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Jun 22nd, 2017
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  1. DaEmeraldGoddess has joined the chat
  2. Jeielle has joined the chat
  3. DaEmeraldGoddess: oh damn!!
  4. DaEmeraldGoddess: -Looks out the window-...Hmm Someone is here
  5. Jeielle: -.-
  6. DaEmeraldGoddess: -Yells- Who are you?
  7. Jeielle: *hiss
  8. ZazelXLunarclaw: [ Im going to RP enter. ]
  9. DaEmeraldGoddess: hmm
  10. DaEmeraldGoddess: What brings you here Zazel?
  11. Jeielle: I know who he is
  12. DaEmeraldGoddess: oh?
  13. Jeielle: (shar's man she's sending to kill us -.-)
  14. DaEmeraldGoddess: -falls over laughing-
  15. DaEmeraldGoddess: ec
  16. Jeielle: ec
  17. DaEmeraldGoddess: hiss
  18. Jeielle: *his
  19. DaEmeraldGoddess: openwings
  20. Jeielle: *hiss
  21. Jeielle: openwings
  22. Jeielle: ec
  23. DaEmeraldGoddess: -glares at the door-
  24. Jeielle: (no instant kill bullshit eh?)
  25. ZazelXLunarclaw: [No Godmod. And Ill RP Fairly ]
  26. JeielleJeielle Whisper: (Ok thank you, I had Godmod)
  27. DaEmeraldGoddess: -grins-
  28. ZazelXLunarclaw: [If Death is inevitable. Please understand. ]
  29. DaEmeraldGoddess: well this should be interesting
  30. Jeielle: ( It's inevitable.... You have control over what you type...)
  31. DaEmeraldGoddess: (Please understand what?...That shar is being inmature? already know that)
  32. ZazelXLunarclaw: The ground lightly shakes with every heavy footfall of this armored male in the distance, as he approaches the lowered gate to the castle. The male was an armored in the form of an armored barbarian with numerous heavy plating to which was Anti-Magic, Sighing lightly he moved from the drawbridge and flicked a stain from his armor with his finger. He was strong, Very strong to even be wearing this illusive Death Knight armor to which was stained with battle, He wielded just his hands and fist in his battle with long range glaive like weapons. pushing open the doors the armor hummed lightly with the presance of Magical beings around him. He had just finished some person claiming to become a deity. Now this? He only smirked to himself as he pushed his blue hair from his face <e
  33. Jeielle: *She looks at the figure ahead. She sighs and steps forward infront of her sister and raises her head to look upon him. She rolls her eyes and looks back to her sister* Looks like we have a big boy in the house...*she turns back to look at him, she notices he's heavily armoured and that this will not be an easy defense. She knows her dagger will be no use for this* I see you're not confident enough to show up in flesh?
  34. ZazelXLunarclaw: "Flesh Eh' Ya' Know...I came 'ere without a weapon, So deal with it" He spoke lightly as he eased his foot back which nearly cracked tile onto the floor as he brought the left hand and the right hand foward.
  35. Jeielle: *she backs up slightly and tilts her head* What do you want.... *she looks at his hands* You enjoy picking on women who are just minding their own buisness?
  36. ShephonSionnachShephonSionnach Whisper has joined the chat
  37. DaEmeraldGoddess: -she glances to the window and whispers to her sister- another one?
  38. ZazelXLunarclaw: "Like people say....Im barbaric...I came 'ere on to eliminante the head of the family...Stand in my way, And Ill Cripple you" He spoke lightly as the body eased foward and he lunged, For being such a big male he nearly flew across the short distance to which his armored body make heavy booted sounds, Making his way to thr throne with a liniare attack he swung out with a heavy latened fist right for Emerald's chest, The force of this armored punch would snap her sternum and the protrusions would cut deep into her chest, leaving a fatal blow in a single strike. <e
  39. Jeielle: No
  40. Jeielle: Shep's a friend of mine...
  41. Jeielle: (uh? how can I fight back ifyou just kill instantly?)
  42. DaEmeraldGoddess: (yea?)
  43. Jeielle: (That's godmodding...)
  44. JeielleJeielle Whisper: ( think i was threatened for a minute...)
  45. Jeielle: (It's ok Shep, we may not need you after all lmfao..)
  46. Jeielle: I think this is the part where you say "Ow" sis...
  47. ZazelXLunarclaw: [ That wasnt Instant. ]
  48. ZazelXLunarclaw: [ Nor was it Godmod. ]
  49. ZazelXLunarclaw: [ I left opening for defense or such. ]
  50. DaEmeraldGoddess: -She look at him deep into his eyes-....Do you really think that you can kill me?-she asks with a laugh-..You have no idea who i am?
