
World Zero

Apr 1st, 2020
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  1. _G.AutoSell = false -- Self explanatory
  2. _G.AutoEquipAndUpgrade = false -- Only upgrades items if you have more than 2000 gold
  4. _G.OnlySellBelowMyLevel = false -- Only sells items below your level
  5. _G.RaritiesToNotSell = { -- Does not sell rarities set that are to true
  6. ["Common"] = false;
  7. ["Uncommon"] = false;
  8. ["Rare"] = false;
  9. ["Epic"] = true;
  10. ["Legendary"] = true;
  11. }
  13. _G.AutoJoinNextDungeon = true -- Auto joins the next dungeon after dungeon is complete and collects rewards
  15. _G.ChooseDungeon = false -- If true then it will join the dungeon set in _G.Dungeon
  16. _G.Dungeon = "Crabby Crusade"
  17. --[[
  18. World 1: Crabby Crusade (1-2), Dire Problem (3), Scarecrow Defense (4-6), Kingslayer (7-8), Night of the Dead (9-11), Gravetower Dungeon (12-14)
  19. World 2: Temple of Ruin (15-17), Mama Trauma (18-21), Volcano's Shadow (22-25), Volcano Dungeon (26-29)
  20. World 3: Mountain Pass (30-34), Winter Cavern (35-39), Winter Dungeon (40-44)
  21. World 4: 4-1 (45-49), 4-2 (50-54), 4-3 (55-60)
  22. ]]--
  24. _G.BossRaid = false -- Turn to true to do boss raids, overwrites going to other dungeons
  25. _G.BossRaidName = "Klaus Factory"
  26. --[[
  27. Holliday Village: Klaus Factory (40-45) <-- Still Works
  28. ]]--
  30. _G.Dance = false -- ok
  31. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/T6psqHmB", true))()
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