
Stuff with Wyatt

Nov 27th, 2017
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  1. Smokeless: Dori sighed taking her jacket off and setting it aside. She walked out to the kitchen and grabbed some teabags putting one in a mug and pouring water in the mug before putting it in themicrowave and waiting. she pulled her phone out and scrolled through a few things
  2. Covet: Felix smiled at her, "Well, I do like feeling special. It's nice." He said with a grin, then gave a shrug, "Whatever floats her goat. Okay if I'm freezing You've got to be too..." He said, giving her a look over. "I'm done with this.."He said tossing his butt into the ashcan outside, so he could go inside.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "I'm always freezing. I'm used to it by now. Sort of... unless it snows." She turned to step into the house, adjusting her sweater as she turned to look at him. "Was there anything you wanted to do for your birthday? Like things you had in mind for yourself?"-
  4. Smokeless: Dori took her tea out of the microwave and added sugar and cream to her tea. she looked over seeing steph and felix enter into the house she sipped her tea and sat down at the table. she looked down at her phone and sighed some.
  5. Tsaaq: Wyatt drove up to the OCH and groaned. "You've got to be freaking kidding me. He left the car our parents let him get and everything here!?" He complained. "This is jive. Just jive." He rolled his eyes and slowly brought the car to a stop in the driveway. "I'm telling you Marty. This kid, since he was born would do extreme shit for attention. And this takes the cake." He got out of the vehicle. He cursed under his breath as he saw the two just walk into the house. He went to walk up the porch. // Morty, who was Wyatt's fancy lawyer, walked beside him. Primped and dressed in a suit. "This only helps with the plea Wyatt. Everything will be fine."
  6. Covet: Felix whistled out for the dogs to come back in, because he's not some asshole who'd just leave them out there. He looked at the two guys walking up, "Uh.. hang on Red.. Can I help you guys?" He said responding to Steph and then spoke to the two people who just showed up.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "What?' She asked, turning around to see the two males coming up to the house. She crossed her arms over her chest, lingering by the doorway so she could watch them because one of them felt familiar to her.-
  8. Smokeless: Dori got up as she had remembered something."Hey Steph..." she walked to the door where steph had been standing but stopped when she saw the two men."Holy...Shit..." she mumbled to herself
  9. Tsaaq: He continued to look fairly annoyed. "Whatever. He's not dragging me through the dirt with this I know that much." He whispered to Marty. "Where are his dogs?" Wyatt asked, looking to the only male. "Thaddeus said he left his dogs with some guy named Felix?" He rose his eyebrows. He turned to Marty again. "Go inside and check out some of his stuff." He whispered. // Marty crossed his arms over his chest as he stood behind Wyatt. He gave a singular nod and went up the porch steps. "Pardon me ladies." He said politely as he went towards the door.
  10. Covet: "Yeah, that'd be me" Felix said to the guy, And these are his dogs." He pointed to the two dogs running around after eachother in the yard, slowly making their way over. "You must be the brother." Felix said setting his face, then looked over at Steph, "If you want to go in, I'll meet you upstairs."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "What?" She asked Dori when she called her name, stepping out of the fancy male's way when he came inside. "Uhh.. who are you and where exactly are you going?" She asked since stranger was coming in the house and that felt appropriate. She pursed her lips when she heard Felix associate the shorter male with Thaddeus, growing quiet.-
  12. Smokeless: Dori moved as the guy pushed pasted her and Steph. she blinked some watching him and looked back at Steph." I was wondering how you do the whole staying in the air thing without feeling light headed is all. I been trying to get over it and all." she glanced to the guy that was talking to felix.
  13. Tsaaq: "Unfortunately." Wyatt rolled his eyes. "Come on pooches." He clapped his hands. Charles and Erik didn't acknowledge his ass. "Anything else he left here or we're cool?" Wyatt inquired. // Marty rose an eyebrow at the redheaded female. "Not to worry little lady." He smiled in a condescending way. "I'm just here to clean up house on a certain public situation." He told her. "I need to go look at my client's room really fast."
  14. Covet: "Whatever the police didn't take when they came through, I guess." Felix said with a shrug, Then looked at Steph and Dori in the doorway, just wanting to go inside because he was freezing. "I assume you're taking care of the rest of it?"
