
Ash's Anthro Adventures Ch. 3 – Forest Flight

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. Ash's Anthro Adventures
  3. Ch. 3 – Forest Flight
  5. Ash and Pikachu walked calmly on the road of Route 01. After they had left Ash's parents, they stopped by to say goodbye to Professor Oak and Tracey. On his way, Ash learned that the power of sight would activate automatically, working in the same way as the gift of secrecy – only those who Ash trusted fully would see the true forms of his Pokémon, and only if he wishes them to. Oak told Ash that Gary had already left and he had better hurry if he wanted to catch up.
  7. As Ash and Pikachu walked, they passed a familiar tree. "Hey Pikachu," Ash called.
  9. "What Ash?" Pikachu asked.
  11. "Remember this tree," Ash said as he placed his hand on the tree. "This was the tree you ran up when I asked you to battle that Spearow."
  13. "Oh yeah," Pikachu remembered. "We were quite the pair back then."
  15. "Yeah," Ash agreed. "Both as stubborn as a pair of Growlithe's wanting the same bone." Both he and Pikachu laughed at the old memory.
  17. "I still remember what happened after everything happened." Pikachu said in a calm tone.
  19. "Yeah," Ash agreed. "I still can't believe we've been the only ones to have seen Ho-oh after nearly a hundred years."
  21. "Yeah!" Pikachu agreed. Suddenly, her ears began to flicker.
  23. "What's wrong, Pikachu?" Ash asked.
  25. "Someone's calling for help!" Pikachu exclaimed as she began to run. Ash quickly followed behind, wondering what Pikachu meant. The duo ran right up to the entrance of the large forest. "Ash look!" Pikachu pointed upward.
  27. Ash looked up and gasped. Above the forest was a massive battle between Pidgeys, Pidgeottos, Spearows, and Fearows. "Looks like things haven't changed much here."
  29. "PIdgeoootto!" cried out a familiar voice. Ash and Pikachu turned to see a familiar friend burst out of the trees at high speeds.
  31. "Pidgeot!" Ash and Pikachu called out in joy. It had been a long time since they saw their friend.
  33. "Fearow!" called out another voice. Pikachu and Ash turned to see a Fearow high above the others. This one though was much larger than all the others, making it easy to figure this was the leader.
  35. "That Fearow must be the leader," Ash said. He and Pikachu watched as Pidgeot and the Fearow battled in the sky. Pidgeot kept using Arial Ace to come in close and strike the larger bird. However, it seemed to being doing little damage as the Fearow was able to block multiple shots.
  37. "Try this you Bastard!" Pidgeot exclaimed as it used its wings to create a massive tornado.
  39. "That's Windstorm!" Ash exclaimed in shock.
  41. However, the Fearow only chuckled. "Nice try little bird. Hyper Beam!" the Fearow fire a massive Hyper Beam, devastating Pidgeot's attack and striking the bird head on.
  43. "Ah!" Pidgeot cried as it plummeted to the ground.
  45. "PIDGEOT!" Ash cried out as he ran towards the falling Pokémon. "I can't let Pidgeot hit the ground! I only got one shot!" Ash went to his Poke-Tector and pressed the Capture Mode icon.
  47. "Capture Mode – initiated," a computer voice called out.
  49. Instantly, the small red sphere ejected from the device and enlarged in size, forming a red and black Pokeball. Ash grabbed the Capture ball and called out, "Go Capture Ball!" and tossed it at the falling bird. The Ball hit Pidgeot just before it hit the floor and was sucked in. The ball retreated Back to Ash and he held it in his hand, watching it shake for a few seconds before ultimately stopping. "Phew, I caught Pidgeot."
  52. "I CAUGHT PIDGEOT!" Ash exclaimed in shock.
  54. "Ash what's wrong?" Pikachu called out.
  56. "I just remembered that whenever I catch a Pokémon, they'll turn into one like you. I just caught Pidgeot so now it… uh I mean she has been transformed as well!" Ash responded. He looked back at the battle above and could see the Pidgeys and Pidgeottos were losing. "Pikachu, I need you to go into the Poke-Ranch and explain things to Pidgeot. I need to go up there and help those birds."
  58. "Got it!" Pikachu exclaimed with a salute.
  60. Ash nodded. He placed the ball back in its slot and a computer voice stated, "Pokémon Loaded."
  62. "Alright, Pikachu return." Ash said as he recalled Pikachu. Pikachu disappeared and Ash looked to the sky. "I need you, Staraptor, Gliscor, Swellow." Immediately, the three flyers appeared. Ash had already seen Swellow, but was surprised by Staraptor's and Gliscor's body.
  64. Staraptor was 5' 2" with the same hourglass figure the others had, lengthened arm-like wings with three feathers resembling fingers, thighs and legs, hair curls growing from the back of the head, and a set of E-cups. Gliscor was 5' 5" with elongated arms and legs, D-cups, and hair-like curls on the back of its head.
