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a guest
Nov 18th, 2016
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  1. -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
  2. -- version 4.4.10
  3. --
  4. --
  5. -- Host: localhost:3306
  6. -- Generation Time: Nov 18, 2016 at 09:15 AM
  7. -- Server version: 5.5.42
  8. -- PHP Version: 7.0.0
  11. SET time_zone = "+00:00";
  13. --
  14. -- Database: `portal`
  15. --
  17. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  19. --
  20. -- Table structure for table `account_change`
  21. --
  23. CREATE TABLE `account_change` (
  24. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  25. `old_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  26. `old_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  27. `new_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  28. `reason` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  29. `Approved_by` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  30. `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  31. `time` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  32. `new_timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL
  35. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  37. --
  38. -- Table structure for table `Demotions`
  39. --
  41. CREATE TABLE `Demotions` (
  42. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  43. `Demoters_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  44. `Demoters_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  45. `Demoted_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  46. `strike_number` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  47. `rehired` text NOT NULL,
  48. `Evidence` text NOT NULL,
  49. `Approved_by` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  50. `Add_Comment` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  51. `timestamp` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  52. `new_timestamp` text NOT NULL
  55. --
  56. -- Dumping data for table `Demotions`
  57. --
  59. INSERT INTO `Demotions` (`ID`, `Demoters_name`, `Demoters_rank`, `Demoted_name`, `strike_number`, `rehired`, `Evidence`, `Approved_by`, `Add_Comment`, `timestamp`, `new_timestamp`) VALUES
  60. (15, 'demo', 'dwqwqd', 'dwqqw', 'Strike 1', 'No', 'wdqwqd', 'wdwqd', 'wdqwdwqd', '1471132274', ''),
  61. (18, 'demo', 'bbkbkbj', 'jbkbkbk', 'Strike 1', '', 'kjbkjb', 'bkbkjb', 'kjbkjb', '1473946645', ''),
  62. (20, 'demo', 'Room Control', 'wdqwq', 'Strike 1', '', '', 'qwdqdw', '', '1475613774', '');
  64. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  66. --
  67. -- Table structure for table `fired_log`
  68. --
  70. CREATE TABLE `fired_log` (
  71. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  72. `Firing_name` text NOT NULL,
  73. `Firing_rank` text NOT NULL,
  74. `Fired_person` text NOT NULL,
  75. `Fired_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  76. `Reason` text NOT NULL,
  77. `Evidence` text NOT NULL,
  78. `Additional_comment` text NOT NULL,
  79. `timestamp` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  80. `rehired` text NOT NULL,
  81. `witnesses` text NOT NULL
  84. --
  85. -- Dumping data for table `fired_log`
  86. --
  88. INSERT INTO `fired_log` (`ID`, `Firing_name`, `Firing_rank`, `Fired_person`, `Fired_rank`, `Reason`, `Evidence`, `Additional_comment`, `timestamp`, `rehired`, `witnesses`) VALUES
  89. (2, 'fefrer', 'rerreref', 'bjhb', 'rerfrf', 'rffrrf', '', 'rfrererf', '0', '0', ''),
  90. (4, 'serveradmin', 'hbehbjhbjh', 'bjhbjh', '', 'bjhb', 'jhbjhbjhbj', 'jhbj', '0', '0', ''),
  91. (10, 'demo', 'ewfefw', 'ewfewf', 'wefew', 'ewffew', 'ewffe', 'ewfwef', '1474784314', 'No', '');
  93. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  95. --
  96. -- Table structure for table `forum_category`
  97. --
  99. CREATE TABLE `forum_category` (
  100. `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  101. `category_desc` text NOT NULL,
  102. `category_long_desc` text NOT NULL,
  103. `display_order` int(11) NOT NULL
  106. --
  107. -- Dumping data for table `forum_category`
  108. --
  110. INSERT INTO `forum_category` (`category_id`, `category_desc`, `category_long_desc`, `display_order`) VALUES
  111. (1, 'Announcements', 'Announcements from the administration and foundation', 10),
  112. (2, 'Information', 'General pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis', 20),
  113. (3, 'Off Topic', 'blah', 30),
  114. (4, 'Staff Forums', 'Discuss all things staff', 40),
  115. (5, 'SU Boards', '', 50);
  117. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  119. --
  120. -- Table structure for table `forum_likes`
  121. --
  123. CREATE TABLE `forum_likes` (
  124. `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  125. `post_id` int(11) NOT NULL
  126. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  128. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  130. --
  131. -- Table structure for table `forum_replys`
  132. --
  134. CREATE TABLE `forum_replys` (
  135. `reply_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  136. `thread_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  137. `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  138. `reply_content` text NOT NULL,
  139. `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  140. `timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL
  143. --
  144. -- Dumping data for table `forum_replys`
  145. --
  147. INSERT INTO `forum_replys` (`reply_id`, `thread_id`, `category_id`, `reply_content`, `user_id`, `timestamp`) VALUES
  148. (1, 2, 1, '[b]The first ever reply on my own custom forum![/b]', 1, 1477990587),
  149. (3, 4, 1, '', 1, 1478084262),
  150. (4, 7, 4, 'I like the new forum!\r\n\r\nKeep up the [b]great [/b]work!', 1, 1478084727),
  151. (5, 5, 1, '[list][*]lol [/*][/list][list=1][*]lool\r\n[/*][/list]', 1, 1478601016),
  152. (6, 5, 1, '[list][*]g[/*][*]a[/*][*]s[/*][*]d[/*][*]f[/*][/list]\n[list=1][*]a[/*][*]s[/*][*]d[/*][*]f[/*][*]g[/*][*]\n[/*][/list]', 1, 1478601395),
  153. (7, 5, 1, '[list=1][*]lol\r\n[/*][*]looool[/*][/list]', 1, 1478604452),
  154. (8, 5, 1, '[list][*]ijoji\n[*]iuguyguguy[/list]', 1, 1478944739),
  155. (9, 5, 1, '[list=1][*]ejnkefwjnkjefw[*]jnwekjnewf[/*][/list][list][*]ewfkewn[/*][*]jwenfkenw[/*][/list]', 1, 1478945721),
  156. (10, 5, 1, '[list][*]jbjbjhb \r\n[/*][/list][list=1][*]dwqdwq[/*][/list]', 1, 1478946241),
  157. (11, 5, 1, '[list][*]wqdwqwdq [*]dwqdwqwdq [*]wdqwdqw [*]q [*]wqdwqd [/list]\r\n[list=1][*]efewefw [*]ewfewfefw [*]ewfewf [*]ewf [*]ewf [*]ew [/list]', 1, 1478950864),
  158. (12, 5, 1, '[b]wqdjhbqwdhbjhqw [/b]\n[i]hbhjbjhbjhb[/i]\n[u]qwddqwwqddwqwqd[/u]\n[s]qwddwqdwqwqdwq[/s]\n[img][/img][video]mgnECvX3nnc[/video][url=]youtbebebeb[/url][list][*]efjnef[*]ef[*]ef[/list]ef\n[list=1][*]efefef[*]jj[*]kkkk[*]kk[/list]ef\nef\n\nef\n[color=#ff7700]wefjnewjkewkfjnjnkefwjknwefkjnwefjkn[/color][color=#cc4125]fwfewfewfewfewfwe[/color][color=#ff00ff]ewffewfewfew[/color][color=#9900ff]efewffewfewfew[/color][color=#0000ff]ewfewefwfewefw[/color][color=#1e84cc]efwefwfewefwfew[/color][color=#00ffff]efewfefwfewfewfew[/color][color=#00ff00]efewfefwefwfefwewefewf[/color][center]kdqwjnqkwdjdwqdqwqdwdqw[/center][right][/right][center]wqddwqqwd[/center]', 1, 1478953102),
  159. (13, 8, 4, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum.Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante.Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla.Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus.Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac', 1, 1478999383),
  160. (14, 8, 4, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis\r\ndis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum.Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante.Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla.Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus.Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac', 1, 1479011828);
  162. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  164. --
  165. -- Table structure for table `forum_sub_category`
  166. --
  168. CREATE TABLE `forum_sub_category` (
  169. `sub_category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  170. `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  171. `sub_category_desc` text NOT NULL,
  172. `sub_category_long_desc` text NOT NULL,
  173. `display_order` int(11) NOT NULL
  176. --
  177. -- Dumping data for table `forum_sub_category`
  178. --
  180. INSERT INTO `forum_sub_category` (`sub_category_id`, `category_id`, `sub_category_desc`, `sub_category_long_desc`, `display_order`) VALUES
  181. (1, 1, 'Announcements', 'Important announcements made by Foundation, administration and IC''s.', 10),
  182. (3, 1, 'Meeting Announcements', 'Discover and create upcoming scheduled meetings', 30),
  183. (4, 1, 'Event Announcements', 'Explore all the upcoming events', 40),
  184. (5, 1, 'Administrative Affairs & Orders', 'Announcements by the administration and foundation regarding affairs or new regulations ', 50),
  185. (6, 2, 'General Discussion', 'Got something on your mind? Share it with the rest of SS! ', 20),
  186. (7, 2, 'Feedback & Suggestions\n', 'Got a great idea that the Secret Service should implement? Post it here!', 30),
  187. (8, 2, 'Welcome & Departure Hub', 'New here? Or are you leaving? Post a hello or goodbye to let everyone know.', 40),
  188. (9, 2, 'Leave of Absence', 'Going on LOA and want to spread the news or have something to tell us about it? Post it here.', 50),
  189. (10, 3, 'Chat', 'Do UFO''s exist? Is Elvis still alive? Discuss whatever is on your mind.', 60),
  190. (11, 3, 'Games', 'Interact with people in fun forum games', 20),
  191. (12, 4, 'Senior Staff', 'A board where senior staff can discuss future plans for the secret service.', 10),
  192. (13, 4, 'iC Board', 'Where important matters are discussed. ', 20),
  193. (14, 4, 'MoD Board', 'Need to submit your MoD report or talk about SS? Post it here.', 30),
  194. (15, 5, 'Online Services Administration', '', 10),
  195. (16, 5, 'Intelligence Service Administration', '', 20),
  196. (17, 5, 'External Affairs', '', 30),
  197. (18, 5, 'Internal Affairs', '', 40),
  198. (19, 5, 'Internal Investigating Unit', '', 50),
  199. (20, 5, 'Conflict Resolution Unit', '', 60),
  200. (21, 5, 'Standard Rank Council', '', 70),
  201. (22, 5, 'Social Media Team', '', 80),
  202. (23, 5, 'Development Team', '', 90),
  203. (24, 5, 'Advertising Team', '', 100),
  204. (25, 5, 'Event Planners', '', 110),
  205. (26, 4, 'Moderator Applications', 'Test your luck and skills and apply to become part of the MoD Trainee Program. ', 40);
  207. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  209. --
  210. -- Table structure for table `forum_sub_category_permission`
  211. --
  213. CREATE TABLE `forum_sub_category_permission` (
  214. `sub_category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  215. `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL
  218. --
  219. -- Dumping data for table `forum_sub_category_permission`
  220. --
  222. INSERT INTO `forum_sub_category_permission` (`sub_category_id`, `user_id`) VALUES
  223. (1, 1),
  224. (3, 1),
  225. (5, 1);
  227. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  229. --
  230. -- Table structure for table `forum_topic`
  231. --
  233. CREATE TABLE `forum_topic` (
  234. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  235. `category_id` text NOT NULL,
  236. `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  237. `topic_header` text NOT NULL,
  238. `topic_content` text NOT NULL,
  239. `timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
  240. `locked` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  241. `locked_by` text NOT NULL
  244. --
  245. -- Dumping data for table `forum_topic`
  246. --
  248. INSERT INTO `forum_topic` (`id`, `category_id`, `user_id`, `topic_header`, `topic_content`, `timestamp`, `locked`, `locked_by`) VALUES
  249. (1, '1', 34, 'Brand New Forum', '[h3]We have a brand new forum!![/h3]', 1477913257, 0, ''),
  250. (2, '1', 34, 'Brennan has retired from SS', 'jk, he hasn''t.. Click bait', 1477915826, 0, ''),
  251. (3, '1', 197, 'Kolja quits BC and hands Harry Ownership', 'not much ', 1477916593, 0, ''),
  252. (4, '1', 1, 'Test', 'Hello young people of the best [b]We''re currently testing out BBCODE. [color=#ff0000]Some Red Text. [i][u][s]and everythugn in between[/s][/u][/i][/color][/b]', 1477956500, 0, ''),
  253. (5, '1', 1, 'testing format', '[center][b]Helllo, its me!\n[spoiler]hey[/spoiler]\n:)\nxD\n:D\n[/b][i]hello, its me!\n\n[u]Hello, it''s me!\n\n[/u][s]Hello, it''s me![/s]\n[/i]\n[img][/img]\n\n[youtube]YCurrhGloxk[/youtube]\n[url][/url]\n[url=]Wikipedia[/url][/center][list=1][*]nothing\n[/*][/list][list][*]nothing[/*][/list][color=#ff7700]colored text[/color]', 1477957718, 0, ''),
  254. (6, '1', 1, '', '[video]ppQB374sKGQ[/video]', 1477959030, 0, ''),
  255. (7, '4', 1, 'New Forum', 'The forum has been moved over to the portal and become an [b]one account, two services[/b] thing.\n\nOver the next few weeks we will eventually add to the forum and allow for more features and make this the best forum!', 1477993710, 0, ''),
  256. (8, '4', 1, 'testing format', '[b]wqdjhbqwdhbjhqw\n\n\n[i]hbhjbjhbjhb\n\n[/i][/b][u]qwddqwwqddwqwqd\n\n[/u][s]qwddwqdwqwqdwq[/s]\n\n[s][img][/img][/s]\n\n[youtube]mgnECvX3nnc[/youtube]\n[url=]youtbebebeb[/url]\n\n[list][*]dwwdwdwwd[/*][*]dwwdwddwdw[/*][*]wdwdwddwwd[/*][*]dwdwdwdwdw[/*][*]dwdwdwdwdw[/*][/list][list=1][*]dwdwdwdw[/*][*]dwdwdwdw[/*][*]dwwdwdw[/*][*]feeffeeffeef[/*][*]feefefefeffe[/*][/list][color=#ff7700]wefjnewjkewkfjnjnkefwjknwefkjnwefjkn[/color][color=#cc4125]fwfewfewfewfewfwe[/color][color=#ff00ff]ewffewfewfew[/color][color=#9900ff]efewffewfewfew[/color][color=#0000ff]ewfewefwfewefw[/color][color=#1e84cc]efwefwfewefwfew[/color][color=#00ffff]efewfefwfewfewfew[/color][color=#00ff00]efewfefwefwfefwewefewf[/color]\n[center]kdqwjnqkwdjdwq\n\ndqwqdwdqw\n\n[/center][right][/right][center]wqddwqqwd[/center]', 1478951432, 0, '');
  258. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  260. --
  261. -- Table structure for table `forum_views`
  262. --
  264. CREATE TABLE `forum_views` (
  265. `thread_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  266. `username` text NOT NULL,
  267. `ip` int(11) NOT NULL
  268. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  270. --
  271. -- Dumping data for table `forum_views`
  272. --
  274. INSERT INTO `forum_views` (`thread_id`, `username`, `ip`) VALUES
  275. (5, 'admin', 0),
  276. (5, 'admin', 0);
  278. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  280. --
  281. -- Table structure for table `help`
  282. --
  284. CREATE TABLE `help` (
  285. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  286. `Type` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  287. `Name` text NOT NULL,
  288. `Message` text NOT NULL,
  289. `Status` varchar(100) NOT NULL
  292. --
  293. -- Dumping data for table `help`
  294. --
  296. INSERT INTO `help` (`ID`, `Type`, `Name`, `Message`, `Status`) VALUES
  297. (1, '', '', '', '2'),
  298. (2, '', '', '', '2'),
  299. (3, '1', 'GenR.', 'Lol', '2'),
  300. (4, '1', 'GenR.', 'Lol', '2'),
  301. (5, 'Report an issue?', 'r3qgr', 'rgqrgq', '2'),
  302. (6, 'Adding Portal Usergroup', 'qd', 'qwd', '2'),
  303. (7, 'Adding Portal Usergroup', 'ed', 'dew', '2'),
  304. (8, 'Report an issue?', 'qd', 'Two trolls are spamming and saying offensive remarks to staff as well as using colored chat and dancing.', '2'),
  305. (9, 'Accepting badge/forum?', 'qw', 'Two trolls are spamming and saying offensive remarks to staff as well as using colored chat and dancing.', '2'),
  306. (10, 'Accepting badge/forum?', 'qw', 'Two trolls are spamming and saying offensive remarks to staff as well as using colored chat and dancing.', '2'),
  307. (11, 'Report an issue?', 'faggo', 'lmaooooooooTwo trolls are spamming and saying offensive remarks to staff as well as using colored chat and dancing.', '2'),
  308. (12, 'Accepting badge/forum?', 'd', 'Two trolls are spamming and saying offensive remarks to staff as well as using colored chat and dancing.', '2'),
  309. (13, 'Select an option', 'Harry', 'Two trolls are spamming and saying offensive remarks to staff as well as using colored chat and dancing.', '2');
  311. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  313. --
  314. -- Table structure for table `Ip_address`
  315. --
  317. CREATE TABLE `Ip_address` (
  318. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  319. `ip_address` varchar(100) NOT NULL
  322. --
  323. -- Dumping data for table `Ip_address`
  324. --
  326. INSERT INTO `Ip_address` (`ID`, `ip_address`) VALUES
  327. (1, '100:255:123:64'),
  328. (2, '::1'),
  329. (3, '::1'),
  330. (4, '::1'),
  331. (5, '::1');
  333. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  335. --
  336. -- Table structure for table `LOA`
  337. --
  340. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  341. `name` text NOT NULL,
  342. `rank` text NOT NULL,
  343. `email` text NOT NULL,
  344. `reason` text NOT NULL,
  345. `length` text NOT NULL,
  346. `startdate` int(11) NOT NULL,
  347. `enddate` int(11) NOT NULL,
  348. `eu` text NOT NULL,
  349. `add_comment` text NOT NULL,
  350. `approved` int(11) NOT NULL
  353. --
  354. -- Dumping data for table `LOA`
