

Jul 15th, 2014
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  1. [X] 3 It's hopeless.... Just lie back and think of England.: (Agilitree, Xicree, Eler0)
  2. [X] 1 Poke her in the ribs with your cold metal finger, find her ticklish spot. (Cunning): (Guile)
  3. -[X] 1 Tie her hands with the bed sheet and then start teasing her. Tell her to try and pretend not to want this so obviously, you'll enjoy it more. (Cunning): (Guile)
  4. [X] 10 Tie her hands with the bed sheet and then start teasing her. bring her to the very edge of orgasm, then deny it to her. do this two or three times then carry her to breakfast, feed it to her while her hands are still bound and bringing her right to the edge until she begs for mercy. (Cunning): (inverted_helix, Jack Trade, nightblade, Silversun17, Winged One, Robotninja, darklord, Smuthunter, Drak4806, Silver W. King)
  5. [X] 5 Whimper, shutting your eyes and telling her about your terrible fatal allergy to consensual sex! (Cunning): (Hextroyer413, Jiven, theweepingman, Jaertin, delwgun)
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