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Mar 10th, 2018
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  1. # +----------------------------------------------------+
  2. # <           ClueScrolls Configuration File           >
  3. # <    To reload your changes, /cluescrolls reload     >
  4. # <                                                    >
  5. # <      >
  6. # <   >
  7. # +----------------------------------------------------+
  9. #In this section, you can create as many tiers as you want.
  10. tiers:
  11.  #This tier will be called common.
  12.   common:
  13.    #You get anywhere between 2 and 7 rewards when completed.
  14.     items: 2-7
  15.     #The scroll item will have 3 to 5 scrolls that must be completed.
  16.     clueCount: 3-5
  17.     #This is a weight of how often you will get a scroll of this tier from a mystery scroll. This can be any number, even bigger than 100.
  18.     chance: 100
  19.     item:
  20.      #The title of the common scrolls
  21.       title: '&a&lCommon Clue Scroll'
  22.       #Theses lores is displayed on top of the clues
  23.       lore-prefix:
  24.        - ''
  25.         - '&a&lCLUES:'
  26.       #These lores are displayed below the clues
  27.       lore-suffix:
  28.        - ''
  29.       #When a clue on a scroll is completed, should it be crossed out?
  30.       cross-out-completed: true
  31.       #Only show one clue on a scroll at a time.
  32.       one-clue-show: false
  33.       #What material is the scroll item? Full list of items can be found here:
  34.       material: PAPER
  35.       hide-first-clue:
  36.        #When getting a new scroll, the player must right click to reveal the clues.
  37.         enabled: false
  38.         #This lore will be displayed if enabled and no clues are shown yet.
  39.         lore:
  40.        - ''
  41.         - '&4Right click in hand to reveal.'
  42.     #When obtaining this scroll, the player will be sent this message.
  43.     receiveMessage: '&a&l+ %amount% Common Clue Scroll'
  44.     #If bound, other players will not be able to complete or use this scroll.
  45.     bind: false
  46.     #This contains all the possible clues on a scroll. For an in depth guide on creating clues, tkae a look at the Clue Creation section on the plugin page.
  47.     clues:
  48.       clue0:
  49.         lore: '&f* Kill %amount% skeleton: %completed%'
  50.         clueType: kill
  51.         data: skeleton
  52.         metadata: '*'
  53.         amount: 10
  54.         objective: Kill %amount% skeleton
  55.         clueName: Skeleton Killer
  56.       clue1:
  57.         lore: '&f* Craft %amount% diamond axe: %completed%'
  58.         clueType: craft
  59.         data: diamond_axe
  60.         metadata: '*'
  61.         amount: 5
  62.         objective: Craft %amount% diamond axes
  63.         clueName: Diamond Axe Crafter
  64.       clue2:
  65.         lore: '&f* Break %amount% dirt: %completed%'
  66.         clueType: break
  67.         data: dirt
  68.         metadata: '*'
  69.         amount: 64
  70.         objective: Break %amount% dirt
  71.         clueName: Dirt Breaker
  72.       clue3:
  73.         lore: '&f* Place %amount% stone: %completed%'
  74.         clueType: place
  75.         data: stone
  76.         metadata: '*'
  77.         amount: 64
  78.         objective: Place %amount% stone
  79.         clueName: Stone Placer
  80.       clue4:
  81.         lore: '&f* Eat %amount% cooked beef: %completed%'
  82.         clueType: eat
  83.         data: cooked_beef
  84.         metadata: '*'
  85.         amount: 5
  86.         objective: Eat %amount% cooked beef
  87.         clueName: Beef Eater
  88.       clue5:
  89.         lore: '&f* Fish %amount% items: %completed%'
  90.         clueType: fish
  91.         data: '*'
  92.         metadata: '*'
  93.         amount: 3
  94.         objective: Fish %amount% items
  95.         clueName: Item Fisher
  96.   special:
  97.     items: 2-7
  98.     clueCount: 5-7
  99.     chance: 55
  100.     item:
  101.       title: '&d&lSpecial Clue Scroll'
  102.       lore-prefix:
  103.        - ''
  104.         - '&a&lCLUES:'
  105.       lore-suffix:
  106.        - ''
  107.       cross-out-completed: true
  108.       one-clue-show: false
  109.       material: PAPER
  110.       hide-first-clue:
  111.         enabled: false
  112.         lore:
  113.        - ''
  114.         - '&4Right click in hand to reveal.'
