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Acid-Base Catalysts: Definition, Classification, and Process

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Nov 28th, 2022
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  1. Definition
  2. The acid-base catalyst is a catalyst that catalyzes due to the acid and alkali properties of the substance. There are liquid acid-base catalysts and solid acid-base catalysts. The former is mostly used for the liquid-phase catalytic reaction system. If the catalyst is used in the solution state, its catalytic activity is sometimes related to the nature of the solvent. Most liquid acid-base catalysts are chemicals or solutions made by users. They are often corrosive and must be paid attention to during storage and transportation. When the response is over, the liquid acid-base catalyst is separated from the end of its reaction; when the solid catalyst is used, the fluid reactant and the solid catalyst each have each other, and the production process is simple. Most solid acid-base catalysts are products of the catalyst industry, and the most widely used solid acid catalysts.
  4. Classification
  5. There are many types of acid-base catalysts. They can be divided into two categories according to the nature of acid and alkali, that is, proton acid-base catalysts, which can release protons as acid catalysts and accept protons as alkaline catalysts; the other is Louis acid and alkaline catalyst, which can be accepted in acceptance Electronic pairs are acid catalysts and can be given an alkaline catalyst. The acid-alkaline dual-functional catalyst is used to use the synergy of acid catalytic and alkali catalytic functions. Acid-base catalysts are used for starch hydrolysis, olefin hydrophilic, alcoholized, hydrocarbon cracking, heterogeneity, dismissal, alkylated, polymerization, etc.
  7. Process
  8. The process of catalytic pH is catalytic to catalyze certain reactions and the process of being catalytic through proton transmission or granting electrons to complete the catalytic effect. The substances used for these catalytic reactions are called acid-base catalysts. Acid catalysts mainly include liquid acid, acid complexity, silicon aluminum acid, acid oxides, etc. Alkaline catalysts mainly include liquid alkali and alkaline soil metal oxides.
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