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a guest
Jun 18th, 2019
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  1. command /preboard <text>:
  2. permission: uhc.commands
  3. permission message: &cYou require Staff rank in order to use this command.
  4. usage: /preboard <enable | disable>
  5. trigger:
  6. loop all players:
  7. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lIgnis"
  8. set id score "&8&m-----------" in sidebar of player to 10 with id "Server.%loop-player%"
  9. set id score "&7Host »&a%command sender%" in sidebar of player to 9 with id "Host.%loop-player%"
  10. set id score "&7Team Size &8» &a%{teamsize}%" in sidebar of player to 8 with id "Team.%loop-player%"
  11. set id score " " in sidebar of player to 7 with id "Space.%loop-player%"
  12. set id score "&7Scenarios &8»" in sidebar of player to 6 with id "ScenText.%loop-player%"
  13. loop {scenarios::*}:
  14. set id score "• %loop-value%" in sidebar of player to 5 with id "Scenarios.%loop-player%"
  15. set id score " " in sidebar of player to 4 with id "Space2.%loop-player%"
  16. set id score "&7Players &8» &7%size of all players%&8/&7%{maxplayers}%" in sidebar of player to 3 with id "players.%loop-player%"
  17. set id score "&8&m-----------" in sidebar of player to 2 with id "Space3.%loop-player%"
  18. set id score "&a&o@IgnisUHC" in sidebar of player to 1 with id "Twitter.%loop-player%"
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