  355. --
  357. INSERT INTO `LOA` (`id`, `name`, `rank`, `email`, `reason`, `length`, `startdate`, `enddate`, `eu`, `add_comment`, `approved`) VALUES
  358. (1, 'demo', 'Room Control', '', '', 'Basic', 1475626560, 1476836160, '4 October, 2016', 'Tesing', 1),
  359. (2, 'demo', 'Room Control', '', 'Why not, yolo?', 'Extended', 1475626560, 1477613760, '4 October, 2016', '', 1),
  360. (3, 'demo', 'Room Control', '', 'Why wouldn''t I go on LOA?', 'Basic', 1476922560, 1477440960, '', 'None.', 1),
  361. (4, 'demo', 'Room Control', '', 'Why wouldn''t I go on LOA?', 'Basic', 1476922560, 1477440960, 'Array', 'None.', 3),
  362. (5, 'demo', 'Room Control', '', 'Why wouldn''t I go on LOA?', 'Basic', 1476922560, 1477440960, '', 'None.', 0),
  363. (6, 'demo', 'Room Control', '', 'tewrft3y5kuiltrqe2tyul', 'Basic', 1476144960, 1476836160, '', 'rhtjykuilp9o8i7654rwdfdgkuio', 0),
  364. (7, 'demo', 'Room Control', '', 'why not?', 'Basic', 1476317760, 1477613760, 'DEV, , EA, , EP, , , ', 'none', 0),
  365. (8, 'demo', 'Room Control', '', 'why not?', 'Basic', 1476317760, 1477613760, 'DEV, , EA, , EP, , , ', 'none', 2);
  367. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  369. --
  370. -- Table structure for table `messages`
  371. --
  373. CREATE TABLE `messages` (
  374. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  375. `message` text NOT NULL,
  376. `sender` int(11) NOT NULL,
  377. `timestamp` int(10) NOT NULL
  380. --
  381. -- Dumping data for table `messages`
  382. --
  384. INSERT INTO `messages` (`ID`, `message`, `sender`, `timestamp`) VALUES
  385. (11, 'Hello,\n\nI wish to inform you Tadiwa cannot code for his life.\n\nKind regards,\nHarry.', 34, 1471692724),
  386. (12, 'http://localhost/fired/log/#', 34, 1471692724),
  387. (13, 'Hello young people of today,\n\nI''m here to test formatting!\n\nKind regards,\nPortal Admin', 34, 1471694245),
  388. (14, 'hello', 34, 1471695833),
  389. (15, 'Ola', 34, 1471695843),
  390. (16, 'Helllooooo America!\r\n\r\n\r\nKWdoenf\r\nefw\r\n\r\nefw\r\nefw\r\nefw\r\ne', 34, 1471696916),
  391. (17, 'dnqowoqiwjioqwojdjcnxk', 34, 1471697732),
  392. (18, 'kjnjnsdnvkn', 34, 1471697776),
  393. (19, 'Hello kind people of the world!', 34, 1471769011),
  394. (20, 'Another alert to piss people off :D', 34, 1471769024),
  395. (21, 'Another alert to piss people off :DAnother alert to piss people off :DAnother alert to piss people off :D', 34, 1471769027),
  396. (22, 'I like sneak peaks too!\r\n\r\nThis is the new notification system ;)\r\n\r\nKing regards,\r\nPortal Team', 34, 1471773429),
  397. (23, 'n', 34, 1472040529),
  398. (24, 'n', 34, 1472040669),
  399. (25, 'm', 34, 1472040906),
  400. (26, 'f', 34, 1472040970),
  401. (27, 'f', 34, 1472041089),
  402. (28, '<a href="">Hey</a>', 34, 1473584193),
  403. (29, 'This is a test alert that you can send to users and they can''t dismiss it... LOL', 34, 1473832222),
  404. (30, 'Astra, thanks for helping but this cuts off and idk how to fix it.. See?', 34, 1473837233),
  405. (31, 'Characters\r\nThere are many characters in this book such as, George, Lennie, Curly, Candy, Crooks, Curley''s Wife, Slim, Carlson, Aunt Clara, and Whit. The two main characters are George and Lennie. The video will show you who they are and how they act.', 34, 1473837729),
  406. (32, 'fewfewfewewnlnelwnflnelnewlknelwknelnelnelnwlnewlnefjnkf,dsnvmdnvns,mdvn,smnv,', 34, 1474293541),
  407. (33, '$(document).ready(function() {\n $(''#summernote'').summernote();\n});\newewfwefewewfwfefewefwf\n\n<a', 34, 1474293661),
  408. (34, '$(document).ready(function() {\r\n $(''#summernote'').summernote();\r\n});\r\newewfwefewewfwfefewefwf', 34, 1474293744),
  409. (35, 'qwqdwqwqddqwdwqdqwdwqwqdqdqwdqdqwwdqwqdwdqwddwqqdwwqwdqdwq', 34, 1474293837),
  410. (36, '<a href="Jimmy">Google</a><a href="Jimmy">Google</a><a href="Jimmy">Google</a><a href="Jimmy">Google</a><a href="Jimmy">Google</a><a href="Jimmy">Google</a><a href="Jimmy">Google</a><a href="Jimmy">Google</a>', 34, 1474293906),
  411. (37, 'qejwefjewlkjflkwjflkjwelkfjlwkjflkwjlfkjwelkjlwkjelwfjewlfjlefkwjklefwjlkewfjklewfjklewfjklewfjkljklefw', 34, 1474630306),
  412. (38, '', 34, 1474674485),
  413. (39, '', 34, 1474674540),
  414. (40, 'wdfefrewdvefvefveevffefvfffvffveffveffvefevfvf3rfff3ffrfvfrf', 1, 1478003820),
  415. (41, 'The 2016 Summer [b]Paralympics[/b] (Brazilian Portuguese: Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão de 2016), the fifteenth Summer [b]Paralympic[/b]Games, were a major international multi-sport event for athletes with disabilities governed by the International [b]Paralympic[/b] Committee, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.', 1, 1478004123),
  416. (42, 'The 2016 Summer [b]Paralympics[/b] (Brazilian Portuguese: Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão de 2016), the fifteenth Summer [b]Paralympic[/b]Games, were a major international multi-sport event for athletes with disabilities governed by the International [b]Paralympic[/b] Committee, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.\\r\\n[url=]Website[/url]', 1, 1478004412),
  417. (43, '', 1, 1478593157);
  419. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  421. --
  422. -- Table structure for table `messages_users`
  423. --
  425. CREATE TABLE `messages_users` (
  426. `message_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  427. `receiver_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  428. `message_read` tinyint(1) NOT NULL
  429. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  431. --
  432. -- Dumping data for table `messages_users`
  433. --
  435. INSERT INTO `messages_users` (`message_id`, `receiver_id`, `message_read`) VALUES
  436. (8, 1, 1),
  437. (8, 10, 0),
  438. (8, 20, 0),
  439. (8, 22, 0),
  440. (8, 28, 0),
  441. (8, 34, 1),
  442. (8, 35, 0),
  443. (8, 37, 0),
  444. (8, 38, 1),
  445. (8, 40, 0),
  446. (8, 42, 0),
  447. (8, 43, 0),
  448. (8, 44, 1),
  449. (8, 45, 1),
  450. (8, 46, 0),
  451. (9, 1, 1),
  452. (9, 10, 0),
  453. (9, 20, 0),
  454. (9, 22, 0),
  455. (9, 28, 0),
  456. (9, 34, 1),
  457. (9, 35, 0),
  458. (9, 37, 0),
  459. (9, 38, 1),
  460. (9, 40, 0),
  461. (9, 42, 0),
  462. (9, 43, 0),
  463. (9, 44, 1),
  464. (9, 45, 1),
  465. (9, 46, 0),
  466. (10, 1, 1),
  467. (10, 10, 0),
  468. (10, 20, 0),
  469. (10, 22, 0),
  470. (10, 28, 0),
  471. (10, 34, 1),
  472. (10, 35, 0),
  473. (10, 37, 0),
  474. (10, 38, 1),
  475. (10, 40, 0),
  476. (10, 42, 0),
  477. (10, 43, 0),
  478. (10, 44, 1),
  479. (10, 45, 1),
  480. (10, 46, 0),
  481. (11, 1, 0),
  482. (11, 10, 0),
  483. (11, 20, 0),
  484. (11, 22, 0),
  485. (11, 28, 0),
  486. (11, 34, 1),
  487. (11, 35, 0),
  488. (11, 37, 0),
  489. (11, 38, 1),
  490. (11, 40, 0),
  491. (11, 42, 0),
  492. (11, 43, 0),
  493. (11, 44, 0),
  494. (11, 45, 1),
  495. (11, 47, 0),
  496. (12, 1, 0),
  497. (12, 10, 0),
  498. (12, 20, 0),
  499. (12, 22, 0),
  500. (12, 28, 0),
  501. (12, 34, 1),
  502. (12, 35, 0),
  503. (12, 37, 0),
  504. (12, 38, 0),
  505. (12, 40, 0),
  506. (12, 42, 0),
  507. (12, 43, 0),
  508. (12, 44, 0),
  509. (12, 45, 1),
  510. (12, 47, 0),
  511. (13, 1, 0),
  512. (13, 10, 0),
  513. (13, 20, 0),
  514. (13, 22, 0),
  515. (13, 28, 0),
  516. (13, 34, 1),
  517. (13, 35, 0),
  518. (13, 37, 0),
  519. (13, 38, 0),
  520. (13, 40, 0),
  521. (13, 42, 0),
  522. (13, 43, 0),
  523. (13, 44, 0),
  524. (13, 45, 1),
  525. (13, 47, 0),
  526. (14, 1, 0),
  527. (14, 10, 0),
  528. (14, 20, 0),
  529. (14, 22, 0),
  530. (14, 28, 0),
  531. (14, 34, 1),
  532. (14, 35, 0),
  533. (14, 37, 0),
  534. (14, 38, 0),
  535. (14, 40, 0),
  536. (14, 42, 0),
  537. (14, 43, 0),
  538. (14, 44, 0),
  539. (14, 45, 1),
  540. (14, 47, 0),
  541. (15, 1, 0),
  542. (15, 10, 0),
  543. (15, 20, 0),
  544. (15, 22, 0),
  545. (15, 28, 0),
  546. (15, 34, 1),
  547. (15, 35, 0),
  548. (15, 37, 0),
  549. (15, 38, 0),
  550. (15, 40, 0),
  551. (15, 42, 0),
  552. (15, 43, 0),
  553. (15, 44, 0),
  554. (15, 45, 1),
  555. (15, 47, 0),
  556. (16, 1, 0),
  557. (16, 10, 0),
  558. (16, 20, 0),
  559. (16, 22, 0),
  560. (16, 28, 0),
  561. (16, 34, 1),
  562. (16, 35, 0),
  563. (16, 37, 0),
  564. (16, 38, 0),
  565. (16, 40, 0),
  566. (16, 42, 0),
  567. (16, 43, 0),
  568. (16, 44, 0),
  569. (16, 45, 1),
  570. (16, 47, 0),
  571. (17, 1, 0),
  572. (17, 10, 0),
  573. (17, 20, 0),
  574. (17, 22, 0),
  575. (17, 28, 0),
  576. (17, 34, 1),
  577. (17, 35, 0),
  578. (17, 37, 0),
  579. (17, 38, 0),
  580. (17, 40, 0),
  581. (17, 42, 0),
  582. (17, 43, 0),
  583. (17, 44, 0),
  584. (17, 45, 1),
  585. (17, 47, 0),
  586. (18, 1, 0),
  587. (18, 10, 0),
  588. (18, 20, 0),
  589. (18, 22, 0),
  590. (18, 28, 0),
  591. (18, 34, 1),
  592. (18, 35, 0),
  593. (18, 37, 0),
  594. (18, 38, 0),
  595. (18, 40, 0),
  596. (18, 42, 0),
  597. (18, 43, 0),
  598. (18, 44, 0),
  599. (18, 45, 1),
  600. (18, 47, 0),
  601. (19, 1, 0),
  602. (19, 10, 0),
  603. (19, 20, 0),
  604. (19, 22, 0),
  605. (19, 28, 0),
  606. (19, 34, 1),
  607. (19, 35, 0),
  608. (19, 37, 0),
  609. (19, 38, 0),
  610. (19, 40, 0),
  611. (19, 42, 0),
  612. (19, 43, 0),
  613. (19, 44, 0),
  614. (19, 45, 0),
  615. (19, 47, 0),
  616. (20, 1, 0),
  617. (20, 10, 0),
  618. (20, 20, 0),
  619. (20, 22, 0),
  620. (20, 28, 0),
  621. (20, 34, 1),
  622. (20, 35, 0),
  623. (20, 37, 0),
  624. (20, 38, 0),
  625. (20, 40, 0),
  626. (20, 42, 0),
  627. (20, 43, 0),
  628. (20, 44, 0),
  629. (20, 45, 0),
  630. (20, 47, 0),
  631. (21, 1, 0),
  632. (21, 10, 0),
  633. (21, 20, 0),
  634. (21, 22, 0),
  635. (21, 28, 0),
  636. (21, 34, 1),
  637. (21, 35, 0),
  638. (21, 37, 0),
  639. (21, 38, 0),
  640. (21, 40, 0),
  641. (21, 42, 0),
  642. (21, 43, 0),
  643. (21, 44, 0),
  644. (21, 45, 0),
  645. (21, 47, 0),
  646. (22, 1, 0),
  647. (22, 10, 0),
  648. (22, 20, 0),
  649. (22, 22, 0),
  650. (22, 28, 0),
  651. (22, 34, 1),
  652. (22, 35, 0),
  653. (22, 37, 0),
  654. (22, 38, 0),
  655. (22, 40, 0),
  656. (22, 42, 0),
  657. (22, 43, 0),
  658. (22, 44, 0),
  659. (22, 45, 0),
  660. (22, 47, 0),
  661. (23, 1, 0),
  662. (23, 10, 0),
  663. (23, 20, 0),
  664. (23, 22, 0),
  665. (23, 28, 0),
  666. (23, 34, 1),
  667. (23, 35, 0),
  668. (23, 37, 0),
  669. (23, 38, 0),
  670. (23, 40, 0),
  671. (23, 42, 0),
  672. (23, 43, 0),
  673. (23, 44, 0),
  674. (23, 45, 0),
  675. (23, 47, 0),
  676. (24, 1, 0),
  677. (24, 10, 0),
  678. (24, 20, 0),
  679. (24, 22, 0),
  680. (24, 28, 0),
  681. (24, 34, 1),
  682. (24, 35, 0),
  683. (24, 37, 0),
  684. (24, 38, 0),
  685. (24, 40, 0),
  686. (24, 42, 0),
  687. (24, 43, 0),
  688. (24, 44, 0),
  689. (24, 45, 0),
  690. (24, 47, 0),
  691. (25, 1, 0),
  692. (25, 10, 0),
  693. (25, 20, 0),
  694. (25, 22, 0),
  695. (25, 28, 0),
  696. (25, 34, 1),
  697. (25, 35, 0),
  698. (25, 37, 0),
  699. (25, 38, 0),
  700. (25, 40, 0),
  701. (25, 42, 0),
  702. (25, 43, 0),
  703. (25, 44, 0),
  704. (25, 45, 0),
  705. (25, 47, 0),
  706. (26, 1, 0),
  707. (26, 10, 0),
  708. (26, 20, 0),
  709. (26, 22, 0),
  710. (26, 28, 0),
  711. (26, 34, 1),
  712. (26, 35, 0),
  713. (26, 37, 0),
  714. (26, 38, 0),
  715. (26, 40, 0),
  716. (26, 42, 0),
  717. (26, 43, 0),
  718. (26, 44, 0),
  719. (26, 45, 0),
  720. (26, 47, 0),
  721. (27, 1, 0),
  722. (27, 10, 0),
  723. (27, 20, 0),
  724. (27, 22, 0),
  725. (27, 28, 0),
  726. (27, 34, 1),
  727. (27, 35, 0),
  728. (27, 37, 0),
  729. (27, 38, 0),
  730. (27, 40, 0),
  731. (27, 42, 0),
  732. (27, 43, 0),
  733. (27, 44, 0),
  734. (27, 45, 0),
  735. (27, 47, 0),
  736. (28, 1, 0),
  737. (28, 10, 0),
  738. (28, 22, 0),
  739. (28, 28, 0),
  740. (28, 34, 1),
  741. (28, 35, 0),
  742. (28, 37, 0),
  743. (28, 38, 0),
  744. (28, 40, 0),
  745. (28, 42, 0),
  746. (28, 43, 0),
  747. (28, 44, 0),
  748. (28, 45, 0),
  749. (28, 47, 0),
  750. (29, 1, 0),
  751. (29, 10, 0),
  752. (29, 22, 0),
  753. (29, 28, 0),
  754. (29, 34, 1),
  755. (29, 35, 0),
  756. (29, 37, 0),
  757. (29, 38, 0),
  758. (29, 40, 0),
  759. (29, 42, 0),
  760. (29, 43, 0),
  761. (29, 44, 0),
  762. (29, 45, 0),
  763. (29, 47, 0),
  764. (30, 1, 0),
  765. (30, 10, 0),
  766. (30, 22, 0),
  767. (30, 28, 0),
  768. (30, 34, 1),
  769. (30, 35, 0),
  770. (30, 37, 0),
  771. (30, 38, 0),
  772. (30, 40, 0),
  773. (30, 42, 0),
  774. (30, 43, 0),
  775. (30, 44, 0),
  776. (30, 45, 0),
  777. (30, 47, 0),
  778. (31, 1, 0),
  779. (31, 10, 0),
  780. (31, 22, 0),
  781. (31, 28, 0),
  782. (31, 34, 1),
  783. (31, 35, 0),
  784. (31, 37, 0),
  785. (31, 38, 0),
  786. (31, 40, 0),
  787. (31, 42, 0),
  788. (31, 43, 0),
  789. (31, 44, 0),
  790. (31, 45, 0),
  791. (31, 47, 0),
  792. (32, 1, 0),
  793. (32, 10, 0),
  794. (32, 22, 0),
  795. (32, 28, 0),
  796. (32, 34, 1),
  797. (32, 35, 0),
  798. (32, 37, 0),
  799. (32, 38, 0),
  800. (32, 40, 0),
  801. (32, 42, 0),
  802. (32, 43, 0),
  803. (32, 44, 0),
  804. (32, 47, 0),
  805. (33, 1, 0),
  806. (33, 10, 0),
  807. (33, 22, 0),
  808. (33, 28, 0),
  809. (33, 34, 1),
  810. (33, 35, 0),
  811. (33, 37, 0),
  812. (33, 38, 0),
  813. (33, 40, 0),
  814. (33, 42, 0),
  815. (33, 43, 0),
  816. (33, 44, 0),
  817. (33, 47, 0),
  818. (34, 1, 0),
  819. (34, 10, 0),
  820. (34, 22, 0),
  821. (34, 28, 0),
  822. (34, 34, 1),
  823. (34, 35, 0),
  824. (34, 37, 0),
  825. (34, 38, 0),
  826. (34, 40, 0),
  827. (34, 42, 0),
  828. (34, 43, 0),
  829. (34, 44, 0),
  830. (34, 47, 0),
  831. (35, 1, 0),
  832. (35, 10, 0),
  833. (35, 22, 0),
  834. (35, 28, 0),
  835. (35, 34, 1),
  836. (35, 35, 0),
  837. (35, 37, 0),
  838. (35, 38, 0),
  839. (35, 40, 0),
  840. (35, 42, 0),
  841. (35, 43, 0),
  842. (35, 44, 0),
  843. (35, 47, 0),
  844. (36, 1, 0),
  845. (36, 10, 0),
  846. (36, 22, 0),
  847. (36, 28, 0),
  848. (36, 34, 1),
  849. (36, 35, 0),
  850. (36, 37, 0),
  851. (36, 38, 0),
  852. (36, 40, 0),
  853. (36, 42, 0),
  854. (36, 43, 0),
  855. (36, 44, 0),
  856. (36, 47, 0),
  857. (37, 1, 0),
  858. (37, 10, 0),
  859. (37, 22, 0),
  860. (37, 28, 0),
  861. (37, 34, 1),
  862. (37, 35, 0),
  863. (37, 37, 0),
  864. (37, 38, 0),
  865. (37, 40, 0),
  866. (37, 42, 0),
  867. (37, 43, 0),
  868. (37, 44, 0),
  869. (38, 1, 1),
  870. (38, 10, 0),
  871. (38, 22, 0),
  872. (38, 28, 0),
  873. (38, 34, 1),
  874. (38, 35, 0),
  875. (38, 37, 0),
  876. (38, 38, 0),
  877. (38, 40, 0),
  878. (38, 42, 0),
  879. (38, 43, 0),
  880. (38, 44, 0),
  881. (39, 1, 1),
  882. (39, 10, 0),
  883. (39, 22, 0),
  884. (39, 28, 0),
  885. (39, 34, 1),
  886. (39, 35, 0),
  887. (39, 37, 0),
  888. (39, 38, 0),
  889. (39, 40, 0),
  890. (39, 42, 0),
  891. (39, 43, 0),
  892. (39, 44, 0),
  893. (40, 1, 0),
  894. (40, 34, 1),
  895. (40, 42, 0),
  896. (40, 112, 0),
  897. (40, 116, 0),
  898. (40, 119, 0),
  899. (40, 120, 0),
  900. (40, 121, 0),
  901. (40, 122, 0),
  902. (40, 123, 0),
  903. (40, 124, 0),
  904. (40, 127, 0),
  905. (40, 128, 0),
  906. (40, 131, 0),
  907. (40, 132, 0),
  908. (40, 133, 0),
  909. (40, 134, 0),
  910. (40, 136, 0),
  911. (40, 137, 0),
  912. (40, 138, 0),
  913. (40, 139, 0),
  914. (40, 140, 0),
  915. (40, 141, 0),
  916. (40, 143, 0),
  917. (40, 144, 0),
  918. (40, 145, 0),
  919. (40, 146, 0),
  920. (40, 148, 0),
  921. (40, 149, 0),
  922. (40, 150, 0),
  923. (40, 152, 0),
  924. (40, 153, 0),
  925. (40, 154, 0),
  926. (40, 155, 0),
  927. (40, 156, 0),
  928. (40, 157, 0),
  929. (40, 158, 0),
  930. (40, 161, 0),
  931. (40, 163, 0),
  932. (40, 164, 0),
  933. (40, 165, 0),
  934. (40, 166, 0),
  935. (40, 167, 0),
  936. (40, 168, 0),
  937. (40, 169, 0),
  938. (40, 170, 0),
  939. (40, 174, 0),
  940. (40, 175, 0),
  941. (40, 179, 0),
  942. (40, 180, 0),
  943. (40, 181, 0),
  944. (40, 182, 0),
  945. (40, 183, 0),
  946. (40, 185, 0),
  947. (40, 186, 0),
  948. (40, 187, 0),
  949. (40, 189, 0),
  950. (40, 190, 0),
  951. (40, 191, 0),
  952. (40, 193, 0),
  953. (40, 195, 0),
  954. (40, 196, 0),
  955. (40, 197, 0),
  956. (40, 198, 0),
  957. (40, 199, 0),
  958. (40, 200, 0),
  959. (41, 1, 0),
  960. (41, 34, 1),
  961. (41, 42, 0),
  962. (41, 112, 0),
  963. (41, 116, 0),
  964. (41, 119, 0),
  965. (41, 120, 0),
  966. (41, 121, 0),
  967. (41, 122, 0),
  968. (41, 123, 0),
  969. (41, 124, 0),
  970. (41, 127, 0),
  971. (41, 128, 0),
  972. (41, 131, 0),
  973. (41, 132, 0),
  974. (41, 133, 0),
  975. (41, 134, 0),
  976. (41, 136, 0),
  977. (41, 137, 0),
  978. (41, 138, 0),
  979. (41, 139, 0),
  980. (41, 140, 0),
  981. (41, 141, 0),
  982. (41, 143, 0),
  983. (41, 144, 0),
  984. (41, 145, 0),
  985. (41, 146, 0),
  986. (41, 148, 0),
  987. (41, 149, 0),
  988. (41, 150, 0),
  989. (41, 152, 0),
  990. (41, 153, 0),
  991. (41, 154, 0),
  992. (41, 155, 0),
  993. (41, 156, 0),
  994. (41, 157, 0),
  995. (41, 158, 0),
  996. (41, 161, 0),
  997. (41, 163, 0),
  998. (41, 164, 0),
  999. (41, 165, 0),
  1000. (41, 166, 0),
  1001. (41, 167, 0),
  1002. (41, 168, 0),
  1003. (41, 169, 0),
  1004. (41, 170, 0),
  1005. (41, 174, 0),
  1006. (41, 175, 0),
  1007. (41, 179, 0),
  1008. (41, 180, 0),
  1009. (41, 181, 0),
  1010. (41, 182, 0),
  1011. (41, 183, 0),
  1012. (41, 185, 0),
  1013. (41, 186, 0),
  1014. (41, 187, 0),
  1015. (41, 189, 0),
  1016. (41, 190, 0),
  1017. (41, 191, 0),
  1018. (41, 193, 0),
  1019. (41, 195, 0),
  1020. (41, 196, 0),
