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Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. [12:05] Maxim: Do we need to chat
  2. [13:21] Chuck: what?
  3. [15:22] Maxim: Regarding the fact you’ve rejoined
  4. [15:24] Chuck: i've never left
  5. [15:24] Chuck: why did you kick me?
  6. [15:24] Chuck: what did i do?
  7. [15:26] Maxim: Ok so have you read the discussion I posted last night
  8. [15:30] Chuck: no i didnt(modificato)
  9. [15:31] Maxim: Ok if you could go give that a read for me I’d appreciate it, it’ll give you some more understanding
  10. [15:31] Maxim: I know its a long one
  11. [15:31] Chuck: the one with "-important-" title?
  12. [15:31] Maxim: Yes that’s it
  13. [15:31] Chuck: ok
  14. [15:31] Maxim: Thanks mate
  15. [15:31] Chuck: still, why did i got kicked?
  16. [15:32] Maxim: I’ll tell you after you’ve read the post
  17. [15:32] Maxim: It’ll shed some light on it
  18. [15:32] Chuck: ok
  19. [15:32] Chuck: lemme read it
  20. [15:32] Maxim: And make it easier to explain
  21. [15:32] Maxim: No time limit I’m available all day
  22. [15:33] Chuck: in my defense
  23. [15:33] Chuck: i got message with ghille
  24. [15:34] Chuck: cause he asked me if i wanted to play yesterday
  25. [15:34] Chuck: I cant
  26. [15:34] Chuck: Because im using a shitty computer right now because i'm at my mother's
  27. [15:35] Chuck: my gaming pc is at my father's who is in Etiopia for work
  28. [15:35] Chuck: Gmod is the only game i can play on this pc
  29. [15:35] Chuck: that's why you havent seen me on for relative long time
  30. [15:36] Maxim: Then why instead of telling us this have you simply ignored the messages in general chat that we’re referring specifically to you
  31. [15:37] Chuck: I dont know, i didnt see them
  32. [15:37] Maxim: You will have gotten a notification
  33. [15:37] Maxim: Because I used @Chuck
  34. [15:37] Chuck: lemme check
  35. [15:39] Chuck:
  37. [15:40] Maxim:
  39. [15:40] Maxim: There are more if you want
  40. [15:40] Chuck: I trust you
  41. [15:40] Chuck: not saying you're lying
  42. [15:40] Maxim: Also searching for @Chuck doesn’t work
  43. [15:40] Chuck: i just sent you a screenshot
  44. [15:40] Maxim: Which is why you can’t see them
  45. [15:41] Maxim: Ok I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt in that case
  46. [15:42] Maxim: You’re not currently able to run arma
  47. [15:42] Maxim: Any other reason you think we took this action against you?
  48. [15:42] Chuck: im not
  49. [15:42] Chuck: What other reasons?
  50. [15:44] Chuck: you guys are free to do whatever you want it's just that i went on the server list and i didnt see 101st anymore
  51. [15:44] Chuck: that's it
  52. [15:44] Chuck: Talking about discord server list
  53. [15:47] Chuck: i've finished to read your discussion
  54. [15:47] Maxim: There’s a few occasions where people have commented on you messing around
  55. [15:47] Maxim: People rude
  56. [15:47] Maxim: Etc
  57. [15:48] Maxim: I can also attest to this
  58. [15:48] Maxim: The last time I saw you on you were messing around and rage quit halfway through because you died
  59. [15:48] Chuck: I quit because it was late
  60. [15:49] Chuck: and i was tired
  61. [15:49] Maxim: It was just after 9:30
  62. [15:49] Chuck: I don't remember very well but i remember i was tired and annoyed
  63. [15:49] Maxim: Ok
  64. [15:49] Maxim: It see@ed more like a ragequit
  65. [15:50] Maxim: Seemed*
  66. [15:50] Maxim: Anyway,
  67. [15:50] Maxim: Messing around
  68. [15:50] Chuck: As i said, i don't remember, even if i did ragequit, is that against rules
  69. [15:50] Maxim: We can move on
  70. [15:50] Maxim: Messing around
  71. [15:50] Maxim: Explanation?
  72. [15:51] Chuck: What do you mean with messing around?
  73. [15:51] Chuck: More specifically
  74. [15:51] Maxim: It’s quite self explanitory
  75. [15:52] Chuck: I remember the guerrilla mission
  76. [15:52] Chuck: i think that was the last one i attended
  77. [15:52] Chuck: i dont remember me messing around
  78. [15:53] Chuck: Was i teamkilling?
  79. [15:56] Chuck: Do you expect me to remember what i did wrong in the past 2 months?(modificato)
  80. [15:58] Maxim: We do
  81. [15:59] Maxim: Multiple people have complained about you messing around and being rude to other olayers
  82. [15:59] Maxim: This combined with the appearance that you don’t really give a fuck
  83. [15:59] Maxim: Led to you being kicmed
  84. [15:59] Maxim: Kicked*
  85. [16:00] Maxim: So you deny or disagree with any of these reasons
  86. [16:04] Maxim: ?
  87. [16:08] Chuck: What can i say?
  88. [16:09] Chuck: i agree with the reasons (?)
  89. [16:11] Chuck: Let's finish this already, can i stay in or not
  90. [16:13] Maxim: Do you want to stay
  91. [16:13] Maxim: And the impatience isn’t helping
  92. [16:19] Chuck: Im not impatient, it seems like you're playing with me or something
  93. [16:19] Chuck: yes i would like to play with the 101st
  94. [16:20] Maxim: Ok why should I let you rejoin
  95. [16:20] Chuck: Because i want to play arma 3 in a unit?
  96. [16:25] Chuck: im not special, im not better than anyone else so i dont have a proper reason
  97. [16:25] Chuck: I have to stay in the server to PM you so...
  98. [16:26] Maxim: Last chance cuz you leaving just now shows you don’t want to be here
  99. [16:26] Maxim: Give me one good reason why I should let you stay
  100. [16:26] Chuck: I have none
  101. [16:26] Maxim: Then the decision atands
  102. [16:27] Maxim: Stands*
  103. [16:27] Maxim: If you ever want to rejoin with a better attitude then feel free to message me
  104. [16:27] Chuck: i wanted to rejoin but you're asking me why you should let me in
  108. Chuck: I still dont understand what you wanted to hear from me
  109. Maxim: I wanted you to prove you wanted to be a part of the unit, you didn’t do that, on top of the fact we don’t believe your attitude is good enough at the moment
  110. Maxim: I like you chuck
  111. Chuck: Doesnt seem so
  112. Chuck: even when we were in 21st
  113. Chuck: it's not an excuse
  114. Chuck: just saying
  115. Maxim: You’re annoying as fuck sometimes but you’re a good kid and I didn’t wanna remove you
  116. Maxim: I’m a hard guy to earn respect from
  117. Maxim: So don’t take any hostility personally
  118. Maxim: Come back when you feel you can do better pal
  119. Chuck: that's alright
  120. Maxim: Remember we value maturity and honesty above all else in these situations
  121. Maxim: So don’t be afraid to ask to rejoin
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