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Oh..." She said in a small voice, letting Marty by her as she crossed her arms over her chest. She looked back over to Dori, giving her a quick shrug of her shoulders. "Not being afraid of heights is a good start." She spoke with a bit of attitude toward her, her attention much more focused on Felix and Wyatt.-
  16. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head and she note the attuide"got it." she wasn't sure what she did wrong this time. she looked at Wyatt and morty and blinked some."umm excuse may I ask what is going on?" she directed her question towards morty.
  17. Tsaaq: "Again, unfortunately." Wyatt answered again. He went to just grab Charles since he was the little one. He nodded to Marty and waited for him to answer since he was the lawyer and all. // "We
  18. Tsaaq: ((NOOOO!))
  19. Tsaaq: // "We'll be coming back and forth during the court case." Morty answered Dori with a firm nod. "This is my client Wyatt Wright. He's hired me to handle his brother's upcoming criminal trial." He gave a firm nod. "Anything else?"
  20. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head and she walked away from steph"umm yes..." she walked off to her room. She had picked up thad's glasses when him and hayley got into that big fight. She didn't want to be someone who withheld evidence. she grabbed her bag and grabebd the glasses from her purse and came back handing them to Morty."here."
  21. Smokeless: [i jsut realized i posted out of order >< im sorry]
  22. Covet: "As much as I'd like to stay and shoot the shit with you gentlemen. I think you've got a good handle on what you need to take care of." He said looking back to Steph, "Shall we have ourselves a cookie party upstairs?" Felix just wanted to get Steph out of there.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She reached out for Felix's hand, giving him a nod. "I think that would be best." She dropped her voice down to a whisper, looking on Wyatt's direction. "Are they taking all of Thad's stuff?"-
  24. Tsaaq: He shook his head. "We're not taking anything but the dogs. Marty is taking a look so we can gather information for our plea." Wyatt answered burdensomely. He went to take the glasses from Dori and looked over to Marty. "Well... He'll be happy to have these back." He said quietly. "Thanks for watching the dogs." He told Felix. "Sorry about all this." // Marty nodded and went towards the bedroom to do a walkthrough.
  25. Covet: "Not your fault." Felix said to Wyatt as turned to Steph, "No, not yet anyways." He told her as he ushered her upstairs, still holding on to his cookies. "Hopefully that didn't kill Birthday Eve things for you." He told her as they got to the top of the stairs.
  26. Smokeless: Dori smiled softly to both men."He had dropped them and I hadn't seen him around to give them back..." she explained to them. She wasn't sure what was going on but she could only guess. She took a deep breath and looked around abit. on the inside she was screaming to get wyatt's autographic but she felt the time was very unneaccary.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "No... no birthday eve continues." She said with a firm nod, trying to block out the activity going on downstairs once she reached the second floor of the house. "Do you and Seb have any birthday traditions between the two of you?"-
  28. Tsaaq: "Well that's cause that night he gave himself up to the fuzz and he's been in jail ever since." He told Dori with a nod. "But this will help him. He did say he didn't know where his glasses were."
  29. Smokeless: "Oh...well just tell him Dori had them I guess." she rubbed the back of her neck and looked around."I hope everything works out for the best."
  30. Covet: Felix thought for a moment, "You mean besides seeing who can call the other and be more obnoxious first? Not really...standard Cake with candles and ice cream,. Presents." He said as he put his arm around her and they walked towards his room.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Why am I not at all surprised that the calling to be obnoxious thing is a tradition for you?" She asked with a laugh as she stepped into his bedroom, glancing around. "Do you have any birthday eve requests?"-
  32. Tsaaq: Wyatt nodded his head slowly. Nobody had met his brother's case with hope or anything of the such. "I guess." He shrugged then glanced down the hall to see if Marty was around. "My lawyer says we should plead guilty of insanity so he won't have to be in jail. But he'd probably be stuck in a mental hospital the rest of his life." He quietly admitted. "
  33. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head and she smiled to Wyatt."Well perhaps he may need a little help. I don't wish jail or prison on anyone." she looked down the hall towards Thad's room and mumbled something under her breath.
