

Mar 10th, 2022
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  1. “Servants and their Masters are still the stars of the Holy Grail War!”
  2. “...”
  3. “...Don’t you agree?”
  4. Just as she turned to the chief with a broad grin... the area around them was enveloped in the roar of an explosion, and every pane of glass in the chief ’s office windows shattered.
  5. “!?”
  6. And it was not just the office. A thunderous roar and a blast of wind shook every window on the north side of the police station to pieces.
  7. “Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Now it’s starting! Have you bought a pamphlet? Got your popcorn? Oh, but I guess it would be donuts for you, chief. Hurry up, or you’ll miss out on the match of the century!”
  8. “You bitch...!”
  9. The chief glared at Francesca. He was still unaware that the police station was not the only building with broken glass...
  11. × ×
  13. Several dozen seconds earlier. North Snowfield. A large ravine.
  14. A red clay ravine several kilometers further north of the cave where Gilgamesh had been summoned.
  15. The man stood on a rise that reached almost the same elevation as the top floor of Crystal Hill. A lean, wiry man, just over two meters tall. His hands clutched a bow. It was larger than an ordinary longbow, but it seemed a little undersized in the tall man’s hands.
  16. The man’s dress went beyond “eccentric” to become what could only be called “bizarre.” The first thing that caught one’s eye was a long, decorated cloth draped vertically over his body. And not draped over his shoulders, either; the cloth was centered on the top of his head, and, having completely covered his face and the back of his head, went on to hang down so that it concealed both the front and back of his body. The only parts of his head that peaked out from under the cloth were his ears. On his upper body, however, he wore nothing else. A dark dye stained every inch of his exposed skin. It was also marked with some sort of design in a white dye, but it was hidden by the aforementioned cloth, and it was impossible to get a full view of it.
  17. The man — who looked at first glance like he was about to appear in a horror game and chase its protagonist around — smirked under the cloth that covered his face, and silently drew his bow taut.
  18. Then his fingers released the bowstring, and loosed an arrow. An arrow that flew far faster than the wind, and outstripped even the speed of sound.
  20. × ×
  22. High above Snowfield.
  23. A wind like a blade carved a straight line through the city of Snowfield. It split the air, throwing off shockwaves. By the time a roar like thunder filled the area, the wind had already passed.
  24. At the wind’s center was a single arrow. It was headed toward the top floor of a skyscraper in the heart of Snowfield — Crystal Hill.
  25. The arrow shot by the mystery man plunged ahead like a laser, defying the laws of physics by never slowing or losing altitude. It had already traveled more than 20 kilometers. That alone was enough to prove that the archer was no human, and no ordinary mage.
  26. Shockwaves raced through the sky over the city. The impact and noise together shattered the glass of every building below the arrow’s trajectory one after another. No human — no, not even a Heroic Spirit — could survive a direct hit from such a missile unscathed. The strike would reduce their entire upper body to mincemeat before it even pierced their skull.
  27. The arrow was charging straight toward its target: Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, who had taken up his position on the highest floor of Crystal Hill.
  28. Or rather, the head of the girl standing beside him — his Master.
  30. × ×
  32. Crystal Hill. The royal suite.
  33. Tine, who had been facing Gilgamesh, suddenly turned to look out the north window.
  34. “What...?”
  35. The sound had not reached her yet. She had merely sensed a disturbance in the mana filling the sky, and turned to face it for no reason in particular. By the time she sensed the wind being ripped to shreds, it was already too late. A tiny point of death was closing in on the girl, too close for her to react in time. No matter what she tried to do now, there was no way of avoiding the supersonic arrow.
  36. At least, not for her.
  37. “...”
  38. An instant later, when the arrow had come within 20 meters of the hotel, thunder sounded outside the glass. There was a dazzling flash, and countless tiny bolts of lightning streaked through the sky. One of them appeared to strike the arrow, and what should have been a killing blow disintegrated in the air just short of its target. The shockwaves, however, still shattered the glass, and assailed everyone in the room.
  40. Fate/Strange Fake: Volume 2, Chapter 6 ("Day 1, Noon")
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