  1021. (41, 197, 0),
  1022. (41, 198, 0),
  1023. (41, 199, 0),
  1024. (41, 200, 0),
  1025. (42, 1, 1),
  1026. (42, 34, 1),
  1027. (42, 42, 0),
  1028. (42, 112, 0),
  1029. (42, 116, 0),
  1030. (42, 119, 0),
  1031. (42, 120, 0),
  1032. (42, 121, 0),
  1033. (42, 122, 0),
  1034. (42, 123, 0),
  1035. (42, 124, 0),
  1036. (42, 127, 0),
  1037. (42, 128, 0),
  1038. (42, 131, 0),
  1039. (42, 132, 0),
  1040. (42, 133, 0),
  1041. (42, 134, 0),
  1042. (42, 136, 0),
  1043. (42, 137, 0),
  1044. (42, 138, 0),
  1045. (42, 139, 0),
  1046. (42, 140, 0),
  1047. (42, 141, 0),
  1048. (42, 143, 0),
  1049. (42, 144, 0),
  1050. (42, 145, 0),
  1051. (42, 146, 0),
  1052. (42, 148, 0),
  1053. (42, 149, 0),
  1054. (42, 150, 0),
  1055. (42, 152, 0),
  1056. (42, 153, 0),
  1057. (42, 154, 0),
  1058. (42, 155, 0),
  1059. (42, 156, 0),
  1060. (42, 157, 0),
  1061. (42, 158, 0),
  1062. (42, 161, 0),
  1063. (42, 163, 0),
  1064. (42, 164, 0),
  1065. (42, 165, 0),
  1066. (42, 166, 0),
  1067. (42, 167, 0),
  1068. (42, 168, 0),
  1069. (42, 169, 0),
  1070. (42, 170, 0),
  1071. (42, 174, 0),
  1072. (42, 175, 0),
  1073. (42, 179, 0),
  1074. (42, 180, 0),
  1075. (42, 181, 0),
  1076. (42, 182, 0),
  1077. (42, 183, 0),
  1078. (42, 185, 0),
  1079. (42, 186, 0),
  1080. (42, 187, 0),
  1081. (42, 189, 0),
  1082. (42, 190, 0),
  1083. (42, 191, 0),
  1084. (42, 193, 0),
  1085. (42, 195, 0),
  1086. (42, 196, 0),
  1087. (42, 197, 0),
  1088. (42, 198, 0),
  1089. (42, 199, 0),
  1090. (42, 200, 0),
  1091. (43, 1, 0),
  1092. (43, 34, 0),
  1093. (43, 42, 0),
  1094. (43, 112, 0),
  1095. (43, 116, 0),
  1096. (43, 119, 0),
  1097. (43, 120, 0),
  1098. (43, 121, 0),
  1099. (43, 122, 0),
  1100. (43, 123, 0),
  1101. (43, 124, 0),
  1102. (43, 127, 0),
  1103. (43, 128, 0),
  1104. (43, 131, 0),
  1105. (43, 132, 0),
  1106. (43, 133, 0),
  1107. (43, 134, 0),
  1108. (43, 136, 0),
  1109. (43, 137, 0),
  1110. (43, 138, 0),
  1111. (43, 139, 0),
  1112. (43, 140, 0),
  1113. (43, 141, 0),
  1114. (43, 143, 0),
  1115. (43, 144, 0),
  1116. (43, 145, 0),
  1117. (43, 146, 0),
  1118. (43, 148, 0),
  1119. (43, 149, 0),
  1120. (43, 150, 0),
  1121. (43, 152, 0),
  1122. (43, 153, 0),
  1123. (43, 154, 0),
  1124. (43, 155, 0),
  1125. (43, 156, 0),
  1126. (43, 157, 0),
  1127. (43, 158, 0),
  1128. (43, 161, 0),
  1129. (43, 163, 0),
  1130. (43, 164, 0),
  1131. (43, 165, 0),
  1132. (43, 166, 0),
  1133. (43, 167, 0),
  1134. (43, 168, 0),
  1135. (43, 169, 0),
  1136. (43, 170, 0),
  1137. (43, 174, 0),
  1138. (43, 175, 0),
  1139. (43, 179, 0),
  1140. (43, 180, 0),
  1141. (43, 181, 0),
  1142. (43, 182, 0),
  1143. (43, 183, 0),
  1144. (43, 185, 0),
  1145. (43, 186, 0),
  1146. (43, 187, 0),
  1147. (43, 189, 0),
  1148. (43, 190, 0),
  1149. (43, 191, 0),
  1150. (43, 193, 0),
  1151. (43, 195, 0),
  1152. (43, 196, 0),
  1153. (43, 197, 0),
  1154. (43, 198, 0),
  1155. (43, 199, 0),
  1156. (43, 200, 0);
  1158. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1160. --
  1161. -- Table structure for table `players`
  1162. --
  1164. CREATE TABLE `players` (
  1165. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1166. `firstname` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  1167. `lastname` varchar(32) NOT NULL
  1170. --
  1171. -- Dumping data for table `players`
  1172. --
  1174. INSERT INTO `players` (`id`, `firstname`, `lastname`) VALUES
  1175. (10, 'd', 'd'),
  1176. (9, 'd', 'd'),
  1177. (8, 'd', 'd');
  1179. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1181. --
  1182. -- Table structure for table `portalconfiguration`
  1183. --
  1185. CREATE TABLE `portalconfiguration` (
  1186. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1187. `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  1188. `value` varchar(150) NOT NULL
  1191. --
  1192. -- Dumping data for table `portalconfiguration`
  1193. --
  1195. INSERT INTO `portalconfiguration` (`id`, `name`, `value`) VALUES
  1196. (1, 'website_name', 'Habbo SS Portal'),
  1197. (2, 'website_url', 'localhost/'),
  1198. (3, 'email', ''),
  1199. (4, 'activation', 'false'),
  1200. (5, 'resend_activation_threshold', '1'),
  1201. (6, 'language', '../models/languages/en.php'),
  1202. (7, 'template', 'models/site-templates/default.css'),
  1203. (8, 'maintenance', ''),
  1204. (9, 'remember_me_length', '1wk'),
  1205. (10, 'error_handling', '1');
  1207. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1209. --
  1210. -- Table structure for table `portallogs`
  1211. --
  1213. CREATE TABLE `portallogs` (
  1214. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1215. `Username` text NOT NULL,
  1216. `ip` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1217. `action` text NOT NULL,
  1218. `page` text NOT NULL,
  1219. `time` int(11) NOT NULL
  1222. --
  1223. -- Dumping data for table `portallogs`
  1224. --
  1226. INSERT INTO `portallogs` (`ID`, `Username`, `ip`, `action`, `page`, `time`) VALUES
  1227. (1, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted ''hhhh''''s portal account', 'Admin Users', 1476227787),
  1228. (2, 'demo', 0, 'Updated hhhh email to', 'Admin Users', 1476227813),
  1229. (3, 'demo', 0, 'Updated hhhh rank to Recruit123', 'Admin Users', 1476227813),
  1230. (4, 'demo', 0, 'Updated jjkjjkjkjk username to jk', 'Admin Users', 1476229558),
  1231. (5, 'demo', 0, 'Added 1 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1476241309),
  1232. (6, 'demo', 0, 'Updated his own promotion log; id = 107', 'Edit Log', 1476340384),
  1233. (7, 'demo', 0, 'Updated test''s promotion log; id = 89', 'Edit Log', 1476340431),
  1234. (11, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Portal Configuration', 'Portal Configuration', 1476564326),
  1235. (12, 'demo', 0, 'Updated tag to tdh1', 'Account Settings', 1476602068),
  1236. (14, 'demo', 0, 'Updated tag to lool', 'Account Settings', 1476602115),
  1237. (16, 'demo', 0, 'Updated tag to dnh', 'Account Settings', 1476602213),
  1238. (18, 'demo', 0, 'Updated tag to lool', 'Account Settings', 1476602282),
  1239. (20, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476862160),
  1240. (21, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476862289),
  1241. (22, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476862301),
  1242. (23, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476862604),
  1243. (24, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476862718),
  1244. (25, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476862730),
  1245. (26, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476862745),
  1246. (27, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476862772),
  1247. (28, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476862953),
  1248. (29, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476862984),
  1249. (30, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476863182),
  1250. (31, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476863354),
  1251. (32, 'hhhh', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476863448),
  1252. (33, 'hhhh', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476863583),
  1253. (35, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476874626),
  1254. (36, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476874733),
  1255. (37, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476875144),
  1256. (38, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476875276),
  1257. (39, 'dwwd', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user dwwd.', 'Log In', 1476875555),
  1258. (40, 'dwwd', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user dwwd.', 'Log In', 1476875729),
  1259. (41, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476919029),
  1260. (42, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476919031),
  1261. (43, 'demo', 0, 'Visited GenR.''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476919058),
  1262. (44, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476919075),
  1263. (45, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jjkjjkjkjk''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476919842),
  1264. (46, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jjkjjkjkjk''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476919881),
  1265. (47, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jjkjjkjkjk''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476919948),
  1266. (48, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jjkjjkjkjk''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476919995),
  1267. (49, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476920257),
  1268. (50, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476920929),
  1269. (51, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jjkjjkjkjk''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476921457),
  1270. (52, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476923635),
  1271. (53, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476923647),
  1272. (54, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476923663),
  1273. (55, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476923667),
  1274. (56, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476923683),
  1275. (57, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476923694),
  1276. (58, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476923832),
  1277. (59, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476923859),
  1278. (60, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476923861),
  1279. (61, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476926431),
  1280. (62, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jjkjjkjkjk''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476929021),
  1281. (63, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476929089),
  1282. (64, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jim''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476929095),
  1283. (65, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476929475),
  1284. (66, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476929780),
  1285. (67, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476929815),
  1286. (68, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476929830),
  1287. (69, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476930155),
  1288. (70, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476936164),
  1289. (71, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936165),
  1290. (72, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476936167),
  1291. (73, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jim''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936168),
  1292. (74, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jim''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936172),
  1293. (75, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jim''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936191),
  1294. (76, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jim''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936201),
  1295. (77, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jim''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936223),
  1296. (78, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jim''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936226),
  1297. (79, 'demo', 0, 'Added 1 permissions from jim', 'Admin Users', 1476936226),
  1298. (80, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jim''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936230),
  1299. (81, 'demo', 0, 'Removed 1 permissions from jim', 'Admin Users', 1476936230),
  1300. (82, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted SS-Director account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476936600),
  1301. (83, 'demo', 0, 'Visited jjkjjkjkjk''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476936605),
  1302. (84, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted SS-Director account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476936607),
  1303. (85, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted SS-Director account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476936791),
  1304. (86, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted jim account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476936976),
  1305. (87, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted jim account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476937167),
  1306. (88, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted hhhh account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476937174),
  1307. (89, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted SS-Director account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476937359),
  1308. (90, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted SS-Director account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476937406),
  1309. (91, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476937481),
  1310. (92, 'demo', 0, 'Visited GenR.''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476937484),
  1311. (93, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted genr. account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476937520),
  1312. (94, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted blib account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476937733),
  1313. (95, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted jim account and applied the Trainer usergroup', 'Admin Accept', 1476937961),
  1314. (96, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476950468),
  1315. (97, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476950532),
  1316. (98, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476950546),
  1317. (99, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476950950),
  1318. (100, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In ', 'Log In', 1476950971),
  1319. (101, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1476951087),
  1320. (102, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1476951094),
  1321. (103, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1476951104),
  1322. (104, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476952389),
  1323. (105, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476952476),
  1324. (106, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476954196),
  1325. (107, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476954247),
  1326. (108, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476954252),
  1327. (109, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476954312),
  1328. (110, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476954324),
  1329. (111, 'demo', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476954326),
  1330. (112, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476954330),
  1331. (113, 'demo', 0, 'Visited ShaynanKeng''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1476954333),
  1332. (114, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1476954340),
  1333. (115, 'demo', 0, ' rejected mr_loo''s portal request.', 'Accept User', 1477034215),
  1334. (116, 'demo', 0, 'Visited TyroneTheRabbi''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477034855),
  1335. (117, 'demo', 0, 'Visited TyroneTheRabbi''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477034992),
  1336. (118, 'demo', 0, 'Visited TyroneTheRabbi''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477035002),
  1337. (119, 'demo', 0, 'Updated TyroneTheRabbi email to', 'Admin Users', 1477035002),
  1338. (120, 'demo', 0, 'Visited TyroneTheRabbi''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477035007),
  1339. (121, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted tyronetherabbi''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477035146),
  1340. (122, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted tyronetherabbi''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477035221),
  1341. (123, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477035346),
  1342. (124, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477035357),
  1343. (125, 'demo', 0, 'Visited SSBrad''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477035362),
  1344. (126, 'demo', 0, 'Visited TyroneTheRabbi''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477035368),
  1345. (127, 'demo', 0, 'Visited SSBrad''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477035428),
  1346. (128, 'demo', 0, 'Visited SSBrad''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477035439),
  1347. (129, 'demo', 0, 'Updated SSBrad email to', 'Admin Users', 1477035439),
  1348. (130, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted braddsterr''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477035445),
  1349. (131, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477035740),
  1350. (132, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477035768),
  1351. (133, 'demo', 0, 'Visited SSBrad''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477035776),
  1352. (134, 'demo', 0, 'Visited iLolax''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477036185),
  1353. (135, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted ilolax''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477036186),
