
Magical Burst: Session 13: Gamble

Feb 17th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Friday, February 07, 2014
  3. 8:42 PM - Frigs has been invited to chat.
  4. 8:42 PM - melt has been invited to chat.
  5. 8:42 PM - melt entered chat.
  6. 8:42 PM - Smas has been invited to chat.
  7. 8:43 PM - Smas entered chat.
  8. 8:43 PM - Smas: now we wait for Frigs?
  9. 8:43 PM - Frigs entered chat.
  10. 8:43 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: ye
  11. 8:43 PM - Smas: and that didn't take long
  12. 8:43 PM - Frigs: hey nerds
  13. 8:43 PM - melt: and to think
  14. 8:43 PM - melt: it only took almost 3 weeks
  15. 8:43 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: I have even less planned than normally
  16. 8:43 PM - Smas: poor ryan, he'll get to miss his own slumberparty or something
  17. 8:43 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: who wants to teamspeak for ooc while we do this?
  18. 8:44 PM - melt: eh, i'm jammin out to f-zero
  19. 8:44 PM - melt: i'll pass
  20. 8:44 PM - Frigs: ohman I don't even have temspeak
  21. 8:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: course you are queerlord
  22. 8:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: forget it then
  23. 8:44 PM - Frigs: T.T
  24. 8:44 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: I have even less planned than normal
  25. 8:44 PM - Smas: that's fine
  26. 8:45 PM - melt: you already said that :v
  27. 8:45 PM - Smas: how long do you expect a sesion that starts at 8:40 to go for anyways?
  28. 8:45 PM - Smas: :u
  29. 8:45 PM - melt: we usually start at like 8:2ish
  30. 8:45 PM - melt: 20*
  31. 8:45 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: not like it's a big time difference
  32. 8:45 PM - melt: so probably about 20 minutes less than usual
  33. 8:45 PM - Smas: I mean, yeah, but still, it's not like how we normally do MB in like, 6-8 hour sessions :u
  34. 8:46 PM - Frigs: Tru
  35. 8:46 PM - Frigs: Except that first night
  36. 8:46 PM - Frigs: Ohmygod that first night
  37. 8:47 PM - melt: dude that was fun as hell
  38. 8:47 PM - Smas: yeah, 12 hours IS a bit of a stretch though I'd have to agree ;u
  39. 8:47 PM - melt: 11 hours of meguca madness
  40. 8:47 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: that was like 12 hours godfdamn
  41. 8:47 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: also this needs to be put into practice by us at some point
  42. 8:47 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge:
  43. 8:48 PM - melt: that sounds more like something we do in fallout
  44. 8:48 PM - melt: none of us can even drive :v
  45. 8:48 PM - Smas: or in mekton
  46. 8:48 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: doesn't matter
  47. 8:48 PM - Smas: I can totally picture us doing that in mekton :u
  48. 8:48 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge: smash go pedal to floor turn wheel you're driving
  49. 8:48 PM - Frigs: I can see ryan doin that in any rpg ever
  50. 8:48 PM - Frigs: I could see ryan doing that i a godamn pathfinder campaing
  51. 8:49 PM - Smas: his logic is sound though, I do have to agree Dan with us having to pull something like that
  52. 8:49 PM - Smas: what's the point in stealing only enough mechas, cars, cakes, whatever if they are going to totally know which ones we're in
  53. 8:50 PM - sUiCiDaL Appy Scribe McBighuge has changed their name to Contract Renewal.
  54. 8:50 PM - Frigs: wait are we going to hide ncakes
  55. 8:51 PM - Contract Renewal: change your names
  56. 8:51 PM - melt: bundt?
  57. 8:51 PM - Contract Renewal: places, people, places! show's about to start
  58. 8:51 PM - Eve Ishi: *confuser scurrying about*
  59. 8:51 PM - Eve Ishi: why cant I type help me
  60. 8:51 PM - Contract Renewal: so uh
  61. 8:51 PM - Contract Renewal: anyone remember where we left off
  62. 8:51 PM - Contract Renewal: :v
  63. 8:52 PM - Sarah Salem: (kill yourself)
  64. 8:52 PM - Eve Ishi: 10/10
  65. 8:52 PM - Eve Ishi: If only we like
  66. 8:52 PM - Eve Ishi: Had some kind of log
  67. 8:52 PM - Sarah Salem: to read through
  68. 8:52 PM - Sarah Salem: and see exactly what was happening
  69. 8:52 PM - Contract Renewal: ah, but of course!
