraction between Japs and Aoi.
  9. No one could deny it.
  10. No one except Aoi and Japs, that is.
  12. They seemed blissfully unaware of their attraction to each-other. Unaware of their boundless uncontrollable lust.
  13. Every time they met they didn't show it, but everyone knew. Everyone knew what was really going on between them.
  15. A war of lust.
  17. And everyone knew that it was a unsuitable situation. No one wanted to be dragged into that war.
  18. Something had to be done.Or someone.
  19. Far far away, in a distant magical land....
  21. In the middle of all this, finally,Valentinas could stand it no longer.
  22. She found Japs, and pulled them to one side
  24. "Thats it! its ruining the team. Its clear you cant function while Aoi is around!"
  25. "What no! I am fine."
  26. "No. Its very clear. You need to do the Four-legged foxtrot with them"
  27. Everyone else in the room nodded at this.
  28. "But doing the four-legged foxtrot with Aoi...isn't that..umm...wrong?"
  29. "Oh, sure, its wrong. Very very wrong.
  30. But just because somethings wrong doesn't mean it shouldn't happen does it?"
  31. "No, I suppose not"
  32. Japs wondered off thinking of the four-legged will he introduce the idea to Aoi? and would they accept it?
  35. Summary:
  36. I suck at writing summaries. Bsides the 'fic isn't that long!
  38. Japs was sitting behind his desk. He felt the tears well up in his eyes . After their last adventure, Japs found out just exactly how cruel people could be. How nasty and inconsiderate real humans actually were. Japs stared at a picture of a polar bear. A magnificent beast who would not hesitate to kill him but at least it would be quick. Not a overlong conspiracy of many years, just to be unleashed on him when he was at his weakest and darkest moment. When he needed his friends the most.
  40. But there had been one tiny ray of light in this whole . Japs remembered fondly the day he discovered it. It was a tuesday morning he rememberanced. The memories surfaced before his mind's eye and took the most wonderful shapes. Before Japs well knew it, a single tear welled up in his eyes and trickled down his cheek.
  41. Because even when all his 'friends' betrayed him, there was one consistant factor in his life: Aoi.
  43. And Japs knew that the rising aspirations between them could never become true, the feelings Japs had for Aoi were the only thing in this world that still felt true to him. No lies, just that single, pure sense and feeling for Aoi.Their relationship would probably only ever be physical.
  45. Alas, Japs thought to himself hopelessly. Why must they battle? Why must Japs be destined to destroy Aoi? Can he ever tell Aoi how much Aoi means to Japs?
  47. If only he could. Then all his pain would be over. No more betrayal. No more suffering under the laughter from Valentinas (who told him she loved him, only to stab him right inti the heart at valentines day!). No, only Aoi and Japs's true feelings for Her.
  49. A/N Lol this has all been so depressive lol! My next bit will be less dark!
  51. 'But then, it turned out Japs's lover had been secretly sleeping with Aoi.He had been having sex with her a lot. Japs was angry about this. He felt he should be the only one able to thrust his manlyness into her.
  52. He was also concerned with aids!
  53. 'The pain, the incredibly agonizing suffering he felt going through his heart, down his spine, into his collon and leaving his body through his anus once more.He was going to take revenge, on both of them, on everyone.
  54. He grabbed his sword, his ak-74 and his musket with M6 like ammo loaded. And of course, his trusty rocket launcher.
  55. There he went, onto the streets, scaring everyone in sight. Everyone knew, he was out to take revenge.
  56. The cops hide, so did the thieves and the beggers and the laddies, until there wasn`t a single living being on the steet.
  57. He went into his flying jump-jet, and forced his pilot at gunpoint to fly him to the base of Aoi. There he would take his revenge.
  58. The base of Aoi' was crowded with knights, all baring heavy arms and flintlock revolvers. And those that didn`t have weapons, had big twin machetties and double egged katana's.
  59. As he flew closer Japs grabbed his semi-automatic blowdart, pointed and fired at a group of thugs who were outside for a smoke.