  34. Covet: "Hmm... I might have a couple." Felix said looking her over. "If you approve my ribs to be healed enough to do at least one of them." He said, closing the door behind them as he flopped onto the bed, wincing, because he was feeling better, but not enough to be that careless.
  35. Alexithymiaa: -She raised her brows at him and planted her hands on her hips, walking to the foot of the bed to stare down at him. "And what exactly did you have in mind that I need to approve your healed ribs for?" She asked with a raised brow despite knowing the fucking answer.-
  36. Tsaaq: He looked at Dori very skeptically. "I guess." he said quietly. Wyatt didn't really care about Thad getting help. He just didn't want to lose business over his famous rapist murderer brother. "What was that?" He asked.
  37. Smokeless: Dori shook her head."Nothing. So umm you must be Wyatt."She tried to direct his attention from what she said."Thad mentioned you once." she shrugged some and leaned against the wall.
  38. Covet: "Oh you know Red. It's been weeks. I can only hold out for so long you know. And I know Birthday sex is a thing." He said as he put his hands under his head to prop it up and look at her.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "But it's not your birthday yet." She said with a smirk as she walked around one side of the bed to look down at him. "I'm awfully curious what happens when you can't hold out any longer considering your ribs are the reason you haven't gotten laid in weeks. What exactly happens then?"-
  40. Tsaaq: Wyatt gave her a cautious nod. "Yes I am." He answered. He rolled his eyes at the thought. "That sounds about right." He said in an irritable voice.
  41. Smokeless: She nodded her head."Your music is nice." she looked down the hallway and she lowered her voice."IS Thad allowed to have visitors?"
  42. Covet: "But it's my birthday eve!" Felix protested. " It's close enough." He watched her with a glare, "I do it anways, fuck the pain. I'll worry about it afterwords." Felix said with a shrug, reaching over to pull the belt on her leg.
  43. Alexithymiaa: "But it's supposed to be my job to stop you from hurting yourself, remember? And what kind of girlfriend would I be if I allowed you to hurt yourself willingly?" She asked with a pout, stepping out of his reach so he couldnt touch her again.-
  44. Tsaaq: "Thank you. Hopefully I'll be able to keep making music without dealing with all the scandal." Wyatt said. "Glad you're a fan though." He told her. Wyatt stared at Dori for a moment then nodded slowly. "Yeah sure. Nobody's asked that but yeah I think so."
  45. Smokeless: She nodded her head as she just kept her head turned facing the hallway. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear."I think you will be fine. You cant pick who your family is and I am sure you have tons of supporting fans."
  46. Covet: "A forgiving one?" Felix said as he whined, making a grabby hand at her. "What if I told you it hurt me more to deny me?" He asked, rolling over to his not hurt side, which gave him a couple inches to reach out with again.
  47. Alexithymiaa: "I would say you were a smartass who's not good at finding loopholes." She said with a laugh, stepping away again when she saw him move. She moved her hands to the front of her sweater, unbuttoning it painfully slowly to reveal a little more flesh. "So what happens if I let you win, and you end up hurting yourself? Then what?" She asked as she finished unbuttoning her sweater to reveal lacy lingerie since she'd taken Cadence's advice. Thanks Bruce.-
  48. Tsaaq: He shrugged his shoulders unconvincingly. "Thank you again." Wyatt said. "Marty are you finished?" He called out, tired of waiting.
  49. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head"No problem.." she pushed herself off the wall and she went to her room which was right across from Thad's
  50. Covet: Felix gave a non-chalant look and shrugged, "Then I kind of asked for it didn't I? Or... You know.. you could just let me lay here and you do the work. I couldn't possibly hurt myself like that." He said as he swallowed hard looking over at her, "God damn, Red...." He just stared at her in the lacey lingerie, and went to sat up. "That's really gonna hurt if you deny me now...."
  51. Alexithymiaa: "Sounds like it sucks for you then." She spoke very matter of factly, tugging the front of her sweater closed to begin to fake like she was going to button it back up. "Even if I did all the work, do I really want to take the chance of you getting hurt anyway?" She asked as she watched him, completely amused with his reaction.-
  52. Tsaaq: Once Wyatt didn't hear a reply from Marty he went down the hallway and into Thaddeus' room. He saw Marty hovered over Thaddeus' laptop, scrolling through his browser. "What are you looking at?" // Marty waved Wyatt over and pointed to the screen. "Your brother is into some sick shit, Wyatt." He said, scrolling through his history.
