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Oct 9th, 2017
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  1. stew@scallion:~/iNav-currentTrunk$ ls -alg
  2. total 8
  3. drwxrwxr-x 2 stew 4096 Oct 9 13:58 .
  4. drwxr-xr-x 66 stew 4096 Oct 9 13:58 ..
  5. stew@scallion:~/iNav-currentTrunk$ git clone
  6. Cloning into 'inav'...
  7. remote: Counting objects: 53241, done.
  8. remote: Total 53241 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 53240
  9. Receiving objects: 100% (53241/53241), 134.89 MiB | 37.75 MiB/s, done.
  10. Resolving deltas: 100% (37439/37439), done.
  11. Checking connectivity... done.
  12. stew@scallion:~/iNav-currentTrunk$ cd inav/
  13. stew@scallion:~/iNav-currentTrunk/inav$ git checkout development
  14. Branch development set up to track remote branch development from origin.
  15. Switched to a new branch 'development'
  16. stew@scallion:~/iNav-currentTrunk/inav$ git branch
  17. * development
  18. master
  19. stew@scallion:~/iNav-currentTrunk/inav$ git log
  20. commit 855bb46e306612e960af6891f71b099c68f9251c
  21. Merge: 5887470 a4becb1
  22. Author: Paweł Spychalski <>
  23. Date: Mon Oct 9 19:53:53 2017 +0200
  25. Merge pull request #2173 from iNavFlight/dzikuvx-msp-vtx-config
  29. commit 588747052b206ea44ab1585d4b9c95cfcca68a18
  30. Merge: f90ab8a 188ee48
  31. Author: Paweł Spychalski <>
  32. Date: Mon Oct 9 19:10:58 2017 +0200
  34. Merge pull request #2288 from fiam/osd_vtx
  36. Add support for displaying OSD_VTX_CHANNEL, works well
  38. commit f90ab8a74782b36fa11e3bb76012d6aefdf9f9fe
  39. Merge: 782ab6e 132f90b
  40. Author: Konstantin Sharlaimov <>
  41. Date: Mon Oct 9 23:51:07 2017 +1000
  43. Merge pull request #1899 from iNavFlight/de_onewire_sensor_protocol
  45. Initial cut on UAV Interconnect Bus
  47. commit 132f90bdcd51d93406cc915efb35d961d3e9ed0a
  48. Author: Konstantin Sharlaimov (DigitalEntity) <>
  49. Date: Mon Oct 9 21:56:45 2017 +1000
  51. Initial cut on UAV Interconnect Bus; UIB RANGEFINDER; UIB RX
  53. commit 782ab6e8977378399acf69084bb9812129183c0a
  54. Merge: 7ee82d6 6bfee2c
  55. Author: Konstantin Sharlaimov <>
  56. Date: Mon Oct 9 22:18:15 2017 +1000
  58. Merge pull request #1925 from iNavFlight/de_optical_flow_phase1
  60. Optical flow sensor implementation (Stage 1)
  62. commit 6bfee2caa7dcbdb65d11eb35a92a6c9b6489f438
  63. Author: Konstantin Sharlaimov (DigitalEntity) <>
  64. Date: Mon Oct 9 21:47:14 2017 +1000
  66. Add opflow_hardware to MSP_SENSOR_CONFIG
  68. commit 0f2a814b57af4226986510c98cfebefef4ef1a49
  69. Author: Konstantin Sharlaimov (DigitalEntity) <>
  70. Date: Mon Oct 9 20:51:26 2017 +1000
  72. stew@scallion:~/iNav-currentTrunk/inav$ make TARGET=OMNIBUSF4 DEBUG=GDB
  73. settings.yaml -> settings_generated.h, settings_generated.c
  74. %% startup_stm32f40xx.s
  75. %% system_stm32f4xx.c
  76. %% accgyro_mpu.c
  77. %% adc_stm32f4xx.c
  78. %% bus_i2c_stm32f10x.c
  79. %% gpio_stm32f4xx.c
  80. %% inverter.c
  81. %% serial_softserial.c
  82. %% serial_uart_stm32f4xx.c
  83. %% system_stm32f4xx.c
  84. %% timer_stm32f4xx.c
  85. %% dma_stm32f4xx.c
  86. %% accgyro_spi_mpu6000.c
  87. %% accgyro_spi_mpu6500.c
  88. %% accgyro_mpu6500.c
  89. %% barometer_bmp085.c
  90. %% barometer_bmp280.c
  91. %% barometer_spi_bmp280.c
  92. %% barometer_ms56xx.c
  93. %% compass_ak8963.c
  94. %% compass_ak8975.c
  95. %% compass_hmc5883l.c
  96. %% compass_mag3110.c
  97. %% compass_qmc5883l.c
