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Jun 6th, 2018
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  1. carlos@carlospc:/media/carlos/TB1$ chmod a+x Stremio+4.0.17.appimage
  2. carlos@carlospc:/media/carlos/TB1$ ls -la Stremio+4.0.17.appimage
  3. -rwxr-xr-x 1 carlos carlos 132692824 Apr 2 23:44 Stremio+4.0.17.appimage
  4. carlos@carlospc:/media/carlos/TB1$ ./Stremio+4.0.17.appimage
  5. ScreenSaver::retrieveState
  6. ScreenSaver::retrieveState timeout: 0, interval: 0, preferBlanking:1, allowExposures:1
  7. [cplayer] mpv 0.22.0 (C) 2000-2016 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
  8. [cplayer] built on Tue Mar 7 03:52:26 UTC 2017
  9. [cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
  10. [cplayer] libavutil 54.31.100
  11. [cplayer] libavcodec 56.60.100
  12. [cplayer] libavformat 56.40.101
  13. [cplayer] libswscale 3.1.101
  14. [cplayer] libavfilter 5.40.101
  15. [cplayer] libswresample 1.2.101
  16. [cplayer] ffmpeg version: 2.8.10-1~trusty3.1
  17. [cplayer]
  18. [cplayer] Configuration: ./waf -v configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --zshdir=/usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions --enable-cdda --disable-cplayer --enable-libmpv-shared
  19. [cplayer] List of enabled features: alsa any-gl asm atomic-builtins atomics audio-input av-pix-fmt-mmal av-version-info avcodec-chroma-pos-api avframe-metadata avframe-skip-samples build-date cdda debug-build dlopen drm dvbin dvdnav dvdread enca encoding fchmod fnmatch gcc-tls gl gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob gnuc iconv jack jpeg lcms2 libass libass-osd libav libavdevice libavfilter libbluray libdl libm libmpv-shared librt libswresample linux-fstatfs lua nanosleep optimize oss-audio oss-audio-native plain-gl posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn pthreads pulse resampler shm sse4-intrinsics standard-gl subprocess termios tv tv-v4l2 uchardet vaapi vaapi-glx vaapi-hwaccel vaapi-x11 vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vdpau-hwaccel videodev vt.h x11 xext xinerama xrandr xss xv zlib
  20. [global] config path: '' -> '-'
  21. [cplayer] Set property: vo="opengl-cb" -> 1
  22. [cplayer] Set property: opengl-hwdec-interop="auto" -> -3
  23. [cplayer] Set property: cache-default=15000 -> 1
  24. [cplayer] Set property: cache-backbuffer=15000 -> 1
  25. [cplayer] Set property: cache-secs=10 -> 1
  26. [cplayer] Set property: audio-client-name="Stremio" -> 1
  27. [cplayer] Set property: title="Stremio" -> 1
  28. [cplayer] Set property: audio-fallback-to-null="yes" -> 1
  29. qml: Auto-updater: checking for new version
  30. [opengl-cb] GL_VERSION='3.0 Mesa 18.0.0-rc5'
  31. [opengl-cb] Detected desktop OpenGL 3.0.
  32. [opengl-cb] GL_VENDOR='nouveau'
  33. [opengl-cb] GL_RENDERER='NV106'
  34. [opengl-cb] GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION='1.30'
  35. [opengl-cb] Loaded extension GL_ARB_sync.
  36. [opengl-cb] Loaded extension GL_ARB_timer_query.
  37. [opengl-cb] Loaded extension GL_NV_vdpau_interop.
  38. [opengl-cb] Loaded extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
  39. [opengl-cb] 16 bit texture depth: 16.
  40. [opengl-cb] Reported display depth: R=8, G=8, B=8
  41. [opengl-cb] Testing FBO format 0x805b
  42. [opengl-cb] Create FBO: 16x16 (16x16)
  43. [opengl-cb] Using FBO format 0x805b.
  44. [opengl-cb] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
  45. hls executables located -> { ffmpeg: null, ffsplit: null }
  47. Using app path -> /home/carlos/.stremio-server
  49. Enabling casting...
  51. Discovery of new external device "vlc" - VLC
  53. EngineFS server started at
  55. EngineFS HTTPS endpoint at
  57. qml: Auto-updater: up to date
  58. js: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of undefined
  59. Stremio+4.0.17.appimage: ../../nouveau/pushbuf.c:727: nouveau_pushbuf_data: Assertion `kref' failed.
  60. [6425:6460:0606/] Couldn't make context current with X drawable.
  61. [6425:6460:0606/] GLES2DecoderImpl: Context lost during MakeCurrent.
  62. [6425:6460:0606/] GLES2DecoderImpl: Trying to make lost context current.
  63. [6425:6460:0606/] Couldn't make context current with X drawable.
  64. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  65. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  66. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  67. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  68. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  69. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  70. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  71. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  72. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  73. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  74. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  75. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  76. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  77. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  78. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  79. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  80. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  81. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  82. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  83. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  84. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  85. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  86. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  87. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  88. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  89. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  90. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  91. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  92. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  93. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  94. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  95. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  96. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  97. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  98. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  99. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  100. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
  101. [6425:6460:0606/] Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context
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