

Jun 9th, 2015
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  1. -[X] 4 A knife or three: (Pipeman, shadowward, redaeth, Raron)
  2. --[X] 1 A knife or three: (Heaven Canceler)
  3. -[X] 3 A knife or three,: (steamrick, Clarvel, JENTHULHU)
  4. -[X] 5 Buy a hammer and some firestarter so you can destroy the foul items you create.: (shadowward, steamrick, Clarvel, Raron, JENTHULHU)
  5. --[X] 1 Buy a hammer and some firestarter so you can destroy the foul items you create.: (Heaven Canceler)
  6. -[X] 4 Buy several pairs of boots, they should make for a great enchanting platform.: (shadowward, steamrick, Raron, JENTHULHU)
  7. --[X] 1 Buy several pairs of boots, they should make for a great enchanting platform.: (Heaven Canceler)
  8. [X] 1 Do <b>NOT</b> take the immortality pill, but keep ahold of it. You never know when it might be useful...: (Clarvel)
  9. [X] 1 Don't trade anything! It'd be too easy to steal all your items if people saw these gems.: (Acid_Trees)
  10. [X] 9 Enter the town boldly! If you just act natural, no one will notice you don't belong.: (Pipeman, shadowward, steamrick, Thinky Think, Acid_Trees, Clarvel, redaeth, Raron, JENTHULHU)
  11. -[X] 8 For a few more days of food: (Pipeman, shadowward, steamrick, Thinky Think, Clarvel, redaeth, Raron, JENTHULHU)
  12. --[X] 1 For a few more days of food: (Heaven Canceler)
  13. [X] 1 If you find an animal like a cat, maybe try to imbue it with your power to see what happens?: (Heaven Canceler)
  14. --[X] 2 If you manage to get more then one knife imbue the extras. Wait until you are on the road again first though. You want to be able to safely discard any accidents.: (Pipeman, redaeth)
  15. --[X] 3 If you manage to get more then one of any given item, imbue the extras. Wait until you are on the road again first though. You want to be able to safely discard any accidents.: (steamrick, Clarvel, JENTHULHU)
  16. [X] 9 Maybe just a little....: (Pipeman, shadowward, steamrick, Thinky Think, Clarvel, redaeth, Raron, JENTHULHU, Heaven Canceler)
  17. [X] 1 Offer to do some labor for a bit of currency, food, and a place to sleep for the night.: (Acid_Trees)
  18. -[X] 3 See if you can get backpacks, as they are also probably a good thing to enchant.: (steamrick, Clarvel, JENTHULHU)
  19. -[X] 1 Take some grass and use your power on it, let's try to get some high-class medicine to sell at the shop.: (Raron)
  20. [X] 1 Take the immortaility pill: (steamrick)
  21. -[X] 7 Traveling supplies. Maybe a tent? Or at least rain gear.: (Pipeman, shadowward, steamrick, Clarvel, redaeth, Raron, JENTHULHU)
  22. --[X] 1 Traveling supplies. Maybe a tent? Or at least rain gear.: (Heaven Canceler)
  23. [X] 1 Try to imbue any leftover Food that you would throw away. Maybe also cutlery and tableware if it came together with it? What happens if you imbue water or some other drink?: (Heaven Canceler)
  24. -[X] 5 We are in a fantasy world and have lots of cash, let's try to find some magic books if we are playing the role of a Apprentice Magician: (shadowward, steamrick, Clarvel, Raron, JENTHULHU)
  25. --[X] 1 We are in a fantasy world and have lots of cash, let's try to find some magic books if we are playing the role of a Apprentice Magician: (Heaven Canceler)
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