
Her Mime's Relief (NSFW, WIP)

May 9th, 2019
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  1. Delia Ketchum sighed in frustration, keeping a hand on her chin while deep in thought. Her beloved Pokemon and self-appointed housekeeper, her Mr. Mime, had been acting differently over the past week. She had no clue what was bothering her "Mimey," but she hated seeing the Pokemon who was essentially her best friend not acting like himself.
  3. Mimey had never neglected his housekeeping duties, but he seemed depressed while mopping, and his mind was elsewhere while helping Delia with the dishes. The mime Pokemon wasn't his usual cheerful, happy self. Delia couldn't think of anything recent that could have bothered him, and hated that she couldn't simply know--especially with how close she felt to the Pokemon.
  5. "Maybe Professor Oak will know." Delia thought out loud. "Mimey, let's go to the Pokemon lab. I'm sure we can get you some help there."
  7. "Mime ..." Mimey replied, placing down the mop and bucket he had been carrying into the kitchen. The Pokemon looked uncomfortable, but still eagerly followed his owner out the door. With Professor Oak's Pokemon laboratory being just down the road, Delia hoped they would find a solution sooner than later.
  9. ...
  11. "Oh, is that all? That's quite an easy answer!" Professor Oak exclaimed in response, smiling at the relieved look on Delia's and Mimey's faces. "There's nothing wrong with your Mr. Mime at all, Delia! He's just experiencing a Pokemon's normal heat cycle!"
  13. "H-Heat?!" Delia repeated, her face turning red and eyes widened. "But Mimey's a boy! Males don't go through heat, right? Just females!"
  15. "Ah, indeed, that's correct." Oak replied. "However, Pokemon are extremely complex and amazing creatures. Just because they're similar to the animal kingdom doesn't mean they follow the same biological rules. Your Mr. Mime has just reached a time in his life where he needs to be with a female partner."
  17. "Is that even possible?" Delia asked, her face remaining a bright shade of red. "Mimey is a Mr. Mime, are there even females?"
  19. "Well, yes, actually!" Professor Oak said with a nod. "Despite the name, there are indeed females of the species! A 'Ms. Mime,' if you will." He chuckled. "Unfortunately, I don't have any other Mr. Mime at the ranch, female or otherwise. Perhaps Mimey could take some time with the other Pokemon and find a friend?" Oak suggested. Delia hesitated at his suggestion, looking down at her Pokemon. Mimey didn't look at her, instead staring at the floor and looking just as uncomfortable as earlier.
  21. "I don't know, Professor ..." Delia trailed off, looking concerned for her friend. "We'll go home and talk about it. I want Mimey's ... time like this ... to be special, you know?"
  23. "I understand, but Mimey is a Pokemon, Delia." Oak said with a nod, but an unsure tone. "Sometimes in the wild, a Pokemon would simply find a mate that accepts them, you know? Perhaps one of the ranch's females is just what he needs."
  25. "We're taking a night to think about it." Delia replied with a determined tone. Mimey looked relieved at her answer. "Come on, Mimey, let's go have dinner. Thank you for the help, Professor Oak." Delia gave the man her usual warm smile, which seemed to drain the mood of any awkward tone.
  27. "My pleasure!" Professor Oak cheerfully replied as he saw them off, closing the lab's front door behind him. "For that Pokemon's sake, I hope they decide on something soon. Maybe Ash has a Pokemon that would--oof, hey!" Professor Oak's thinking was cut off by a massive creature jumping on top of him. "No, Muk! Mimey can't mate with you!"
  29. "Muk Muk!" Ash's Muk happily replied, hugging the professor. Professor Oak sighed in annoyance, but smiled at the gooey, giant Pokemon. "Come on, Muk. Let's go for a walk in the ranch."
  31. ...
  33. Later that night, after finishing a quiet, somewhat awkward dinnertime (in which both of them barely touched a bite,) Delia and Mimey retired to her bedroom. Mimey had a smaller bed next to Delia's, rather than something made for a Pokemon; Delia considered Mimey her equal, and wanted him to feel that way. Of course, it looked very different than that when he would sit on the floor and eat with Ash's Pokemon whenever he visited, but that was Mimey's choice.