  115.     receiveMessage: '&d&l+ %amount% Special Clue Scroll'
  116.     bind: false
  117.     clues:
  118.       clue0:
  119.         lore: '&f* Kill %amount% skeleton: %completed%'
  120.         clueType: kill
  121.         data: skeleton
  122.         metadata: '*'
  123.         amount: 10
  124.         objective: Kill %amount% skeletons
  125.         clueName: Skeleton Killer
  126.       clue1:
  127.         lore: '&f* Craft %amount% diamond axe: %completed%'
  128.         clueType: craft
  129.         data: diamond_axe
  130.         metadata: '*'
  131.         amount: 5
  132.         objective: Craft %amount% diamond axes
  133.         clueName: Diamond Axe Crafter
  134.       clue2:
  135.         lore: '&f* Break %amount% dirt: %completed%'
  136.         clueType: break
  137.         data: dirt
  138.         metadata: '*'
  139.         amount: 64
  140.         objective: Break %amount% dirt
  141.         clueName: Dirt Breaker
  142.       clue3:
  143.         lore: '&f* Place %amount% stone: %completed%'
  144.         clueType: place
  145.         data: stone
  146.         metadata: '*'
  147.         amount: 64
  148.         objective: Place %amount% stone
  149.         clueName: Stone Placer
  150.       clue4:
  151.         lore: '&f* Eat %amount% cooked beef: %completed%'
  152.         clueType: eat
  153.         data: cooked_beef
  154.         metadata: '*'
  155.         amount: 5
  156.         objective: Eat %amount% cooked beef
  157.         clueName: Cooked beef Eater
  158.       clue5:
  159.         lore: '&f* Fish %amount% items: %completed%'
  160.         clueType: fish
  161.         data: '*'
  162.         metadata: '*'
  163.         amount: 3
  164.         objective: Fish %amount% items
  165.         clueName: Item Fisher
  166.   legendary:
  167.     items: 2-7
  168.     clueCount: 7-10
  169.     chance: 20
  170.     item:
  171.       title: '&6&lLegendary Clue Scroll'
  172.       lore-prefix:
  173.        - ''
  174.         - '&a&lCLUES:'
  175.       lore-suffix:
  176.        - ''
  177.       cross-out-completed: true
  178.       one-clue-show: false
  179.       material: PAPER
  180.       hide-first-clue:
  181.         enabled: false
  182.         lore:
  183.        - ''
  184.         - '&4Right click in hand to reveal.'
  185.     receiveMessage: '&6&l+ %amount% Legendary Clue Scroll'
  186.     bind: false
  187.     clues:
  188.       clue0:
  189.         lore: '&f* Kill %amount% skeleton: %completed%'
  190.         clueType: kill
  191.         data: skeleton
  192.         metadata: '*'
  193.         amount: 10
  194.         objective: Kill %amount% skeleton
  195.         clueName: Skeleton Killer
  196.       clue1:
  197.         lore: '&f* Craft %amount% diamond axe: %completed%'
  198.         clueType: craft
  199.         data: diamond_axe
  200.         metadata: '*'
  201.         amount: 5
  202.         objective: Craft %amount% diamond axes
  203.         clueName: Diamond Axe Crafter
  204.       clue2:
  205.         lore: '&f* Break %amount% dirt: %completed%'
  206.         clueType: break
  207.         data: dirt
  208.         metadata: '*'
  209.         amount: 64
  210.         objective: Break %amount% dirt
  211.         clueName: Dirt Breaker
  212.       clue3:
  213.         lore: '&f* Place %amount% stone: %completed%'
  214.         clueType: place
  215.         data: stone
  216.         metadata: '*'
  217.         amount: 64
  218.         objective: Place %amount% stone
  219.         clueName: Stone Placer
  220.       clue4:
  221.         lore: '&f* Eat %amount% cooked beef: %completed%'
  222.         clueType: eat
  223.         data: cooked_beef
  224.         metadata: '*'
  225.         amount: 5
  226.         objective: Eat %amount% cooked beef
  227.         clueName: Cooked Beef Eater
  228.       clue5:
  229.         lore: '&f* Fish %amount% items: %completed%'
  230.         clueType: fish
  231.         data: '*'
  232.         metadata: '*'
  233.         amount: 3
  234.         objective: Fish %amount% items
  235.         clueName: Item Fisher
  236. mystery:
  237.   item:
  238.     material: PAPER
  239.     title: '&b&lMystery Clue Scroll'
  240.     lore:
  241.      - '&7Click to unlock a &b&lMystery &7clue scroll.'
