
Anon Vs. Adoption

Jul 10th, 2016
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  1. >Man this sucks
  2. >Mostly because you weren't anymore
  3. “The hell'd you do to me purple horse thing?”
  4. >”For literally the 10th time my name is Twilight Sparkle and you will address me as such!”
  5. >Purple horse seems more upset than normal
  6. >Not that you cared about her emotional state, it was just kinda funny when the veins on her forehead throb so cartoonishly. It was kinda hard to take her seriously
  7. >Or anything in this world really, everything was so cutesy and pleasant
  8. “No”
  9. >”What!?”
  10. “I said no”
  11. >”Anon I just turned you into a 5 year old filly you can't possibly refuse me”
  12. “To bad”
  13. >”I'm the only pony in all of Equestria who could turn you back! Nopony else even knows what a human is!”
  14. “I don't care”
  15. >”You've been such a nuisance ever since I brought you here! All I wanted was some information about your world and you have refused to tell me anything!
  16. “To bad”
  17. >”UHHHHHHGGGGGGG! You know what . I'll make you somepony else's problem now. I'll just learn more about earth myself, I hear Manehatten is nice this time of year, I promise the teleport spell probably won't phase you into a wall or something seeya Anon!”
  18. “Wait MANEhatten? Is that a pun or somet-”
  19. >You are now somewhere else entirely
  20. >Skyscrapers blocked your view of the sky as you look around, the sounds of a large city and ponies everywhere make themselves heard as your new ears seem to spaz out on your head trying to pick up everything at once and as you fall to your rump in shock you feel pavement.
  21. “The Fuck”
  22. >The crowds of ponies don't seem to notice you and appear kind of far away
  23. >”Hey filly! Get out of the middle of the road!
  24. >Something lifts you up just as what looks like a taxi-colored cart zooms right by where you just were
  25. >”What were you doing in the middle of main street?”
  26. >The thing that appears to have just saved you is one of those winged ponies and he flys you to the sidewalk and puts you back down
  27. >”The street is no place to play in young lady, where are your parents? How could they let you get out into the middle of the busiest street in all of Manehatten?
  28. >So that wasn't just a bad pun?
  29. “Probably in another universe or something, thanks for the save but I just remembered I have a thing to do so.... bye”
  30. >Before he has a chance to react you dash into the nearby crowd of ponies
  31. >Probably a bad idea in hindsight, you don't really know how to walk, but with a quick trial-by-fire you avoid getting trampled underfoot... underhoof? It's probably underhoof
  32. >Eventually the crowd you're in thins out enough to where you can stop and take your bearings
  33. >You were in a pony city as a little pony with no money with no money or means of supporting yourself
  34. >Your stomach growls
  35. >And you were hungry
  36. >Fortunately there seems to be plenty of restaurants where you are,
  37. >You walk into what looks like a 50's themed diner and take a seat at a booth
  38. “Well aren't you just the cutest little thing!”
  39. >A light green mare with a ridiculous Blonde beehive hairdo approaches your booth
  40. >“Are you all by your lonesome?”
  41. “Yep, could I get a menu please?”
  42. >”There's menus by the napkin holder, would you like something to drink while you browse the menu? Are you waiting for somepony?
  43. “I'd like some coffee and no, I'm not waiting on anybody”
  44. >”Fillies your age shouldn't be drinking coffee, it'll stunt your growth”
  45. “That's not true! I've been drinking coffee for years!”
  46. >”How old are you?”
  47. “24”
  48. >The waitress pony gives you a look
  49. >”Nice try, but you can't be over 5 or 6, you don't even have your cutie mark yet” She gestures towards your rear end
  50. ”So I don't have a butt tattoo what does that have to do with anything”
  51. >”You don't know what a is? cutie mark is a sign that you know what your purpose in life and is a sign of maturity”
  52. “So then whats your purpose in life?”