  35. "Mimey?" Delia spoke up, looking over at her Pokemon. Mimey had been facing the wall, giving Delia privacy while she changed into a nightgown. Mimey slightly turned to acknowledge she spoke.
  37. "Mister Mime? Mime?" Mimey asked.
  39. "What do you think about this?" Delia asked, sitting on her bed and patting the spot next to her. Mimey climbed up next to her and placed his hands together, twiddling his thumbs and looking embarassed at the question. "If you need to be at the professor's for a few days, or however long it takes, I would understand. You can always just come home right after if you want to, you know."
  41. "Mime, Mister Mime ..." Mimey replied. Delia didn't worry about her Pokemon leaving to start a family or anything of the sort, since whatever partner he chose wouldn't be leaving Oak's ranch. Even if Mimey needed more than just 'heat relief' and produced a Mime Jr. or whatever Pokemon came from it, Delia would love it like her own. "Mime ..." Mimey continued speaking, with Delia listening intently and trying her best to understand.
  43. "Hmmm ..." Delia thought out loud. "Mimey, are you nervous about it? Do you worry that you won't find the right partner?" She asked. Cold feet would be something she could easily help him with; Mimey was fantastic, and she was the first person to tell him so. Any Pokemon should be thrilled to spend time with him, or any other person for that matter.
  45. Wait! Was that it?
  47. "Mimey, is it you don't want to be with a Pokemon from the ranch?" Delia asked, hoping she was correct. "Do you want to be with someone close to you?"
  49. "Mime, Mister ..." Mimey slowly nodded, and suddenly it made perfect sense to Delia: Pokemon or no, Mimey still had feelings and emotions. Just because a wild Pokemon would mount the first thing that didn't kicked doesn't mean a domesticated Pokemon felt the same. After spending so much time around humans, maybe Mimey started to act more like than Delia realized. Most humans wanted their first time to be with a special person, not just some stranger off the street. At least, that's how Delia had felt when she met Ash's father all those years ago.
  51. Delia gulped. It felt like it lasted hours, and her throat started to burn. She slowly opened her mouth, having a mental battle with herself before a single word left her mouth.
  53. "Mimey ... w-what about me?" Delia asked. Her entire body was trembling. "T-There's no worry about a Mime Jr. with me, a-and I love you more than anyone so I can be really caring and patient, and ..."
  55. "Mime!" Mimey replied eagerly. The mime's eyes lit up as he turned to face Delia, as if he had been offered the most delicious Pokemon food. Delia couldn't remember a time when Mimey looked more excited.
  57. "I'll take that as a 'yes' then, Mimey." Delia replied in a whisper, but unsure why she was staying quiet. She reached for the thin straps of her pink nightgown and slowly pulled them down her shoulders and arms before letting go and allowing the garmet to fall. She felt her face heat up when her large breasts were revealed to Mimey. Mimey had climbed off the bed and stood in front of her, staring at Delia's bare chest in amazement. "Uh ... am I pretty, Mimey?"
  59. "Mime! Mime, Mister Mime!" Mimey frantically nodded, smiling at her.
  61. Delia pondered if Pokemon could even become attracted to humans, a question that was almost dumb to ask as Mimey gawked at her breasts. She remembered stories that Ash had told her about his Bayleef developing a crush on him when he rescued her as a Chikorita, so it must be possible. Delia looked down at Mimey, seeing that his gaze hadn't moved from her body. She reached out and took his hands in her own. Mimey blinked in confusion, watching her with interest.
  63. "You can touch me, Mimey. It's okay." Delia said, pulling the mime's hands towards her and resting them on her bare breasts. The small pads on Mimey's fingers felt strange, as if she was rubbing some type of hard, rough, rubbery material against her skin when he started to grope her. Save for the tips of his fingers and thumbs, Mimey's touch was much more gentle and soft than Delia had expected.
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