  1354. (136, 'demo', 0, 'Visited iLolax''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477036248),
  1355. (137, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted braddsterr''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477036528),
  1356. (138, 'demo', 0, 'Visited SSBrad''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477036534),
  1357. (139, 'demo', 0, 'Visited SSBrad''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477037178),
  1358. (140, 'demo', 0, 'Removed 1 permissions from SSBrad', 'Admin Users', 1477037178),
  1359. (141, 'demo', 0, 'Visited iLolax''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477037258),
  1360. (142, 'demo', 0, 'Visited iLolax''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477037263),
  1361. (143, 'demo', 0, 'Updated iLolax email to', 'Admin Users', 1477037263),
  1362. (144, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted ilolax''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477037269),
  1363. (145, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Rainelia''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477037276),
  1364. (146, 'demo', 0, 'Visited iLolax''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477037280),
  1365. (147, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477037352),
  1366. (148, 'demo', 0, 'Visited misarella101''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477037354),
  1367. (149, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477037362),
  1368. (150, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Rainelia''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477037366),
  1369. (151, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477037373),
  1370. (152, 'TyroneTheRabbi', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477214838),
  1371. (153, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477214864),
  1372. (154, 'demo', 0, 'Visited TyroneTheRabbi''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477214895),
  1373. (155, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted tyronetherabbi''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477214901),
  1374. (156, 'TyroneTheRabbi', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477214911),
  1375. (157, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477214942),
  1376. (158, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477214999),
  1377. (159, 'demo', 0, 'Visited TyroneTheRabbi''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477215004),
  1378. (160, 'demo', 0, 'Visited TyroneTheRabbi''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477215008),
  1379. (161, 'demo', 0, 'Removed 1 permissions from TyroneTheRabbi', 'Admin Users', 1477215008),
  1380. (162, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted tyronetherabbi''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477215040),
  1381. (163, 'TyroneTheRabbi', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477215048),
  1382. (164, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477215346),
  1383. (165, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477216174),
  1384. (166, 'demo', 0, ' rejected ewgsdz''s portal request. IP: ::1', 'Accept User', 1477216470),
  1385. (167, 'demo', 0, ' rejected ewgsdz''s portal request. IP: ::1', 'Accept User', 1477216477),
  1386. (168, 'demo', 0, 'demo rejected ewgsdz''s portal request. IP: ::1', 'Accept User', 1477216516),
  1387. (169, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477216616),
  1388. (170, 'demo', 0, 'Accepted k2wjnn''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477216630),
  1389. (171, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477216633),
  1390. (172, 'demo', 0, 'Visited k2wjnn''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477216638),
  1391. (173, 'k2wjnn', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477216658),
  1392. (174, 'k2wjnn', 0, 'Updated tag to lolo', 'Account Settings', 1477217104),
  1393. (175, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477217111),
  1394. (176, 'demo', 0, 'Updated rank to Room', 'Account Settings', 1477217133),
  1395. (177, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477260169),
  1396. (178, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477260170),
  1397. (179, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477260173),
  1398. (180, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477260257),
  1399. (181, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477260283),
  1400. (182, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477260286),
  1401. (183, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477260308),
  1402. (184, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477260359),
  1403. (185, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477277018),
  1404. (186, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477277022),
  1405. (187, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477277429),
  1406. (188, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477277471),
  1407. (189, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477284618),
  1408. (190, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477284626),
  1409. (191, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477284627),
  1410. (192, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477310866),
  1411. (193, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477310927),
  1412. (194, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477310938),
  1413. (195, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477310962),
  1414. (196, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477310998),
  1415. (197, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311020),
  1416. (198, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311025),
  1417. (199, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311047),
  1418. (200, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311051),
  1419. (201, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311064),
  1420. (202, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311066),
  1421. (203, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311070),
  1422. (204, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311071),
  1423. (205, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311074),
  1424. (206, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311077),
  1425. (207, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311088),
  1426. (208, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311098),
  1427. (209, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311116),
  1428. (210, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311121),
  1429. (211, 'Admin', 0, 'Accepted ''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477311174),
  1430. (212, 'Admin', 0, 'Accepted rainelia''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477311202),
  1431. (213, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477311210),
  1432. (214, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Rainelia''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311215),
  1433. (215, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Rainelia''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311221),
  1434. (216, 'Admin', 0, 'Added 2 permissions from Rainelia', 'Admin Users', 1477311221),
  1435. (217, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Rainelia''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311274),
  1436. (218, 'Admin', 0, 'Updated Rainelia username to Rainelia', 'Admin Users', 1477311274),
  1437. (219, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477311981),
  1438. (220, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477311983),
  1439. (221, 'Admin', 0, 'Accepted test''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477311999),
  1440. (222, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477312003),
  1441. (223, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312005),
  1442. (224, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312346),
  1443. (225, 'Admin', 0, 'Removed 1 permissions from test', 'Admin Users', 1477312346),
  1444. (226, 'Admin', 0, 'Accepted test''s trainer account. IP: ::1', 'Admin Accept', 1477312358),
  1445. (227, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477312362),
  1446. (228, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312363),
  1447. (229, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477312863),
  1448. (230, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312866),
  1449. (231, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477312869),
  1450. (232, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312871),
  1451. (233, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312874),
  1452. (234, 'Admin', 0, 'Removed 1 permissions from test', 'Admin Users', 1477312874),
  1453. (235, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312879),
  1454. (236, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477312880),
  1455. (237, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312882),
  1456. (238, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312895),
  1457. (239, 'Admin', 0, 'Removed 6 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477312895),
  1458. (240, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477312902),
  1459. (241, 'Admin', 0, 'Removed 1 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477312902),
  1460. (242, 'Admin', 0, 'Added 1 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477312902),
  1461. (243, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477312918),
  1462. (244, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477313443),
  1463. (245, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477313444),
  1464. (246, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477313462),
  1465. (247, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477313466),
  1466. (248, 'demo', 0, 'Added 1 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477313466),
  1467. (249, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477313473),
  1468. (250, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477313478),
  1469. (251, 'demo', 0, 'Added 3 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477313478),
  1470. (252, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477393769),
  1471. (253, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477396235),
  1472. (254, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477396404),
  1473. (255, 'Admin', 0, 'Updated password', 'Account Settings', 1477396415),
  1474. (256, 'Admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user Admin.', 'Log In', 1477462009),
  1475. (257, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477462160),
  1476. (258, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477462299),
  1477. (259, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477462348),
  1478. (260, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477464137),
  1479. (261, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477464153),
  1480. (262, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477464600),
  1481. (263, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477464662),
  1482. (264, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477464973),
  1483. (265, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477465177),
  1484. (266, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477465259),
  1485. (267, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477465264),
  1486. (268, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477465590),
  1487. (269, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477465635),
  1488. (270, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477465644),
  1489. (271, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477465987),
  1490. (272, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477466037),
  1491. (273, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477466046),
  1492. (274, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477466171),
  1493. (275, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477466395),
  1494. (276, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477467872),
  1495. (277, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477467877),
  1496. (278, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477467979),
  1497. (279, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477467994),
  1498. (280, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477468013),
  1499. (281, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477468017),
  1500. (282, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477468069),
  1501. (283, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477472653),
  1502. (284, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477472655),
  1503. (285, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477472659),
  1504. (286, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited test''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477472660),
  1505. (287, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477514460),
  1506. (288, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477514465),
  1507. (289, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477514478),
  1508. (290, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477514873),
  1509. (291, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited guguuyguy''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477514875),
  1510. (292, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477515426),
  1511. (293, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited wqfwqfwqf''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477515427),
  1512. (294, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477547536),
  1513. (295, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477547537),
  1514. (296, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477547545),
  1515. (297, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477547670),
  1516. (298, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477547676),
  1517. (299, 'Admin', 0, 'Removed 2 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477547676),
  1518. (300, 'Admin', 0, 'Added 1 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477547676),
  1519. (301, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477547683),
  1520. (302, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477547694),
  1521. (303, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477547699),
  1522. (304, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477547703),
  1523. (305, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477547707),
  1524. (306, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477547731),
  1525. (307, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1477547739),
  1526. (308, 'test', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user test.', 'Log In', 1477547748),
  1527. (309, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477547755),
  1528. (310, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477547766),
  1529. (311, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477547767),
  1530. (312, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477548223),
  1531. (313, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477548244),
  1532. (314, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477549189),
  1533. (315, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477549331),
  1534. (316, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477549333),
  1535. (317, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477549350),
  1536. (318, 'demo', 0, 'Removed 1 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477549350),
  1537. (319, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477549379),
  1538. (320, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477549383),
  1539. (321, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477549384),
  1540. (322, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477549388),
  1541. (323, 'Admin', 0, 'Added 1 permissions from demo', 'Admin Users', 1477549388),
  1542. (324, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477549393),
  1543. (325, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477550606),
  1544. (326, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477550613),
  1545. (327, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477551941),
  1546. (328, 'hjhjhj', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user hjhjhj.', 'Log In', 1477551955),
  1547. (329, 'hjhjhj', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user hjhjhj.', 'Log In', 1477553204),
  1548. (330, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477553218),
  1549. (331, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477553222),
  1550. (332, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477555332),
  1551. (333, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477555337),
  1552. (334, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477555962),
  1553. (335, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477555966),
  1554. (336, 'demo', 0, 'Updated password', 'Account Settings', 1477556251),
  1555. (337, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477556257),