  53. >”To provide fast and excellent service of course” She gestures towards her cutie mark, a coffee cup on a waitress tray
  54. >That was a pretty lame life purpose
  55. “So do you think you could fulfill your destiny and get me a cup of coffee”?
  56. >”Well I uh... I'll be right back”
  57. >She finally leaves and allows you to look over the menu
  59. >Be waitress pony
  60. >What do you do? You can't just give a little filly coffee
  61. >But it's your life's goal to serve ponies whatever they asked for
  62. >And it's also your job
  63. >What kind of filly even asks for coffee?
  64. >Maybe you could just give her a milkshake or something? Fillies like milkshakes right?
  65. >No you can't do that, then you'd be making a mistake with her order
  66. >You can't screw up an order, even if it seems to be for a good reason
  67. >You cannot go against fate like that
  68. >Order taking was serious business! And it was all you were good for
  69. >Celestia knows, you can't do anything else right
  70. >Why couldn't you have been a doctor like you had always wanted to be
  71. >Why did you have to have that tea party?
  72. >It got you the most mundane and unfufilling cutie mark in existence
  73. >The highlight of your life was having a B list actor spitting coffee on your face
  74. >Why were you thinking about all this right now?
  75. >Because some filly wanted some coffee
  76. >How pathetic
  77. >You curl up in a fetal position and reevaluate your life
  79. >Be Anon
  80. >Where'd that waitress go?
  81. >You are the only customer in the diner and she just sort of disappeared
  82. >After about 10 minutes of waiting you decide to leave
  83. >Nothing on the menu looked good anyway
  84. >You realize you don't have any money
  85. “Oh yeah, maybe something good is in the dumpsters in the alley behind the diner”
  87. >Be Short Order
  88. >Owner and cook of the Midtown diner
  89. >Where was your only waitress?
  90. >After a quick search of your sadly desolate diner you locate her in the cleaning cupboard curled up in a ball quietly crying
  91. >Again
  92. “Are you sure your cutie mark isn't supposed to be like teardrops or something? This is getting ridiculous”
  93. >She doesn't seem to respond
  94. “Uh well I better close up shop then, it's not like there are any customers or anything anyway. You're free to leave whenever your finished crying or whatever”
  95. >You switch the 'open' sign to 'closed' and begin to clean up for tomorrow
  96. “It's a shame too, I just pulled this pie out of the oven too, but who wants day old pie? Maybe the raccoon out back will appreciate it”
  98. >Be Anon
  99. >Even this worlds back alleys looked cutesy
  100. >There were hearts on EVERYTHING
  101. >Even the dumpsters looked like they had come from some little girls play-set
  102. >At least it still smelled about right though
  103. >You see a stallion exit out of a door and throw away a bag of garbage
  104. >”What a waste” He mumbles to himself as he goes back inside
  105. >You go to investigate what he threw away
  106. >Some old salad, some less old salad, some cooked eggs, an old waffle and... a fresh cherry pie?
  107. “Who in there right mind throws out a perfectly good pie?”
  108. >Damn thing was still warm too
  109. “Oh well, more for me. Come to daddy!”
  110. >Just as you were about to dig in you hear a trashcan fall over and the scurry of many little feat
  111. >A small family of raccoon's appear before you
  112. “Oh do you want some?'
  113. >The raccoon's all nod there heads
  114. “Well to bad, this is my pie any I'm going to eat all of it”
  115. >They did not respond well to that
  116. >All the raccoon's hiss at you
  117. “Oh shit”
  118. >You were not a clever human turned pony
  119. >But you weren't going to abandon this pie
  120. >You quickly size up your opponents
  121. >Four raccoon's in total, with the largest one about 5 inches shorter than you
  122. >You got this
  123. “My Pie!”
  124. >You jump at the largest one
  125. >The raccoon seems surprised and doesn't get out of the way, guess he's not used to being attacked by tiny ponies
  126. >You manage to tackle him to the ground, but as your getting ready to beat his face in the second largest raccoon pulls you off the first one, claws cutting into your skin
  127. “Augh! That fucking hurts!”