  54. Smokeless: [XD]
  55. Covet: [hahaha this is what he gets for murdering the one friend that would have cleared that shit for him....]
  56. Alexithymiaa: (Truth. I miss Devin. He was the worst.)
  57. Covet: [McDonalds....smh]
  58. Alexithymiaa: (BEST.)
  59. Smokeless: Dori had left her door open as she grabbed her coat sliding it on. She buttoned it up and wrapped the belt around her waist. she turned her head and she looked hearing the two men talking in Thad's room.
  60. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo he mouth raped Remy!))
  61. Alexithymiaa: (That was so great. I saved that log with the best title.)
  62. Smokeless: [whaaaat did i come back to?]
  63. Covet: [hahaha]
  64. Alexithymiaa: (My favorite thing ever is still that after Thad and Devin raped and tortured those girls, they were like 'lets get McDoubles' and went o fucking McDonalds.)
  65. Alexithymiaa: (Hands down the funniest shit.)
  66. Smokeless: [o.o i cant with you guys right now XD]
  67. Smokeless: [all i image is like sweat wiping forehead and like hey man all out of breath wanna go get some mcdoubles]
  68. Covet: [Yeah pretty much]
  69. Alexithymiaa: (Thats essentially how it went down)
  70. Covet: "But.. but.. Baaaaaaaaaaaaabe." He wined, watching her as she stepped back and went to cover herself. "I promise.. I won't make a peep if you hurt me. or if I hurt me. I'll be fine. I feel great. I don't even need to take a pain killer. I could if that'd make you feel better about this, but it's not that bad." He said over estimating himself.
  71. Alexithymiaa: "I think you're missing the point here. The point isnt that I don't want to hear you complain, it's that I don't want you to hurt yourself." She glanced over at the clock on the far side of the room that read it was after midnight, which is essentially the reason she was stalling. "Happy birthday." She took a step closer to him and pushed her sweater off her boney shoulders, putting her knee down on the bed in front of her as she leaned in to meet his eyes. "You're not very good at winning challenges, just so you're aware."-
  72. Covet: "If I don't tell you I'm in pain, then how will you know?" He asked her as she told him Happy Birthday. "Hey, look at that... Shit..." He said then pulled out his phone so he could dial up Sebastian. He let it ring and ring and ring, with no answer going straight to voicemail. He frowned and hit the dial button again. While he waited he looked over at Steph and pulled her in for a kiss, "It's my birthday, not a challenge. So today I do nothing but win." He said then heard his brother pick up and proceeded to scream yell happy birthday at him.
  73. Alexithymiaa: (Awful)
  74. Alexithymiaa: "Because I know you, Arizona." She leaned in and returned his kiss, moving herself to sit down in his lap while she waited for him to be done being annoying because that's serious business. She winced at how loud he was, shaking her head with a laugh before chiming in. "Happy birthday, Sebastian!"-
  75. Smokeless: [what did i miss?]
  76. Tsaaq: ((I didn't post without you!))
  77. Smokeless: [aww i feel so special :D]
  78. Tsaaq: Wyatt went to lean over and furrowed his eyebrows. "This was from like last year." He said. // "But clearly this is the history of a mentally unstable young man. Rape, gore... Oh god." Marty covered his eyes and closed the laptop hurriedly. "Good." He whispered as he stood.
  79. Smokeless: Dori listened to them and she moved a little closer to her doorway hearing what was on the computer. She stood there and held onto the belt of her coat. Her jaw tensed up and she was gripping her belt so tightly the whites of her knuckles showed.
  80. Covet: [Sorry had to take Sean to work back now!]
  81. Covet: Felix laughed as Steph helped and chimed in, before he hung up. " Thank you for your assistance. That loser is fast asleep and doesn't know what things in life he is missing." He said with a grin, "Now where were we? I feel no pain, so don't worry about my pain, and give me my birthday pleasure." He said like a demanding man child.