  70. 8:52 PM - EM: (We just finished being expositioned to death, and then a bunny started chewing on Valentine's tail and I decided I wanted temporary wings)
  71. 8:53 PM - Contract Renewal: guddam you're good
  72. 8:53 PM - Eve Ishi: (( pfft ))
  73. 8:53 PM - Contract Renewal: screw valentine we're going without her
  74. 8:53 PM - Contract Renewal: she's unimportant anyway
  75. 8:53 PM - Contract Renewal: like, a support character
  76. 8:53 PM - EM: :u
  77. 8:53 PM - Contract Renewal: not even main would expendable
  78. 8:53 PM - Sarah Salem: wow
  79. 8:53 PM - Sarah Salem: rude
  80. 8:54 PM - Contract Renewal: everyone knows the main protag is obviously ally
  81. 8:54 PM - Eve Ishi: (( Obvs ))
  82. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: i could've sworn it was pink bitch
  83. 8:54 PM - Contract Renewal: pink hair main char
  84. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: obvs
  85. 8:54 PM - EM: (third protag is totally that Eyeball-Senpai)
  86. 8:55 PM - Contract Renewal: totes
  87. 8:55 PM - Contract Renewal: so anyway, let's get rolling
  88. 8:55 PM - Eve Ishi: (( Gecko is best character ))
  89. 8:56 PM - Contract Renewal: you're all home, nice and snug, thinking about all the information that's been dumped on you
  90. 8:56 PM - Contract Renewal: except sarah who understood none of it
  91. 8:56 PM - Contract Renewal: a recurring theme with her and her handler
  92. 8:56 PM - Sarah Salem: (( handler :v))
  93. 8:56 PM - Contract Renewal: ye
  94. 8:57 PM - Contract Renewal: and then a day passes
  95. 8:57 PM - Contract Renewal: then two
  96. 8:57 PM - Contract Renewal: and we timejump about a week and a half because no particular reason
  97. 8:58 PM - Contract Renewal: nothing very magical happens during that week, and you begin to think that things might have actually calmed down somehow
  98. 9:00 PM - Contract Renewal: Tami's coffee shop is back up and running today, Ally seems Ally (eve totes mirin dat ass), Ko is dare I say "ko"kay and Suzu totally been getting free coffee from Tami's place because friends with benefits but not that kind you perv
  99. 9:01 PM - Contract Renewal: Lots of news stories about the incredibly violent riots on tier four, along with two simultanious unexplained explosions
  100. 9:01 PM - Eve Ishi: (( how is the city still up at this point ))
  101. 9:02 PM - Contract Renewal: no extremist groups have taken responsability and canned government swampgas responses are becoming less convincing
  102. 9:02 PM - Contract Renewal: not like it nuked a support or anything, just a big crater in the street
  103. 9:02 PM - Contract Renewal: like
  104. 9:02 PM - Contract Renewal: really big
  105. 9:02 PM - Sarah Salem: ((i know that feel))
  106. 9:03 PM - Contract Renewal: the civilian populace is in a state of unrest at the recent events
  107. 9:04 PM - Contract Renewal: And finally, you're all in the coffee shop after school because why not
  108. 9:05 PM - Contract Renewal: Tami brings you your drinks and slices of complimentary cake
  109. 9:05 PM - Contract Renewal: to celebrate the repoening
  110. 9:05 PM - Contract Renewal: T: "Here you are, girls. Sorry it took so long."
  111. 9:06 PM - Eve Ishi: "It's fine! Thanks for the free cake Tami."
  112. 9:07 PM - EM: "Yeah, no problem!" Eri replies with half a piece of cake already in her mouth.
  113. 9:07 PM - Contract Renewal: T: "That cake company ordered some kinda recall on all the stuff they sent us last time for some reason. They said there was nothing wrong with the cake itself, but made some excuse of," she says this next part in a terrible mimicry of a manvoice, "'it was not on par with the quality of our other products,' or something like that."
  114. 9:08 PM - EM: "... Huh."