  128. >You start flailing and manage to punch the second raccoon in the face, making it release you
  129. “Haha eat fist!!”
  130. >Taunting was a dumb move
  131. >You seem to be making a lot of those
  132. >The big raccoon took the advantage and starts clawing you
  133. >Then the other one joins you
  134. >Thankfully they seem to be making a lot of shallow cuts, nothing deadly but it still hurts like hell and you'll probably get some sort of horrible disease later
  135. >As you are getting mauled by two raccoon's you see the other two running off with your pie
  136. “My pie!”
  137. >You kick one of the raccoon's scratching you and manage to free yourself from them
  138. >You then start hauling ass to try to catch up with the ones with your pie
  139. “Come back here you bastards!”
  140. >They ignore your command and continue down the alleyway, becoming narrower and darker as you go on
  141. >The two larger raccoon's are catching up to you
  142. >The ones with the pie turn into another narrower alley
  143. >Your adrenaline is running out and you are really starting to feel all those scratches
  144. >But you are a determined little pone and use the last of your energy jump and tackle the pie out of the raccoon's claws while they were trying to scurry into an even narrower alley
  145. >You skid with the pie in your hooves out of the alley and into a crowded sidewalk
  146. >The raccoon's, seeing all the other ponies, decide it isn't worth it and run away
  147. “And stay gone!”
  148. >You let go of the pie and try to make a rude gesture, but fail because hooves
  149. >As you let go of the pie some careless pony kicks it out onto the street
  150. “Nooooo!”
  151. >As you try to chase after the pie again some pony grabs you
  152. >”You can't just run out into the street little filly, you could get seriously hurt”
  153. “Let go my pie is out there!”
  154. >”What?”
  155. >As you weakly struggle to free yourself from the concerned pony you witness a moment that will forever haunt you
  156. >A Large pony pulled cart carrying a bunch of boxes runs over your pie, leaving a trail of red cherry and crust in it's wake
  157. >Then another cart runs over it, this time a taxi
  158. >Then a mail cart hits it
  159. >A double-decker passenger bus runs it over
  160. >At this point it's just a smear on the road
  161. >But you still watch, the pony still holding onto you
  162. >You can't even really see the smear anymore, the pie having become one with the street
  163. >”Are you alright?”
  164. “I just got mauled by 2 raccoon's for a pie that is now part of the road, I'll be fine”
  165. >”You got mauled by what?”
  166. >As the pony, a cream colored and orange maned mare lets go of you and tries to talk to you you walk away
  167. >”Hey wait come back filly!”
  168. >You are too tired to run, but you don't feel like explaining yourself and use your small stature to escape into the sea of ponies on the busy sidewalk
  169. >”Wait!”
  170. >You can still hear the mare calling for you, but you quickly lost sight of her amongst the crowd
  171. >After following the crowd for awhile you break out and appear in front of the entrance to a older looking building
  172. “Strict Rules home for wayward fillies”
  173. >Well you were hungry, tired, broke, a wayward filly and it was getting dark
  174. “Well I'm sure this is better than sleeping in an alley and getting raped and/or mauled by vengeful raccoon's
  175. >You enter the Orphanage
  176. >Man this place was different than anywhere else you've seen in this world
  177. >Dim, dully colored , and with a notable lack oh heart motif everywhere
  178. >It was actually a nice change of pace really
  179. >A yellow pony dressed like a nun notices your entrance
  180. >”Hello can I help yo- oh my Celestia what happened to you!”
  181. “Raccoon's make for challenging opponents, you wouldn't happen to have any infection prevention cream would you? “
  182. >”Why were you fighting raccoon's?”
  183. “I was fighting for some nice fresh dumpster pie, I managed to get away from them but then it got run over, you wouldn't happen to have any food to spare would you?”
  184. >”Of course we have food for poor little fillies, I'll be happy to give you some. Do you have parents or a guardian?”
  185. >You consider your answer briefly
  186. “Nope”
  187. >”So you have no pony to care for you?”