  66. "Staraptor/Swellow/Gliscor!" the three female flyers exclaimed.
  68. Staraptor looked to Ash, "What is going on Ash?"
  70. "Look up," Ash pointed. The three Pokémon looked and saw the battle going on. "Those Pidgeys and Pidgeottos are part of the flock I left my old Pidgeot to take care of. Pidgeot was hurt so I caught her to save her. She's been sent to the Poke-Ranch and I sent Pikachu to explain things to her. I called the three of you to help me so we can help those birds in fighting off Spearow and Fearows. Are you three up for it?"
  72. "Yes Sir!" the three called out.
  74. "Alright," Ash said with pride. "Swellow and Staraptor, you two get into the fight. Gliscor, help me up into that tree." Ash pointed to the tallest tree in the forest.
  76. The trio nodded, Swellow and Staraptor flew off to the battle while Gliscor picked up Ash with her tail and flew him up to the tree. Ash landed on the tallest branch. "There you go Ash." Gliscor said with a smile.
  78. "Thanks Gliscor."Ash replied. "No go help the others."
  80. "Right!" Gliscor said as she flew off.
  82. Ash looked intently at the battle and could tell his Pokémon were making a big difference. Swellow and Staraptor were striking down countless Spearows and Fearows with combinations Arial Aces, Air Slashes and Close Combats. And Gliscor was taking them down with Stone Edge and Thunder Fang. Ash was proud of his girls.
  84. "Who are you human?" called out a new voice. Ash turned to see two Pidgeottos and Five Pidgeys standing on the branches behind him. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
  86. "I'm sorry," Ash replied. "My name's Ash and me and my Pokémon are just helping." Ash stared into the shocked expressions of the bird Pokémon.
  88. "You're Ash?" the second Pidgeotto asked. "Our Leader's trainer?"
  90. "Leader?" Ash asked until he got the message. "Oh you mean Pidgeot. Yeah I was, I released her to take care of this forest years ago. Me and my Pokémon were just walking until we saw the fight. We saw Pidgeot fly out and get hurt, and I kind caught her."
  92. "Her?" the Pidgeottos asked.
  94. "Believe me, you don't want to know." Ash replied. Ash looked and saw nearly all the enemy bird Pokémon were retreating, all except the Leader Fearow.
  96. "Worthless whelps!" The Fearow roared. He turned to the three flyers who were staring him down. Since the gift of sight worked on Pokémon, Fearow and the rest of the flyers saw only a regular Staraptor, Swellow, and Gliscor. "You three wenches dare to defy me?"
  98. "You make it too easy!" Swellow cried out. "Alright girls, go in quick and fast! Staraptor, you and I go in with Arial Ace, and Gliscor, you finish him off with Giga Impact."
  100. "Sounds like a plan," the two Sinnoh Pokémon replied. Swellow and Staraptor flew at high speeds towards the Fearow while Gliscor followed close behind, charging for her Giga Impact.
  102. "You shall pay for defying me. HYPER BEAM!" the great bird cawed as it launched its massive beam, however, all three flyers easily avoided it. "WHAT?"
  104. "Now girls! While he's paralyzed!" Staraptor called out. She and Swellow pushed faster and both struck the bird's wings. "Now Gliscor!"
  106. "INCOMING!" The flying scorpion screamed as she rocketed straight at the Fearow in a swirling vortex of light.
  108. "RAH!" The bird cried in pain as it was struck in the stomach by the Giga Impact. The bird was sent several yards back before recomposing itself in the air. The Fearow looked and saw that the rest of the Pidgeys and Pidgeottos had recovered and he was all alone. The Fearow growled. "Rrr, you may have won this round, but I will return." And with that, the Fearow flew off.
  110. "They did it!" Ash exclaimed in joy. The three flyers and the rest of the flock flew back to the three. The three Anthro-girls landed on the same branch Ash was. "You three were great!"
  112. "Thanks Ash," the trio exclaimed.
  114. "We owe you once again savoir…" said another new voice. The four turned to see a rather old looking Pidgeotto. "I Am Voizor, the eldest of this group."
  116. "Well, I'm Ash." Ash introduced.
  118. "We know who you are, you are the one who brought our leader to us, young warrior." Voizor explained. "You see, most of our kind here only grow to our second stage. I've lived here the longest and I've never evolved further. You were the one to bring a fully evolved Pidgeot to the forest and saved us from that horrid Fearow. Ever since, the battles have continued, and our leader has led us through many victories, and raised our spirits for the countless failures. Your Pidgeot has given us hope, and to see you again and bringing in new and interesting warriors to our battle is an honor."
  120. "You're welcome then," Ash said with pride.
  122. "Speaking of your Pidgeot," Voizor stated. "Where is our leader?"
  124. Ash paused himself as he realized the problem coming. How was he supposed to tell these birds that he had recaptured their leader and turned her into a humanoid female? But then he remembers that all he had to do was think it and the birds would only see Pidgeot as her regular self. "She was struck with a Hyper Beam, and before she hit the ground I caught her to save her."
