

Apr 8th, 2012
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  7. <h1>§I: Introduction</h1>
  8. <p>Welcome, fellow traveler of Unova! I assume you are here because, somewhere in the world of Pokémon, you encountered the mysterious term "RNG" as a way to acquire flawless and/or shiny Pokémon in your Black or White game. You might have also heard this is possible without hacking or modifying your game, guaranteeing you will never be disqualified from official Pokémon tournaments - not to mention that you will earn the honor of the Pokémon battling community as a whole.</p>
  9. <p>You want flawless shinies, don't you? My friend, you have found the right place. I am here to teach you the art of RNGing. I warn you that the hardest part about this art is learning it: there is a vast deal of knowledge you must acquire and frustration you must tolerate as you absorb the essentials of the process. Some experience in computing and mathematics will help you understand the concepts behind RNGing, but they are not in any sense necessary to become good at the process. That takes guts, willpower, and determination.</p>
  10. <p>Rest assured, though: it is a very addictive quest and your hard work will more than repay itself on the field of battle. Throughout this guide, I have made sure to explain all concepts in simple, straightforward language. There will be many new terms and concepts to understand, but I will make sure to define them clearly before using them regularly. Whenever possible, I will use video for the benefit of visual learners and to supplement the text of this guide.</p>
  11. <p>This guide assumes basic knowledge about Pokémon, including the effects of <a href="">natures</a> and <a href="">individual values</a> and how they benefit a Pokémon. If you are not familiar with this knowledge, the rest of this guide will not make sense to you. Please inform yourself on these topics before continuing since they are the essence of what will make your Pokémon "flawless".</p>
  13. <h2>§I1. What is RNG?</h2>
  14. <p><strong>RNG</strong> stands for Random Number Generator, or Random Number Generation. It refers to any technique used by a computer program, including video games like Pokémon, which produce a series of random numbers to ensure that the program or game does not run exactly the same each time. An RNG begins with an arbitrary number, then runs a series of equations on it whenever the program needs a random number. It then recycles that value back into the equation for every subsequent random number.</p>
  15. <p>However, this is only an illusion of randomness. Computer programs do not have the capability to generate truly random numbers. In order to generate truly random numbers, the program would have to make sure the inital value is always different every time the program runs. This usually means gathering some condition about the environment, such as the precise temperature or pressure. A good example of a true random number generator is <a href=""></a>, which uses atmospheric noise.</p>
  16. <p>Computers and video games aimed at the mass market do not have this luxury. Instead, they will probably gather the initial value for their RNGs from the device's current time. This is usually sufficient to fool the average user into believing that his video game is impossible to predict, but it opens up the possibility of deliberately achieving desirable results simply by changing the time in our game.</p>
  17. <p>This is the heart of RNGing. By predicting desirable results ahead of time, you are going to change the clock on your DS to "whenever" the game will give you that shiny flawless Jolly Terrakion, to mention but one example.</p>
  18. <p>Technically, you have RNGed every Pokémon you've ever encountered - you simply haven't used the RNG to your advantage.</p>
  20. <h2>§I2. Tools of the Trade</h2>
  21. <p>RNGing can be done without manipulating the actual code of the game in any fashion, but you still need a way to predict and verify the results you achieve. To this end, there are two tools at your disposal. One of them is mandatory, and the other is highly recommended.</p>
  22. <p>I will cover the necessary one first: your RNG calculator.</p>
  24. <h3>§I2a. RNG Reporter / PPRNG</h3>
  25. <p>The one tool which is absolutely essential for both novice and veteran RNGers is a computer program which contains the same random-number equations the game uses. You will use it to search "when" your game will generate your perfect Pokémon, allowing you to change your DS clock to perform the task of actually acquiring that Pokémon.</p>
  26. <p>Windows users will be using RNG Reporter, whereas Mac users will be using PPRNG. The latest versions of both programs are freely available for download <a href="">here</a>.</p>
  27. <p>Since I am a PC, this guide is tailored specifically to RNG Reporter, and I will be using screenshots from this program throughout the guide. However, both programs function the same way and use roughly the same wording on their dialogues, so in the interests of fairness I will call both programs your <strong>RNG calculator</strong> throughout this guide.</p>
  29. <h3>§I2b. Pokécheck</h3>
  30. <p>This tool is not mandatory, but you will find it exceedingly helpful for a variety of purposes.</p>
  31. <p><a href="">Pokécheck</a> will allow you to upload your Pokémon to a Web interface using the game's GTS, allowing you to instantly check a lot of information about your Pokémon which the game does not display. In addition to uploading your own Pokémon, you may also download other people's Pokémon from the site using a powerful search feature which contains several filters. This is especially useful when finding parents for your egg RNGs.</p>
  32. <p>Shiny hunters in particular will find two features about this site appealing. The first is that it provides a way to find out your Secret ID. Like your Trainer ID, this is a number which ranges from 0 to 65535 but is never displayed in the game itself. In fact, its only function is to determine whether a certain Pokémon will be shiny! The other feature is the ability to see and search for Pokémon which came from a particular language of the game. Breeding Pokémon from different languages increases your chances of acquiring a shiny by six, a property known as the <strong>Masuda method</strong> after the Pokémon employee who originally revealed it.</p>
  33. <p>Perhaps the most celebrated and important feature of the site, however, is its extensive legality analysis which is able to identify hacked Pokémon instantly. If you are unsure whether that Speed Boost Blaziken was hacked or not, all you need to do is upload it and read its legality analysis. There is also a small community dedicated to the pursuit of RNGing amazing Pokémon who populate the shoutbox who will be able to answer any questions you have about the site or RNGing.</p>
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