  188. “Nah”
  189. >”Well you have certainly come to the right place”
  190. “I do seem to be the very definition of a 'wayward filly' don't I?”
  191. >The nurse pone chuckles awkwardly
  192. >”Um well I suppose, anyway you should follow me to the infirmary to get those cuts looked at. My name is Summer Dawn, what's yours?
  193. “Anonymous”
  194. >Summer looks at you oddly
  195. “You can just call me Anon though”
  196. >”Such an unusual name for a filly”
  197. “Well it's my name, and I'm sticking with it”
  198. >The rest of the walk was silent until you reach a door labeled in big red letters INFIRMARY
  199. >”Here we are, let's get you inside so Kind Heart can get a look at you
  200. >As you enter Summer calls into the room
  201. >”Sister Heart I require your services!”
  202. >A blue pony also dressed like a nun responds “Did a filly try getting an extreme sport cutie mark again?”
  203. >”No, not this time. This filly here got attacked by some squirrels and...”
  204. “Raccoon's, I got scratched up by Raccoon's”
  205. >”And she requires some medical attention”
  206. >Kind Heart turns around walks up to you and quickly examines your cuts
  207. >”That looks painful, but fortunately none of them are deep enough to require anything other than some disinfecting and a couple of bandages”
  208. >Kind levitates you into a tub in a nearby washroom, fills it up with warm water and starts gently washing you with a soapy washcloth
  209. “Ooh that smarts”
  210. >”Sorry, but there's really no way around this”
  211. >It stings and you want to protest, but don't because you have no idea where those damned raccoon's claws had been and you were too tired to put up much of a fight anyway
  212. >At some point the unicorn had stopped washing your cuts and starts giving you a bath
  213. >Well you might have been rolling around in a back alley a bit, you can't really vouch for your cleanliness
  214. >Her washcloth reaches a new and rather unwelcome part of your new anatomy
  215. “Hey watch where your sticking that thing, or at least buy me a drink first”
  216. >”Oh I'm so sorry dear I am just cleaning you, I'm not doing anything... uncouth”
  217. “Just don't do that again”
  218. >It was a huge reminder of the huge thing you were now lacking
  219. >Your dick is gone
  220. >And now you had something a dick goes inside
  221. >You really don't want to think about it right now, or ever
  222. >You cry a few manly tears in grief over your lost companion
  223. >Fortunately Kind Heart picks that moment to pour water over you to rinse all the soap on your coat off and your tears are lost amongst the bathwater
  224. >You shove the thoughts out of your mind start addressing Summer, who had been watching Kind clean you
  225. “Can I have some food now please? I honestly cannot even remember the last time I've eaten
  226. >Summer looks at you kindly, her face betraying pity
  227. >”Of course Anon, right after we get your cuts all nice and bandaged”
  228. >Kind levitates a roll of bandages into the room and wraps some of the cuts on you torso and addresses you
  229. >”Now most of these cuts don't really need bandages, so I'm only getting the bigger ones so they don't get infected.
  230. >She finishes up bandaging you up, you're not the mummy you were expecting to be, just a few wraps around your torso and some wraps around your front right leg
  231. >”Now I'm all done for tonight, but tomorrow you need to come in for a checkup, I give all new fillies a medical exam to make sure you all get the care you need so you can all be happy and healthy when you get adopted”
  232. >The medical checkup made sense, but adoption
  233. >You didn't want to get adopted
  234. “I, uh... okay”
  235. >You were about to tell them you didn't want to get adopted and probably weren't going to stay here long
  236. >But what good would that do? They'd probably try to force you to stay
  237. >You didn't need any of that drama
  238. >Summer motions for you to follow her
  239. >”I'll show you to the kitchen, normally you'll take your meals in the mess hall, but you've missed dinner time so either me or one of the cooks will have to make you something
  240. >Sweet, you were starving
  241. >”So Anon, I normally don't see fillies as young as you with a cutie mark. What does it mean?”