  126. "Really?" Voizor asked. "And where is she now?"
  128. "She's safe." Ash replied. He was glad they didn't ask why or how Pidgeot became female. Maybe it was because she was female and he didn't notice, he was pretty dense back then. Either way, he was grateful. "I can call her out if that'd be okay."
  130. "Please do," Voizor said as he and the rest of the flock nodded.
  132. Ash nodded. "Come on out Pidgeot, Pikachu." Ash called out, deciding it would be good to bring out Pikachu as well. The two quickly appeared and Ash was amazed by Pidgeot's transformation. She was 5'9" and had an incredible figure. Her arm-like wings were lengthened with three feathers sticking out like fingers, nice thighs and legs, her long mane was the same length but with a little blond curl at the front, and a nice E-cup.
  134. Pidgeot looked around, and her vision was caught by Ash. "A-Ash?" She asked in shock.
  136. "Hey Pidgeot," Ash said before he was taken into a hug by the feminine bird.
  138. "Ash, I missed you," Pidgeot said as tears began to form on her eyes.
  140. "I missed you too Pidgeot," Ash said with joy. "I'm sorry though I broke my promise."
  142. Pidgeot smiled at the male. "No worries Ash, I'm just happy to see you again."
  144. "You too Pidgeot." Ash said in return. Ash separated from the hug and smiled at his female bird. "Oh where are my manners. Pidgeot, meet Staraptor, Swellow, and Gliscor." Ash introduced his three flyers.
  146. "Nice to meet you," Staraptor said proudly.
  148. "Hello," Swellow said calmly.
  150. "Hiya!" Gliscor said happily.
  152. Pidgeot giggled. "Nice to meet you all. And thank you for helping my flock."
  154. "No problem," Staraptor replied. "Any friend of Ash's is a friend of ours."
  156. Ash leaned his head by Pikachu's. "I suppose you explained everything to her?"
  158. "Yep," Pikachu replied. "I told her everything, she seemed to take it pretty well."
  160. "I'm glad." Ash replied.
  162. "Leader," Voizor called to Pidgeot.
  164. Pidgeot turned to her flock. "Voizor, tell me what happened."
  166. "It was nearly disastrous," Voizor replied. "Most of our ranks were taken down, things seemed to be at the end until your master appeared and his fighters flew in and took out the leader Fearow."
  168. "Thank goodness," Pidgeot said with great relief. "Did that bastard say anything else."
  170. "I'm afraid to say so my leader," Voizor replied. "He said he would return, and we all know how quickly he returns."
  172. Pidgeot nodded. "He'll be back by morning then."
  174. "Well then," Ash began, gaining the flock's attention. "It's a good thing I'm here then. Pidgeot, me and the others will stay and help you finish of this war, once and for all. Right girls?"
  176. "Yes Sir!" The four female Anthro-Pokémon exclaimed.
  178. Pidgeot felt tears in her eyes. "Thank you Ash." Ash nodded in acceptance.
  180. Later that night, the flock rested for the battle that would be coming. Ash had recalled Staraptor, Swellow and Gliscor into his Poke-Tector so they could rest and tell Noctowl and Hatooboo to get ready for battle, since Ash would need their help as well. He and Pikachu were currently at the base of the tree, so not to disturb the flock.
  182. Pidgeot was heavily thinking what she was going to do if they won the war. Being the only Pidgeot in the flock did make her lonely. It was not that she didn't care for her flock, it was just she was alone. When she was with Ash, she was part of a very diverse family. When she was first captured, it was just her, Ash, Pikachu, Caterpie and Misty. Now Ash's family has grown while she stayed in the same flock for who knows how long.
  184. "Ah!" sounded a small voice. Pidgeot quickly jumped from her branch and looked around. The entire flock was asleep. "Ahh…." moaned the voice again. Pidgeot looked down and could tell the voice was coming from the base of the tree, where Ash and Pikachu were. Deciding it would be best to check it out, Pidgeot took flight downwards.
  186. She flew past the tree's branches down to the earth. She had become fairly accustomed to walking on two legs rather quickly rather than flying. Pidgeot listened in for any other sounds.
  188. "Ah! P-Pikachu…" Ash's voice mumbled on the other side of the trunk. Pidgeot slowly slunk her way around the trunk and found the two. But what she saw left her speechless.
  190. Ash and Pikachu were both on his sleeping bag but in a strange position. Ash's pants and boxers were down to his ankles and Pikachu was in between his legs. Pidgeot could see just what they were doing. Pikachu had her breast around a strange rod sticking out from between Ash's legs and sucking on it. And by the looks of it, both Pikachu and Ash were enjoying it.
  192. "P-Pikachu," Ash moaned in pleasure. "Pikachu, I-I'm gonna c-cum…" Pidgeot was curious on what the term 'cum' meant.