  115. 9:08 PM - Eve Ishi: (( HOW UNSUSPICIOUS ))
  116. 9:08 PM - Sarah Salem: ((seriously theres something up with that goddamn cake :I))
  117. 9:08 PM - Eve Ishi: "Weird, did anyone eat any before they called it back?"
  118. 9:09 PM - Contract Renewal: T: "Yeah, you guys, for starters. And me. And some other people. Tasted fine to me, so I dunno."
  119. 9:09 PM - Contract Renewal: She shrugs
  120. 9:09 PM - Eve Ishi: *Also Eve feeds Ally a bite of cake because they're adorable*
  121. 9:09 PM - Eve Ishi: (( We'e all infected ))
  122. 9:09 PM - Contract Renewal: Ally eats it adorably and keeps the fork in her mouth as her cheeks puff out kawaiishly
  123. 9:09 PM - EM: (oh god no)
  124. 9:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((we're going to die, friends))
  125. 9:09 PM - Eve Ishi: (( gg ))
  126. 9:10 PM - Eve Ishi: (( head of Three Corners is the devil calling it ))
  127. 9:10 PM - Sarah Salem: (( cake = hitler))
  128. 9:11 PM - Contract Renewal: Ally is a combination of Mako from KlK and Yui from K-ON
  129. 9:11 PM - Sarah Salem: we know :v
  130. 9:11 PM - Contract Renewal: just sayin c:
  131. 9:11 PM - Contract Renewal: it's been a while you mighta forgot
  132. 9:12 PM - EM: Eri puts down her fork for the time being, "...Hey Tami, when did you want me to start work? I know that my smile kinda stinks..." Eri starts poking her fingers together, "but I would like to help."
  133. 9:14 PM - Contract Renewal: T: "Well, now that the place is up and running again, you can-" a young girl about your age with Sayaka-blue (that's a color now) hair walks in and takes a seat. Tami throws you her apron, pen and paper "-start right now. Go take her order."
  134. 9:15 PM - Contract Renewal: S: "This should be fun to watch!"
  135. 9:15 PM - EM: Eri lets out a small eep, surprised by the sudden responsibility.
  136. 9:15 PM - Eve Ishi: (( omg ))
  137. 9:16 PM - EM: She quickly but neatly ties on her apron and walks over to the new patron.
  138. 9:17 PM - Contract Renewal: roll finesse
  139. 9:17 PM - Contract Renewal: let's do it on rolz
  140. 9:17 PM - Contract Renewal: room name basedmadoka
  141. 9:19 PM - EM: 15
  142. 9:19 PM - Contract Renewal: You notice she has a red, 6 sided die hanging around her neck. Stylin lady wears classy accessories.
  143. 9:20 PM - Contract Renewal: You look back at the group and Tami waves wildly at you for you to do something
  144. 9:20 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve looks worried about how Eri will perform*
  145. 9:21 PM - Contract Renewal: Ally is busy stealing bites of Eve's cake while she isn't looking
  146. 9:21 PM - EM: Eri smiles and half bows, "Hello, my name is Eri and I'll be your server today."
  147. 9:21 PM - Contract Renewal: fuck private chats btw yall can suck it for now
  148. 9:21 PM - Eve Ishi: (( yay ))
  149. 9:22 PM - Contract Renewal: She says in a very quiet voice, almost a whisper, "We would like one serving of black coffee and chocolate lava cake."
  150. 9:25 PM - EM: Eri writes down her order, "One serving of black coffee and chocolate lava cake?" Eri smiles and nods. "Anything else you'd like?"
  151. 9:25 PM - Contract Renewal: ?: "That is all."
  152. 9:27 PM - EM: Eri half bows again, and turns to look to Tami for some clue as to what she should do next.
  153. 9:27 PM - Contract Renewal: Tami beckons you
  154. 9:28 PM - EM: Eri walks to Tami then.
  155. 9:28 PM - Contract Renewal: T: "That wasn't... half bad, I suppose. Least that wasn't a complete grimace of a smile."
  156. 9:28 PM - Contract Renewal: S: "Not as amusing as I was hoping."
  157. 9:29 PM - EM: "...Not much of a vote of confidence..." Eri states sheepishly.
  158. 9:29 PM - Eve Ishi: "It went much better than I thought, well done!"
  159. 9:29 PM - Eve Ishi: expected* ))
  160. 9:30 PM - Contract Renewal: T: "Good enough. Bring her order to my dad in the back and he'll get what you need, then take it to her."
