
Rules and stuff

Jul 3rd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Join our discord server <color="green"><link="">HERE</link></color> if you wanna.
  2. <b>CHANGELOG!!</b>
  3. 1. <b>GRU-P</b>. A custom team with neutral relations to every other human faction, their only hostile faction are SCPs. 25% chance to replace a spawn wave.
  5. 2. <b>MLGDogememe</b>.
  6. - Disables 079 from spawning naturally
  7. - Allows you to break doors by shooting them enough
  8. - Coins have a special interaction with doors
  9. - Adds a separate coin that can spawn in SCP lockers that grants or takes health
  10. - Lets you keep effects after escaping
  11. - Gives Hume when wearing armor
  12. - Replaces SCPs with a scientist when there is 8 or less players.
  13. - Disguises SCP-049-2 as whatever class they were before they got revived.
  15. 3. <b>ArmedZombies</b>.
  16. Allows all SCPs to escape the facility, which turns them to a zombie with human like abilities & attributes. Unique SCPs gets their own powerful abilities to compensate.
  17. These 9 commands should be pasted into the console, they let you access your 8 inventory slots, and grants the ability to pick up items.
  18. - <color="green"><link="">Click here for a guide on how to setup these pesky bind commands, AND to see a detailed description of every escaped SCP variant.</link></color>
  19. cmdbind e .pickup
  20. cmdbind 49 .equip 1
  21. cmdbind 50 .equip 2
  22. cmdbind 51 .equip 3
  23. cmdbind 52 .equip 4
  24. cmdbind 53 .equip 5
  25. cmdbind 54 .equip 6
  26. cmdbind 55 .equip 7
  27. cmdbind 56 .equip 8
  28. -
  29. 4. <b>SCP1162</b>. Dropping items in 173's new chamber exchanges them for random items/ammo.
  31. 5. <b>RemoteKeycard</b>. Exists. You should know this one. >:/
  33. 6. <b>RespawnTimer</b>. Shows how long it takes for your dead ass to spawn.
  35. 7. <b>ShootingInteractions</b>. You can shoot door/elevator buttons to open them, and grenades/flashbangs/ghostlight to detonate them.
  37. 8. <b>CustomEscapes</b>. Allows cuffed military peeps to switch sides, their ranks determine what new rank they receive. (Ex: MTF Captain => C.I Repressor)
  40. <b>TEAMING RULES</b>
  41. 1. Class-Ds can team up with any hostile force as long as they intend to escape to join forces(Teaming with SCPs to become C.I, teaming with foundation to become MTF). Scientists can team up with C.I and D-bois
  43. 2. Otherwise, teaming (between hostile forces) is not allowed.
  45. <b>OTHER RULES</b>
  46. 1. Toxicity and mic spamming is allowed, unless you are told to stop
  48. 2. No racism and homophobia stuff
  50. 3. You cannot kill a disarmed target unless you know they are delaying the round
  52. 4. Hack is permanent ban no appeal
  54. 5. Be 13+ years old
  56. <b>STAFF RULES</b>
  57. 1. Giving yourself or anyone else an advantage using admin privilege is NOT allowed in normal gameplay
  59. 2. Replace AFK players with any spectator of your choosing("grup spawn agent/trooper/commissar [id]" for any members of GRU-P, use "agent" as the default if you don't know)
  61. 3. Do not crash or lag the server
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