

Apr 5th, 2016
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  1. Havenport Prepatory School— The Havenport Prepatory school is a high school with an emphasis on preparing students for higher education learning. All students must take a sport and an arts class alongside their regular studies. This is done to provide mental and physical balance to their students.
  2. The requisites for entering the school are strict, and a test must be taken before a student is even allowed to register. The score required is high, and the threshold is even higher for students who require the tuition fees be waived. (A 3.0 is required for those who pay while a 3.5 is required for students applying for the fee waiver).
  3. The facilities are state of the art, and the school boasts an impressive alumni list.
  4. ---
  5. Yuu: "That test to get in was easy. Then again, I've answered questions like that often."
  6. Dev: "I didnt't do to well myself. That damn test was a lot hawder than it looked to ya."
  7. Yuu: "What was the final score?"
  8. Dev: "3.95"
  9. Yuu: "Not too well?! That's almost perfect! But to be honest, I didn't expect that from you."
  10. Dev: "I may act like an idiot but I'm fah from one. By the way, what sport you said you were takin'?"
  11. Yuu: "Archery. And what art did you pick?"
  12. Dev: "Piano."
  13. Yuu: "Again with the surprises!"
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