
pd radiocodes lol

Oct 27th, 2015
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  1. [center][img][/img]
  2. [size=200]Los Santos Police Department[/size]
  3. [size=150]Volume 2: Radio Communications[/size][/center]
  5. The Los Santos Police Department have a strict protocol on how to use the police radio. Failure to operate the radio properly according to the protocols and regulations might lead to a variety of punishments. Police Officers Is are expected to make mistakes, however, they are supposed to patrol with higher ranked officers as much as possible. Before the examinations, Police Officers Is are supposed to operate the radio as professional as the higher ranked officers. We expect a high amount of professionalism when operating both the police radio and the departmental radio.
  7. [b]Radio codes you [u]must[/u] know[/b]:
  9. [b]Clear[/b] - available for calls.
  10. [b]LVA[/b] - Last vehicle alarm
  11. [b]BOLO[/b] - Be On The Lookout
  12. [b]FD[/b] - Fire Department
  13. [b]GOV[/b] - Los Santos Government
  14. [b]GTA[/b] - Grand Theft Auto
  16. [b]Code 0[/b] - the most emergency situation, you leave whatever you are doing and you head to TAC1 for further instructions. Code 0 is always happening in TAC1 no matter if there's pursuit going on or not. If you were in pursuit and code 0 is called over the central then you must leave your pursuit and go to TAC1 and do as instructed.
  18. [b]Code 1[/b] - Officer in distress. Format for using it: [Unit callsign], code 1, [location]. This is to be broadcasted over the central or alternative radio, doesn't matter. If you are able to, provide reason to your code 1 such as you are being outnumbered, surrounded, etc.
  19. Example: [i]Adam-2, code 1 Idllewod A-1, we're being surrounded![/i]
  21. [b]Code 2[/b] - responding with no lights and sirens. Please note that lights and sirens may be used in heavy traffic or intersections only in order to get to the location faster, it's still non-emergency. Code 2 is used when you are responding to [b]"requesting additional/s"[/b] and when there is non-emergency call such as a civilian wanting to report a crime.
  23. [b]Code 3[/b] - responding with lights and sirens. When you are responding code 3 it means you are using lights and sirens all the time and it's word about an emergency, even a life-threatening situation such as a shootout. Code 3 is used to respond to [b]backup[/b] calls and vehicle pursuits as well. When responding to a pursuit, following radio format is to be transmitted over the alternative radio (( in-game radio )):
  24. [i]Adam-3, code 3 TAC1.[/i]
  25. No need for any other codes as it just brings heavy radio traffic which is unnecessary. If you are responding to a backup call the following format is to be used:
  26. [i]Lincoln-1 code 3 to last backup call.[/i]
  28. [b]Code 4[/b] - situation concluded, no backup required, units to clear the scene. Those three are describing code 4.
  29. Example: [i]Adam-3, traffic stop on a white Elegant, Market S-curve, code 4.[/i]
  31. [b]Code 6[/b] - out of car for investigation. This code is used when for example you spotted a civilian on the road, laying and you need to get out of your car to check what happened. Or maybe you spot a vehicle collision and you need to leave your cruiser. Failure to use this code might get you kidnapped or something similar because the supervisor will not know where are you and he won't pay attention to you, thinking you are just fine. Reporting code 6 when in TAC channel is not mandatory.
  32. Format: [i][Unit callsign], code 6 at [location], [possible reason why].[/i]
  33. Example: [i]Lincoln-1, code 6 at Idlewood A-1, vehicle collision.[/i]
  35. [b]Code 13[/b] - Vehicle Reported Stolen. This code can be used when you are in a traffic stop and you find out the vehicle is stolen. By saying code 13 you alert the units that the vehicle is stolen and that they should prepare for possible pursuit.
  37. [b]Backup[/b]. When you are requesting backup then it means that you want units to arrive at your location as soon as possible using lights and sirens. Maybe you are on foot and you see a group of people approaching you and you feel threatened. If responding to a backup call, you must use code 3.
  38. Examples when to call in for backup: Robbery in progress, GTA in progress, brawl, weapon brandished, outnumbered, etc.
  40. [b]Requesting additional/s[/b]. When requesting additionals you are not in any emergency situation and you just wish to have a unit behind your back to support you if something goes wrong. Maybe you have a feeling that someone is armed inside a vehicle you pulled over, you will request additional unit. When responding to additional unit request you must use code 2.
  41. Examples when to call in for additionals: Traffic stops, large group gathering, suspicious activity in the area, vehicle collision, etc.