  194. "Cum Ash, I want to taste it." Pikachu mumbled seductively. As Pidgeot watched, a strange feeling came over her. The entire seen was too arousing. She felt herself becoming wet in an area she didn't realize she had before. She watched as Pikachu and bobbed up and down the strange object, enjoying after each thrust.
  196. "AH!" Ash moaned loudly as he jerked his hips up. Suddenly, Pikachu's mouth began to fill up with a strange white liquid that oozed from her mouth down Ash's stick. Pidgeot felt herself completely in awe at the scene. Pikachu got on her knees and began wiping and licking the remainder of the strange substance off her and Ash.
  198. "That was tasty Ash," Pikachu said seductively. Ash's response was a face stuck in awe. Pikachu smirked. "I'm sure Pidgeot would think so too, right Pidgeot?"
  200. Both Ash and Pidgeot froze. Pidgeot was wondering how long Pikachu had known she was there, but Ash's mind was on a different term. Ash was frozen to the fact that Pidgeot may have seen them have sex and what her reaction would be. As far as he was concerned, Pikachu was the only one to show any attempt at it, but the idea of any other Pokémon doing it with him was one of the last things on Ash's mind.
  202. Pidgeot, deciding it would be better to make herself known, came out from the shadows. "H-Hello Ash, Pikachu." she said timidly.
  204. Pikachu smirked. "Wow Pidgeot, look how wet you are! Did you get that from watching me suck on Ash's dick?" Dick? Is that was the strange organ was? Pidgeot guessed it must had been.
  206. "I-I…" Pidgeot tried to speak, but could not find the words.
  208. "Come here Pidgeot," Pikachu said, motioning Pidgeot to come to her. Ash was too stunned to do anything. Pidgeot nodded and slowly walked over towards the two. "Come on down," Pikachu patted the ground, telling her to kneel. Pidgeot did so, and no they were both in between Ash's legs. "Now just do what I do."
  210. "Pikachu, what-!" Ash tried to speak, but was silenced as Pikachu's paw gripped around his hard member. Pikachu then began to move her hand up and down Ash's shaft, earning her a quick moan from her partner.
  212. "See Pidgeot, he likes it." Pikachu said with a smirk. Pidgeot was in awe at how Pikachu had Ash under her thumb just by stroking his cock. Pikachu then removed her hand from Ash's cock. "Now you try it." Pidgeot looked at Pikachu incredulously, but found her hand like wings going over and grasping around Ash's thick shaft.
  214. "AH!" Ash moaned as he felt Pidgeot's soft feather-fingers wrap around his throbbing member.
  216. "Now just go up and down, up and down." Pikachu said as she helped Pidgeot move her digits up and down Ash's cock. Ash time, Pidgeot felt a new pleasure as the feeling of the hard cock pulsated in her wing-hand. Ash was moaning each time Pidgeot's wing-hand went up and down his shaft, making it hard for him to breath.
  218. "Pi-Pidgeot…" Ash moaned. "I-I'm gonna-" Ash's words were cut off as Pikachu moved Pidgeot's hand away from Ash's member.
  220. "What's wrong Pikachu?" Pidgeot said between gasps, she was clearly aroused beyond any means of return.
  222. Pikachu smirked. "I'm going to show something even much more pleasurable." Pikachu stood up and helped Pidgeot stand up. Pikachu moved Pidgeot so here wet pussy was just above Ash's hardness. "Are you ready?" Pidgeot nodded strongly, something in her knew what Pikachu was planning and she had no objections. Pidgeot slowly lowered herself just above Ash's cock.
  224. "Pidgeot, what are you-AH!" Ash moaned loudly as he felt Pidgeot slowly slide down his thick shaft. The pleasure was eating him alive.
  226. "Ah!" Pidgeot moaned as she took in the entire organ into her. She looked at Pikachu with pleading eyes.
  228. Pikachu nodded with a smile, for she knew what Pidgeot needed. Pikachu looked and saw Ash's face was desperately struggling. Deciding to have some fun, she lowered herself right on top of Ash's face. Pikachu moaned as she felt Ash's tongue slowly lick her wet pussy. "Alright Pidgeot, let's do this." Pikachu said between gasps. She grabbed Pidgeot by her waist and lifted her up from Ash's member.
  230. "Ah!" Pidgeot moaned as she left Ash's member before quickly slamming onto it again. "AH!" she called out. Pikachu continued to help Pidgeot up and down Ash's shaft until she got the rhythm and began doing it by herself. Each thrust became faster and faster as Pidgeot and Ash felt themselves reaching to their limits. Pikachu was also struggling to contain herself as Ash continued to lick her sweet pussy and she rubbed her breasts.
  232. "Pi-Pikachu!" Pidgeot called out. "I f-feel l-like I'm g-gonna-!"
  234. "I know!" Pikachu screamed. "I feel it too!"
  236. "CUM!" Ash moaned under Pikachu. All three beings released their orgasms at the height of their pleasure. Pikachu sprayed all across Ash's face while Ash's cock and Pidgeot's pussy were wet from the others cum.