  1556. (338, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477556262),
  1557. (339, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477556267),
  1558. (340, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477556272),
  1559. (341, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477556276),
  1560. (342, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477556279),
  1561. (343, 'Admin', 0, 'Updated password', 'Account Settings', 1477556312),
  1562. (344, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477556318),
  1563. (345, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477556781),
  1564. (346, 'jjjjjj', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477556819),
  1565. (347, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477556923),
  1566. (348, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477732564),
  1567. (349, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477790727),
  1568. (350, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited konijnknkjn''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477790729),
  1569. (351, 'konijnknkjn', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477790736),
  1570. (352, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477792229),
  1571. (353, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477813283),
  1572. (354, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477830687),
  1573. (355, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477830689),
  1574. (356, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1477830760),
  1575. (357, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477868708),
  1576. (358, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477868715),
  1577. (359, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477880639),
  1578. (360, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477880644),
  1579. (361, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477890224),
  1580. (362, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477912199),
  1581. (363, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1477912232),
  1582. (364, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477912241),
  1583. (365, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1477912271),
  1584. (366, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1477916456),
  1585. (367, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478003642),
  1586. (368, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478206539),
  1587. (369, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478206581),
  1588. (370, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478236674),
  1589. (371, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478236707),
  1590. (372, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478236737),
  1591. (373, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478236772),
  1592. (374, 'demo', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user demo.', 'Log In', 1478240057),
  1593. (375, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478240075),
  1594. (376, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478240106),
  1595. (377, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478240156),
  1596. (378, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478240167),
  1597. (379, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478240414),
  1598. (380, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478240439),
  1599. (381, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1478245834),
  1600. (382, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1478245835),
  1601. (383, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1478245836),
  1602. (384, 'demo', 0, 'Visited demo''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1478245837),
  1603. (385, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478245851),
  1604. (386, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478249125),
  1605. (387, 'demo', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478349953),
  1606. (388, 'demo', 0, 'Visited Admin Users', 'Admin Users', 1478388146),
  1607. (389, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478590944),
  1608. (390, 'Admin', 0, 'Visited guguuyguy''s profile ', 'Admin Users', 1478910124),
  1609. (391, 'admin', 0, 'Failed login attempt for user admin.', 'Log In', 1478939035),
  1610. (392, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478939040),
  1611. (393, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478943042),
  1612. (394, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478983299),
  1613. (395, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478983319),
  1614. (396, 'Admin', 0, 'Successfully Logged In with the ip: ::1', 'Log In', 1478984153);
  1616. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1618. --
  1619. -- Table structure for table `portalnotification`
  1620. --
  1622. CREATE TABLE `portalnotification` (
  1623. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1624. `class` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  1625. `title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  1626. `msg` text NOT NULL,
  1627. `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL
  1630. --
  1631. -- Dumping data for table `portalnotification`
  1632. --
  1634. INSERT INTO `portalnotification` (`id`, `class`, `title`, `msg`, `active`) VALUES
  1635. (1, 'info', 'Hello SS', 'The new portal feature which is stuck here unlike a notification.', 2);
  1637. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1639. --
  1640. -- Table structure for table `portalpages`
  1641. --
  1643. CREATE TABLE `portalpages` (
  1644. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1645. `page` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  1646. `private` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
  1649. --
  1650. -- Dumping data for table `portalpages`
  1651. --
  1653. INSERT INTO `portalpages` (`id`, `page`, `private`) VALUES
  1654. (108, '/admin/Admin_send.php', 1),
  1655. (109, '/user/Promotion_Tags.php', 0),
  1656. (110, 'Trainer_log.php', 1),
  1657. (111, 'access.php', 1),
  1658. (112, 'account.php', 1),
  1659. (113, 'account_change.php', 1),
  1660. (114, 'activate-account.php', 1),
  1661. (115, 'add_user.php', 1),
  1662. (116, 'admin-accept.php', 1),
  1663. (117, 'admin_complete.php', 1),
  1664. (118, 'admin_configuration.php', 1),
  1665. (119, 'admin_contact.php', 1),
  1666. (120, 'admin_ia.php', 1),
  1667. (121, 'admin_page.php', 1),
  1668. (122, 'admin_pages.php', 1),
  1669. (123, 'admin_permission.php', 1),
  1670. (124, 'admin_permissions.php', 1),
  1671. (125, '/admin/admin_user.php', 1),
  1672. (126, '/admin/admin_users.php', 1),
  1673. (127, 'banned.php', 0),
  1674. (128, 'connect.php', 0),
  1675. (129, 'contact_admin.php', 0),
  1676. (130, 'dashboard.php', 1),
  1677. (131, 'demotion_log.php', 1),
  1678. (133, 'fired_log.php', 1),
  1679. (134, 'forgot-password.php', 0),
  1680. (136, 'index.php', 0),
  1681. (137, 'left-nav.php', 1),
  1682. (138, 'livesearch.php', 0),
  1683. (139, 'loa.php', 1),
  1684. (140, 'login.php', 0),
  1685. (141, 'logout.php', 0),
  1686. (142, 'maintenance.php', 0),
  1687. (143, 'manage_trainer.php', 1),
  1688. (144, 'manageaccount.php', 1),
  1689. (145, 'managediscipline.php', 1),
  1690. (146, 'managefired.php', 1),
  1691. (147, 'managelogs.php', 1),
  1692. (148, 'managepromo.php', 0),
  1693. (149, 'managesoldranks.php', 0),
  1694. (150, 'managestrike.php', 0),
  1695. (151, 'managetransfer.php', 0),
  1696. (152, 'nav.php', 0),
  1697. (153, 'premium.php', 0),
  1698. (154, 'promo_logs.php', 0),
  1699. (155, 'promotion_logs.php', 0),
  1700. (156, 'register.php', 0),
  1701. (157, 'rego.php', 0),
  1702. (158, 'resend-activation.php', 0),
  1703. (159, 'rules.php', 0),
  1704. (160, 'search.php', 0),
  1705. (161, 'search_promo.php', 0),
  1706. (162, 'send_message.php', 0),
  1707. (164, 'soldranks_log.php', 1),
  1708. (165, 'strike_removal.php', 1),
  1709. (167, 'submit_transfer.php', 0),
  1710. (168, 'tadiwa.php', 0),
  1711. (169, 'test.php', 0),
  1712. (170, 'top-promoter.php', 1),
  1713. (171, 'top-trainer.php', 1),
  1714. (172, 'transfer_log.php', 1),
  1715. (174, 'user_admin.php', 1),
  1716. (175, 'user_logs.php', 1),
  1717. (176, 'user_settings.php', 1),
  1718. (177, 'user_stats.php', 1),
  1719. (178, 'admin-stats.php', 1),
  1720. (179, 'security-checker.php', 0),
  1721. (180, 'time.php', 1),
  1722. (181, 'rank-reinstatement.php', 1);
  1724. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1726. --
  1727. -- Table structure for table `portalpermissions`
  1728. --
  1730. CREATE TABLE `portalpermissions` (
  1731. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1732. `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  1733. `perms` int(11) NOT NULL
  1736. --
  1737. -- Dumping data for table `portalpermissions`
  1738. --
  1740. INSERT INTO `portalpermissions` (`id`, `name`, `perms`) VALUES
  1741. (2, 'Administrator', 2),
  1742. (4, 'Trainer', 1),
  1743. (5, 'High Rank', 1),
  1744. (6, 'Moderator', 2),
  1745. (7, 'Internal Affairs', 1),
  1746. (8, 'Rank Seller', 1),
  1747. (9, 'OOA', 1),
  1748. (11, 'Badge Admin', 2);
  1750. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1752. --
  1753. -- Table structure for table `portalpermission_page_matches`
  1754. --
  1756. CREATE TABLE `portalpermission_page_matches` (
  1757. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1758. `permission_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1759. `page_id` int(11) NOT NULL
  1760. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  1762. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1764. --
  1765. -- Table structure for table `portalsessions`
  1766. --
  1768. CREATE TABLE `portalsessions` (
  1769. `sessionStart` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1770. `sessionData` text NOT NULL,
  1771. `username` text NOT NULL,
  1772. `lastActive` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1773. `sessionID` varchar(255) NOT NULL
  1776. --
  1777. -- Dumping data for table `portalsessions`
  1778. --
  1780. INSERT INTO `portalsessions` (`sessionStart`, `sessionData`, `username`, `lastActive`, `sessionID`) VALUES
  1781. (1478984153, 'O:12:"loggedInUser":11:{s:5:"email";s:25:"";s:3:"tag";s:4:"lool";s:4:"rank";s:12:"Room Control";s:7:"hash_pw";s:60:"$2y$10$ZIuUs9yj5zU3vdgoAcJd1erljdOAw2FKkElrlqK1rS8SYME5ChrUi";s:7:"user_id";i:1;s:11:"remember_me";s:1:"1";s:18:"remember_me_sessid";s:60:"$2y$10$KeGJEe4u6zeswZEbZE8dHeDbB42qUM0lwwsDRYfTL4VSHj.LcvE3i";s:5:"title";s:13:"Administrator";s:8:"username";s:5:"admin";s:12:"display_name";s:5:"Admin";s:3:"hex";s:7:"#57FFDE";}', 'admin', 1479377205, '$2y$10$KeGJEe4u6zeswZEbZE8dHeDbB42qUM0lwwsDRYfTL4VSHj.LcvE3i'),
  1782. (1478983319, 'O:12:"loggedInUser":11:{s:5:"email";s:25:"";s:3:"tag";s:4:"lool";s:4:"rank";s:12:"Room Control";s:7:"hash_pw";s:60:"$2y$10$ZIuUs9yj5zU3vdgoAcJd1erljdOAw2FKkElrlqK1rS8SYME5ChrUi";s:7:"user_id";i:1;s:11:"remember_me";s:1:"1";s:18:"remember_me_sessid";s:60:"$2y$10$OxGIvrSdmnKAXkMW2oqx0.bqJD7MDNe8mK/W5Ibs4cMH/RcfQuwwC";s:5:"title";s:13:"Administrator";s:8:"username";s:5:"admin";s:12:"display_name";s:5:"Admin";s:3:"hex";s:7:"#57FFDE";}', 'admin', 1479377205, '$2y$10$OxGIvrSdmnKAXkMW2oqx0.bqJD7MDNe8mK/W5Ibs4cMH/RcfQuwwC'),
  1783. (1478983299, 'O:12:"loggedInUser":11:{s:5:"email";s:25:"";s:3:"tag";s:4:"lool";s:4:"rank";s:12:"Room Control";s:7:"hash_pw";s:60:"$2y$10$ZIuUs9yj5zU3vdgoAcJd1erljdOAw2FKkElrlqK1rS8SYME5ChrUi";s:7:"user_id";i:1;s:11:"remember_me";s:1:"1";s:18:"remember_me_sessid";s:60:"$2y$10$WSoXsj.kehguDOTCp52/auv1f.qItUvfZw3Gp89COJItnbvLiZpGa";s:5:"title";s:13:"Administrator";s:8:"username";s:5:"admin";s:12:"display_name";s:5:"Admin";s:3:"hex";s:7:"#57FFDE";}', 'admin', 1479377205, '$2y$10$WSoXsj.kehguDOTCp52/auv1f.qItUvfZw3Gp89COJItnbvLiZpGa');
  1785. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1787. --
  1788. -- Table structure for table `portalusers`
  1789. --
  1791. CREATE TABLE `portalusers` (
  1792. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1793. `user_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  1794. `display_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  1795. `password` varchar(225) NOT NULL,
  1796. `email` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  1797. `activation_token` varchar(225) NOT NULL,
  1798. `last_activation_request` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1799. `lost_password_request` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  1800. `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  1801. `title` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  1802. `sign_up_stamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1803. `last_sign_in_stamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1804. `ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  1805. `updatedip` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  1806. `promo_tag` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  1807. `rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  1808. `hex` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  1809. `deleted` int(11) NOT NULL
  1812. --
  1813. -- Dumping data for table `portalusers`
  1814. --
  1816. INSERT INTO `portalusers` (`id`, `user_name`, `display_name`, `password`, `email`, `activation_token`, `last_activation_request`, `lost_password_request`, `active`, `title`, `sign_up_stamp`, `last_sign_in_stamp`, `ip`, `updatedip`, `promo_tag`, `rank`, `hex`, `deleted`) VALUES
  1817. (1, 'admin', 'Admin', '$2y$10$ZIuUs9yj5zU3vdgoAcJd1erljdOAw2FKkElrlqK1rS8SYME5ChrUi', '', '8865c377d411379ae8458b03f74b59d0', 1455875450, 0, 1, 'Administrator', 1455875450, 1478984153, '::1', '::1', 'lool', 'Room Control', '#57FFDE', 0),
  1818. (34, 'demo', 'demo', '$2y$10$ZIuUs9yj5zU3vdgoAcJd1erljdOAw2FKkElrlqK1rS8SYME5ChrUi', '', '0f79d908062f2233bf53846b41da258c', 1468222119, 0, 1, '', 1468222119, 1478349953, '::1', '::1', 'lool', 'Room', '', 0),
  1819. (42, 'test', 'test', '$2y$10$u1EIwDpzVzzSsW7GzLhpBeskhKlacsyNb4Akid6zha5tQZzwJJJB2', '', '4749e2e925706c5cda8963957100d944', 1469656092, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1469656092, 0, '::1', '$ip', '', '', '', 0),
  1820. (112, 'misarella101', 'misarella101', '7a6f20806b021d152305d76f874e4747e5291f64d829b7e758d298c7ce4d55119ecc34b9', '', '322183748dd5be432b7efd764de388f2', 1470189963, 1, 1, 'New Member', 1470189963, 1476854353, '', '2601', 'misa', 'Junior National Security Advisor', '', 1),
  1821. (116, 'modernchris', 'ModernChris', 'cd24f3fddf01129cf7df3ff7ab67c28602692a7e50dbf89493235355b886b081214430c9', '', '4e1f0ffec27bcf7b22f2759d06b08d00', 1470192641, 0, 1, '', 1470192641, 1470688943, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1822. (119, 'tyronetherabbi', 'TyroneTheRabbi', '77b127f61f589f06a704dffad5e4da55d63a5f838b95c40c35e39e86cfbd1bbcd6bd80f7', '', 'bf96253a80d4714d50cc02f8c5f117e5', 1470194533, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470194533, 1477215048, '2601:8c:700:e8c0:ddc8:c025:4294:9ce', '::1', 'RABI', 'Director of SM', '', 1),
  1823. (120, 'braddsterr', 'SSBrad', '0bec7434751e9f194fd3dd9d6dc06c3bf8a60a06da57c1db2f62bb85d9e42dc63d268fa0', '', '84d0d47015691ef13b9e351c115fd2e6', 1470195392, 0, 1, 'Leadership', 1470195392, 1476904480, '', '', 'Brad', 'Prime Minister', '', 1),
  1824. (121, 'ilolax', 'iLolax', 'a0430c97c46a1679a5cf34672de50503c3634db3f8add1f8757a6bfe6c453dbbc52fa80e', '', '660d3786c1a725ba643e20a5a7ae93b9', 1470197217, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470197217, 1474209481, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1825. (122, 'Rainelia', 'Rainelia', '4707041a72a2d322fb271dee3a49f78cdce1d8534bb5a2d5292bf9d62bf957a2ec47ec14', '', 'eba37be21d2d2a6608a088dcbdbd9e3e', 1470198155, 0, 1, 'Senior Staff', 1470198155, 0, '', '', 'RL', 'Trial SC', '', 1),
  1826. (123, 'phantasies', 'Phantasies', 'a129d23a728bfe32fa024273ac935928a50717f85f48d3d9330be19896a67adc31d8b08c', '', 'daca73e56b6fdc0236998d54eb5d0a04', 1470198309, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470198309, 1471732270, '2602:302:d150:4bc0:d1c:b443:68dd:fc9', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1827. (124, 'rautor448', 'rautor448', 'd63f0faeea9a89d304810f35b4bcf57b9921907dd9bea73d37fc5c295411c3bcbd1e9083', '', 'd3b75c544b56c94b0b99d23e8b464593', 1470198622, 0, 1, '', 1470198622, 1470762769, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1828. (127, 'cass20', 'Cass20', 'ca553213a4b42987f961983218c6bd52574b3221fadc077ca422e38e6f6f177b1678ae68', '', 'ec3cd9b34074606d45654595f606ae3e', 1470201841, 0, 1, 'Leadership', 1470201841, 1476920458, '', '', 'Cass', 'Supervisory General', '', 1),
  1829. (128, 'andrew20032', 'Andrew20032', '7ff0012ecd88ab2139c4c3d1d64d514f425e617eae1afb8b9e4685f872d0678e6577f571', '', '791372c46602bea18c5a6302fa9bbb5c', 1470203535, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470203535, 1476610799, '', '211', 'And', 'Senior Executive Chief ', '', 1),
  1830. (131, 'phine24', 'phine24', '4bde04b4b2a02d031d907279d2ccf77c5c1a3456b79d999b48472b784c5f27fe0a0cd431', '', '0dc687e875664581acfcb3001e404752', 1470205885, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470205885, 1474286632, '', '', '', 'Millitary Advisor', '', 1),