  51. ZazelXLunarclaw: [ Emerald. If that is your post. That means you left yourself open for the attack. ]
  52. ShephonSionnach: -quickly moving without a sound from behind a throne, i see the man who quickly is making is way with his swing. i quickly jump up over the throne in front of emerald with both my daggers drown with my blades pointed at the entruders hands, once his fist connects my blades will slice his through his hands- i think you better exit the way you came in and you tell the bitch who sent you that im going for her. this is my one and only warning or i will bring a shit load of warriors to your her door and yours and i will bring them in 3d or text, makes no difference
  53. ZazelXLunarclaw: [ Ah. ]
  54. ShephonSionnach: give me the bitches name now jei
  55. Jeielle: *she points at Em* she's the one she wants.
  56. Jeielle: It's up to Em whether she wants to give the name or not
  57. ShephonSionnach: -.- give me the name or i leave
  58. Jeielle: Em *nudges*
  59. DaEmeraldGoddess: -sighs- I did not want it to come down to this, i was wanting to to just forget it all...-she laughs- But she will be in for a nice suprise, He name is Sharasli
  60. ZazelXLunarclaw: The males fist lightly struck against the metal of the surprising defenders metal, The force of just his armor combined with the strength of Zazel pushed hard enough to nudge the blade back, Zazel looked up to the male The Adamantium armor unaffected by the steel of the dagger, To which Zazel spun back with a revoling backfist of his left hand to which can knock the wind out of any male, But to make sure he lunged out with his left foot, despite the armors thickness to kick Shephon right knee, If the blow connects. It will snap his knee inwards. <e
  61. Jeielle: *she drags em upstairs and keeps her hidden as she looks at the man attacking Shephon*
  62. DaEmeraldGoddess: -her eyes widen as her sisters drags her up the stairs, not relizing what is about to happen-
  63. JeielleJeielle Whisper: *she runs down the stairs and stands inbetween Shephon and Zaz, she yells* STOP
  64. ShephonSionnach: -smirks- men they always underestamate a woman -reaching her belt she garbs her grapple and slings it to the ceiling, she grapples up over the man and lands behind him. she quickly taps the reaches in her bag and pulls out a small orb, she tosses the small orb inside the back of his armor. she grapples up to the ceiling and pushes off and lands near the far wall. she waits as she know the orb is filled with phopherus and will explode any moment- i told you to leave
  65. ShephonSionnach: -e-
  66. Jeielle: (I don't want Shep's character killed over this stupid shit)
  67. Jeielle: (Let's put an end to it please)
  68. DaEmeraldGoddess: (Shara is letting BS bleed into rp....For no reason!)
  69. Jeielle: (Yeah, for sure)
  70. DaEmeraldGoddess: (Non if this started in rp)
  71. ShephonSionnach: (ok so just take the orb out and toss it back to me, ill disarm it and you can leave.. tell shar to not mix rp and bs)
  72. DaEmeraldGoddess: -comes down the stairs-
  73. ZazelXLunarclaw: Zazel smirks lightly as Shephon lightly underestimates a hunter as when she grapples over he begins to turn lightly to his side, Inside his armor the taunt muscles allow him utilize the light but superdense metal to an advantage, Whipping his hand smacks the ball away from him. Although it catchs onto his Armor it doesnt burn through the Adamantium, Making a covering smoke for Zazel the chemicals burn through the floor. Zazel used this smokescreen to water down the chemicals from his armor through a tight locking seal in the shoulders, Knowing Shephon moved out of his way, He kicked a glass ball from the throne to make a perfect distraction as From the left side he flung a thick metal blade from his armor, To which was CarbonFiber. This blade didnt make a shining light or smoke display as it flew. At the speed it was hurled at. It closed the distance to danger close on Shephon, Threating to cut her waist deeply. While he was moving he already had three more of these blades in his hand, Ready to pounce <e
  74. DaEmeraldGoddess: -.-
  75. DaEmeraldGoddess: alright OOC for a min.......
  76. Jeielle: Zaz
  77. Jeielle: shaddup
  78. ZazelXLunarclaw: [ You call OOC in this fight. Ill move in for the kill. ]
  79. DaEmeraldGoddess: lmao
  80. DaEmeraldGoddess: you cant kill me
  81. DaEmeraldGoddess: I wont die
  83. [ After that I was booted. By Jeielle to protect her family .]
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