  161. 9:31 PM - EM: Eri nods and heads towards the back.
  162. 9:32 PM - Eve Ishi: "So uh...I wonder if that cake did have something wrong with it? Maybe we should go to a doctor or something?"
  163. 9:33 PM - Contract Renewal: T: "Nah, it's fine. Probably. Been like, what, a week or more since we ate it? We're good."
  164. 9:34 PM - Eve Ishi: "Well, I guess you're right..."
  165. 9:34 PM - Contract Renewal: Eri returns and approaches the table the girl was at previously, only to find it empty. Meanwhile, while you all were busy, you failed to notice a girl with black hair approach your table until she was right in front of you.
  166. 9:36 PM - Contract Renewal: She leans on the table and looks at each of you. A die dangles from a chain on her neck.
  167. 9:36 PM - Contract Renewal: She says with amused sarcasm, "Been causing quite a stir, I hear. Troublemakers."
  168. 9:37 PM - Contract Renewal: Ko pokes Sarah, whispering, "Do you girls... know her?"
  169. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: "I don't."
  170. 9:37 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve shrinks into here chair in fear*
  171. 9:37 PM - EM: "?" Eri is puzzled by this sudden turn of events, both with her missing client and this girl who doesn't quite look familiar harrasing her friends.
  172. 9:38 PM - Contract Renewal: She cringes, holding her head for a moment before whispering, "Fine fine. WE hear."
  173. 9:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "And what kind of stir?" I feign ignorance.
  174. 9:38 PM - Contract Renewal: Eri approaches the group table with the order in hand.
  175. 9:39 PM - Contract Renewal: ?: "The kind that go 'boom.'"
  176. 9:40 PM - Eve Ishi: "I-I don't know w-what you're talking about..."
  177. 9:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I glance away and then back to her. "What do you know about that?"
  178. 9:40 PM - EM: "Hey Tami, I think my patron left but..." Eri goes silent at this conversation.
  179. 9:41 PM - Contract Renewal: ?: "You see, life's all just one big gamble. Some pay off big." She yanks the die from around her neck off, pulling it off its chain. She rolls it around in her palm for a moment before she throws it onto the table. It lands on a 6.
  180. 9:41 PM - Contract Renewal: You blink, and notice her hair is now red. She says in a completely different voice. "And others do not."
  181. 9:42 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Our name is Gamble, and we are here for information."
  182. 9:43 PM - Sarah Salem: I flinch at her new identity. "Why should I tell you anything?
  183. 9:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "
  184. 9:43 PM - EM: "... Oh. Would you still like your coffee?" Eri half bows again.
  185. 9:43 PM - Eve Ishi: (( 10/10 eri ))
  186. 9:43 PM - Contract Renewal: She gives a light snort of genuine and non-mocking amusement. "If you would be so kind."
  187. 9:44 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "And if you would fetch us a chair, please?"
  188. 9:44 PM - EM: (Hey, it's my first patron, gotta treat her right :u)
  189. 9:44 PM - EM: (even if she has an extreme case of multiple personality)
  190. 9:45 PM - EM: Eri fetches a chair from the table that Gamble used to be sitting at.
  191. 9:46 PM - Contract Renewal: She retrieves her die from the table, and looks at Sarah. She says, "We shall make you a wager. You throw our die, and depending on who results from the throw, you may or may not have your answers." She sits down with a nod to Eri
  192. 9:46 PM - Contract Renewal: She tosses the die to Sarah
  193. 9:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I catch it.
  194. 9:47 PM - Sarah Salem: "What answers? I never asked for this."
  195. 9:48 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "You asked why you should tell us anything, of course."
  196. 9:48 PM - Sarah Salem: I toss that die like a fuckin G.
  197. 9:48 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Perhaps the answer to that question might be something you need to hear."
  198. 9:48 PM - Contract Renewal: roll 1d6 bb
  199. 9:49 PM - Contract Renewal: Her hair and eyes turn purple now
  200. 9:50 PM - Sarah Salem: (( *shocking turn of events* ))
  201. 9:50 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "A fine roll, indeed! Feels as though we haven't had air in our lungs in some time." She sips the coffee, and makes a not so pleasant face. "Right, black. Why black? Who drinks black coffee?"
  202. 9:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'd imagine you do." I say dryly.
