
Shen and Jian - Swordsman Acquired!

Feb 9th, 2014
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  1. [18:04] <Earthflame> Jian sits in meditation just outside his home. His eyes are closed, and the Yin Yang Blade hangs before him in the air, slowly rotating and glinting in the sun. Light and shadow passes over his face with each slow rotation, his breath controlled. He almost seems at peace, until you notice his left hand, curled into a fist so tight the knuckles are white.
  2. [18:07] <Shen> Shen had been walking through the village after his visit to the Metal Temple as he approached Jians home, he knew roughly where it was by memory but he still took his time. As he get closer he felt the familar sensation of his friends chi. "Jian?" he called out as he hunted for him.
  3. [18:11] <Earthflame> Jian opens his eyes, spotting the approaching Shen. He stands, waving the blade to one side and answering. "Shen? What are you doing all the way out here?"
  4. [18:14] <Shen> Shen smiled at his friends voice, turning to his exact direction. "Looking for you, of course." he chuckled as he walked up to him. "Although my chi senses are not exactly that great." he admitted.
  5. [18:16] <Earthflame> "They are getting better, if you felt me from that far away." Jian strides over, giving Shen a pat on the shoulder to let him know he was close by. "Why were you looking for me?"
  6. [18:19] <Shen> Shen patted his arm as they came into contact, glad he was finally able to locate him. "I'm planning a trip further into the mountain, a training pilgrimage of sorts." he informed him with a nod. "I want you to come with us."
  7. [18:20] <Earthflame> "Of course. I would be glad." Jian stretches. "...I'm still having trouble with this new Chi."
  8. [18:22] <Shen> Shen grinned back at him at the confirmation, then nodded faintly. "I went to see Meilin earlier, she told me a little about it. Ziulong will be coming with us, she said something about him having an idea of how to help you?" he shook his head. "Though she didn't say how."
  9. [18:26] <Earthflame> "Ahh, yes. He suggested using water copies as training targets. I can practice against them without risking hurting a friend."
  10. [18:31] <Shen> Shen seemed to think about that with a curious expression. "Thats a pretty clever idea." he admitted. "It will be a good place to start at least..." he said as his mind trailed off to somewhere else. "We'll be gone for around two weeks, give or take, but I think it will be worth it."
  11. [18:33] <Earthflame> "That will be fine." He pauses, giving Shen a sidelong glance. When he speaks, his voice is quiet. "...I hurt Reisuki, Shen. I'm sure you heard about it... But the wound was awful. I couldn't believe my Chi had done it."
  12. [18:36] <Shen> Shen went quiet as he nodded and spoke just as mutedly. "I know..." he let out a short, silent sigh as he put a hand on his friends back. "She is a tough girl though, and she no doubt forgave you for it." he spoke, looking up to meet his friends eyes, even if he couldn't see them.
  13. [18:38] <Earthflame> Jian meets his gaze. "...I had to watch it, Shen. It didn't just cut her... The touch of my Chi tore the blood right out of her skin. I thought I could control it when I used it on a dummy, but those are simple wood... There is nothing to draw, nothing to tear. It's why I hope Ziulongs water dummies work. Blood is like water, after all."
  14. [18:42] <Shen> Shen nodded, his face reflecting his friends, hearing and feeling the mans emotions. "It will work..." he said confidently, believing it as muchas he could. "If it doesn't, I will be your opponent." he told his friend seriously as he stood in front of him. "I will bleed and bleed until we get it right." he told him firmly. "Ziulong will be there to help us do it."
  15. [18:44] <Earthflame> Jian chuckles darkly at that. "You don't need any more scars, Shen. Nor do I... Hopefully the duplicates will work. If they don't... Then I have a weapon I can only use on those I know are Corrupt."
  16. [18:50] <Shen> Shen fell silent for a few moments as he lingered in front of his friend. "When it comes to my friends, I would always forfeit my body or life for them." he assured him. "As a Storm Dragon I came to terms with death a long time ago, so I will be there if you need it." he shook his head. "I will do whatever is neccessary to help you."
  17. [18:52] <Earthflame> Jian reaches forward to grip his shoulder. "You and Yoshi are my brothers, Shen... Perhaps not the ones I could have chosen. But it was the will of the spirits that brought us together, and I am glad they did. I trust you two with my life, and would sacrifice it just as quickly to save you. But... Promise me something, Shen."
  18. [18:57] <Shen> Shen nodded firmly as he gripped his friends arm. "Anything."
  19. [19:00] <Earthflame> His voice is quiet but hard as he speaks. "If I lose myself... If you can't save me, stop me. I don't want to hurt anyone else. Don't try and be an idiot hero. I'm not going to get lucky twice." His hand squeezes Shen's shoulder again. "...And return my Blade to my mother. She will ensure that it fights a rightful bearer."
  20. [19:05] <Shen> Shen stopped himself from objecting mid-breath, but he nodded reluctantly. "As long as you promise me never to give up, to fight it to the bitter end as we stand beside you." his eyes were fierce even if they were dull. "Do that and I will do all that you ask, I swear it on my honour."
  21. [19:06] <Earthflame> "It is not within my nature to give up. That, in part, is the problem... I am still seeking something to fight for. Something to hold back the rage and the bloodlust... I hope I will find it. Spirits, I hope I do..."
  22. [19:08] <Shen> "You will." Shen spoke confidently, his faith in his friend solid. "You must."
  23. [19:11] <Earthflame> He looks up, staring deeper into the mountains. "...Who knows? Perhaps I will find it out there, in the deeper mists..."
  24. [19:13] <Shen> Shen nodded at that. "The mountain is a very big place and the mists only get thicker, if we go in searching for strength then, like this village, we may just find it."
  25. [19:17] <Earthflame> Jian turns, and looks for a moment at the Yin Yang Blade... And then waves it away. "When do we leave?"
  26. [19:20] <Shen> "As soon as the mentors are ready." Shen answered instantly. "My brother, Leewan, and Ziulong will be with us. Satzu said he would talk to Ziulong and sort out a schedule for his students, but beyond that he is as eager to start as us."
  27. [19:22] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "I'll put together some supplies and then join with you."
  28. [19:24] <Shen> "Come to the estate whenever you're ready, you can stay with us until we leave either way." he assured him.
  29. [19:26] <Earthflame> He chuckles at that. "...I'd prefer to stay here." He gestures towards his home. "Mother won't be glad to know I'm going away again, so soon."
  30. [19:29] <Shen> "Whatever works best for you." he shrugged thoguh gave an accepting nod, running a hand back through his hair. "We won't be too far from home this time, at least."
  31. [19:29] <Earthflame> "That's true." He smiles. "...Shall I walk back through the village with you?"
  32. [19:32] <Shen> Shen grins back at him. "I'm not your grandma." he jested with a playful swipe at his shoulder. "I need to learn to do this stuff on my own anyway, but I wouldn't refuse the company."
  33. [19:32] <Earthflame> He laughs at that. "You've only got yourself to blame when you walk off a cliff. Can Storm Dragons fly?"
  34. [19:34] <Shen> "I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later." he grinned back. "At least I'll learn a lesson, even if it is the last one I'll ever learn."
  35. [19:35] <Earthflame> "Knowing your thick skull, you'll just bounce when you hit the ground." Jian seems strangely cheerful as he sets off back towards the village proper.
  36. [19:37] <Shen> "Theres a reason for everything, my friend." he replied, closing his eyes in an over-dignified manner as he walked alongside him.
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