  242. >She gestures towards your rump
  243. >Well what do you know, there's a black '?' symbol on your butt
  244. “I honestly don't know”
  245. >”What? Then how 'd you get it?”
  246. “I didn't even know it was there until you pointed it out”
  247. >”Then you must have just gotten it today then. So congratulations, though it's a shame you don't know what it means”
  248. >You shrug your shoulders
  249. “It's no big deal”
  250. >”But it's your cutie mark! It show's your special talent and helps you find your purpose in life”
  251. “Nobody has a specific purpose, we live, experience life and die”
  252. >”You're far too young to be that jaded, and everypony has a purpose in life. Oh, this is the kitchen entrance”
  253. >You follow Summer through a door labeled in big red letters “KITCHEN”
  254. >She must be used to dealing with idiots or she likes pointing out the obvious
  258. >The kitchen was mostly stainless steel and looked like it was made to feed a lot of ponies. It was also immaculate, not a speck of dust marring a single surface
  259. “Didn't you say I just missed dinner?”
  260. >”Yes, dinner was about half an hour ago”
  261. “How on earth is it this clean then? This kitchen looks like it's never been used
  262. >”Oh we pride ourselves on cleanliness, would you prefer macaroni and cheese or a hayburger?”
  263. “Yes”
  264. >” both then?”
  265. “yup”
  266. >”That's 2 full meals Anon”
  267. “I know what I'm about Summer”
  268. >”Uh, well I suppose it'll be fine this once. Go ahead and sit at the cooks table in the corner. I'll go heat up your food”
  269. >You do as you're told and sit at the chefs table, but the bench seat is a little too low and you eyes are level with the table when you sit on it
  270. “Hey do you have a couple of phone-books or a booster seat or something?”
  271. >”I think the other seats are higher Anon
  272. >Oh, duh
  273. “Thanks”
  274. >Summer pulls out some leftover containers from a nearby refrigerator, places them in a microwave and starts it
  275. “Fancy”
  276. >”Isn't it? They're the latest kitchen appliance, only the nicest kitchens have them. We're so lucky to have such generous rulers, The princesses really have us wanting for nothing here”
  277. >Well okay then
  278. >You wait patiently for the glamorous microwave to heat up you food
  279. >You hear a 'ding' sound and summer pulls out the food and places it in front of you
  280. >”Carefull now, it's hot”
  281. >No shit
  282. “Thank you”
  283. >Without further ado you dig in
  284. >The hayburger is easy enough to pick up so that's what you go after first
  285. >It's better than expected, kinda almost exactly but not quite like a hamburger
  286. >Could use some mustard though, at least it's a big burger
  287. >You're not really sure how to go about eating the macaroni
  288. “Can I get a fork please?”
  289. >”I appreciate the attempt at manners, but it's not necessary now, go ahead and dig in”
  290. “Oh okay”
  291. >And dig in you did, it tasted exactly like kraft
  292. >So pretty meh, but hey. It was free, it was warm and it was right in front of you you weren't going to complain
  293. >Full for the first time ever as a filly you exclaim a content sigh
  294. “Ahhh that hit the spot”
  295. >You yawn
  296. “How late is it”
  297. >”Hmm?” Summer looks around until she spots a clock on one of the stoves reading 9:30 “It's 9:30”
  298. >Ugh
  299. “Thanks, do you have any beds available? I'm pretty tired”
  300. >”I can only imagine.... uh I think we have an empty bedroom on the second floor right now, put your dishes in the sink and we'll clean them”
  301. >Cleaning with just hooves and your mouth sucks
  302. >Your mouth tasted like soap, you have to improve your hoof usage
  303. >”Now that we've cleaned up, I'll show where you're going to sleep if you'll just follow me”
  304. >She exits the kitchen, and you follow
  305. >”Now normally you'll be sleeping in a dormitory with some other fillies your own age, but we'll wait to introduce you to everypony before we have you all sleeping in the same room together”
  306. >You were not looking forward to the whole dormitory thing, you might want to make this a one night stop
  307. >Summer leads you up a flight of stairs, getting up them only accentuates how tiny you are now
  308. >Also tired, really really tired
  309. >Just a little further
  310. >Good thing Summer is walking so slow, on the second floor she leads you down a hallway and motions to one of the doors
  311. >”You'll be sleeping here tonight, I hope you find the room to your liking”
  312. >You walk past in her and into the bedroom
  313. “It certainly beats sleeping in an alley, so I like it already”
  314. >You see the bed, all other details of the room are lost to you as you jump up on it and curl up to sleep
  315. >Summer is standing in the door-frame
  316. >”Do you need a nightlight Anon?”