  203. 9:51 PM - EM: Eri lets out a small eep, "... I think Blue wanted her's black. If you'd like, I can get you some sugar and creamer."
  204. 9:52 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Clearly we do not. Nay, stay your sweeteners, we shant approve when we change. We shall suffer for the time with... black."
  205. 9:54 PM - EM: "...Sorry..." Eri sheepishly states, looking to Tami to see her reaction to these shenanigans.
  206. 9:55 PM - Contract Renewal: The NPC girls bar Ally look in a serious "wtf is happening" sort of mood
  207. 9:55 PM - Contract Renewal: Ally finishes off Eve's cake and returns to her own
  208. 9:56 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve makes a small sound of internal pain as she realizes Ally just ate all her cake*
  209. 9:56 PM - EM: Eri silently slides her half a slice of cake over to Eve.
  210. 9:57 PM - Contract Renewal: Ally smiles stupidly
  211. 9:57 PM - Contract Renewal: Then offers Eve a bite of her own cake
  212. 9:58 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve looks at Eri like she just saved her from a burning building and nods at her*
  213. 9:58 PM - Eve Ishi: *She then eats all the cake being offered to her by multiple people and decides we should probably ask this girl something*
  214. 9:59 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "You ask why you should tell us anything. The answer is simple. We are hunters of the same kind. Would an exchange of information not be benefical to all parties?"
  215. 10:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hm. From previous experience, most other of our kind would prefer to murder each other."
  216. 10:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "You seem more reasonable."
  217. 10:01 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "And how many of our own kind have you encountered, aside from each other?"
  218. 10:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "One, more than once. I barely walked away from the first one."
  219. 10:02 PM - Contract Renewal: Tami whispers not so subtley into Eri's ear, "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENIIIIIING"
  220. 10:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "You saw the results of the second one."
  221. 10:03 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Did we? Would you mayhaps be referring to ourself?"
  222. 10:04 PM - EM: Eri turns and whispers back to Tami, hopefully a bit more subtle. "I think my first patron is a magical girl looking to see who caused the explosions about a week ago. Sarah might have been involved."
  223. 10:05 PM - Contract Renewal: Tami sighs. "What is it with you girls and criminal acts? I need to start a 'do not serve these people' list and stick it out front or something."
  224. 10:06 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Ah, we cry your pardon. You were not referring to meetings of magi such as ourselves, but rather your meetings with the magi whom you have had conflict with. Correct?"
  225. 10:07 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, yes. Correct."
  226. 10:07 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "And so it was you that caused the bursts. You and, we assume, this other magi."
  227. 10:08 PM - EM: "Hey, I haven't done anything illegal... yet!" Eri retorts to Tami.
  228. 10:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Correct again."
  229. 10:09 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Our kind can never get along properly, it would seem. With a common enemy, one would presume that alliances would be benefical to all."
  230. 10:09 PM - Contract Renewal: A: "You keep saying silly things like 'our kind' and stuff. Are you an... aaaaalien?" Ally gasps. "Are ALL of you aliens?"
  231. 10:10 PM - Contract Renewal: A: "I'M DATING AN ALIEN I'M DATING AN ALIEN"
  232. 10:10 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve giggles and makes small wooing noises in Ally's ear*
  233. 10:10 PM - Contract Renewal: trying to woo ally in public? naughty
  234. 10:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Not for her, apparently."
  235. 10:10 PM - Sarah Salem: (( lewd ))
  236. 10:11 PM - EM: "Yes Ally you figured it out; we're all here to abduct you." Eri half chuckles.
  237. 10:11 PM - Eve Ishi: (( Eve's a rebel didn't ya know ))
  238. 10:12 PM - Contract Renewal: Ally relaxes and lays her head in Eve's lap. "I'd still wub woo even if you were an octopus or something, Eevee. I don't care if your an alien."
  239. 10:12 PM - Contract Renewal: then she falls asleep
  240. 10:12 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "You keep... amusing company."
  241. 10:13 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve rubs Ally's head and smile because kawaii*
  242. 10:13 PM - Eve Ishi: (( smiles* ))
  243. 10:14 PM - Contract Renewal: Gamble eats a few small and dainty bites of her cake, before taking her die and spinning it between her thumb and forefinger
  244. 10:15 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Would any here care to take another gamble? See who of us might turn out next? Always an exciting prospect."