  82. Alexithymiaa: "Im sure you'd be more than happy to rub in what he's missing." She said with a bit of a laugh, wagging her finger in his face before poking his nose. "Hey. Be nice. You can say please. I won't have any of that, birthday or not."-
  83. Tsaaq: "You're going to bring my brother's laptop to this court case?" Wyatt asked hurriedly. "I don't care what you do. As long as my family and I don't look like monsters." He said dismissively. // "There's a few files called logs, and they're numbered. But they're password protected. I'll try to shake the password from thaddeus next time we're at the prison." Marty told him. "Don't worry. By the end of this he'll just look like a sick individual. We pick the juries this week."
  84. Smokeless: Dori moved out of her room closing the door and making her way towards the front door. she fumbled with her keys. Her stomach twisted and turned she thought she was going to be sick. she had a swarm of emotions take over her and she pulled her phone from her pocket calling her mother"She made it out of the front door and sped walked towards her car.
  85. Covet: "I'll tell him later." Felix grinned, completely joking of course. He wouldn't share details like that with his brother, Twin or not. He tried to snap at her finger, then laid his head back. "Ugh... PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEE" he said just as obnoxiously as he'd just done on the phone.
  86. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh and clasped her hand over his mouth in hopes of shutting him up since he was so fucking loud. "Shhhh." Slowly removing her hand, she replaced it with her mouth, letting her lips slip over his as she nudged him to lay back again.-
  87. Tsaaq: Wyatt saw Dori walk past the two of them then shrugged his shoulders. "Thanks I guess?" He whispered to Marty and they went to his car so they could drive away.
  88. Smokeless: Dori got into her own car and she listened to her mother ramble on in spanish. she took deep slow breaths trying to calm herself. She was thinking long and hard to herself.
  89. Covet: Felix kissed her back happily shutting up at this point. He held his breath as he leaned back doing his best to hide the tug of pain he felt and held Steph close while humming Happy Birthday to himself against her lips.
  90. Alexithymiaa: (I hate him)
  91. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing his fucking humming, she pulled her face back and stared down at him, not sitting up entirely, but just enough so her eyes could focus on his face. "You're killing the mood, Arizona." She spoke a little sternly before leaning in so she could trail kisses across his jaw and onto his neck.-
  92. Smokeless: Dori decided to leave and go for a ride for abit
  93. Covet: "Nuh uh..." He said with a chuckle, "I'm still thoroughly in the mood. Thank you." He said relaxing as she kissed along his neck. His hands were totally getting fresh with her in that lingerie, because as far as he was concerned all of this was for his birthday and he was going to enjoy it to the fullest.
  94. Smokeless: There is a jail in the town place right?
  95. Alexithymiaa: "Mhm..." She spoke without moving her mouth from his neck, sucking at his skin because make those marks, yo. Her hands moved to his shoulders as she tried to push his hoodie off as gently as she could, unsure of what his range of motion really was here.-
  96. Tsaaq: yuuup its in central portland
  97. Smokeless: .okay is that where thad is ?
  98. Smokeless: i'm debating a visit for dori or not i looked at the time and know you all are going to bed soon
  99. Tsaaq: I mean they can talk for a little im fine with it.
  100. Smokeless: .okay ill place dori there then
  101. Tsaaq: be there in a sec
  102. Smokeless: tyt
  103. Covet: "Hey I thought that was my move." He said breathily as she sucked on his neck. He helped shrug off his hoodie, getting it off with minimal pain at least no more than he was already used to. "You might as well just take my shirt off while we're here too." He told her putting his arms up.
  104. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it off over his head, unable to just throw it because she'd want to go pick it up because don't just throw things. She placed it on the bed beside them, her hands roaming over his chest and gently over his ribs. "How do you feel?"-
  105. Covet: "Hmm?" He said blinking, "I feel great...Barely even twinges." Felix said as he pulled her back for another kiss, because dammit he was all sorts of worked up after a couple of weeks of healing. "Stop thinking about my ribs, and let us enjoy ourselves."
  106. Alexithymiaa: "Maybe I don't want to break you before tomorrow night." She spoke against his mouth before just sinking into the kisses, the bulk of her weight sitting on his hips. She was grinding her hips against him as she did all the touching stuff.-
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