
Updated bonus Color Words in Bookworm Adventures

Dec 8th, 2019
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  1. Aeneous
  2. Amaranthine
  3. Aqua
  4. Aquamarine
  5. Argent
  6. Beige
  7. Black
  8. Blackish
  9. Blacks
  10. Blue
  11. Blues
  12. Bluish
  13. Brown
  14. Brownish
  15. Browns
  16. Burnet
  17. Cardinal
  18. Celadon
  19. Celeste
  20. Cerulean
  21. Chartreuse
  22. Cinnabars
  23. Citreous
  24. Citrine
  25. Claret
  26. Cobalt
  27. Color
  28. Colored
  29. Colorer
  30. Colorful
  31. Coloring
  32. Colors
  33. Colour
  34. Coloured
  35. Colourer
  36. Colourful
  37. Colouring
  38. Colours
  39. Columbine
  40. Copper
  41. Cramoisy
  42. Crayon
  43. Crayons
  44. Cream
  45. Crimson
  46. Cyan
  47. Ebon
  48. Eggshell
  49. Emerald
  50. Ferruginous
  51. Filemot
  52. Fulvous
  53. Fuscous
  54. Gamboge
  55. Glaucous
  56. Gold
  57. Golden
  58. Goldenrod
  59. Golds
  60. Gray
  61. Grayish
  62. Grays
  63. Green
  64. Greenish
  65. Greens
  66. Greige
  67. Grey
  68. Greyish
  69. Greys
  70. Griseous
  71. Haematic
  72. Heliotrope
  73. Hoary
  74. Hue
  75. Hues
  76. Hyacinthine
  77. Ibis
  78. Incarnadine
  79. Indigo
  80. Jacinthe
  81. Kermes
  82. Khaki
  83. Liard
  84. Lime
  85. Lovat
  86. Lurid
  87. Luteous
  88. Madder
  89. Magenta
  90. Maroon
  91. Mauve
  92. Melanic
  93. Minium
  94. Morel
  95. Niveous
  96. Ochre
  97. Olivaceous
  98. Olive
  99. Orange
  100. Oranges
  101. pastel
  102. Pastels
  103. Periwinkle
  104. Pernicious
  105. Perse
  106. Piceous
  107. Pigment
  108. Pigments
  109. Pink
  110. Pinkish
  111. Pinks
  112. Primrose
  113. Puce
  114. Purple
  115. Purples
  116. Purpure
  117. Rainbow
  118. Rainbows
  119. Red
  120. Reddish
  121. Reds
  122. Roan
  123. Rose
  124. Rosy
  125. Rubicund
  126. Russet
  127. Rust
  128. Sable
  129. Saffron
  130. Sage
  131. Sanguineous
  132. Sapphire
  133. Saturation
  134. Scarlet
  135. Sepia
  136. Sienna
  137. Silver
  138. Silvery
  139. Sinopia
  140. Slate
  141. Smalt
  142. Smaragdine
  143. Sorrel
  144. Spectra
  145. Spectral
  146. Spectrum
  147. Stammel
  148. Stramineous
  149. Suede
  150. Sulfurous
  151. Sulphureous
  152. Tan
  153. Taupe
  154. Tawny
  155. Teal
  156. Teal
  157. Testaceous
  158. Tilleul
  159. Tint
  160. Titian
  161. Topaz
  162. Turquoise
  163. Ultramarine
  164. Umber
  165. Umber
  166. Vermeil
  167. Vermilion
  168. Vermillion
  169. Vinaceous
  170. Vinous
  171. Violaceous
  172. Violet
  173. Virescent
  174. Virid
  175. Viridian
  176. Vivid
  177. Wallflower
  178. Wheaten
  179. Whey
  180. Xanthic
  181. Yellow
  182. Yellowish
  183. Yellows
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