  238. Pikachu panted heavily before lifting herself from Ash. She laid on her side as she watched Pidgeot make her way off Ash's limp cock and onto the floor. Ash was gasping as his body began to return to normal.
  240. Ash looked over to Pidgeot, his face expressing a sorry glance. Pidgeot smiles and nods, meaning not to worry and that she loved it. After the session, the three clean themselves and fall asleep together, waiting for the coming morning.
  242. Comes the Dawn
  244. As the sun began to rise into the sky, the entire Pidgey and Pidgeotto clan stood at their branches, all ready to fight. Ash stood on a high branch along with Pikachu, Pidgeot, Swellow, Staraptor, Gliscor, Noctowl and Hatooboo. Like the other birds, Noctowl and Hatooboo had transformed into anthro-girls. Both were around 5'5", each with arm-like wings, elongated thighs and legs, hair-like curls on the back of their heads and foreheads, and a set of D-cups.
  246. Ash stared intently at the horizon. This battle was going to be epic, they had to succeed. Ash looked, and he could see something in the distance. "I see something!"
  248. "They're here," Voizor said as he and the other flyers prepared for battle. Out in the distance, everyone could see a massive horde of Spearows and Fearows, and in the center of the horde was the large leader Fearow.
  250. "Everyone know the plan?" Ash called out.
  252. "Yes Sir!" Everyone in the tree exclaimed.
  254. "Good," Ash replied. His plan was that he, Pidgeot, Pikachu, Staraptor, Swellow and Hatooboo would lead the majority of the flyers into the battle, while Gliscor, Noctowl, and Voizor would fight off any enemies that get into the tree and try to hurt the little ones. "However this ends, it ends today!"
  256. "Either we finish them, or they finish us!" Pidgeot exclaimed. "And we're not going to go down without a fight!"
  258. "Get ready," Ash said as he latched his arms around Pidgeot's neck. Although he was larger than her now, she was still more than strong enough to carry him. Pikachu was latching on to Staraptor. "Ready… GO!" The flock took flight towards the incoming battle.
  260. "So, the wench returns, and she has those new fighters, and… HIM?" Fearow L (Leader Fearow) roared. It was clearly unhappy to see Ash. "Fearows, take down the front! Spearows, you get past their ranks and get into their retched tree. Destroy everything in sight and everyone. Same goes for you Fearows, but leave Pidgeot and HIM for me. Is that clear?"
  262. "Yes!" All the enemy birds cawed.
  264. "ATTACK!" Fearow L roared. The Fearows and Spearows dove to attack.
  266. "Here they come!" Ash called out. "Pidgeys, you prevent the Spearows from getting into the trees. Pidgeottos, you guys follow Swellow and Hatooboo and fight against the Fearows. Pikachu and Staraptor, you girls follow me and Pidgeot, were going straight for that bastard." He pointed at Fearow L.
  268. "Yes Sir!" all the birds said as they dispersed into their battle groups. They were doing just as Ash ordered, the Pidgeys were battling the Spearows, while the Pidgeottos, Swellow and Hatooboo were battling against the Fearows. Ash, Pidgeot, Pikachu and Staraptor were all flying straight towards Fearow L.
  270. Fearow L wasn't blind to where the four were heading. "So they come to face me, I'll make them suffer their choice." Fearow L flapped his wings, flying towards his opponents.
  272. "Here he comes, Ash!" Pikachu called out.
  274. "I see that Pikachu," Ash replies. "Alright girls, you know the plan, go!" Pikachu and Staraptor nodded and flew away from him and Pidgeot. Ash returned his attention to the Fearow.
  276. "So," Fearow L began as he, Ash and Pidgeot came face to face. "Look who has returned from the dead. I must say I'm impressed you survived Pidgeot, however now I see why. You've returned to your little human enslaver."
  278. "Ash is not my enslaver!" Pidgeot exclaimed. "If anything, you would enslave everyone and everything in the forest Fearow!"
  280. "It is all for a good cause," Fearow L replied. "Humans go through our forest, acting as though they own it. And they capture, not just my brethren, but yours as well Pidgeot. The humans will destroy everything. Join me and we will destroy all the humans!"
  282. "Interesting offer," Pidgeot began, "But I'd rather die!"
  284. Fearow L sighed. "I should have known you'd sighed with HIM! Just like that wretched Pikachu did."
  286. "Wait," Ash as he took a good look at the Fearow. Ash gasped. "It's you!" Ash exclaimed in realization. The Fearow was the same Spearow he threw a rock at when he started his journey.
  288. "Yes," the Fearow replied. "Now I'll give you one last chance, Pidgeot. Drop him and join me, or die."
  290. Ash and Pidgeot looked at each other. They smirked. "HELL NO!" they cried out together.
  292. "So be it." Fearow L replied. "Drill Peck!" Fearow L began to fly and spin towards Ash and Pidgeot.
  294. "Pidgeot now!" Ash called out. Pidgeot dove downwards, avoiding the Drill Peck.