  1831. (132, 'bstrpwentmiss', 'BSTRPWentMiss', '942c5b56c52e5da04f6ed9969f3eb3202da0509621cc5d5e681f587acdfad98f5a87ecba', '', 'f63e9cf528c20d1645f73df27518a7b4', 1470206255, 0, 1, 'Leadership', 1470206255, 1470885467, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1832. (133, 'joshubeast10', 'joshubeast10', 'eaead92ff6f78ec3b3b88e5e3ec66eaac7d207c328fd4f42aaa971bf59fcdfb58bece194', '', 'a6b99e3d46ba2bc6029039e808bca6b3', 1470206948, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470206948, 1476943707, '', '', 'josh', 'Trial Cabinet Member', '', 1),
  1833. (134, 'messedreality', 'messedreality', '7a56224616076946119cda3e7fbb64984684343fa07c7c4ab05b14e3c274e3296e9a26e6', '', 'f0de708ec90f4d39f990e32fd8856790', 1470207016, 0, 1, 'Senior Staff', 1470207016, 1476634778, '', '116', 'mess', 'Trial SC', '', 1),
  1834. (136, 'sande305alt', 'sande305ALT', '8deeac1adccc940f44de23faf198b75a3a135ce79096b169e26fa4380ca8fb5d721f04d0', '', '88ae39943fec7edacd7dcfa323af2bf0', 1470207739, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470207739, 1476661078, '', '121', 'S35', 'Trial Leader', '', 1),
  1835. (137, 'blueafro__', 'BlueAfro__', '00d569d14c75c6fe1e2ed38883aaaa69585a761b608c53d16229c66fc23bb74257714db6', '', 'd76510bb68599f4826bb5b897f55e743', 1470208359, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470208359, 1475417373, '', '', 'Blu3', 'Senior Senator', '', 1),
  1836. (138, 'harryv28', 'HarryV28', 'f5f12ad38f6015421c770999fd5987d574019f39e0f3b482ef03da1cfdbbacc09e638b70', '', '198a78b0757cde560cdeababf25a4992', 1470208604, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470208604, 1475580110, '', '', '', ' Deputy Commissioner ', '', 1),
  1837. (139, 'shaynankeng', 'ShaynanKeng', '0a06e8d730429d8df99b0d4ee08796195ad8043b6c53fa2a8159a004cb28fbc5bc844f27', '', 'b1bbafb97bd9d35b24d86e93022737c6', 1470211061, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470211061, 1476504526, '', '220', 'Keng', 'Director of TM', '', 1),
  1838. (140, 'zwezwe', 'zwezwe', 'fcf4cdbe4f9bff5ebe54370708e2324d2a00f9e03ea9fa19f705a9aa353416dd6529c1f3', '', '275cf2d276bdfb8b6af40645e23f47c7', 1470211732, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470211732, 1474816048, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1839. (141, 'luqmaace', 'luqmaace', 'f808bfd7300032ddf7ba2cbf549f79c6f6c0d3c876a0621905dec9b19061eeae4b4a0c5a', '', '53737b24e1578e40ca5cc282675784e9', 1470212089, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470212089, 1473150924, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1840. (143, 'bellcooper', 'bellcooper', 'ba6feface6a5d187afd15378b1ccc73b83a0bec11997c2878d26c93320d2fc048d247ac5', '', '439ea61139689edd47e40502eae39774', 1470213062, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470213062, 1476599099, '', '60', 'BCO', 'Chief Military Advisor', '', 1),
  1841. (144, 'hariaz_eam', 'hariaz_eam', '0d88e9ffb8cb9fb884100db389cea93c7bcae0ed86226f4a6b3f8260305fbf62b43c91b9', '', '33ede93b9d50e352c6987d64dc3c0846', 1470213739, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470213739, 1476878442, '', '', 'eam', 'Supreme Admin', '', 1),
  1842. (145, 'hungryfront', 'hungryfront', 'e046c4e7242c76b73bba51b874785a4be1a6b73347d31cfb853ba70516982a7e8e964f49', '', '6f069fcd974cbca564ad74ef99ac4bf8', 1470213786, 0, 1, 'Leadership', 1470213786, 1476639224, '', '82', 'HF', 'Operational Leader', '', 1),
  1843. (146, 'akosianilov', 'AkosiAnilov', '08e0a1006013072b1d8d7ac47ec128d299283c64ce93d2687e1d8346c41eb081045f1cd8', '', 'd8ee7fcead90388199013e2ba4a720ac', 1470215265, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470215265, 1476688176, '', '175', 'Ako', 'Director General', '', 1),
  1844. (148, '.x_emma_x.', '.x_Emma_x.', 'b851855414b0c2208dd0f615197751b6dec741a6eea1eaae70520bf5e30b3c92ad4f3cc2', '', '5e949f59407d4a52fe1f6d2c40881eac', 1470219201, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470219201, 1470677404, '2a02:c7d:3857:fa00:d913:ac34:9f56:80cb', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1845. (149, 'mostafaomar', 'mostafaomar', '261efe767592b130d26806b2a238dad47f9b3d3ade3677e6bf93beaeeb8b69cd17fc05b2', '', '4e85c74b261cfd6174e72fa9b2190064', 1470219736, 0, 1, 'Senior Staff', 1470219736, 1476796027, '', '156', 'MO', 'MoD Of Observation', '', 1),
  1846. (150, 'christeaa', 'Christeaa', 'cc89290f3802164c2e8021a9b3ff949f61245dcf5fd3996434bf2feaca0fe7ab1f3061a2', '', 'd0fc7ae03fb544aefe725caf12bdcd2d', 1470220752, 0, 1, 'Senior Staff', 1470220752, 1476787250, '', '122', 'CT', 'Moderator of Reporting', '', 1),
  1847. (152, 'prabz123', 'prabz123', 'fdf44e5e1a1ada80157da81d2b996993fa45cd439475861f14054304212431aeebb3c494', '', '1a80360c299d0a2daaf7d5a553899fe5', 1470223764, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470223764, 1472306554, '2a02:c7d:b92f:fb00:bdf8:271c:289f:3dac', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1848. (153, 'mackarell_fish', 'mackarell_fish', '50036d1ece9528c283a568f70f4d0690e179e47e04ca0f6b8c7ac1a71e0f28ecb1360a81', '', 'f851b76c76345201022eaa9472023b75', 1470223869, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470223869, 1475871265, '2001:8003:4598:ee00:f5e0:6244:e4e8:3cae', '', 'Mack', 'Secretary of Agriculture', '', 1),
  1849. (154, '@ItzKazu', '@ItzKazu', 'b5dead5e08f785425f04b581b425cee297daa6a9fa63d0a2b4262ef8769a42ceb24db134', '', '92907e19c15e7f08c21ef003a1ffc629', 1470224062, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470224062, 1476795150, '', '203', 'Kaz', 'Chief of TM', '', 1),
  1850. (155, 'clairemm', 'Clairemm', '86ff2ef6702d16913e4caa0c8b09027a1b5381f25f5d711821d375304a9c4577a4be8334', '', 'c0e277d29ae709e831d8ef7fa0a22aa1', 1470224887, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470224887, 1476540372, '', '121', 'CRM', 'Trial Leader', '', 1),
  1851. (156, '15pogi', '15pogi', '773754d6edfa05cfd21ffcf667789fd37b0ee5b709197c73f97c960bc92f9b872926e4e6', '', '95730f7705f7a46d6876b442e47100f1', 1470225111, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470225111, 1476944684, '', '', 'Pogi', 'Commodore', '', 1),
  1852. (157, 'venz04hd', 'Venz04HD', 'ca817a9ec431f884421b905f0a7776e85e9d33e87a87b6381845d2893435bc17fba0b170', '', 'abd07ae14588ac15eacee5d3a0da2e09', 1470225122, 0, 1, 'Senior Staff', 1470225122, 1476456647, '', '124', '4', 'Mod of Intermediate Ranks', '', 1),
  1853. (158, 'thecoolsenpai', 'TheCoolSenpai', 'bd5bf25ac754112e8cbeaadf1d5f7d2c3cc8401be284ee3a1e40bfbccae38665e7d79ebe', '', 'ab948740699c94402c6bf60b5a0d7386', 1470226557, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470226557, 1473848985, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1854. (161, 'hellozek', 'hellozek', '8f3d96c67ef71706413e745e90854e58c5485349ec18ea823bdad407cc272cc3fe6f8b8f', '', '580d5ce548f52e367bdd6ae60730d20e', 1470228893, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470228893, 1475904690, '2001:e68:5419:616a:20c5:48bb:2040:5da7', '', 'zek', 'Chief Advisor', '', 1),
  1855. (163, 'aznpride123', 'AznPride123', '0fd145bdb4c406a9f38601f2e758b3b6acc7e319fc259a9615c472394a8616d7824f7893', '', '57c88631518f04d7a96e603246ccf643', 1470230398, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470230398, 1476369499, '', '198', 'AzN', 'Desk Manager', '', 1),
  1856. (164, 'chaos..', 'Chaos..', '31f1137e9c74dc29466cd4a27a64b39ada65197b20fb591cfe9863ead20f1b9706d6c446', '', 'a7ad5b8bcc6980d8bbb23190a7394237', 1470230617, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470230617, 1472565209, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1857. (165, 'kingninja2001', 'KingNinja2001', '9da9a684c073632c144968e40de36d8bd776f6fe41500bef01028caccb1aca8d5523d24b', '', 'b76918cb6aafa0358df769ff61b33685', 1470234944, 0, 1, 'Senior Staff', 1470234944, 1476659350, '', '73', 'K', 'Trial Supreme Command ', '', 1),
  1858. (166, 'punkvaivuska', 'punkvaivuska', '0273fc1b8c1b85c867868ced8190bd8bce784f6abd4d5bee22ae15efa5122045c93e75a8', '', 'bc8d753da05e1f4f4adf98d3da4490d4', 1470236338, 0, 1, 'Trainer', 1470236338, 1476895003, '', '', 'vaiv', 'Director General', '', 1),
  1859. (167, 'unitedjjosh', 'unitedjjosh', '8cfa3e04f9133d32780c444412e927ea75109fb7d62e3120bc69b62571fe4733d5cc711a', '', '5cc5040a0c598d3405807fed29a357c4', 1470237139, 0, 1, 'Trainer', 1470237139, 1471091523, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1860. (168, '_xfirebirdx_', '_xFirebirdx_', '66fa1a735c31bd00a9c72087a4e88608f642c84606d15a73b2798b2a376c3931f763ab21', '', 'e5f1cdfa48180d1b8ac7a863e02aeaa0', 1470238074, 0, 1, 'Senior Management', 1470238074, 1472294237, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1861. (169, 'mutzki', 'Mutzki', '8bf913450888f40a1f701aa7e2f929326fe19cb509977233dbebb704ffdb877a5f1a6883', '', '38d825095647f02e6377de7f7498f936', 1470238916, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470238916, 1470254930, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1862. (170, '..1rm', '..1Rm', '787628ee024f4b30ddf7c11e0d507693f21c35d2dbd4ac1c5caa875591663274085658c5', '', '95a1ca09eb093ba0e62e1ba7c083661b', 1470239185, 0, 1, 'Senior Staff', 1470239185, 1473373114, '', '', 'Rm', 'MoD of Recruitment', '', 1),
  1863. (174, 'marioples', 'marioples', '8c14d70e4a4d4f8bdfb2445cf3510759118c5777c60c2046ea93d3f82549766fb295f68f', '', '36b0e51fdd57270eb1da0fbeacbcf670', 1470241389, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470241389, 1472569851, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1864. (175, 'q=rainiel=p', 'q=rainiel=p', '8b657333110da2d651b4d45a4f7e18ce6be9ede0034c5a86e2c361ffcf3c2fec8ecffd8b', '', '8a157487a60fbb0056be285ddae1aa1a', 1470242744, 0, 1, 'Senior Staff', 1470242744, 1476949818, '', '', 'q', 'MoD of Junior Ranks', '', 1),
  1865. (179, 'seanw546', 'seanw546', 'a4f9edd64454c423b78740c0f9110f163035822d8e4a84eaebbcaa654e4b9a417a60d5ed', '', '5dd801c45f0c2b71636ec00cff2646dd', 1470244310, 0, 1, 'Leadership', 1470244310, 1474665688, '2a02:c7d:bc6f:e100:3473:96b2:25df:28a1', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1866. (180, ':s', ':s', '2dfc06b135dd11baf2ec7983b5cf6dd723f4824b0a618fe558d7c9f8ccc1e3c829723d32', '', 'f3bf79e19baf54e2ea5479c79320159c', 1470244677, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470244677, 1472118713, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1867. (181, 'lilceabeth', 'LilCeaBeth', '7ee2c3f4b96a005ed506c283c8542a181f95455defe1e1da709e64f06002a1460c9edca7', '', '484067ba13afbc39e63f7f7edd207524', 1470245143, 0, 1, '', 1470245143, 1470521306, '2a02:c7f:bc03:ab00:39cd:8b3b:1079:f81b', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1868. (182, 'princessecila', 'PrincessEcila', 'a695480a20b56b64b9ebdbc849bacd692ccd3d80e3be98e5ea6e4aa69a61be40c8586c3b', '', 'f349510277f1e970b11a719f39aaa572', 1470246262, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470246262, 1475421220, '', '', 'PiA', 'Asst. Head Director', '', 1),
  1869. (183, 'nanshii', 'nanshii', 'f3f3c91a699a449d8677d5ca281939bbfef6332e80e045439d918f0cb6e88e6c7c17b957', '', 'deeb81a253f69fb06b2a93183305107c', 1470254730, 0, 1, 'Leadership', 1470254730, 1470339728, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1870. (185, 'depressedbieber', 'depressedbieber', 'c897aa2cfa3b77d47eb96bfd7afb3d8a2c2e78912becaff7e35a62fd226244aa826e0d07', '', 'f07ca89d981949844b4a97b45bd0f705', 1470257198, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470257198, 1470538132, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1871. (186, 'emimonster1992', 'Emimonster1992', 'c10bb6a86f67d9f12fdc248c5c46ee9297676a0f0e5a1a035b08bf8f57fde000ef2984f5', '', '376461518f77900d5c15b6b62ad28a76', 1470259574, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470259574, 1474140385, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1872. (187, 'xxanadelaxx', 'xXAnadelaXx', '513d8f547146a7e8ecf0394cb5b983163f652f8f6f7f4800d85e830cccc1aad715a080c2', '', '94b4c3058444562f3eb36a152e7c7fab', 1470265306, 0, 1, '', 1470265306, 1476785111, '', '101', 'Ana', 'Deputy Commissioner', '', 1),
  1873. (189, 'sasha1835', 'Sasha1835', '20cf21b2223d778cfe6b9b2f6980d1efc32d3d3f912f85b25fc2243d6d66dcf9668ed9c6', '', 'bafb0d8813dff7451a3ee31318e9b696', 1470268405, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470268405, 1470699129, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1874. (190, 'queen.moni', 'queen.moni', '435e2de382db996c146ef71a382fdcdf648c69422be48d463b8e14aee2202ab18677741e', '', '97f835ea6fed35d9f82168531eb61168', 1470270106, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470270106, 1474762366, '2602:306:80ad:ea90:5587:5f9:1f32:323b', '', '', 'Diplomats', '', 1),
  1875. (191, 'maya2329', 'maya2329', 'dbb3abe57bf9a9a9d66be66273c74b5c22ade2480a91ccab70cb41f52aa62183d51ef2d0', '', 'fa50dc0b7862631151ce6de11fd07f65', 1470270629, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470270629, 1474845700, '', '', '', 'Recruit', '', 1),
  1876. (193, 'jackrossleigh', 'JackRossLeigh', 'f7f46d242e6b48d4f1034670741bf89b246f5099b6971cc754cc50935a81f02b18f47779', '', 'fab4c3a83487731008a0fb2f6c96a98e', 1470271547, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1470271547, 1476918138, '', '', 'Jack', '<SS> Trial Elite Leader', '', 1),
  1877. (195, 'k2wjnn', 'k2wjnn', '25e811e8346674ce15e99e8962fd37bac856e5dc42d8f6ae8fb07ddeea24bc51894fab0a', '', '2dc61f29dde3cd5883b74d1d5767db6c', 1477216606, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1477216606, 1477216658, '::1', '::1', 'lolo', 'Recruit', '#000000', 1),
  1878. (196, 'guguuyguy', 'guguuyguy', '$2y$10$xRo4p97qfesTHt2DZZqBV.ppRsHh88ZOHDhneqETkiyP789maXfeW', '', '62683799eb10de85d49cd019421d9c37', 1477514853, 0, 0, 'New Member', 1477514853, 0, '::1', '', '', 'Recruit', '#000000', 0),
  1879. (197, 'wqfwqfwqf', 'wqfwqfwqf', '$2y$10$HDG/JKOC8OkPRVadwKvKHO03xqVEy5wr4UAE.rCPPnsamcPArWoQq', '', '6cb6c35fe6bd7b31dc5e9537e0681bda', 1477515421, 0, 0, 'New Member', 1477515421, 0, '::1', '', '', 'Recruit', '#000000', 0),
  1880. (198, 'hjhjhj', 'hjhjhj', '$2y$10$i4Qegu1apHAbI68MtTE.KeZtLSSumuKaH/DoTuzwfWVL5ieTeYoUG', '', '725c5793e8f3f3d7ea2627693162c87c', 1477551934, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1477551934, 0, '::1', '', '', 'Recruit', '#000000', 0),
  1881. (199, 'jjjjjj', 'jjjjjj', '$2y$10$.7edE14GiMS7PEiHl9I8jOOJIZUlC5Nrdu7JMDMuK5UndfOGGz7xa', '', '5c092c3d1519b43f6086722acc79d74d', 1477556812, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1477556812, 1477556819, '::1', '::1', '', 'Recruit', '#000000', 0),
  1882. (200, 'konijnknkjn', 'konijnknkjn', '$2y$10$vub9mA5pHkQgdSvbRp6yDec1RQGzWmHGATTdDRkeV4fO55d8/1Ea.', '', '813b014e4c60660cde851d8521fcb98c', 1477557011, 0, 1, 'New Member', 1477557011, 1477790736, '::1', '::1', 'kij', 'Recruit', '#000000', 0);
  1884. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1886. --
  1887. -- Table structure for table `portalusers_banned`
  1888. --
  1890. CREATE TABLE `portalusers_banned` (
  1891. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1892. `user_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  1893. `reason` text NOT NULL,
  1894. `time` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1895. `banner` text NOT NULL,
  1896. `banner_ip` int(11) NOT NULL
  1899. --
  1900. -- Dumping data for table `portalusers_banned`
  1901. --
  1903. INSERT INTO `portalusers_banned` (`ID`, `user_name`, `reason`, `time`, `banner`, `banner_ip`) VALUES
  1904. (1, '', '', 1476222437, '', 0);
  1906. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  1908. --
  1909. -- Table structure for table `portaluser_permission_matches`
  1910. --
  1912. CREATE TABLE `portaluser_permission_matches` (
  1913. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1914. `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  1915. `permission_id` int(11) NOT NULL
  1918. --
  1919. -- Dumping data for table `portaluser_permission_matches`
  1920. --
  1922. INSERT INTO `portaluser_permission_matches` (`id`, `user_id`, `permission_id`) VALUES
  1923. (3, 2, 1),
  1924. (4, 3, 1),
  1925. (5, 4, 1),
  1926. (6, 5, 1),
  1927. (7, 6, 1),
  1928. (8, 7, 1),
  1929. (13, 9, 6),
  1930. (14, 9, 4),
  1931. (15, 9, 5),
  1932. (16, 9, 8),
  1933. (27, 14, 1),
  1934. (28, 15, 1),
  1935. (29, 16, 1),
  1936. (30, 17, 1),
  1937. (32, 9, 9),
  1938. (36, 21, 1),
  1939. (38, 24, 1),
  1940. (39, 25, 1),
  1941. (40, 26, 1),
  1942. (41, 27, 1),
  1943. (43, 1, 2),
  1944. (46, 1, 6),
  1945. (58, 33, 1),
  1946. (73, 1, 5),
  1947. (74, 1, 7),
  1948. (105, 1, 4),
  1949. (107, 37, 6),
  1950. (114, 1, 8),
  1951. (117, 37, 2),
  1952. (120, 41, 1),
  1953. (122, 36, 6),
  1954. (123, 36, 5),
  1955. (124, 36, 2),
  1956. (125, 37, 4),
  1957. (148, 37, 5),
  1958. (149, 37, 7),
  1959. (150, 37, 8),
  1960. (151, 37, 9),
  1961. (156, 48, 6),
  1962. (157, 48, 6),
  1963. (173, 0, 2),
  1964. (174, 0, 4),
  1965. (175, 0, 5),
  1966. (176, 0, 6),
  1967. (177, 0, 7),
  1968. (178, 0, 8),
  1969. (179, 0, 9),
  1970. (180, 44, 1),
  1971. (181, 45, 1),
  1972. (182, 43, 4),
  1973. (183, 43, 5),
  1974. (185, 43, 11),
  1975. (187, 47, 1),
  1976. (189, 46, 4),
  1977. (190, 46, 4),
  1978. (191, 46, 4),
  1979. (192, 47, 4),
  1980. (193, 47, 4),
  1981. (194, 43, 4),
  1982. (195, 46, 4),
  1983. (196, 46, 4),
  1984. (197, 37, 4),
  1985. (198, 40, 4),
  1986. (199, 47, 4),
  1987. (200, 48, 1),
  1988. (201, 48, 4),
  1989. (202, 115, 4),
  1990. (203, 116, 4),
  1991. (204, 119, 1),
  1992. (205, 119, 1),
  1993. (206, 119, 1),
  1994. (207, 119, 1),
  1995. (209, 121, 5),
