
Krucial Kittens get an album

Mar 5th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat on the floor upstairs with her back pressed against the amp behind her, her bass settled into her lap as her fingers plucked at the strings kind of aimlessly. She wasnt paying much mind to the bass line she was playing because her eyes were set on her phone which was sitting on the floor in front of her, desperately waiting for it to light up.-
  2. Covet: Felix made his way home from his shift at the library, getting out of his vehicle he walked into the house and kicked his shoes off at the door. He heard the noise upstairs and headed that direction seeing Steph on the floor next to her amp, "Hey Red, Are you trying to force the music into yourself there?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -She snapped her head up from her phone on the floor to look at him when he came up the stairs, gently shaking her head. "Just trying to pass time. How was work?"-
  4. Covet: "Dead as fuck." He said flopping to the floor, rolling on his back, tippign his head up at her. "you have something important you were looking at on there?" He asked going to reach for it casually.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Yes." She said quickly, diving for her phone to take it back from him. Her bass fell from her lap to the floor as she moved to grab her phone, neatly placing it back on the floor in clear view so she could see it before checking to see if she'd missed a message in that split second. "The numbers for our opening weekend with the EP are coming in tonight."-
  6. Covet: "Oh! I see, Do you think it's going to be good?" He asked her with a smile as he kept his head leaned back and moved for her foot instead.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know. I mean.. we got a lot of positive attention for Legends Never Die and our dedication. That was kind of a happy accident. And I'm supposed to be setting up a collab with some Youtube someone or something, but none of that is going to effect these numbers. And these numbers essentially mean if they're going to find our full length album or not." She pushed her foot against him, taking a deep breath.-
  8. Covet: Scrunching his face up as she pushed her foot back at him, he rolled over and took it in both hands, pressing his thumbs along her sole as he rubbed it. " So then I'd say it's probably going to get some great feedback too. This is like... a serious moment right now.Well. like small milestone. You know what I mean."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh, wiggling her toes a bit. "Yes, I know what you mean. And yeah, it is. They said they would email us after midnight to give us the results. And it's officially after midnight." Her eyes dropped down to watch him massaging her foot, furrowing her brows. "Are you still groveling?"-
  10. Covet: "Oh, I see, so now it's just a waiting game." He said to her then gave a shrug, "Maybe I am, maybe I'm just being nice. Are you really going to question it either way?" Felix asked her with a cocky smirk.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know, I think I'd like to categorize when you're being nice and when you're trying to make up for your lies. It makes things easier to process." She flinched under his thumbs because literally every muscle in her body was tense right now.-
  12. Covet: Felix eased up a little on his motions, while he looked at her face. "Why can't it be both? It's not like I don't have some ass kissing to do, and I'm usually nice to you. Most of the time."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Ass kissing will be a nice change from pain in my ass, so I guess I will accept this." She said with a little smirk, her phone lighting up with the incoming email from the label. She scrambled to grab for it, pressing it screen side to her chest tightly. "It's in. The numbers are in. This is it..."-
  14. Covet: Rolling his eyes he switched feet, "You knew what you were getting into, when you decided to keep me around." He told her then watched as she lunged for her phone. "Deep breath, It's going to be good. Positive thoughts."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she slowly pulled her phone away from her chest, opening her email inbox and just staring at the email without actually opening it. "Okay.. but what if it's not good enough? I know we've had positive feedback, but what if it's not enough?"-
  16. Covet: "Then you smile because you worked hard... and now you'll know that there is some improvement for you to do, and you'll keep working for those goals." Felix told her. "What's it say?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: -She took a deep steadyign breath, sitting up straight and tapping her finger against the screen to open the email. She saw all the other Kittens' email addresses in the 'to' box, scrolling down and beginning to read the email. As she scanned the email for their numbers, her eyes started to swell with tears, her free hand moving to clasp over her mouth.-
  18. Covet: Uh...Tears... are those good tears or bad tears?" He asked as he sat up and looked at her, "Red? What did it say?"