  245. 10:15 PM - Eve Ishi: "Will you answer another question if we do?"
  246. 10:15 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Mayhaps."
  247. 10:16 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve sticks out her hand* "I-I'll do it."
  248. 10:16 PM - Contract Renewal: She gently places it into your hand.
  249. 10:16 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve nods and olls that bitch*
  250. 10:17 PM - Eve Ishi: rolls* ))
  251. 10:17 PM - Contract Renewal: 1d6 bb
  252. 10:17 PM - Eve Ishi: 3 ))
  253. 10:17 PM - Eve Ishi: amzing ))
  254. 10:17 PM - EM: Eri turns back to Tami, "So, I didn't miss anyone else coming in did I?"
  255. 10:18 PM - Contract Renewal: The die rolls onto a three, and nothing happens. She smiles. "A shame. Variety is spice, after all, but chance is chance."
  256. 10:18 PM - Eve Ishi: (( Im supposed to be the lucky one too omg ))
  257. 10:19 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "So then, you've answered several of our questions. You must have some for ourself."
  258. 10:20 PM - Eve Ishi: "Why exactly are you uhm...looking into us?"
  259. 10:22 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Bursts are dangerous, not only for the magi whom it happens to, but also to those around her. The results of the previous bursts are proof enough. And there have been larger before."
  260. 10:22 PM - Eve Ishi: (( oop brb dinner ))
  261. 10:23 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "We seek to keep preace and civility, a difficult prospect with magi exploding like kegs of gunpowder."
  262. 10:24 PM - EM: "You said there have been larger ones? I don't remember anything quite like what happened a week ago being reported on before."
  263. 10:25 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Not of recent, at any rate, but they have happened."
  264. 10:27 PM - EM: Eri grimaces at the thought of what kind of effects a larger explosion might have had on her family.
  265. 10:27 PM - Sarah Salem: "If peace is your goal, you might want to get rid of the pink-haired girl."
  266. 10:28 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Pink-haired girl, you say? Do tell us more on the matter."
  267. 10:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "She has pink hair, but it flickers like flame. She wields fire, and recently ice as well, and she's immensely powerful."
  268. 10:30 PM - Sarah Salem: "Her outfit is a long ruffled dress, also flame-colored."
  269. 10:30 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "A dangerous prospect, it would seem."
  270. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: "She'
  271. 10:31 PM - EM: Eri looks around to see if anything looks out of place, whether it be patrons in need of a refill to anyone looking suspicious.
  272. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: "She's nearly killed me both times we've met."
  273. 10:31 PM - Contract Renewal: there seems to be nothing out of place. In fact, there are no customers at all
  274. 10:32 PM - Contract Renewal: barring yourselves, the place seems dead
  275. 10:32 PM - Contract Renewal: nothing else abnormal, just a lack of customers. Probably why Tami threw the new girl at you
  276. 10:33 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Dangerous and without hesitation towards ending the life of another."
  277. 10:34 PM - EM: Eri turns back to Gamble, "Well, since you seem to be with us for little while, would you like something that you'd like to drink? I can get a fresh cup for Blue if it gets cold." Eri nods towards the black coffee.
  278. 10:34 PM - Sarah Salem: "That is an apt description."
  279. 10:35 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Nay, thank you. This is... suitable, for now. Although," she throws you the die. "Perhaps you would care to try your chances?"
  280. 10:36 PM - EM: Eri half smiles, "Sure, if you'll answer me just one last question before I let you go."
  281. 10:36 PM - Contract Renewal: sware if u roll 3
  282. 10:36 PM - EM: "When you trade places with someone else, what happens to you? It'd be terrible if you were just isolated and alone."
  283. 10:37 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "We are not alone."
  284. 10:37 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "So then, if you would care to roll?"
  285. 10:37 PM - EM: "That's good then." Eri takes Gamble's die and rolls it gently across the table.
  286. 10:38 PM - Contract Renewal: In the blink of an eye, her hair and eyes turn red. You've seen this one before.
  287. 10:39 PM - Sarah Salem: ((you guys suck at rolling))
  288. 10:39 PM - Contract Renewal: She nods, "Hello again."
  289. 10:40 PM - EM: "I didn't get the chance to mention it, but I like your hair. Purple didn't like black coffee, so hopefully it suits you better." Eri half bows again.