  1996. (211, 121, 4),
  1997. (213, 119, 4),
  1998. (214, 194, 1),
  1999. (215, 195, 1),
  2000. (216, 195, 4),
  2001. (217, 122, 0),
  2002. (218, 122, 0),
  2003. (219, 122, 4),
  2004. (220, 122, 5),
  2005. (222, 42, 4),
  2006. (224, 34, 4),
  2007. (226, 34, 5),
  2008. (227, 34, 8),
  2009. (228, 34, 9),
  2010. (229, 196, 1),
  2011. (230, 197, 1),
  2012. (231, 197, 6),
  2013. (232, 197, 7),
  2014. (234, 34, 6),
  2015. (235, 198, 1),
  2016. (236, 198, 5),
  2017. (237, 198, 4),
  2018. (238, 199, 1),
  2019. (239, 199, 5),
  2020. (240, 199, 4),
  2021. (241, 200, 1),
  2022. (242, 200, 5),
  2023. (243, 200, 4);
  2025. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2027. --
  2028. -- Table structure for table `Promotion`
  2029. --
  2031. CREATE TABLE `Promotion` (
  2032. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2033. `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  2034. `Promoters_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2035. `Promoted_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2036. `promoted_old_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2037. `Promoted_new_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2038. `Additional_comments` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2039. `timestamp` varchar(50) NOT NULL
  2042. --
  2043. -- Dumping data for table `Promotion`
  2044. --
  2046. INSERT INTO `Promotion` (`ID`, `user_id`, `Promoters_rank`, `Promoted_name`, `promoted_old_rank`, `Promoted_new_rank`, `Additional_comments`, `timestamp`) VALUES
  2047. (80, 34, 'Room Control', 'qdwqdw', 'qwddqw', 'Prime Minister', '', '1475028614'),
  2048. (81, 34, 'Room Control', 'ewfewf', 'ewfwef', 'Prime Minister', '', '1475028912'),
  2049. (83, 34, 'Room Control', 'Head of Trainin', 'Head of Training', 'Head of Training', '', '1475035125'),
  2050. (84, 116, 'Room Control', 'r32', '32r32r3r2', 'r23r323r2', '32r', '1475042849'),
  2051. (85, 34, 'Room Control', '3r32r', '23r23r', 'Prime Minister', '', '1475062326'),
  2052. (86, 34, 'Room Control', 'qwqfw', 'qfwqfw', 'qfwfqw', 'qwffqw', '1475073145'),
  2053. (87, 34, 'Room Control', 'qfwqfw', 'wqffq', 'Head of Training', '', '1475073711'),
  2054. (88, 34, 'Room Control', '', '', '', '', '1475126867'),
  2055. (89, 42, 'Room Control', 'Recruit', '', 'Recruit', 'Promoted using the automatic promotion button', '1475137897'),
  2056. (90, 34, 'Room Control', 'xyzo', 'Trial Cabinet Member', 'Trial Mod', '', '1475150306'),
  2057. (91, 34, 'Room Control', 'Mod of Security', 'xyzo', 'Mod of Security', 'Promoted using the automatic promotion button', '1475150400'),
  2058. (92, 34, 'Room Control', 'Mod of Security', 'Mod of Training', 'Mod of Training', 'Promoted using the automatic promotion button', '1475150433'),
  2059. (93, 34, 'Room Control', 'effeef', 'feeffe', 'efeffeeffe', 'fefe', '1475196529'),
  2060. (94, 34, 'Room Control', 'efeffeeffe', 'effeef', 'Recruit', 'Promoted using the automatic promotion button', '1475279469'),
  2061. (95, 34, 'Room Control', 'efeffeeffe', 'Recruit', 'Trainee', 'Promoted using the automatic promotion button', '1475279577'),
  2062. (96, 34, 'Room Control', 'efeffeeffe', 'Trainee', 'Cadet', 'Promoted using the automatic promotion button', '1475280376'),
  2063. (97, 34, 'Room Control', 'Jim', 'B.U.M Inspector', 'Security Officer 3c ', '', '1475570895'),
  2064. (100, 34, 'Room Control', 'dwqdw', 'wddwqw', 'qdwdqw', 'wdqqdw', '1475896080'),
  2065. (101, 34, 'Room Control', 'qwdwqdwq', 'qwdqwd', 'wqdww', 'wdqqwd', '1476158760'),
  2066. (102, 34, 'Room Control', 'qwdwqdwq', 'qwdqwd', 'wqdww', 'wdqqwd', '1476158761'),
  2067. (103, 34, 'Room Control', 'qwdwqdwq', 'qwdqwd', 'wqdww', 'wdqqwd', '1476158761'),
  2068. (104, 34, 'Room Control', 'qwdwqdwq', 'qwdqwd', 'wqdww', 'wdqqwd', '1476158761'),
  2069. (105, 34, 'Room Control', 'nllnnnk', 'lnknn', 'nllnlnklnk', 'lnl', '1476159385'),
  2070. (106, 34, 'Room Control', 'nllnnnk', 'lnknn', 'nllnlnklnk', 'lnl', '1476159386'),
  2071. (107, 34, 'Room Control', 'nllnnnk', 'looooool', 'nllnlnklnk', 'lnl', '1476159394'),
  2072. (108, 1, 'Room Control', '%@&amp;#^', '%@&amp;#^', '%@&amp;#^', '%@&amp;#^', '1477305060'),
  2073. (109, 1, 'Room Control', '%@&amp;#^ ', '%@&amp;#^ ', '%@&amp;#^ ', '%@&amp;#^ ', '1477305494'),
  2074. (110, 1, 'Room Control', '&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;', '&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;', '&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;', '&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;&#039;', '1477305527');
  2076. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2078. --
  2079. -- Table structure for table `Promotion_tags`
  2080. --
  2082. CREATE TABLE `Promotion_tags` (
  2083. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2084. `Habbo_name` text NOT NULL,
  2085. `Promotion_tag` text NOT NULL,
  2086. `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL
  2089. --
  2090. -- Dumping data for table `Promotion_tags`
  2091. --
  2093. INSERT INTO `Promotion_tags` (`ID`, `Habbo_name`, `Promotion_tag`, `status`) VALUES
  2094. (6, 'demo', 'lol', 1);
  2096. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2098. --
  2099. -- Table structure for table `rank-back`
  2100. --
  2102. CREATE TABLE `rank-back` (
  2103. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2104. `username` text NOT NULL,
  2105. `reinstated` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2106. `Rank_Reinstated` text NOT NULL,
  2107. `Approval` text NOT NULL,
  2108. `add_comment` text NOT NULL,
  2109. `time` int(11) NOT NULL
  2112. --
  2113. -- Dumping data for table `rank-back`
  2114. --
  2116. INSERT INTO `rank-back` (`id`, `username`, `reinstated`, `Rank_Reinstated`, `Approval`, `add_comment`, `time`) VALUES
  2117. (1, 'demo', '', '32rr32', '3r23r2', 'r323r', 1477037614),
  2118. (2, 'demo', 'wqddwq', 'qsqs', 'dwqqwd', 'dwqdwq', 1477037702);
  2120. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2122. --
  2123. -- Table structure for table `ranks`
  2124. --
  2126. CREATE TABLE `ranks` (
  2127. `rank_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2128. `rank` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
  2129. `division` int(2) NOT NULL,
  2130. `time` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2131. `price` int(11) NOT NULL
  2132. ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=229 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
  2134. --
  2135. -- Dumping data for table `ranks`
  2136. --
  2138. INSERT INTO `ranks` (`rank_id`, `rank`, `division`, `time`, `price`) VALUES
  2139. (1, 'Recruit', 1, 0, 0),
  2140. (2, 'Trainee', 1, 600, 0),
  2141. (3, 'Cadet', 1, 1800, 0),
  2142. (4, 'B.U.M Inspector', 1, 1800, 0),
  2143. (5, 'Guardian', 1, 1800, 0),
  2144. (6, 'Officer', 1, 1800, 0),
  2145. (7, 'Patrol Officer', 1, 1800, 0),
  2146. (8, 'Elite Officer', 1, 1800, 0),
  2147. (9, 'Bodyguard', 1, 1800, 0),
  2148. (10, 'Agent', 1, 1800, 0),
  2149. (11, 'Field Agent', 1, 1800, 0),
  2150. (12, 'Senior Agent', 1, 1800, 0),
  2151. (13, 'Special Agent', 1, 1800, 0),
  2152. (14, 'Security Officer 3c', 2, 2700, 20),
  2153. (15, 'Security Officer 2c', 2, 2700, 22),
  2154. (16, 'Security Officer 1c', 2, 2700, 24),
  2155. (17, 'Security Consultant 3c', 2, 2700, 26),
  2156. (18, 'Security Consultant 2c', 2, 2700, 26),
  2157. (19, 'Security Consultant 1c', 2, 2700, 28),
  2158. (20, 'Security Generalist', 2, 2700, 30),
  2159. (21, 'HQ Coordinator 3c', 2, 2700, 32),
  2160. (22, 'HQ Coordinator 2c', 2, 2700, 34),
  2161. (23, 'HQ Coordinator 1c', 2, 2700, 36),
  2162. (24, 'Head of Security', 2, 2700, 38),
  2163. (25, 'Trainer 3c', 3, 1800, 40),
  2164. (26, 'Trainer 2c', 3, 1800, 41),
  2165. (27, 'Trainer 1c', 3, 1800, 42),
  2166. (28, 'Senior Trainer', 3, 1800, 44),
  2167. (29, 'Training Supervisor', 3, 1800, 46),
  2168. (30, 'Executive Trainer', 3, 1800, 48),
  2169. (31, 'Training Generalist', 3, 1800, 50),
  2170. (32, 'Training Coordinator', 3, 1800, 52),
  2171. (33, 'Training Manager', 3, 1800, 54),
  2172. (34, 'Asst. Head of Training', 3, 1800, 56),
  2173. (35, 'Head of Training', 3, 1800, 58),
  2174. (36, 'Analyst 3c', 4, 3600, 60),
  2175. (37, 'Analyst 2c', 4, 3600, 61),
  2176. (38, 'Analyst 1c', 4, 3600, 62),
  2177. (39, 'Public Secretary', 4, 3600, 64),
  2178. (40, 'Legal Consultant 3c', 4, 3600, 66),
  2179. (41, 'Legal Consultant 2c', 4, 3600, 68),
  2180. (42, 'Legal Consultant 1c', 4, 3600, 70),
  2181. (43, 'Counselor', 4, 3600, 72),
  2182. (44, 'Investigator', 4, 3600, 74),
  2183. (45, 'Chief Analyst', 4, 3600, 76),
  2184. (46, 'Legal Representative', 4, 3600, 78),
  2185. (47, 'Commander', 5, 3600, 80),
  2186. (48, 'Junior HQ Supervisor', 5, 3600, 81),
  2187. (49, 'HQ Supervisor', 5, 3600, 82),
  2188. (50, 'Senior HQ Supervisor', 5, 3600, 83),
  2189. (51, 'High Rank Rep.', 5, 3600, 85),
  2190. (52, 'Executive', 5, 3600, 87),
  2191. (53, 'Head Executive', 5, 3600, 89),
  2192. (54, 'HQ Overseer', 5, 3600, 91),
  2193. (55, 'Junior HQ Overseer', 5, 3600, 93),
  2194. (56, 'Senior HQ Overseer', 5, 3600, 95),
  2195. (57, 'Operation Manager', 5, 3600, 97),
  2196. (58, 'Regulation Manager', 5, 3600, 99),
  2197. (59, 'Deputy Chief of SS', 5, 3600, 101),
  2198. (60, 'Chief of SS', 5, 3600, 103),
  2199. (61, 'Trial Senator', 6, 3600, 105),
  2200. (62, 'Asst. Senator', 6, 3600, 106),
  2201. (63, 'Senator', 6, 3600, 109),
  2202. (64, 'Junior Senator', 6, 3600, 112),
  2203. (65, 'Senior Senator', 6, 3600, 115),
  2204. (66, 'Asst. Chief Senator', 6, 3600, 118),
  2205. (67, 'Chief Senator', 6, 3600, 121),
  2206. (68, 'Asst. Executive Senator', 6, 3600, 124),
  2207. (69, 'Executive Senator', 6, 3600, 127),
  2208. (70, 'Asst. Chief Executive Senator', 6, 3600, 130),
  2209. (71, 'Chief Executive Senator', 6, 3600, 133),
  2210. (72, 'Head Senator', 6, 3600, 136),
  2211. (73, 'Senator Speaker', 6, 3600, 139),
  2212. (74, 'Director Senator', 6, 3600, 142),
  2213. (75, 'Program Specialist', 7, 3600, 145),
  2214. (76, 'Security Specialist', 7, 3600, 146),
  2215. (77, 'Human Resource Specialist', 7, 3600, 148),
  2216. (78, 'IT Specialist', 7, 3600, 151),
  2217. (79, 'Quality Assurance Specialist', 7, 3600, 154),
  2218. (80, 'Victim Advocate Coordinator', 7, 3600, 157),
  2219. (81, 'Intelligence Operations Specialist', 7, 3600, 160),
  2220. (82, 'Contract Specialist', 7, 3600, 163),
  2221. (83, 'Supply Specialist', 7, 3600, 166),
  2222. (84, 'Dept. Overseer of the OS', 7, 3600, 169),
  2223. (85, 'OS Overseer', 7, 3600, 172),
  2224. (86, 'Trial District Attorney', 8, 3600, 175),
  2225. (87, 'Asst. District Attorney', 8, 3600, 176),
  2226. (88, 'Deputy District Attorney', 8, 3600, 178),
  2227. (89, 'District Attorney', 8, 3600, 181),
  2228. (90, 'Prosecutor', 8, 3600, 184),
  2229. (91, 'Attorney General', 8, 3600, 187),
  2230. (92, 'Trial OOA', 9, 7200, 190),
  2231. (93, 'Desk Manager', 9, 7200, 194),
  2232. (94, 'Vault Officer', 9, 7200, 198),
  2233. (95, 'Vault Overseer', 9, 7200, 202),
  2234. (96, 'Chancellor', 9, 7200, 206),
  2235. (97, 'Senior Chancellor', 9, 7200, 210),
  2236. (98, 'Chairpersons', 9, 7200, 214),
  2237. (99, 'Admin', 9, 7200, 0),
  2238. (100, 'Senior Admin', 9, 7200, 0),
  2239. (101, 'Supreme Admin', 9, 7200, 0),
  2240. (102, 'Trial Senior Management', 10, 7200, 0),
  2241. (103, 'Head of Special Ops (HoSO)', 10, 7200, 0),
  2242. (104, 'Head of Recruitment (HoR)', 10, 7200, 0),
  2243. (105, 'Head of Trade', 10, 7200, 0),
  2244. (106, 'Junior Director', 10, 7200, 0),
  2245. (107, 'Asst. Director', 10, 7200, 0),
  2246. (108, 'Director', 10, 7200, 0),
  2247. (109, 'Senior Director', 10, 7200, 0),
  2248. (110, 'Asst. Head Director', 10, 7200, 0),
  2249. (111, 'Asst. Chief of SM (ACoSM)', 10, 7200, 0),
  2250. (112, 'Chief of SM', 10, 7200, 0),
  2251. (113, 'Trial Top Management', 11, 7200, 0),
  2252. (114, 'Top Management', 11, 7200, 0),
  2253. (115, 'Deputy Commissioner', 11, 7200, 0),
  2254. (116, 'Commissioner', 11, 7200, 0),
  2255. (117, 'Deputy Inspector', 11, 7200, 0),
  2256. (118, 'Inspector', 11, 7200, 0),
  2257. (119, 'Chief Inspector', 11, 7200, 0),
  2258. (120, 'Superintendent', 11, 7200, 0),
  2259. (121, 'Chief Superintendent', 11, 7200, 0),
  2260. (122, 'Director General', 11, 7200, 0),
  2261. (123, 'General Manager', 11, 7200, 0),
  2262. (124, 'Deputy Chief of TM (DCoTM)', 11, 7200, 0),
  2263. (125, 'Chief of TM', 11, 7200, 0),
  2264. (126, 'Trial Executive Officer', 12, 7200, 0),
  2265. (127, 'Chief Intelligence Officer (CIO)', 12, 7200, 0),
  2266. (128, 'Chief Risk Officer (CRO)', 12, 7200, 0),
  2267. (129, 'Chief Legal Officer (CLO)', 12, 7200, 0),
  2268. (130, 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)', 12, 7200, 0),
  2269. (131, 'Chief Operations Officer (COO)', 12, 7200, 0),
  2270. (132, 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)', 12, 7200, 0),
  2271. (133, 'Trial Secretary', 13, 7200, 0),
  2272. (134, 'Secretary of War', 13, 7200, 0),
  2273. (135, 'Secretary of Agriculture', 13, 7200, 0),
  2274. (136, 'Secretary of Energy', 13, 7200, 0),
  2275. (137, 'Secretary of Commerce', 13, 7200, 0),
  2276. (138, 'Secretary of Labor', 13, 7200, 0),
  2277. (139, 'Secretary of Law', 13, 7200, 0),
  2278. (140, 'Secretary of Education', 13, 7200, 0),
  2279. (141, 'Secretary of Treasury', 13, 7200, 0),
  2280. (142, 'Secretary of Defense', 13, 7200, 0),
  2281. (143, 'Secretary of State', 13, 7200, 0),
  2282. (144, 'Trial BOD', 14, 7200, 0),
  2283. (145, 'Director of Standard', 14, 7200, 0),
  2284. (146, 'Director of Security', 14, 7200, 0),
  2285. (147, 'Director of Trainer', 14, 7200, 0),
  2286. (148, 'Director of Legal Affairs', 14, 7200, 0),
  2287. (149, 'Director of HR', 14, 7200, 0),
  2288. (150, 'Director of Diplomats', 14, 7200, 0),
  2289. (151, 'Director of Operational Staff', 14, 7200, 0),
  2290. (152, 'Director of District Attorney', 14, 7200, 0),
  2291. (153, 'Director of OOA', 14, 7200, 0),
  2292. (154, 'Director of SM', 14, 7200, 0),
  2293. (155, 'Director of TM', 14, 7200, 0),
  2294. (156, 'Director of EO', 14, 7200, 0),
  2295. (157, 'Head of Directors', 14, 7200, 0),
  2296. (158, 'Trial Elite Member', 15, 43200, 0),
  2297. (159, 'Elite Member', 15, 43200, 0),
  2298. (160, 'Elite Board Secretary', 15, 43200, 0),
  2299. (161, 'Elite Overseer', 15, 43200, 0),
  2300. (162, 'Elite Commander', 15, 43200, 0),
  2301. (163, 'Elite Chairman', 15, 43200, 0),
  2302. (164, 'Head of Elite Leaders', 15, 43200, 0),
  2303. (165, 'Trial Cabinet Member', 16, 43200, 0),
  2304. (166, 'Cabinet Secretary', 16, 43200, 0),
  2305. (167, 'Senior Cabinet Secretary', 16, 43200, 0),
  2306. (168, 'Intelligence Advisor', 16, 43200, 0),
  2307. (169, 'Military Advisor', 16, 43200, 0),
  2308. (170, 'Chief Military Advisor', 16, 43200, 0),
  2309. (171, 'Chief Advisor', 16, 43200, 0),
  2310. (172, 'Junior Executive Chief', 16, 43200, 0),
  2311. (173, 'Executive Chief', 16, 43200, 0),
  2312. (174, 'Senior Executive Chief', 16, 43200, 0),
  2313. (175, 'Junior National Security Advisor', 16, 43200, 0),
  2314. (176, 'National Security Advisor', 16, 43200, 0),
  2315. (177, 'Director of National Security', 16, 43200, 0),
  2316. (178, 'Trial Leader', 17, 86400, 0),
  2317. (179, 'Leader of Low Ranks', 17, 86400, 0),
  2318. (180, 'Leader of Security', 17, 86400, 0),
  2319. (181, 'Leader of Trainers', 17, 86400, 0),
  2320. (182, 'Leader of Legal Affairs', 17, 86400, 0),
  2321. (183, 'Leader of High Ranks', 17, 86400, 0),
  2322. (184, 'Experienced Leader', 17, 86400, 0),
  2323. (185, 'Operational Leader', 17, 86400, 0),
  2324. (186, 'Superior Leader', 17, 86400, 0),
  2325. (187, 'Jurisdiction Leader', 17, 86400, 0),
  2326. (188, 'Provincial Leader', 17, 86400, 0),
  2327. (189, 'Federal Leader', 17, 86400, 0),
  2328. (190, 'Chief Justice', 17, 86400, 0),
  2329. (191, 'Congressman', 17, 86400, 0),
  2330. (192, 'Emperor', 17, 86400, 0),
  2331. (193, 'Commodore', 17, 86400, 0),
  2332. (194, 'Supervisory General', 17, 86400, 0),
  2333. (195, 'Governor General', 17, 86400, 0),
  2334. (196, 'Plenipotentiary', 17, 86400, 0),
  2335. (197, 'Ambassador', 17, 86400, 0),
  2336. (198, 'Mayor', 17, 86400, 0),
  2337. (199, 'Prime Minister', 17, 86400, 0),
  2338. (200, 'Room Control', 18, 100000, 0),
  2339. (201, 'Trial MoD', 19, 1000000, 0),
  2340. (202, 'Mod of Security', 19, 0, 0),
  2341. (203, 'Mod of Training', 19, 0, 0),
  2342. (204, 'HQ MoD', 19, 0, 0),
  2343. (205, 'Snr. HQ MOD', 19, 0, 0),
  2344. (206, 'Mod Of Elections', 19, 0, 0),
  2345. (207, 'Mod of Disciplinary', 19, 0, 0),
  2346. (208, 'Mod of Recruitment', 19, 0, 0),
  2347. (209, 'Mod of Communication', 19, 0, 0),
  2348. (210, 'Mod of Assistance', 19, 0, 0),
  2349. (211, 'Mod of External Affairs', 19, 0, 0),
  2350. (212, 'Mod of Internal Affairs', 19, 0, 0),
  2351. (213, 'Mod of Reporting', 19, 0, 0),
  2352. (214, 'Mod of LR', 19, 0, 0),
  2353. (215, 'Mod of HR', 19, 0, 0),
  2354. (216, 'Mod of Observation', 19, 0, 0),
  2355. (217, 'Trial Supreme Command', 20, 0, 0),
  2356. (218, 'Joint Chief', 20, 0, 0),
  2357. (219, 'Chief', 20, 0, 0),
  2358. (220, 'Representative', 20, 0, 0),
  2359. (221, 'Head Advisor', 20, 0, 0),
  2360. (222, 'Deputy Chief of Staff', 20, 0, 0),
  2361. (223, 'Chief of Staff', 20, 0, 0),
  2362. (224, 'Co-Owner', 21, 0, 0),
