
Undertale - Cover 2 (wow lewd)

Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. Part two of Cover. Asriel and Frisk are back in the darkness together, and Frisk can't quite get into the spirit of it. Asriel, with the help of Frisk's own subconscious desires, steps in to lend a hand.
  3. NSFW, Edgeriel/Adult Asriel x Adult Frisk, M/M, Mild suggestions of Non-Consent, BDSM, These hands have Sinned. Word Count: 5867
  5. ***
  7. Frisk stared blankly up at the blackness that was supposed to be the sky. Huh. That was unusual. Not only that, it was… Familiar.
  9. Oh, shit, they were back here again.
  11. “I’m hurt. I thought you’d be happy to see me.”
  13. Frisk started, sitting up and looking around. Asriel was there, sitting on a piece of darkness that he’d scooped up and formed into some kind of chair. He waved, wearing a cheeky grin, his black god-markings, and nothing else.
  15. “Hey.”
  17. “H-Hi. When did I get back here?”
  19. “When you went to sleep.”
  21. “Well, yeah, but… When was that? When are we? ...WHERE are we?” Frisk cupped their face in both hands. “What was I just doing? I can’t remember!”
  23. “It’s a dream, Frisk. They’re usually not big on establishing details.”
  25. “I know that, but... Are we even in the same country right now?”
  27. “Does it matter? You’re here, and so am I.”
  29. Frisk took a deep breath. Asriel was being so infuriatingly calm about this. Frisk tried to catalogue their thoughts, ignoring him for the moment.
  31. There had been the dream with Chara. Chara had done something to Asriel, and had ended up like this. Then… Oh, right, they’d totally fucked. And the black goo stuff. And Asriel, tied up and squirming. The memory caused Frisk to blush, and then remember a key detail. Very slowly, Frisk reached down and peeled back their pants, peeking inside.
  33. “Oh fuck, now I’m a guy.”
  35. “You sound surprised. Again.”
  37. “I was a girl last time! This is NOT normal, Az!” Frisk’s voice cracked under the strain of shock.
  39. Asriel chuckled, lifting his weight off of his throne of darkness and walking over to Frisk. Frisk tried their best… Well, his best, to ignore the fact that he was currently eye-level with Asriel’s privates.
  41. “Who cares about normal? Don’t you want to just enjoy some time together?”
  43. “Well… Yeah, but…”
  45. This was a problem. Not in the least because it was so messed up, Asriel parading around in the nude like he was born to do it, and Frisk’s gender switching to match someone else’s perverse mood. This was a pattern, now. It was going to keep happening. How were you supposed to fight something like a dream?
  47. Asriel sat down next to Frisk, rolling his eyes. “You don’t have to fight it.”
  49. Oh, good. With the mind reading and shit, again.
  51. “Well, I do enjoy how much it annoys you.”
  53. “I told you to cut that shit out last time, Az. And yes, maybe I do have to fight it! Someone, or something, is fucking with our heads! Doesn’t that bother you?”
  55. “Do I look bothered? This seems like more of a gift than a curse.” Asriel lifted an arm, turning it over and admiring the black patterns coiled around it. “I can do anything here.”
  57. Frisk huffed. That, if nothing else, seemed a little unfair. He gets godlike powers, and Frisk got to play musical chairs with their gender.
  59. “So, what, you’re upset because you’re a guy now?”
  61. “No! I’m upset because this is entirely outside of my control. I can’t even begin to visualise how I do something about this. Besides, it would have been nice to have been asked first, at least.”
  63. Asriel glanced sidelong at Frisk. “Hmm. Maybe next time, you can choose.” He laughed at the conflicted but mostly furious glare Frisk shot at him. “And why, exactly, do you have to do something about it?”
  65. “Because this is crazy, is why. Someone’s stolen my dreams. Our dreams, even. You’re fine with it because you can make furniture and fuckin’ tentacles, but you’re as trapped here as I am.”
  67. Again with the casual smile. Frisk hated it, mostly because of how good it looked on him. “Well, I suppose we had better make the most of it then.”
  69. Frisk blinked, and then rubbed at his eyes, groaning. “You’re flirting with me. You’re actually in the mood for this. How can you possibly be in the mood. I cannot believe you’re in the mood right now.”
  71. “What can I say, I like spending time with you. Just you, me, and the… Huh. Gimme a sec.”