  290. 10:40 PM - Contract Renewal: She nods, and sips her coffee without the grimace purple had
  291. 10:41 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "We are glad we did not add anything... unnecessary, to our drink. In any event, the main issue at hand."
  292. 10:42 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "There is an issue when it comes to magical bursts, especially of that magnitude. They attract the youma like flies."
  293. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "It has been over a week without a sign of any monsters."
  294. 10:43 PM - EM: Eri remembers something important that happened that day.
  295. 10:44 PM - EM: "So, how long does that effect last?"
  296. 10:44 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Not yet, perhaps. But the shadows feed."
  297. 10:45 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "It can vary on any number of circumstances. By now the effect should be wearing down, at the very least."
  298. 10:45 PM - EM: Eri sighs, "That's good to hear."
  299. 10:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "Calm before the storm, hm?"
  300. 10:46 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Not quite. Surely you do not keep up to date with every homicide, suicide or unexplained disappearence that happens, especially on the fourth tier, where the burst occured."
  301. 10:47 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "If you were to compare these numbers to their counterparts of a week prior, you'd find a disparity."
  302. 10:47 PM - Sarah Salem: "How bad is it, then?"
  303. 10:48 PM - Contract Renewal: She smiles, retrieves her die, and rolls it
  304. 10:49 PM - Contract Renewal: The die rolls on 5, and her colors swap to green
  305. 10:50 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Shockingly, not bad. Should be worse, but that only means that there's a bigger honeypit somewhere."
  306. 10:51 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Likely, it's on the fifth tier. Below even the factories."
  307. 10:52 PM - EM: Eri is bemused by this revelation. "How does someone even get down there? I thought there was nothing but pipes and machines down there."
  308. 10:53 PM - Eve Ishi: (( baaaack ))
  309. 10:53 PM - Eve Ishi: (( yay green ))
  310. 10:55 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "The fifth tier can be summed up as 'a wretched hive of scum and villiany."
  311. 10:57 PM - EM: "...That might not be entirely true." Eri thinks back to the event that happened a few weeks prior.
  312. 10:58 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "You know something?"
  313. 10:58 PM - EM: "I remember kinda... sensing someone going down into the pipes a few weeks ago. They seemed to not be the evil type, per say."
  314. 10:59 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "You referring to the trash chutes around the city?"
  315. 10:59 PM - EM: "Yeah. It was the one near the park."
  316. 11:00 PM - Contract Renewal: She giggles. "That would be us. They are a quick and simple way to get to the lower tiers, if you can stand the stench. Not quite so hygenic though, and you need to be cautious of what pipes you take."
  317. 11:00 PM - EM: "I woulda jumped in after him but... I figured it was kinda smelly and dangerous." Eri shrugs.
  318. 11:00 PM - EM: "Oh."
  319. 11:01 PM - EM: "Well, sorry I missed ya." Eri sheepishly tacks on.
  320. 11:05 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "No harm done."
  321. 11:07 PM - EM: "Well, do you have any more questions for us? We've been asking quite a few."
  322. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: I shake my head no.
  323. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: oh jeez
  324. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: my spaghetti
  325. 11:09 PM - EM: (it's everywhere, all over the floor, on Eve, in the girl's coffee, you ruined everything :u)
  326. 11:11 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "Now that we know of your intentions, and willingness to at least listen, we've nothing more to ask. But now that there's a large number of youma likely to be appearing on the fifth tier, we've some exterminating to do."
  327. 11:13 PM - EM: Eri grimaces at the thought, and whispers to Gamble, "Hey, before you leave, there's something else I'd like to tell you. It's not something I've told the others about yet, but I'd like for you to hear if you are heading into the lion's den."
  328. 11:14 PM - Contract Renewal: She faces you, gives a smile, closes her eyes and tilts her head, then throws her die
  329. 11:14 PM - Contract Renewal: She turns red again
  330. 11:20 PM - Contract Renewal: Eri whispers into Gamble's ear, who whispers back
  331. 11:20 PM - Contract Renewal: whisperwhisper, whisperwhisper
  332. 11:23 PM - Contract Renewal: more whispers as everyone sits awkwardly
  333. 11:23 PM - Sarah Salem: *jeapordy theme*
  336. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  338. 8:18 PM - EM: "Well, from what I gather, there were three... bursts?... One of them was from Sarah, I think she was the one who exploded. There was this... wave of hatred that came from the Pink Girl I think. I'm not sure if that's the same kind of burst that you are concerned about, but I think that's what caused all the rioting. The third.... well I don't know how, but I created a monster. The Bird said something about strong emotions becoming twisted, but I don't think it came from hate."
