
The Studio Intro

Aug 16th, 2018
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  1. <div class="infobox infobox-limited"><center><img src="", auto; width:100%; height="120" width="555"> <br /><button name="send" value="/aotd" style="border:0; border-radius: 0px; font-size:.9em; border-radius:28px; background: #e74c3c; padding: 3px 6px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff"><i class="fa fa-music" aria-hidden="true" style="border-radius:50%; color: #e74c3c; padding:5px padding 6px; background:#fff;"></i> AOTD</button> <a href="" style="color: #fff; text-decoration:none;"><button style="border:0; border-radius: 0px; font-size:.9em; border-radius:28px; background: #f39c12; padding: 3px 6px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff"><i class="fa fa-music" aria-hidden="true" style="border-radius:50%; color: #f39c12; padding:5px padding 6px; background:#fff;"></i> Song Recs</button></a> <a href="" style="color: #fff; text-decoration:none;"><button style="border:0; border-radius:28px; color: #fff; font-size:.9em; background: #16a085; padding: 3px 6px; text-decoration: none;"><i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true" style="border-radius:50%; color: #16a085; padding:5px padding 6px; background:#fff;"></i> Room Rules</button></a> <a href="" class="No Doubt - Hey Baby" style="color: #fff; text-decoration:none;"><button style="border:0; border-radius: 0px; font-size:.9em; border-radius:28px; background: #3498db; padding: 3px 6px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff"><i class="fa fa-headphones" aria-hidden="true" style="border-radius:50%; color: #3498db; padding:5px; background:#fff;"></i> LastFM</button></a> <a href="" style="color: #fff; text-decoration:none;"><button style="border:0; border-radius: 28px; font-size:.9em; color: #fff; background: #9b59b6; padding: 3px 6px; text-decoration: none;"><i class=" fa fa-volume-up" aria-hidden="true" style="border-radius:50%; color: #9b59b6; padding:5px padding 6px; background:#fff;"></i> Plug.DJ</button></a> <hr style="margin-bottom:2px; border:0;" /> <div style="background: #7f8c8d; color: #fff; width:100%; font-family:arial;"><h><strong> Please don't be unnecessarily argumentative. Remember to be respectful of others' music tastes, and the artists that are shared. </h> </strong></div> </center></div>
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