  19. Alexithymiaa: -She sniffled and moved to wipe underneath her glasses to try to clear her eyes so she could read the email aloud to him. "We are pleased to inform you that the sales of Defiance from March second until March fourth of your opening weekend total ten thousand one hundred copies. As promised, all funding and promotional expense of a full length album will be assumed by Fuled by Ramen and we will be in touch to sign the appropriate documents." She dropped her phone down into her lap and moved both hands to cover her eyes, unable to stop the tears from coming.-
  20. Covet: "Hey that's all great news, That's no reason to cry like this? You should be happy, jumping up and down, screaming and all that." He told her, moving to sit next to her and put an arm around her shoulder. "Stop trying to rust yourself."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I am happy." She sniffled, leaning to the side to lean into him when he put his arm around her. "I feel like I've been holding my breath for months for this one moment."-
  22. Covet: "Well stop holding your breath, I'm pretty sure that's not good for getting oxygen in your system and all." He told her as he rubbed her arm, and leaned over to kiss her on the head. "I had faith you could do it. You just had to believe in yourself. Your true self. Not the self everyone expected you to be."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I guess this just still feels like a pipe dream." She said as she wiped her face and readjusted her glasses on her nose before looking up at him. "I think you have a lot more faith in me than I do."-
  24. Covet: "It is, but it's one that's coming true, so the best kind of dream." Felix told her then looked back, "I do, but you'll catch up the more things like this keep happening. You going to tell your brother yet or wait until tomorrow?"
  25. Alexithymiaa: "No, I'm going to call him tomorrow. It's late there and he actually gets up for work before noon now." She said with a small watery laugh. "I dont know what I'm supposed to do now. Should I be celebrating? Should I be figuring out our next move?"-
  26. Covet: "Bryan sleeps?" Felix asked, because he'd contacted Bryan at all sorts of times of the night and he always answerd. "Yes you should be celebrating. This is exciting and awesome news. You can worry about your next move tomorrow, or the next day. Bask in your glory Red."
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She quickly climbed up to her feet, spinning around to offer her hands down to him. "Then what should I do to celebrate? I'm not very good at this."-
  28. Covet: Felix used her to help get himself up, then looked at her, "Well, I could think of a couple of things, but only one of them is based on whether or not I'm allowed to participate in such things yet. The other however, is a hot bath with some bubbles, and a special sucker for us both, and some candles and maybe some music or we can set up my laptop and watch a movie?"
  29. Alexithymiaa: "The fact that you're tip toeing around what you're actually trying to ask me is annoying. Like more annoying than your usual level of annoying, but a hot bath with bubbles and candles and stuff sounds really nice."-
  30. Covet: "I'm tip toeing around it because I didn't want to sound like a stereotypical dude. Which is why I gave you the details of the other, because I wanted to do that one and I wanted it to sound more enticing. So hah. Be annoyed at that." Felix told her. as they headed downstairs.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "What exactly do you think comes after the hot bubble bath?" She asked with a roll of her eyes, reaching down to pick up her phone before starting down the stairs. "You make it seem like we have sex because it's what you want."-
  32. Covet: "Okay but everyone knows guys always want sex. We never know when you want it unless you have very obvious things, like lingerie, and flashing lights. Or you just pounce us." He added as he waited for her. "I had no expectations after putting that idea together on the fly, other than to relax since you've been working so hard."
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Head over into the kitchen, she picked up the water dish on the floor and refilled it, setting it back down on the floor. "Yeah, but you're not weird about it. Or offensive. So I don't classify you as the same category of stereotype. And you've definitely picked up on more subtle clues than lingerie or literal removal of clothing. You need to give yourself more credit than that." HEading into her bedroom, she turned into the bathroom and walked over to the tub, turning the warm water on. "I'm always working hard. This doesnt change anything."-
  34. CovetCovet : "Well apparently I just was now." Felix mumbled then gave a shrug, "Okay I can be okay with that, and Don't give me any more credit than I deserve. I'm still supposed to be kissing your ass." He said then looked around patting his pockets then spoke up, "Do you have matches or something to light the candles with somewhere?" Felix had gotten rid of his own on the drive up to camp, during his detox weekend.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "You can still kiss my ass while I pay you a compliment. I get to make up the rules as I go along." She said with a smirk, sticking her hand under the water to check the temperature. "Yeah, there's a lighter in the island drawer in the kitchen. Where's your lighter?"-
  36. Covet: "I'd argue with you, but I feel like that would be pointless. I'll pick my battles." He said with a laugh then opened up the drawer to pull out the lighter. " I got rid ot if. Less temptation if I don't have one on me." He told her then dipped out to go get his laptop and his eddible suckers, which have also been helping him keep from nicotine fits.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Fair enough." She said with a nod, easing away from the tub so she could begin to get undressed. She pulled her sweatshirt off over her head, folding it neatly to set on the bathroom counter before stepping out of her shorts.-
  38. Covet: "It's been working. I've gone a week and three days with out a single cigarette." Felix said as he got himself undressed as well, looking over at her. Pulling the nicotine patch off his side, he tossed it into the trash and walked over to Steph to offer her help to get in with her.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "Well I'm glad that it's working for you." Wanting to just leave it there because she refused to say anything like she was proud of him or anything given the current situation. But she was kind of proud of him. Putting her hands in his, she stepped into the bathtub, settling down into the water for relxation.-
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