  61. "Shoulda dodged that," he said manly.
  62. It must be here somewhere, but I have no idea where it could be", wondered Japs
  63. At that moment, Raimi fell down some steps near a farmhouse.
  64. At the bottom was Aoi`s new skyscrapper!
  65. As they entered, it was strangely and creepily abandoned.
  66. A cold wind past, filling them with dread
  67. "I am scared" said Katelyn.
  68. "Come on" said Japs
  71. "Quick! Lets steal some guards uniforms, so we do not arouse suspension." So they knocked some guards out that were near the tree. (but none were hurt) As Cintor was changing into her guards uniform, she rubbed her breasts slowly. (so the others could watch, as she was an exhibitionist at heart)
  72. "Lets take the ventalation shaft!"
  73. "Thats a good plan, so we can sneak to the roof undetected"
  74. So they got into the ventilation shaft.
  75. Valentinas needed to remove some cloths in order to fit.So did Cintor, who stripped to her flower paturned bra. Raimi joined in by removing his pants (even though he didnt need to because he was skinny and would fit in fine anyway without the need to remove his pants).
  76. Japs just took all the clothes off, it was easier.His manhold swung beneath him as he crawled into the passpage.
  77. They traveled upto the roof, ver the ducks, thus avoiding the security systems because they are smart.
  78. We are here, said Japs crawling out the duck, and putting his shirt on.
  79. Japs finally found a moment to pull Aoi away from the others, to have a private moment.
  80. "Japs we have to do it"
  81. "I know, my team told me as well. Apparently our feelings are causing problems for everyone else."
  82. "So we are agreed? We finally let our feelings out of their cages of repression they have been caged in all this time?"
  83. "Yes. For the team"
  84. "No...for us"
  85. Japs leapt on Aoi at that moment.The raging bats they kept locked up finally unleashed.
  86. Japs and Aoi quickly became a ball of body-parts. Legs, hands and legs all tangled together. Japs didn't know what bit to focus on, so grabbed a spare fire hose and dived in.
  87. "More! More! More!" whispered Aoi to Japs.
  88. Their love making was like a sunrise of penis's. Its like they were everywhere - inescapable (not that either of them wanted to escape them).
  89. Things got...messy...from that point on.
  93. Nearby the others occasionally heard screams. But politely ignored it.
  94. This had been coming far too long to ruin it now - and this team bonding was very much needed.
  95. "So you have come" said a voice booming from the sky
  96. A plane appeared above them.
  97. Aoi laughed at them from it.
  98. "Ha Ha Ha Ha"
  99. "I could gun you all down from here with my bow and arrow, but I would rather do this...personal style."
  100. she leaped down and landed at the far side of the rooftop
  101. "Ready?" she said, still laughing.
  103. Japs removed his shirt and flexed his abs.
  104. "Yes. I am ready. I was born ready."
  105. With that they leaped at eachother, metaphorical guns blazzing (which were littoral slingshots).
  106. "I kill you dead"
  107. Aoi head butted Japs in the chest
  109. Japs fell backwards in pain punching a few times before crashing to the ground.
  110. "Ha Ha Ha Ha" laughed Aoi
  111. "You could never have defeated me, so why did you even try?"
  112. "I had too, for all that is good and just in the world."
  113. "Well now you will die. Goodbye."
  114. Aoi leaned over Japs holding her penis.
  116. "Quick Japs use this!" said Ekler ,chucking a nearby bikini towards Japs.
  117. Japs grabbed it and chucked it towards Aoi hard, knocking her the edge of the tall tower they were on!
  118. "Goodbye, Aoi have a nice fall!"
  119. "ARrrrrgggg"
  122. "We are safe now, she fell to certain doom."
  123. Raimi and Katelyn got out from the cornor where they were cuddleing. "Thank you, you saved us all"
  124. "Dont mention it."
  125. But then! Aoi appeared! She had landed in her spaceship that was nearby!
  126. "I will get you next time! I will kill you all!"
  127. To Be Continued!
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