  339. 8:19 PM - EM: "That last one is the most concerning I think to you going down there."
  340. 11:19 PM - Contract Renewal: "There were four bursts, actually. Two of rage, two of magic. From what we gather, there was one of each from both your friend, and this pink-hair girl."
  341. 8:22 PM - EM: "Oh.... what about that monster then? If you'd like, I can help you fight it." Eri sighs, "I did make it, so I'm partially responsible for what it's doing. Let me help you set things right."
  342. 11:22 PM - Contract Renewal: "So... you had an outburst of your own? This only compounds the issue.
  343. 11:22 PM - Contract Renewal: "
  344. 8:25 PM - EM: "Yeah... I didn't mean to, but I had to really push myself to save Sarah and... that Pink Girl."
  345. 11:24 PM - Contract Renewal: "So you would save even your opponent? You are kind indeed."
  346. 8:27 PM - EM: "I... I like to that while our motives may be different, people can find ways to get along. I failed her the first time I met her, but... that doesn't mean that I had to fail her again."
  348. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  351. 11:24 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve leans over to Sarah*
  352. 11:24 PM - Eve Ishi: "Do you think we should go help them? you know with the 'extermination'?"
  353. 11:24 PM - Sarah Salem: I whisper back. "I assumed we would be."
  354. 11:25 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve nods and returns to the awkward silence*
  355. 11:28 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "And you are a good person for it," she says aloud, pulling away from Eri's ear
  356. 11:29 PM - EM: "Sorry, I kinda started chatting your ear off." Eri steps back, awkwardly holding her arm.
  357. 11:29 PM - EM: (Her arm being her own arm, not Gambles)
  358. 11:30 PM - Sarah Salem: (did you rip off gambles arm)
  359. 11:30 PM - Sarah Salem: (is this magical kombat)
  360. 11:30 PM - Eve Ishi: (( roll for arm rip ))
  361. 11:30 PM - EM: (i'd rip your heart out, but you don't have one ;p)
  362. 11:30 PM - Eve Ishi: (( shots fired ))
  363. 11:30 PM - Sarah Salem: (( :c ))
  364. 11:31 PM - EM: (it's ok bb i was teasin)
  365. 11:31 PM - Sarah Salem: (( im cry))
  366. 11:33 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "So, that is the story." She stands from the table, rolling her die one last time
  367. 11:33 PM - Contract Renewal: Her hair turns black, and her eyes are a very dark gray
  368. 11:35 PM - Eve Ishi: "D-did you want us to uh, help with the youma?"
  369. 11:35 PM - Contract Renewal: She scarfs down the rest of her cake and coffee, takes the die and laces the chain back through the hole in it, and stands, putting some money on the table
  370. 11:36 PM - EM: Eri bows again, "Thanks for your patronage; I hope to see you again!"
  371. 11:37 PM - Contract Renewal: G: "No need, girly. I got this." She cringes a bit. "WE. Wow you're all such a pain." she mumbles to herself
  372. 11:38 PM - Contract Renewal: She starts a slow walk to the exit, waving a hand, "Don't sweat it, you'll see me around."
  373. 11:38 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve waves goodbye*
  374. 11:43 PM - Contract Renewal: well at least we did something tonight I'm going to laze around for a while then sleep school in the morning and all
  375. 11:43 PM - Contract Renewal: promise on sunday no more exposition
  376. 11:43 PM - Sarah Salem: mmk
  377. 11:43 PM - Contract Renewal: just killin
  378. 11:44 PM - EM: tis fine
  379. 11:44 PM - Contract Renewal: gotta plan
  380. 11:44 PM - EM: alrightio, and I have to draw kenkare ;u
  381. 11:45 PM - EM: gib xp plox 4 KK
  382. 11:45 PM - EM: (don't give me xp for Kenkare that would be unfair)
  383. 11:46 PM - EM: do you have the logs saved?
  384. 11:46 PM - Contract Renewal: sure
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