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Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. (* A very simple Coq encoding of the "Towers of Hanoi" puzzle game. *)
  3. Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
  4. Import ListNotations.
  5. Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.
  8. (* Proof of a sorted list *)
  9. Inductive Sorted : list nat -> Prop :=
  10. | sorted'nil : Sorted []
  11. | sorted'cons'nil x : Sorted [x]
  12. | sorted'cons x y xs:
  13. Sorted (y::xs)
  14. -> x < y
  15. -> Sorted (x::y::xs).
  18. (* We have three towers. Each tower is a sorted list of numbers. *)
  19. Inductive Towers : Set :=
  20. | towers : list nat -> list nat -> list nat -> Towers.
  22. (* A group of towers is valid if all the lists are sorted. *)
  23. Definition Valid (t : Towers) : Prop :=
  24. match t with
  25. | towers a b c => Sorted a /\ Sorted b /\ Sorted c
  26. end.
  28. (* Each tower is given an index from 1 to 3. *)
  29. Inductive Ix : Set :=
  30. | Ix1
  31. | Ix2
  32. | Ix3.
  34. (* Pop the top element off a given tower *)
  35. Definition unconsT (ix : Ix) (t : Towers) : option (nat * Towers) :=
  36. match ix, t with
  37. | Ix1, towers (v::vs) b c => Some (v, towers vs b c)
  38. | Ix2, towers a (v::vs) c => Some (v, towers a vs c)
  39. | Ix3, towers a b (v::vs) => Some (v, towers a b vs)
  40. | _, _ => None
  41. end.
  43. (* Push a value onto a given tower.
  44. This requires the new value to be smaller than the current head of the list.
  45. Otherwise it returns 'None'. *)
  46. Definition consT (ix : Ix) (v : nat) (t : Towers) : option Towers :=
  47. match ix, t with
  48. | Ix1, towers [] b c => Some (towers [v] b c)
  49. | Ix1, towers (x::vs) b c =>
  50. if lt_dec v x
  51. then Some (towers (v::x::vs) b c)
  52. else None
  54. | Ix2, towers a [] c => Some (towers a [v] c)
  55. | Ix2, towers a (x::vs) c =>
  56. if lt_dec v x
  57. then Some (towers a (v::x::vs) c)
  58. else None
  60. | Ix3, towers a b [] => Some (towers a b [v])
  61. | Ix3, towers a b (x::vs) =>
  62. if lt_dec v x
  63. then Some (towers a b (v::x::vs))
  64. else None
  65. end.
  67. (* Move a value from one tower to another. This can fail if:
  68. the 'from' tower is empty; or
  69. the 'from' tower's value is larger than the head of the 'to' tower. *)
  70. Definition shift (from to : Ix) (t : Towers) : option Towers
  71. := match unconsT from t with
  72. | None => None
  73. | Some (x,t') => consT to x t'
  74. end.
  77. (* If the towers were sorted and we move a value, the result is still sorted.
  78. This is rather tedious to prove, and conceptually not very interesting. *)
  79. Theorem Valid_shift_Valid t from to t':
  80. Valid t
  81. -> shift from to t = Some t'
  82. -> Valid t'.
  83. Proof.
  84. Admitted.
  86. (* We play a game by making a list of moves *)
  87. Inductive move : Towers -> Towers -> Prop :=
  88. | MNil t : move t t
  89. | MCons t from to t' t'':
  90. shift from to t = Some t'
  91. -> move t' t''
  92. -> move t t''.
  95. (* The tactic "MOVE Ix1 Ix3"
  96. means "move a value from the top of tower 1 to tower 3" *)
  97. Ltac MOVE f t :=
  98. eapply MCons with (from := f) (to := t); try reflexivity;
  99. try solve [apply MNil; idtac "Well done!"].
  101. (* Play a game! *)
  102. Theorem play_3:
  103. move
  104. (* Initial state *)
  105. (towers [1;2;3] [] [])
  106. (* Goal state *)
  107. (towers [] [] [1;2;3]).
  108. Proof.
  109. MOVE _ _.
  110. Admitted.
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