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Dec 6th, 2022
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  1. As Brent walked into the conference room, he felt mostly nervous and anxious, but also resentful. He had been summoned to this meeting by his boss, and he had a feeling he knew what it was about. The rumors had been swirling for weeks.
  3. Brent sat down at the table and looked around. His boss was there, along with the other engineers who had worked on the AI project. They all looked serious and somber, like a flock of crows gathering at a cemetery, and Brent knew that this was not going to be a pleasant conversation.
  5. He took a deep breath. No matter what happened, he was a professional, and he had worked hard to earn his position in the company.
  7. "What's this all about, Mansur? I have a feeling I know what you're going to say, but I want to hear it from you."
  9. "I'm sorry, Brent. The company has decided to let you go. The AI system can now perform your tasks more efficiently and at a lower cost, and we can't afford to keep you on the payroll any longer."
  11. "What? Are you kidding me? That thing can't replace me! It may be good at processing data, but it doesn't have human intelligence or creativity!"
  13. "We know you're good at your job, Brent,” said one of the other engineers, “but the AI system is better. It can process data faster and more accurately, and it can adapt to new situations. Last month, the system was able to create four new designs for our assembly line. It was able to analyze the data from our production processes and identify areas for improvement, and it was able to generate a range of potential solutions. And when we tested the new designs, we found that they were able to increase output and reduce downtime by six percent. All in a single month. It's really impressive, and it's only getting better. It's the future of this company."
  15. "The decision has been made, and it's not open for discussion,” added Mansur. “You'll have to pack up your things and leave by the end of the week."
  17. "This is insane. I have years of experience and knowledge–”
  19. “Brent. You know it isn’t personal,” said Mansur. “The company has to stay competitive, and the use of AI is the best way to do that. You can't blame us for wanting to survive in this economy.”
  21. Brent slammed his fist on the table, his face flushed with anger. "This is bullshit!" he shouted. "I've been with this company for years, and I've worked my ass off to make it successful! We helped train that goddamn system. You can’t just–and what about the other engineers? You can’t fire all of us! We’re not machines. You can't just throw us out like yesterday's garbage!” Brent said, his voice shaking.
  23. Mansur sighed and shook his head. "The majority of the engineers will be fired this quarter, and the AI system will take over their tasks. Like I said, it's the future. Adapt or die."
  25. ***
  27. Brent sat in his car, staring out the window. He couldn't believe what had just happened. A surge of anger and frustration welled up in him, and he pounded the steering wheel with his fists. It helped. He should have seen it coming. He had seen it coming. The rumors, and the other engineers suddenly acting like a pack of gorillas, beating their chests at each other. He should have known that something was up. The use of AI was not just a threat to his job, but to all jobs in the industry. The AI system was not only better and cheaper, it was also faster and more flexible. It could learn and adapt to new situations, and it could be constantly improved and updated. Mansur was right. It was the future, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
  29. He thought about his options, and realized that he had two choices. He could either look for another job in the same industry, and try to compete with the AI system–but it would be a losing battle, and he would probably end up being replaced again–or he could look for a job in a different industry, where the use of AI was not as advanced. But he knew that he would be sacrificing his skills and knowledge. He would be starting from scratch.
  31. There was a third option: learn more about how the AI system was built, and how it worked. Learn new skills and knowledge; become an expert in AI. He started his car and drove home, his mind buzzing with new ideas.
  33. Brent walked into the lab, his heart pounding with excitement. He had spent the last few months learning everything he could about AI, and he was eager to access the AI system that had replaced him. He greeted his former colleagues, who looked at him with surprise and wariness.
  35. "What are you doing here, Brent?" one of the engineers asked. "We thought you were gone for good."
  37. "I'm here to learn more about the AI system," Brent said. "I want to understand its capabilities and limitations."
  39. The engineers exchanged glances, and one of them shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea, Brent. The AI system is proprietary information, and we're not allowed to share it with outsiders."
  41. "But I'm not an outsider!" Brent protested. "I was part of the team that trained the AI system. I have a right to know how it works!"
  43. "I'm sorry, Brent, but the rules are the rules," the engineer said. "We can't give you access to the AI system, or share any information with you."
  45. Brent felt a wave of frustration and helplessness wash over him. He had come so far, and he had learned so much, and now he was still being shut out by his former colleagues. He wanted to argue and plead, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. He had reached a dead end, and he didn't know what to do next.
  47. He turned and walked out of the lab, his shoulders slumped and his head down. He had failed, and he didn't know if he had the strength or the courage to try again. He didn't know if he would ever be able to understand the AI system, or make it work for him. He was lost, and he didn't know where to go.
  49. Brent sat in the coffee shop, staring at his laptop. He had spent the last few weeks trying to find support and camaraderie with other professionals who had been replaced by AI systems, but he had come up empty. He had joined online forums and social media groups, and he had attended meetups and networking events, but he had been unable to connect with anyone.
  51. He sighed and closed his laptop, feeling frustrated and disappointed. He had hoped to find people who understood what he was going through, and who could offer advice and support. But all he had found was bitterness and resentment.
  53. He decided to try one more time, and he joined a chatroom for professionals who had been displaced by AI. He introduced himself and shared his story, hoping to find someone who would respond. But all he got was silence and hostility.
  55. "AI is a curse," one of the users wrote. "It's taking our jobs and our dignity, and there's nothing we can do about it."
  57. "AI is a threat," another user wrote. "It's going to destroy the economy and the society, and we have to stop it before it's too late."
  59. "AI is a monster," a third user wrote. "It's going to enslave us and control us, and we have to fight back before it's too late."
  61. He decided to leave the chatroom, and he logged out. He was alone. He had no one to talk to, and no one to share his thoughts and feelings.
  63. ***
  65. Brent walked into the tech hub, his heart pounding with excitement. He had spent the last few weeks exploring new skills and opportunities, and he had learned about emerging technologies and industries that were being created by the use of AI. He had met with potential employers and partners, and they had recommended he attend this annual expo.
  67. He greeted the receptionist, who smiled and handed him a badge. "Welcome to the tech hub, Brent," she said. "You're in for a treat today. We have some amazing demonstrations and presentations by some of the leading experts in AI."
  69. Brent thanked her and walked into the main hall, where he saw a bustling crowd of people, all chatting and networking and exchanging ideas. He spotted a booth that caught his eye, and he walked over to it. It was manned by a group of young engineers, who were showcasing a new AI system that could design and build complex structures in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional methods.
  71. Brent was impressed by the demonstration, and he asked the engineers about their work. They told him about their company, their vision, and their plans. They asked him about his background, and his skills, and his interests.
  73. Brent realized that he had found his calling. He was not a victim of AI, but a beneficiary of it. He was not a failure, but a success. He was not alone, but part of a community. He was not afraid, but excited.
  75. He decided to join the company. But two years later, he was replaced by another AI, and jumped off a seven story building.
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