  242.   receiveMessage: '&b&l+ %amount% Mystery Scroll'
  243.   #If bound, other players will not be able to complete or use this scroll.
  244.   bind: false
  245. #Should this plugin check for updates and alert players with permission?
  246. checkForUpdates: true
  247. #When a clue is completed, should the scroll automatically be checked if it's completed?
  248. auto-complete-scrolls: true
  249. #Do you want cluescrolls to have a glow effect?
  250. glow-scrolls: true
  251. #If enabled, each scroll will receive a unique NBT ID which will prevent stacking
  252. scrolls-unique-ids: true
  253. #If a block is in the blacklist, it will not count towards clues. Set to [] for none.
  254. block-place-blacklist:
  255.  - SEEDS
  256. #If a block is in the blacklist, it will not count towards clues. Set to [] for none.
  257. block-break-blacklist:
  258.  - SEEDS
  259. #For the title bar, these are the timings used in ticks. (20 ticks per second)
  260. title:
  261.   fadeIn: 20
  262.   fadeOut: 20
  263.   stay: 80
  264. #Should players be limited to how often they can open the scroll inventory? In seconds. Set to -1 to disable.
  265. inventoryCooldown: -1
  266. inventory:
  267.  #The purchase inventory from the command /cluescrolls or /cluescrolls open
  268.   purchase:
  269.    #The title of the inventory
  270.     title: '&b&lClue Scrolls'
  271.     #Inventory size must be a multiple of 9 up to 54.
  272.     size: 9
  273.     #In the items you can add items to the inventory. In the example, '5' is the slot number which is in the center.
  274.     items:
  275.       '5':
  276.        #Name of the items. Valid place holders if you choose to use them like the example are: %mystery_title%, %common_title%, %special_title%, and %legendary_title%
  277.         name: '%mystery_title%'
  278.         lore:
  279.          - '&7Click to unlock a &b&lMystery &7clue scroll'
  280.           - ''
  281.           #The %cost% will be replaced with the cost specified lower down in the purchaseAction section of this item.
  282.           - '&a&lCOST:&r&a %cost% &a&lXP'
  283.         #For a list of valid materials, look here:
  284.         material: PAPER
  285.         #The material data (useful for wool, flowers, etc)
  286.         material_data: 0
  287.         #How many are in this item stack?
  288.         amount: 1
  289.         #The purchase action is where you specify what happens when they click it
  290.         purchaseAction:
  291.         #The type can currently be: mystery, common, special, or legendary.
  292.          type: mystery
  293.          #Value currencies are EXP and MONEY
  294.          currency: EXP
  295.          #How many of the scrolls are given
  296.          amount: 1
  297.          #How much exp/money does this cost them?
  298.          cost: 1000
  299.          cooldown:
  300.            identifier: scroll_purchase
  301.            time: -1
  302.            message: '&cToo soon, you must wati %cooldown% before using this again.'
  303.   #In the reward inventory, you can currently set the title.
  304.   reward:
  305.     title: '&b&lClue Scroll Reward'
  306.     #Size of the inventory. Multiple of 9 up to 54.
  307.     size: 27
  308.     #Should rewards items randomly be placed inside of the inventory?
  309.     randomly-place-items: true
  310. commandReward:
  311.   material: PAPER
  312.   title: '&b&lReward Command'
  313.   lore:
  314.  - '&aRight click to have executed'
  315.   - ''
  316.   - '&a%reward_name%:'
  317.   - '&b/%command%'
  318. #A range of how many garbage NBT tags to add to scrolls to prevent guessing of their contents. You can disable it by setting to 0.
  319. garbageNBT: 5-25
  320. runnableClueRefreshRate:
  321.   distance: 5
  322.   permission: 60
  323. #Do not edit this!
  324. version: 2.1.8
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