  296. "What?" Fearow L exclaimed as he stopped spinning.
  298. "Now Pikachu!" Ash called out.
  300. "THUNDERBOLT!" a voice called behind Fearow L.
  302. "AAAH!" Fearow L exclaimed as he was lit up like a Christmas tree. The pain ceased and Fearow L looked to see Pikachu and Staraptor flying just above him. "You!"
  304. "Hey Birdbrain!" Ash called out. Fearow L looked to see Pidgeot and Ash flying at high speeds toward it and glowing with energy. "Try a Sky Attack!"
  306. "Rah!" Fearow L cried in pain as he was struck with the full force of Pidgeot's Sky Attack. He recomposed himself after the attack and looked to see he was still facing off the four. "You shall pay for that."
  308. Meanwhile, at Pidgeot's tree, things weren't looking too good.
  310. The Pidgeys tried their best, but they couldn't prevent half of the Spearows from reaching it to the tree. Those who did were easily knocked out Gliscor and Noctowl and a few Pidgeottos. They baby Pidgeys were all hidden at the top with Voizor.
  312. With as much as Gliscor, Noctowl and the Pidgeottos were doing, it didn't stop a large group of Spearows reaching the top of the tree. "As soon as well kill the kids, there's no way they'll have any other fighters," said one of the 10 Spearows.
  314. "Let's just get this done," said another Spearow. "The others won't have those two distracted for long." Soon enough, the Spearows found a small group of Pidgeys cowering together.
  316. "Well, well, well," one of the Spearows began, "Look, a flock of defenseless babies."
  318. "I suggest you leave those children alone," called a voice. The Spearows looked to see Voizor standing above them.
  320. "Get out of here old man, before you get hurt!" A spearow insulted.
  322. "We shall see about that!" Voizor said before battling the Spearows. Despite his years of experience, Voizor was no match for the outnumbering Spearows. The battle only lasted five minutes before Voizor fell before the children.
  324. "Elder!" called out the little Pidgeys.
  326. Voizor attempted to rise, but fell quickly. The Spearows laughed loudly. "Ha ha! You should have stayed in your nest old bird!" laughed a Spearow.
  328. "Yeah," another Spearow laughed. "You should have known better. Face it you old coot, without your leader, the Pidgeottos are weak!"
  330. Voizor struggled on his wings. "You're… you're right." Everyone looked at Voizor in shock.
  332. "What?" asked the Spearows.
  334. "I said you were right," Voizor responded as he got on two legs. "For too long, we've relied on our leader for protection, never attempting to fight on our own accord. However, she did give us hope, the hope to end this war once and for all. And as long as I still breath, I will fight for my clan. It is time to spread my wings!" Voizor spread his wings to emphasize.
  336. Suddenly, something amazing happened. Voizor's entire body glowed in a bright light. All the birds stared at the amazing transformation as Voizor grew in size. Once the light dimmed, everyone saw that Voizor was no longer an old Pidgeotto, but a majestic looking Pidgeot.
  338. Voizor smirked. "Who's old now?"
  340. Only one Spearow had something to say. "Oh Shi-"
  342. Back to the battle in the skies.
  344. Ash and the others were facing some serious troubles. Fearow L proved to be a more difficult adversary than thought to be believed. And many of the Pidgeottos were being taken down by the other Fearows. Pikachu and Staraptor had left to help, but things were getting dicey.
  346. "Look out!" Ash called out. He and Pidgeot avoided another of Fearow L's Drill Pecks. "Dam it, this is getting us nowhere. That bastard Fearow seems almost too powerful."
  348. "We can't give up Ash!" Pidgeot exclaimed.
  350. "I know!" Ash replied. "But I can't think off anyway to except… wait a minute." Ash smirked as a plan formed in his mind. "Alright Pidgeot, let's fly up!"
  352. "Whatever you say Ash!" Pidgeot replied, not understanding the plan. She flew upwards as fast as she could.
  354. "Not going to happen!" Fearow L cawed as he saw the two fly upwards, flying close behind.
  356. Ash and Pidgeot kept flying higher and higher. Ash looked down to see they were way ahead of Fearow L. "Alright Pidgeot," Ash began, "When I say now, I want you to use Hyper Beam at full power. And no matter what happens, just go for it okay?"
  358. Pidgeot gave Ash a confused look. "Ash, what are you-ASH!" she screamed as Ash released his grip and fell downward towards the ground, Pidgeot turned but was too stunned to do anything.
  360. As soon as Ash let go of Pidgeot, he made a straight dive towards Fearow. He could feel the wind go against his body as he dove. Ash narrowed his eyes as Fearow came into view, and it was clear he was not focused on Ash. 'Let's fix that.' Ash thought. "HEY FEAROW!"
  362. "WHAT?" Fearow L exclaimed as he finally took notice to Ash as he dove down. He would of attacked, but that's difficult when your punched across the face. Ash arched his arm back and punched the Fearow straight across the cheek, seriously hurting it. Ash then passed the dazed Fearow and spun around, making it so his back was facing the ground.