  2363. (225, 'Executive Owner', 21, 0, 0),
  2364. (226, 'Acting Owner', 21, 0, 0),
  2365. (227, 'Joint Owner', 21, 0, 0),
  2366. (228, 'Founder Representative', 21, 0, 0);
  2368. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2370. --
  2371. -- Table structure for table `records`
  2372. --
  2374. CREATE TABLE `records` (
  2375. `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2376. `name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
  2377. `active` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
  2380. --
  2381. -- Dumping data for table `records`
  2382. --
  2384. INSERT INTO `records` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES
  2385. (1, 'Emily', 1),
  2386. (2, 'Kayla', 1),
  2387. (3, 'Alyssa', 1),
  2388. (4, 'Chloe', 1),
  2389. (5, 'Hannah', 1),
  2390. (6, 'Ashley', 1),
  2391. (7, 'POPPY', 1),
  2392. (8, 'BETHANY', 1),
  2393. (9, 'JASMINE', 1),
  2394. (10, 'ELIZABETH ', 1),
  2395. (11, 'ALEC', 1),
  2396. (12, 'ALFRED', 1),
  2397. (13, 'ALLYN', 1),
  2398. (14, 'ALTON', 1),
  2399. (15, 'ALYCE', 1),
  2400. (16, 'ALYX', 1),
  2401. (17, 'AMERY', 1),
  2402. (18, 'AMIE', 1),
  2403. (19, 'AMITY', 1),
  2404. (20, 'ANDI', 1),
  2405. (21, 'ANDIE', 1),
  2406. (22, 'ANGEL', 1),
  2407. (23, 'ARIC ', 1),
  2408. (24, 'ARN', 1),
  2409. (25, 'ARYANA ', 1),
  2410. (26, 'AILA', 1);
  2412. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2414. --
  2415. -- Table structure for table `sold_ranks`
  2416. --
  2418. CREATE TABLE `sold_ranks` (
  2419. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2420. `Sellers_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2421. `Sellers_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2422. `Bought_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2423. `Bought_new_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2424. `Ammount` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2425. `Additional_Comments` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2426. `timestamp` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  2427. `new_timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  2428. `buyer_old_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL
  2431. --
  2432. -- Dumping data for table `sold_ranks`
  2433. --
  2435. INSERT INTO `sold_ranks` (`ID`, `Sellers_name`, `Sellers_rank`, `Bought_name`, `Bought_new_rank`, `Ammount`, `Additional_Comments`, `timestamp`, `new_timestamp`, `buyer_old_rank`) VALUES
  2436. (16, 'demo', '', 'Wellll', 'welll', 'Wellll', 'Wlelll\r\n', '1471778543', '2016-08-21 11:22:23', ''),
  2437. (17, 'demo', '', 'Hey bby', ' Hey bby', 'Hey bby', 'Hey bby\r\n', '1472030978', '2016-08-24 09:29:38', ''),
  2438. (18, 'demo', '', 'Bobby', 'hiya', '1000', '', '1472034022', '2016-08-24 10:20:22', '-'),
  2439. (19, 'demo', '', 'Bobby', 'hiya', '', '', '1472034069', '2016-08-24 10:21:09', '-'),
  2440. (20, 'demo', '', 'njnnjkknj', 'jnkjknnjk', 'njkkjnknjk', 'jnknjkn\r\n', '1472034086', '2016-08-24 10:21:26', 'jnjknjknnjk'),
  2441. (21, 'demo', '', 'dqwqwd', 'dwqqwd', 'qwdwdq', 'wdqdw', '1472041414', '2016-08-24 12:23:34', 'qdwwdq'),
  2442. (22, 'demo', '', 'dqwqwd', 'dwqqwd', 'qwdwdq', 'wdqdw', '1472041449', '2016-08-24 12:24:09', 'qdwwdq'),
  2443. (23, 'demo', '', 'dqwqwd', 'dwqqwd', 'qwdwdq', 'wdqdw', '1472041509', '2016-08-24 12:25:09', 'qdwwdq'),
  2444. (24, 'demo', '', 'dqwqwd', 'dwqqwd', 'qwdwdq', 'wdqdw', '1472041598', '2016-08-24 12:26:38', 'qdwwdq'),
  2445. (25, 'demo', '', 'qqs', 'swqw', 'qsqs', 'qwqw', '1472041664', '2016-08-24 12:27:44', 'qsq'),
  2446. (26, 'demo', '', 'qqs', 'swqw', 'qsqs', 'qwqw', '1472041823', '2016-08-24 12:30:23', 'qsq'),
  2447. (27, 'demo', '', 'qqs', 'swqw', 'qsqs', 'qwqw', '1472041840', '2016-08-24 12:30:40', 'qsq'),
  2448. (28, 'demo', '', 'qqs', 'swqw', 'qsqs', 'qwqw', '1472041856', '2016-08-24 12:30:56', 'qsq');
  2450. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2452. --
  2453. -- Table structure for table `strike_removal`
  2454. --
  2456. CREATE TABLE `strike_removal` (
  2457. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2458. `Removalist_name` text NOT NULL,
  2459. `Removalist_rank` text NOT NULL,
  2460. `Removed_name` text NOT NULL,
  2461. `strike_number` text NOT NULL,
  2462. `Reason` text NOT NULL,
  2463. `remarks` text NOT NULL,
  2464. `timestamp` varchar(50) NOT NULL
  2465. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  2467. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2469. --
  2470. -- Table structure for table `Trainer`
  2471. --
  2473. CREATE TABLE `Trainer` (
  2474. `ID` int(10) NOT NULL,
  2475. `Trainers_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  2476. `Trainers_rank` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  2477. `Outcome` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  2478. `Trained_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  2479. `Trained_rank` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  2480. `timestamp` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  2481. `Add_Comment` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  2482. `new_timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL
  2485. --
  2486. -- Dumping data for table `Trainer`
  2487. --
  2489. INSERT INTO `Trainer` (`ID`, `Trainers_name`, `Trainers_rank`, `Outcome`, `Trained_name`, `Trained_rank`, `timestamp`, `Add_Comment`, `new_timestamp`) VALUES
  2490. (16, 'genr.', 'dedede', 'Pass', 'dedeede', 'deedde', '0', 'ededed', 0),
  2491. (17, 'demo', 'dqwdqwqwd', 'Pass', 'wqdwqdqwd', 'dwqwdqdwq', '1471690289', 'qwddwqwdqqwd', 0),
  2492. (20, 'demo', 'Room Control', 'pass', 'GenR.', '', '1475206607', '', 0),
  2493. (21, 'demo', 'Room Control', 'Pass', 'GenR. 2.0', '', '1475206776', '', 0),
  2494. (22, 'demo', 'Room Control', 'Fail', 'GenR.', '', '1475330658', '', 0);
  2496. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  2498. --
  2499. -- Table structure for table `Transfer`
  2500. --
  2502. CREATE TABLE `Transfer` (
  2503. `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
  2504. `transferer_username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2505. `transferer_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2506. `transfered_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2507. `transfered_username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2508. `Agency` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2509. `new_rank` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2510. `outcome` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  2511. `transfer_datetime` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  2512. `transfer_remarks` text NOT NULL
  2513. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  2515. --
  2516. -- Indexes for dumped tables
  2517. --
  2519. --
  2520. -- Indexes for table `account_change`
  2521. --
  2522. ALTER TABLE `account_change`
  2523. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2525. --
  2526. -- Indexes for table `Demotions`
  2527. --
  2528. ALTER TABLE `Demotions`
  2529. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2531. --
  2532. -- Indexes for table `fired_log`
  2533. --
  2534. ALTER TABLE `fired_log`
  2535. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2537. --
  2538. -- Indexes for table `forum_category`
  2539. --
  2540. ALTER TABLE `forum_category`
  2541. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`category_id`);
  2543. --
  2544. -- Indexes for table `forum_replys`
  2545. --
  2546. ALTER TABLE `forum_replys`
  2547. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`reply_id`);
  2549. --
  2550. -- Indexes for table `forum_sub_category`
  2551. --
  2552. ALTER TABLE `forum_sub_category`
  2553. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`sub_category_id`);
  2555. --
  2556. -- Indexes for table `forum_sub_category_permission`
  2557. --
  2558. ALTER TABLE `forum_sub_category_permission`
  2559. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`sub_category_id`),
  2560. ADD KEY `sub_category_id` (`sub_category_id`);
  2562. --
  2563. -- Indexes for table `forum_topic`
  2564. --
  2565. ALTER TABLE `forum_topic`
  2566. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2568. --
  2569. -- Indexes for table `help`
  2570. --
  2571. ALTER TABLE `help`
  2572. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2574. --
  2575. -- Indexes for table `Ip_address`
  2576. --
  2577. ALTER TABLE `Ip_address`
  2578. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2580. --
  2581. -- Indexes for table `LOA`
  2582. --
  2584. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2586. --
  2587. -- Indexes for table `messages`
  2588. --
  2589. ALTER TABLE `messages`
  2590. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),
  2591. ADD KEY `sender` (`sender`);
  2593. --
  2594. -- Indexes for table `messages_users`
  2595. --
  2596. ALTER TABLE `messages_users`
  2597. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`message_id`,`receiver_id`);
  2599. --
  2600. -- Indexes for table `players`
  2601. --
  2602. ALTER TABLE `players`
  2603. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2605. --
  2606. -- Indexes for table `portalconfiguration`
  2607. --
  2608. ALTER TABLE `portalconfiguration`
  2609. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2611. --
  2612. -- Indexes for table `portallogs`
  2613. --
  2614. ALTER TABLE `portallogs`
  2615. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2617. --
  2618. -- Indexes for table `portalnotification`
  2619. --
  2620. ALTER TABLE `portalnotification`
  2621. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2623. --
  2624. -- Indexes for table `portalpages`
  2625. --
  2626. ALTER TABLE `portalpages`
  2627. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2629. --
  2630. -- Indexes for table `portalpermissions`
  2631. --
  2632. ALTER TABLE `portalpermissions`
  2633. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2635. --
  2636. -- Indexes for table `portalpermission_page_matches`
  2637. --
  2638. ALTER TABLE `portalpermission_page_matches`
  2639. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2641. --
  2642. -- Indexes for table `portalsessions`
  2643. --
  2644. ALTER TABLE `portalsessions`
  2645. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`sessionID`);
  2647. --
  2648. -- Indexes for table `portalusers`
  2649. --
  2650. ALTER TABLE `portalusers`
  2651. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2653. --
  2654. -- Indexes for table `portalusers_banned`
  2655. --
  2656. ALTER TABLE `portalusers_banned`
  2657. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2659. --
  2660. -- Indexes for table `portaluser_permission_matches`
  2661. --
  2662. ALTER TABLE `portaluser_permission_matches`
  2663. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2665. --
  2666. -- Indexes for table `Promotion`
  2667. --
  2668. ALTER TABLE `Promotion`
  2669. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),
  2670. ADD KEY `fk_user_id` (`user_id`);
  2672. --
  2673. -- Indexes for table `Promotion_tags`
  2674. --
  2675. ALTER TABLE `Promotion_tags`
  2676. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2678. --
  2679. -- Indexes for table `rank-back`
  2680. --
  2681. ALTER TABLE `rank-back`
  2682. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2684. --
  2685. -- Indexes for table `ranks`
  2686. --
  2687. ALTER TABLE `ranks`
  2688. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`rank_id`);
  2690. --
  2691. -- Indexes for table `records`
  2692. --
  2693. ALTER TABLE `records`
  2694. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  2696. --
  2697. -- Indexes for table `sold_ranks`
  2698. --
  2699. ALTER TABLE `sold_ranks`
  2700. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2702. --
  2703. -- Indexes for table `strike_removal`
  2704. --
  2705. ALTER TABLE `strike_removal`
  2706. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2708. --
  2709. -- Indexes for table `Trainer`
  2710. --
  2711. ALTER TABLE `Trainer`
  2712. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),
  2713. ADD KEY `Trainers_name` (`Trainers_name`);
  2715. --
  2716. -- Indexes for table `Transfer`
  2717. --
  2718. ALTER TABLE `Transfer`
  2719. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ID`);
  2721. --
  2722. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables
  2723. --
  2725. --
  2726. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `account_change`
  2727. --
  2728. ALTER TABLE `account_change`
  2730. --
  2731. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `Demotions`
  2732. --
  2733. ALTER TABLE `Demotions`
  2735. --
  2736. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `fired_log`
  2737. --
  2738. ALTER TABLE `fired_log`
  2740. --
  2741. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `forum_category`
  2742. --
  2743. ALTER TABLE `forum_category`
  2744. MODIFY `category_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=6;
  2745. --
  2746. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `forum_replys`
  2747. --
  2748. ALTER TABLE `forum_replys`
  2750. --
  2751. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `forum_sub_category`
  2752. --
  2753. ALTER TABLE `forum_sub_category`
  2754. MODIFY `sub_category_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=27;
  2755. --
  2756. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `forum_sub_category_permission`
  2757. --
  2758. ALTER TABLE `forum_sub_category_permission`
  2759. MODIFY `sub_category_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=6;
  2760. --
  2761. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `forum_topic`
  2762. --
  2763. ALTER TABLE `forum_topic`
  2765. --
  2766. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `help`
  2767. --
  2768. ALTER TABLE `help`
  2770. --
  2771. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `Ip_address`
  2772. --
  2773. ALTER TABLE `Ip_address`
  2775. --
  2776. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `LOA`
  2777. --
  2780. --
  2781. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `messages`
  2782. --
  2783. ALTER TABLE `messages`
  2785. --
  2786. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `players`
  2787. --
  2788. ALTER TABLE `players`
  2790. --
  2791. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portalconfiguration`
  2792. --
  2793. ALTER TABLE `portalconfiguration`
  2795. --
  2796. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portallogs`
  2797. --
  2798. ALTER TABLE `portallogs`
  2800. --
  2801. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portalnotification`
  2802. --
  2803. ALTER TABLE `portalnotification`
  2805. --
  2806. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portalpages`
  2807. --
  2808. ALTER TABLE `portalpages`
  2810. --
  2811. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portalpermissions`
  2812. --
  2813. ALTER TABLE `portalpermissions`
  2815. --
  2816. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portalpermission_page_matches`
  2817. --
  2818. ALTER TABLE `portalpermission_page_matches`
  2819. MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
  2820. --
  2821. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portalusers`
  2822. --
  2823. ALTER TABLE `portalusers`
  2825. --
  2826. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portalusers_banned`
  2827. --
  2828. ALTER TABLE `portalusers_banned`
  2830. --
  2831. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `portaluser_permission_matches`
  2832. --
  2833. ALTER TABLE `portaluser_permission_matches`
  2835. --
  2836. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `Promotion`
  2837. --
  2838. ALTER TABLE `Promotion`
  2840. --
  2841. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `Promotion_tags`
  2842. --
  2843. ALTER TABLE `Promotion_tags`
  2845. --
  2846. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `rank-back`
  2847. --
  2848. ALTER TABLE `rank-back`
  2850. --
  2851. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `ranks`
  2852. --
  2853. ALTER TABLE `ranks`
  2855. --
  2856. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `records`
  2857. --
  2858. ALTER TABLE `records`
  2860. --
  2861. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `sold_ranks`
  2862. --
  2863. ALTER TABLE `sold_ranks`
  2865. --
  2866. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `strike_removal`
  2867. --
  2868. ALTER TABLE `strike_removal`
  2870. --
  2871. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `Trainer`
  2872. --
  2873. ALTER TABLE `Trainer`
  2875. --
  2876. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `Transfer`
  2877. --
  2878. ALTER TABLE `Transfer`
  2880. --
  2881. -- Constraints for dumped tables
  2882. --
  2884. --
  2885. -- Constraints for table `messages`
  2886. --
  2887. ALTER TABLE `messages`
  2888. ADD CONSTRAINT `sender_constraint` FOREIGN KEY (`sender`) REFERENCES `portalusers` (`id`);
  2890. --
  2891. -- Constraints for table `Promotion`
  2892. --
  2893. ALTER TABLE `Promotion`
  2894. ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_user_id` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `portalusers` (`id`);
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