  317. >What kind of stupid question is that? Of course no- oh yeah you're like 5 now
  318. “No, I'm good”
  319. >”Well alright then, we'll deal with your enrollment and paperwork first thing in the morning. Then you 'll get to spend the rest of the day with fillies your age, doesn't that sound fun?”
  320. >No, please sweet Arkay no
  321. “Can't wait”
  322. >You tried to not sound bitter
  323. >”Well goodnight Anon, may Luna guide your dreams”
  324. “Night”
  325. >Summer closes the door, leaving the room pitch dark
  326. >You quickly fall asleep, too tired to think about your situation
  328. >Be Summer Dawn
  329. >Oh sweet Celestia what horrible fate has this filly met?
  330. >What were you going to do?
  331. >Talk to Mistress Rules, surely she will know how to go about this
  332. >She's probably still up, doing paperwork or somesuch
  333. >You go up to her office, located downstairs on the first floor
  334. >A quiet trot to her office gives you little time to think about what to say to Miss Rules...
  335. >Just tell her what you know, and what you don't know. Simple enough, dont't mess it up
  336. >Taking a deep breath you enter her office
  337. >Sitting behind a simple and well organized desk sat Mistress Strict rules
  338. >She was the oldest pony you think you had ever met, and nopony knew her age, she was simply always there
  339. >And everypony was too afraid to ask
  340. >She had an undeniable air of authority to her, even if you weren't on her payroll you doubt you could defy her
  341. >Said pony looked up upon your entrance
  342. >”Whatchu want Summer, I'm up to my tailhole in paperwork and even I require sleep”
  343. >She also had an... unusual way of speaking, at least she tones it down in front of the fillies
  344. “We just had a new arrival”
  345. >”This late at night?”
  346. “Yes”
  347. >”Her name?”
  348. “Anonymous”
  349. >”That's an unusual name for a filly, how old is she?”
  350. “No older than 5, she seems sensitive about her name”
  351. >”Where's she from? How did she get here? Did somepony drop her off?”
  352. “I don't know yet. She walked here and she was by herself, she claimed to have no parents or any legal guardians”
  353. >”Did she bring anything in with her?”
  354. “Nothing, no personal belongings or any form of identification”
  355. >”Physical description?”
  356. “Green earth pony with a black mane and a question mark cutie mark”
  357. >”A cutie mark so early? Interesting. How was she when she came in?”
  358. “Tired, hungry, filthy and covered in raccoon scratches”
  359. >”Why in Tartarus was she attacked by raccoon's?”
  360. “They were fighting over a pie”
  361. >”is she stupid or something?”
  362. “No, if anything she seemed very intelligent for a 5 year old. I think she was desperate and didn't know any better”
  363. >”Is she taken care of for now?”
  364. “Yes ma'am, she has been looked at by Kind heart, I fed her some leftovers we had from dinner and is asleep in one of the bedrooms on the second floor”
  365. >”That's fine for now, but we need more information on where's she from. She could be lying to us about her parents or something else, we'll talk about this tomorrow”
  366. “Yes mistress”
  367. >”Don't call me 'mistress', I already know my title thank you. Now leave me to my paperwork”
  368. >You leave her office, man was she weird to be around
  369. >At least you were still allowed to dress like a nun
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