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a guest
Aug 19th, 2018
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  1. soporific
  2. titivation
  3. celerity
  4. glabrous
  5. quonset
  6. churlish
  7. piacular
  8. belletristic
  9. hateur
  10. experiental
  11. sedulous
  12. loquacious
  13. obsequious
  14. skein
  15. spume
  16. rictus
  17. epaulets
  18. sommelier
  19. priapic
  20. slattern
  21. numismatic
  22. bier
  23. cairn
  24. reglet
  25. vernal
  26. putative
  27. abstruse
  28. fiduciary
  29. trellis
  30. peripatetic
  31. piedmont
  32. candor
  33. aporia
  34. corbel
  35. tympan
  36. coiffeur
  37. mendicant
  38. lapidary
  39. sybarite
  40. mordanr
  41. apotheosis
  42. prolix
  43. prolapse
  44. aleatoric
  45. pinion
  46. filigree
  47. picayune
  48. intestate
  49. legatee
  50. callipygian
  51. anterior
  52. lechery
  53. loculus
  54. splanchnic
  55. mastic
  56. febrile
  57. limn
  58. kerf
  59. petulance
  60. impropriety
  61. quintessence
  62. approbation
  63. primrose
  64. eclat (occasionally with accent on e)
  65. zither
  66. foliate
  67. purlieu
  68. somatic
  69. intransigent
  70. pertinacious
  71. senescence
  72. solecism
  73. dysphemism
  74. imperious
  75. claustral
  76. inimical
  77. homiletic
  78. reticulate
  79. rondel
  80. congenital
  81. rutilant
  82. squamulose
  83. formicary (this is a very useful one)
  84. wale (check the OED for a surfeit of useful and obsolete meanings)
  85. surfeit
  86. koan
  87. alderman
  88. propaedeutic
  89. demimonde
  90. sedge
  91. paean
  92. perspicuous
  93. nonce
  94. quidnunc
  95. quincunx (great for Scrabble)
  96. pericardium
  97. perdition
  98. perfidy
  99. syllogism
  100. cantle
  101. fissiparous
  102. collop
  103. parsimonious
  104. agnate
  105. appelative
  106. onomastic
  107. ameliorate
  108. lassitude
  109. languor
  110. ennui (if you've made it this far, you may have it)
  111. eschar
  112. fustian
  113. magniloquent
  114. palaver
  115. perspicacious
  116. sudatorium
  117. vomitorium (interesting story)
  118. esemplastic
  119. argot
  120. nadir
  121. ersatz
  122. aphorism
  123. persiflage
  124. rapport
  125. bombastic
  126. grandiloquent
  127. aureate
  128. dudgeon
  129. betise (often with a circumflex on the e)
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