  98. %% pitotmeter_ms4525.c
  99. %% pitotmeter_adc.c
  100. %% light_ws2811strip.c
  101. %% light_ws2811strip_stdperiph.c
  102. %% max7456.c
  103. %% flash_m25p16.c
  104. %% flashfs.c
  105. %% blackbox.c
  106. %% blackbox_encoding.c
  107. %% blackbox_io.c
  108. %% cms.c
  109. %% cms_menu_blackbox.c
  110. %% cms_menu_builtin.c
  111. %% cms_menu_imu.c
  112. %% cms_menu_ledstrip.c
  113. %% cms_menu_misc.c
  114. %% cms_menu_osd.c
  115. %% colorconversion.c
  116. %% gps_conversion.c
  117. %% display_ug2864hsweg01.c
  118. %% rangefinder_hcsr04.c
  119. %% rangefinder_hcsr04_i2c.c
  120. %% rangefinder_srf10.c
  121. %% opflow_fake.c
  122. %% rangefinder_vl53l0x.c
  123. %% vtx_common.c
  124. %% dashboard.c
  125. %% displayport_max7456.c
  126. %% displayport_msp.c
  127. %% displayport_oled.c
  128. %% gps.c
  129. %% gps_ublox.c
  130. %% gps_nmea.c
  131. %% gps_naza.c
  132. %% gps_i2cnav.c
  133. %% ledstrip.c
  134. %% osd.c
  135. %% navigation.c
  136. %% navigation_fixedwing.c
  137. %% navigation_fw_launch.c
  138. %% navigation_geo.c
  139. %% navigation_multicopter.c
  140. %% navigation_pos_estimator.c
  141. %% barometer.c
  142. %% pitotmeter.c
  143. %% rangefinder.c
  144. %% opflow.c
  145. %% crsf.c
  146. %% frsky.c
  147. %% hott.c
  148. %% ibus_shared.c
  149. %% ibus.c
  150. %% ltm.c
  151. %% mavlink.c
  152. %% smartport.c
  153. %% telemetry.c
  154. %% vtx_string.c
  155. %% vtx_smartaudio.c
  156. ./src/main/io/vtx_smartaudio.c:91:5: warning: missing initializer for field 'channelCount' of 'vtxDeviceCapability_t' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  157. .capability.channelCount = 8,
  158. ^
  159. In file included from ./src/main/io/vtx_smartaudio.c:43:0:
  160. ./src/main/drivers/vtx_common.h:35:13: note: 'channelCount' declared here
  161. uint8_t channelCount;
  162. ^
  163. ./src/main/io/vtx_smartaudio.c:92:5: warning: missing initializer for field 'powerCount' of 'vtxDeviceCapability_t' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  164. .capability.powerCount = 4,
  165. ^
  166. In file included from ./src/main/io/vtx_smartaudio.c:43:0:
  167. ./src/main/drivers/vtx_common.h:36:13: note: 'powerCount' declared here
  168. uint8_t powerCount;
  169. ^
  170. %% vtx_tramp.c
  171. ./src/main/io/vtx_tramp.c:58:5: warning: missing initializer for field 'channelCount' of 'vtxDeviceCapability_t' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  172. .capability.channelCount = 8,
  173. ^
  174. In file included from ./src/main/io/vtx_tramp.c:37:0:
  175. ./src/main/drivers/vtx_common.h:35:13: note: 'channelCount' declared here
  176. uint8_t channelCount;
  177. ^
  178. ./src/main/io/vtx_tramp.c:59:5: warning: missing initializer for field 'powerCount' of 'vtxDeviceCapability_t' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  179. .capability.powerCount = sizeof(trampPowerTable),
  180. ^
  181. In file included from ./src/main/io/vtx_tramp.c:37:0:
  182. ./src/main/drivers/vtx_common.h:36:13: note: 'powerCount' declared here
  183. uint8_t powerCount;
  184. ^
  185. %% vtx_control.c
  186. %% target.c
  187. %% main.c
  188. %% assert.c
  189. %% build_config.c
  190. %% debug.c
  191. %% version.c
  192. %% bitarray.c
  193. %% crc.c
  194. %% encoding.c
  195. %% filter.c
  196. %% maths.c
  197. %% printf.c
  198. %% streambuf.c
  199. %% time.c
  200. %% typeconversion.c
  201. %% string_light.c
  202. %% config_eeprom.c
  203. %% config_streamer.c