  364. "Pidgeot! Use Hyper Beam! NOW!" Ash screamed as loud as he could.
  366. Despite how much she didn't want to, Pidgeot knew this was what Ash wanted. "HYPER BEAM!" the bird cried as she fired her largest and most powerful Hyper Beam ever. Fearow L was actually too dazed by Ash's strong punch to view the Hyper beam coming. He was completely consumed.
  368. As Ash fell, he watched the Hyper Beam come closer and closer to him. He felt like this was the end, if the Hyper Beam didn't kill him, hitting the ground bellow would. Ash only closed his eyes and smiled. At least he helped Pidgeot and her flock be free. Ash slowly let his mind fall blank.
  370. Ash Dream
  372. Ash slowly opened his eyes, and was met by a blue sky and clouds. Ash felt around, finding he was on something feathery and soft. He slowly sat up to see he was flying across the sky. Ash then saw a pair of red, white and green wings rose and fall by his sides.
  374. "Hello young one," called a voice. Ash turned to see the head of a very familiar bird Pokémon.
  376. "H-Ho-oh?" Ash asked. Ash couldn't believe it, he was riding on Ho-oh!
  378. "Good to see you haven't forgotten me Ash," Ho-oh replied.
  380. Ash was shocked. "How do you know my name?"
  382. "Ashton," Ho-oh began, "I've been watching over you since the day you were born. I knew you were destined for greatness, that is why I come to you." Ash gave Ho-oh a confused glance. "Ash, you're recent endeavors have shaken your very life, haven't they?"
  384. "You could say that again," Ash said sarcastically.
  386. "Indeed," Ho-oh agreed. "You've proven that you love your Pokémon very much, and it easy to say that love will not die down soon. That is why I shall give you a few gifts of my own."
  388. "What do you mean?" Ash asked.
  390. "Arceus only gave you the gifts on how to protect the secrets of the Lust Stone," Ho-oh explained. "But he did not protect you from possible results of your sessions. Although, most of those problems have been remedied by the Lust Stone."
  392. "What do you mean?" Ash asked.
  394. "For example," Ho-oh began, "I'm no expert on human anatomy, but you have something called STD's, correct?" Ash nodded with an embarrassed expression. "Well, the Lust Stone's energy protects and immunizes you from any diseases or disorders caused by your sessions. It does the same to any one you make love to, whether it be human or Anthro-Pokémon. Other than that, the Lust Stone causes another difficulty."
  396. "What?" Ash asked.
  398. "You are now able to cross-breed with any of your Pokémon." Ash's face blanked. "Do not be alarmed, none of your Pokémon are pregnant. However, if you continue these unprotected sessions, they will be. Unless you wish to hear my offer."
  400. Ash cocked an eyebrow. "What?"
  402. "You see Ash, I can give you the power to be able to control whether or not one of your lovers becomes pregnant." Ash did a double take. "It works just as easily as the abilities Arceus had given you, it will be active until you feel you're ready to have a child." Ash's eyes widened at the realization.
  404. "Okay, what's the catch?" Ash asked.
  406. "The catch, Ashton, is that you must care for all your Pokémon. The Lust Stone has changed their bodies, minds and emotions. All of them still have the same attitude, but their more intact with their feelings for you. They all desire to make love with you, and the same will go for any Pokémon you catch in the future. Promise me that you will always care for your Pokémon."
  408. Ash nodded. "I promise Ho-oh. I love my Pokémon with all my heart, and I promise to show that love."
  410. Ho-oh gave its interpretation of a smile. "Thank you my boy, the gift is yours." Ash felt a slight tingling in his body before it disappears. "I'm afraid our time is up, you must go now to your friends."
  412. "Ho-oh wait!" Ash exclaimed. "There's one more thing I wanted to ask you."
  414. "What is it, Ashton?"
  416. "Someday," Ash began, "Will you battle me?"
  418. Ho-oh smiled. "I would be honored." Ash smiled in return before everything turned white.
  420. Ash Dream End
  422. "Ash!" called a familiar voice. "Ash!"
  424. Ash slowly opened his, only to be greeted by Pikachu's worried expression. "Hey Pikachu."
  426. "ASH!" Pikachu screamed as she latched her arms around Ash's neck, choking him.
  428. "Pi-Pikachu… can't… breathe!" Ash said between gasps as he struggled to get out of Pikachu's death grip.
  430. Pikachu gasped and released Ash from her grip. "I'm sorry!" Ash's response was falling onto his back. Ash looked up and could see he was in Pidgeot's tree. But in the tree there was more than Pidgeys, Pidgeottos, and Ash's Pokémon. There were also a few Pidgeots hanging around the branches, this surprised Ash.
  432. "Ash," Pidgeot called to her trainer. Ash rose back to his seat and looked to see Pikachu and the rest of his Pokémon standing before him. "Are you alright?"
  434. "Yeah," Ash replied. "Though I'm a little confused, what happened?"