  43. [b]"Central check" policy[/b]. Only the highest supervisor on duty is allowed to respond to "central checks". If there is no supervisor on duty, adam-1 or lincoln-1 are to respond no matter what rank. This is simply to reduce radio clutter that is being produced when everyone answers at the same time.
  45. [b]Clearing TAC policy[/b] - if you were in a pursuit, shootout or any situation that required TAC channel, you are not allowed to leave the channel unless directed by an on-scene supervisor. If there is no supervisor on scene then you may "suggest" clearing the TAC channel if it is a static situation like the suspect got on the ground and he/she is not going to try to evade anymore. Once the TAC channel is cleared, only the on-duty supervisor who was on the scene is allowed to say over central "[Callsign], TAC1 cleared, static situation" and/or anything similar. If there's no on-duty supervisor who was present at the scene then the initiating unit of the situation is allowed to say so over the central.
  47. [b]Talking in TAC channel[/b] - the only unit and/or person allowed to speak in TAC channel is supervisor and the initiating unit of the situation. You may never interrupt pursuit update with irrelevant things. Make sure it is related to the situation. When AIR unit is available and they join the TAC channel for pursuit and if they have visual contact with the suspect - they are the one who is going to update.
  48. (( [color=red]Talking OOCly in TAC channel results in immediate suspension, no questions asked. Chatting in local unit channel OOCly is allowed but it must not interrupt your roleplay nor may you use it to instruct your partner what to do.[/color] ))
  49. If you are in someone's channel and they ask you to leave then you must leave else you will face punishment.
  50. [u]TAC channel is ONLY to be used for vehicle/foot pursuits and when there's need for better organization during shootouts. If you are in a brawl there is no need for TAC channel unless you are chasing a suspect! (( This is so that we increase roleplay standards to a higher level. ))[/u]
  52. [b]Reporting on duty format[/b]
  53. [i][Rank Abbreviation] [badge number or last name] start of watch under [unit callsign].[/i]
  54. Example: [i]PO-I Converse start of watch under Adam-1.[/i]
  56. [b]Reporting off duty format[/b]
  57. [i][Rank Abbreviation] [badge number or last name] end of watch, disbanding [unit callsign].[/i]
  58. Example: [i]PO-I 29 end of watch, disbanding Adam-1.[/i]
  60. [b]Reporting you're free for calls[/b]
  61. [i][Unit callsign] clear from [location].[/i]
  62. Example: [list][*][i]Lincoln-1 clear from PDHQ.[/i]
  63. [*][i]Lincoln-1 clear from TAC1.[/i][/list]
  65. [b]Calling in for vehicle/foot pursuit over central[/b]
  66. [i][Unit callsign], vehicle pursuit on [vehicle color] [vehicle model], [location], TAC(1,2,3,4).[/i]
  67. Example: [i][list][*]Adam-2, vehicle pursuit on a yellow Taxi, Idlewood, TAC2.[/i][/list]
  69. Foot pursuits:
  70. [Unit callsign], foot pursuit after a [white, black, hispanic] [male or female], [location], TAC(1,2,3,4).
  71. Example: [i][list][*]Adam-3, foot pursuit after a Hispanic female, Vinewood. [/i]
  72. Saying anything different than this might get you an official warning issued. Repeated offenses are punishable by more severe disciplinary sanction.
  74. [b]Calling LSGOV or LSFD[/b]
  75. [i]PD [badge number] to [GOV or FD], [speak].[/i]
  76. Example: [list][*][i]PD 29 to FD, requesting RA to Idlewood A1, suspect with stab wound.[/list][/list][/i]
  78. [b]Departmental radio policy[/b]
  79. Using department's radio is only necessary when you are in need of an Ambulance or you are being called to answer. If FD is requesting PD then the highest supervisor online will respond. If there is no supervisor then highest rank on duty will respond. Failure to follow this policy will get you punished. There are no rank restrictions on who can call for Ambulance on scene as long as it's not three officers at same time. Make sure to announce that YOU will call for Ambulance to avoid such scenes.
  81. [b](( Teamspeak name policy when on duty or off duty ))[/b]
  82. Police officers who are on duty ingame are obligated to be on Teamspeak in their corresponding channel. There is a specific format you must use while being on duty for better organization:
  83. [Callsign Abbreviation] Firstname Lastname
  84. Example: [L-1] Shawn Delero
  85. When you are off duty you are allowed to use whatever username you like to.
  87. (( All credits for this handbook goes to Converse))
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