
Maddening Fell Xenologue 6 3-Turn Strat

Apr 7th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Maddening Fell Xenologue 6 3-turn
  2. Translated from
  4. (Strategy not mine)
  6. Character Builds
  8. Alear (Female: Merrin personal)
  9. Emblem Edelgard Lv 20
  10. Liberation
  11. Sword Power 5, Reprisal+
  13. Framme
  14. Alfonse S
  15. HP +5 (survive the boss's 1st pattern for easier positioning)
  16. Alear A Support (Hit +30, Avoid +5)
  18. Saphir
  19. Emblem Byleth
  20. Alear A Support (Avoid +10)
  22. Merrin
  23. Emblem Chrom Lv 18
  24. Rally Spectrum+
  26. Seadall
  27. Canter+
  29. Yunaka
  30. Emblem Veronica
  31. Alear A Support (Avoid +10)
  32. (Covert Contract grants Hit/Avoid +30 on top of refresh)
  34. Veyle
  35. Emblem Soren (editor: I think needs Lv 4+)
  36. Excalibur
  38. Alcryst
  39. Draconic Hex
  40. (Corrupted Wyvern combatant)
  42. Etie
  43. (Corrupted Wyvern combatant)
  45. Madeline
  46. Emblem Roy
  47. (Blazing Lion, Hold Out)
  49. Zelestia
  50. Emblem Sigurd
  52. Gregory
  53. Emblem Celica
  54. (Armored enemy combatant, right side Wyvern Knight combat with Warp Ragnarok)
  56. Nel
  57. Emblem Corrin
  58. (Dragon Vein bot)
  60. Damage Logistics
  61. (1) Final boss has 24 AS, Liberation!Alear has 22 AS prior to attack speed modifications
  62. Draconic Hex (24-4=20 AS) and Rally Spectrum+ (22+3=25 AS) allows Alear to double
  63. (2) Final boss has 80 HP and 36 DEF + 50 Sigil Protection - 4 Draconic Hex = 82 PRT
  64. (3) Assuming 1 HP on Alear,
  65. 17 STR
  66. 14 MT Liberation
  67. 15 Liberation Final Boss Bonus Damage
  68. 5 Emblem Edelgard STR Boost
  69. 7 Weapon Sync+
  70. 3 Rally Spectrum+
  71. 4 Instruct (Backup)
  72. 2 Spur Attack
  73. 10 Sword Power 5
  74. 19=39/2 Reprisal+
  75. Total: 96 ATK
  76. (96 ATK - 82 PRT) x2 = 28 damage
  77. (4) Seadall and Veronica allows 2 more actions, so 84 damage per turn takes down a single 80-HP bar
  78. Note that the boss initially only has 2 HP bars, so this only needs to be done twice.
  80. Avoid Stacking on Alear
  82. (1) Increase Speed and Luck with Rally Spectrum+
  83. (2) Framme: Crimson Cheer +10, A Support +5
  84. (3) Merrin: Knightly Escort +5
  85. (4) Nel: Vein of Fog +30
  86. (5) Yunaka: A Support +10
  87. (6) Saphir: A Support +10 (may not always be available b/c of Seadall needing a space)
  88. (7) Veyle: Anima Focus lowers boss hit by 20
  89. (8) Draconic Hex lowers boss Dex and Luck
  90. (9) (Yunaka's Contract temporarily grants +30)
  91. All this lowers boss hit rate against alear below 50, keeping Alear relatively safe while her HP is 1
  93. Strategy Breakdown
  95. Turn 1
  96. (1) Take down Corrupted Wyverns to left and upper right using Alcryst and Etie
  97. (2) Alear just attacks the boss and chips around 30 of her own HP
  98. (3) Seadall refreshes Alear, backs off appropriately
  99. (4) Alear backs out of boss's attack range, the important thing is not to enter within 2 range of Seadall
  100. (5) Merrin engages, equips Falchion and enters the range of the Wyvern Knight on the right. Can kill one on the counterattack
  101. (6) Madeline engages and uses Blazing Lion on the armor on the upper left and creates fire tiles to prevent bow knights from rushing.
  102. (7) Nel activates Vein of Flame on Alear, so that Alear has 1 HP on the next turn
  103. (8) Take care of some of the armored enemies so that they don't enter the boss range
  104. (9) Yunaka engages and summons a colorless. If you gacha summon a bow or a tome user, it becomes easier to to handle a wyvern knight enemy to the right on the next turn.
  106. Turn 2
  107. 3 Wyvern Knights to the right
  108. Merrin can counterattack one of them, so only 2 needs to be taken down
  109. Cataclysm!Soren Veyle + Zelestia can take down one, Warp Ragnarok!Gregory + Summon Hero!Veronica can take down another
  111. Use the damage and avoid setup explained above to take down one of the boss HP bar
  112. The first avoid can be a bit shaky (~50 hit from the boss).
  114. Turn 3
  115. Ignore the boss spawning generics, repeat the damage and avoid setup to take down the 2nd boss HP bar.
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