  436. "You big dope!" Pikachu exclaimed. "You attempted a suicide mission! First you jump off Pidgeot at like a thousand feet up, then you punched that Fearow, and then you tell Pidgeot to use Hyper Beam while you were falling!" Pikachu had tears in her eyes, clearly sad and scared by the possibility that Ash might have died.
  438. "Pikachu," Ash said lovingly. He moved over and embrace Pikachu in his arms, allowing her to sob onto his chest. Ash smiled warmly. "Sssh, it's okay." He looked up to see all his flyers were equally worried, but they were able to contain themselves. "What happened after that?"
  440. "I believe that would be my doing young one." called out a familiar voice. Ash turned to a large majestic Pidgeot standing behind him. He looked familiar.
  442. Then it hit him. "V-Voizor?" Ash asked. Voizor nodded. "You evolved? But how?"
  444. "Ah, that I owe to you and our leader," Voizor replied. "I was reminded of how we had become so dependant of our leader to fight our battles, that it was no wonder none of us had evolved. However, when I was all alone to protect the children, I knew I had to be the one to fight, just as you and your friends fight for each other. I guess my evolution inspired the others as well." Ash nodded, that would explain all the new Pidgeots.
  446. "Alright, but what does that have to do with me falling to my death?" Ash asked.
  448. "You see young warrior," Voizor began, "after I saved the children, I flew out of the tree, knowing I had to help. I witness the event in which you assaulted that wretched Fearow, very funny by the way, and quickly fell towards the ground. Using all my strength, I flew down and caught you just before you hit the trees."
  450. "Really? Thank you," Ash said with a head bow. Voizor nodded in acceptance. "What happened to the Fearow?"
  452. "They returned to their part of the forest, they seemed rather content that their old leader has retreated away from the forest, never to be seen again." Voizor responded. "That Hyper Beam did quite the number on him."
  454. "Ha Ha!" Ash laughed. "Way to go Pidgeot!"
  456. "Thank you Ash, we must thank you too." Pidgeot said. Soon, the entire flock began to cheer, and Ash and his Pokémon joined in.
  458. Later that day, Ash and Pikachu stood in front of the nesting tree, with part of the flock, Voizor, and Pidgeot standing before them. Ash had recalled the rest of his Pokémon beforehand. "Looks like we gotta get going," Ash said to the flock.
  460. "We shall miss you," Voizor said to the duo, followed by squawks from the rest of the flock.
  462. "You too," Ash said to the old bird. Ash then turned to Pidgeot. "Pidgeot, do you want to stay?"
  464. Pidgeot shook her head and smiled. "The flock no longer needs me Ash," she said to the raven haired male. "They can take care of themselves now. I-I wish to join you again!"
  466. Ash did a double take, but smiled in response. "Of course you are welcomed to come back. Now I can keep my promise."
  468. Pidgeot was overjoyed. "Oh Thank you Ash!" Pidgeot screamed as she hugged Ash.
  470. Voizor took a step forward. "You shall be missed my dear, just remember, you will always have a place in our flock!" The rest of the flock cawed in agreement.
  472. Pidgeot nodded before she turned to Ash. "We let's get going!"
  474. Ash nodded. "Pidgeot return!" Pidgeot disappeared into the Poke-Tector. Ash turned to the flock. "Bye everyone!"
  476. "See ya!" Pikachu called out as she and Ash made their way.
  478. "Goodbye young warriors! May the great flyers guide you!" Voizor exclaimed.
  480. 'You have no idea,' Ash thought as he and Pikachu made their way through the forest, heading for Viridian City. With Pidgeot back on his team, Ash felt overjoyed to this new adventure. Ash knew that as long as he lived he would love his Pokémon, and he will always make sure they know how much.
  484. ---
  485. Author notes
  486. Hey everyone, Update time.
  488. So today Ash revealed the rest of his flyers and re-captured Pidgeot. Here are their attacks.
  490. Pidgeot – Sky Attack, Aria Ace, Windstorm, Air Slash, Heat Wave, Twister, Mirror Move
  492. Staraptor – Brave Bird, Close Combat, Arial Ace, Double Team, Swift, Air Cutter
  494. Noctowl – Extrasensory, Air Slash, Sky Attack, Hypnosis, Echo Voice, Night Shade, Hidden Power
  496. Hatooboo – Detect, Arial Ace, Razor Wind, Quick Attack, Attract, FeatherDance, Morning Sun
  498. Gliscor – X-Scissor, Stone Edge, Giga Impact, Thunder Fang, Steel Wing, Swords Dance, Fire Fang
  500. Each attack selected was chosen by randomization. And sorry about forgetting Charizard, think of it as that I'm saving her for another chapter.
  502. Next Time – Viridian Town Runaround
  503. Ash arrives in Viridian City and passes by the familiar Pokémon Center. Things change though when some new and old enemies appear, all wanting to steal his Pokémon. Will Ash fight, or will he perish and lose his Pokémon?
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