  204. %% feature.c
  205. %% parameter_group.c
  206. %% adc.c
  207. %% buf_writer.c
  208. %% bus.c
  209. %% bus_busdev_i2c.c
  210. %% bus_busdev_spi.c
  211. %% bus_i2c_soft.c
  212. %% bus_spi.c
  213. %% bus_spi_soft.c
  214. %% display.c
  215. %% exti.c
  216. %% gps_i2cnav.c
  217. %% gyro_sync.c
  218. %% io.c
  219. %% io_pca9685.c
  220. %% light_led.c
  221. %% logging.c
  222. %% resource.c
  223. %% rx_nrf24l01.c
  224. %% rx_spi.c
  225. %% rx_xn297.c
  226. %% pwm_esc_detect.c
  227. %% pwm_mapping.c
  228. %% pwm_output.c
  229. %% rcc.c
  230. %% rx_pwm.c
  231. %% serial.c
  232. %% serial_uart.c
  233. %% sound_beeper.c
  234. %% stack_check.c
  235. %% system.c
  236. %% timer.c
  237. %% cli.c
  238. %% config.c
  239. %% controlrate_profile.c
  240. %% fc_core.c
  241. %% fc_init.c
  242. %% fc_tasks.c
  243. %% fc_hardfaults.c
  244. %% fc_msp.c
  245. %% fc_msp_box.c
  246. %% rc_adjustments.c
  247. %% rc_controls.c
  248. %% rc_curves.c
  249. %% rc_modes.c
  250. %% runtime_config.c
  251. %% settings.c
  252. %% stats.c
  253. %% failsafe.c
  254. %% hil.c
  255. %% imu.c
  256. %% mixer.c
  257. %% pid.c
  258. %% pid_autotune.c
  259. %% servos.c
  260. %% beeper.c
  261. %% pwmdriver_i2c.c
  262. %% serial.c
  263. %% serial_4way.c
  264. %% serial_4way_avrootloader.c
  265. %% serial_4way_stk500v2.c
  266. %% statusindicator.c
  267. %% rcsplit.c
  268. %% msp_serial.c
  269. %% ibus.c
  270. %% jetiexbus.c
  271. %% msp.c
  272. %% uib_rx.c
  273. %% nrf24_cx10.c
  274. %% nrf24_inav.c
  275. %% nrf24_h8_3d.c
  276. %% nrf24_syma.c
  277. %% nrf24_v202.c
  278. %% pwm.c
  279. %% rx.c
  280. %% rx_spi.c
  281. %% crsf.c
  282. %% sbus.c
  283. %% spektrum.c
  284. %% sumd.c
  285. %% sumh.c
  286. %% xbus.c
  287. %% eleres.c
  288. %% scheduler.c
  289. %% acceleration.c
  290. %% battery.c
  291. %% boardalignment.c
  292. %% compass.c
  293. %% diagnostics.c
  294. %% gyro.c
  295. %% initialisation.c
  296. %% uav_interconnect_bus.c
  297. %% uav_interconnect_rangefinder.c
  298. %% stm32f4xx_gpio.c
  299. %% stm32f4xx_rcc.c
  300. %% stm32f4xx_tim.c
  301. %% stm32f4xx_wwdg.c
  302. %% stm32f4xx_exti.c
  303. %% stm32f4xx_dcmi.c
  304. %% stm32f4xx_flash.c
  305. %% stm32f4xx_dfsdm.c
  306. %% stm32f4xx_dma.c
  307. %% stm32f4xx_dac.c
  308. %% stm32f4xx_pwr.c
  309. %% stm32f4xx_i2c.c
  310. %% stm32f4xx_iwdg.c
  311. %% stm32f4xx_ltdc.c
  312. %% stm32f4xx_dma2d.c
  313. %% misc.c
  314. %% stm32f4xx_sdio.c
  315. %% stm32f4xx_syscfg.c
  316. %% stm32f4xx_fsmc.c
  317. %% stm32f4xx_usart.c
  318. %% stm32f4xx_rng.c
  319. %% stm32f4xx_adc.c
  320. %% stm32f4xx_spi.c
  321. %% usb_dcd_int.c
  322. %% usb_core.c
  323. %% usb_dcd.c
  324. %% usbd_req.c
  325. %% usbd_core.c
  326. %% usbd_ioreq.c
  327. %% usbd_cdc_core.c
  328. %% stm32f4xx_it.c
  329. %% usb_bsp.c
  330. %% usbd_desc.c
  331. %% usbd_usr.c
  332. %% usbd_cdc_vcp.c
  333. %% serial_usb_vcp.c
  334. %% usb_io.c
  335. Linking OMNIBUSF4
  336. obj/main/OMNIBUSF4/cms/cms.o: In function `cmsDrawMenuEntry':
  337. /home/stew/iNav-currentTrunk/inav/./src/main/cms/cms.c:427: undefined reference to `CMS_DATA_TYPE'
  338. collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
  339. Makefile:975: recipe for target 'obj/main/inav_OMNIBUSF4.elf' failed
  340. make: *** [obj/main/inav_OMNIBUSF4.elf] Error 1
  341. stew@scallion:~/iNav-currentTrunk/inav$
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