  73. Asriel put both arms back and leaned on them, looking up. He hummed at the darkness above them, looked pensive for a moment, and then shut both eyes. Frisk looked from him to the sky, and watched as a tiny pinpoint of light winked on. It was followed by another, and then a handful more, and then the sky exploded into starlight.
  75. Asriel opened his eyes and smiled up at the stars. It occurred to Frisk for the first time, the possibility of being afraid.
  77. “Pretty impressive, huh? Don’t be afraid though, it’s still just me, Frisk. I’m your best friend, I’d never hurt you.”
  79. “You say that, but for some reason I’m still a little...” Frisk gestured wordlessly towards the stars. “I just can’t help but wonder what else you’re capable of, here. Forgive me if that makes me a little apprehensive.”
  81. Asriel looked pensive for a moment. “Hmm. I guess. But, do you trust me?”
  83. Oh, not fair. “Of course I trust you, you asshole.”
  85. Another rakish grin. “Well, I guess we’ll have to find out what I can do together then.”
  87. Frisk filed that away as something to worry about later. Despite his infuriating calmness, Az had a point. From inside the dream at least, there wasn’t much Frisk could do about this. He’d have to hope that when he woke, at least some of this would stay with him, so that he could begin to formulate some kind of plan. Nothing else in two or so hundred years of existing had managed to get the better of Frisk for long, so he wasn’t too worried.
  89. Until then, maybe it would be ok to enjoy the moment. The stars were nice, if nothing else.
  91. “So… What did you have in mind, Az?”
  93. He flopped back against the ground, still admiring his handiwork. “Same thing as last time, Frisk. I was waiting for you to give me an idea.”
  95. Shit. “Great! Pick anything up yet?” Like, say, a nice dinner and some gentle snuggling?
  97. “Dinner does sound nice, but…” He drew the word out, like a cat playing with its food. “You’re very preoccupied with being in control, you know that?”
  99. “Huh?”
  101. “Well, I mean, when you realised that you couldn’t do anything about the situation, your reaction was to decide to fix it later and try to make the best of it now. Why does it need fixing? Why can’t you just enjoy the moment without some proviso or condition for later?”
  103. “Uh, b-because…”
  105. “I think it’s because you’re so used to being the one in charge.”
  107. Frisk was used to being the one in charge. Very used to it. Decades of knowing the future, knowing what to do and when to do it, what to expect. Everyone looked to Frisk to lead, and it was habit forming. Control was just part of who Frisk was, now.
  109. “See, I think that’s a little unhealthy. You can’t be in control all the time!”
  111. “Sure I can!” Frisk tried to keep his voice even. “You just gotta be prepared.”
  113. “That sounds kind of like nonsense to me. You’re reaching…” Asriel rolled onto his side, resting his head on one arm. He was entirely too comfortable, too relaxed, too calm. Too… In control. “You can feel the situation slipping away from you, can’t you?”
  115. Frisk swallowed nervously. “I don’t know what you mean.”
  117. “Yeah, you do. It’s getting under your skin.”
  119. Frisk considered his options. He was up against Asriel, who had near complete control of this place they were in. There was no way to escape, much in the same way you can’t escape time or ideas, because there was no Out to escape to. The very idea of fleeing a reality kinda hurt Frisk’s brain.
  121. But the worst part, the very worst part, was how pleased Asriel looked. As though Frisk’s confusion and rising panic was-
  123. “Delicious.”
  125. “I hate it when you say that.”
  127. “I know.”
  129. Frisk gritted his teeth at the teasing, carefully shuffling on the spot to turn and face Asriel. It wasn’t lost on him that in this form, he was just that little bit more toned and defined. Taller, too.
  131. “Thanks. I’ve been dreaming of working out.”
  133. Frisk wondered if the joke was supposed to put him at ease. He saw Asriel open his mouth to reply to the thought and whapped him on the snout with a knuckle, causing Asriel to squeak.
  135. “Hey!”
  137. “I told you! Stop that.”
  139. Asriel rubbed his snout, his cheeky grin only getting worse. Frisk couldn’t help feeling like a fun new toy, as though everything he did only served to entertain Asriel.
  141. “You would make a fun toy, Frisk. Funny that you’d bring that up, though.”
  143. “I didn’t-! Thoughts do not count!”
  145. “They totally do. You’re flustered, worried about what I’m going to do, and you start thinking like I’m a predator and you’re prey. A plaything. I didn’t put those thoughts in your head, Frisk. You did.”
  147. “That’s not fair. I never asked to be put in this situation!”
  149. “That’s how life is, sometimes. We just have to make the best of our situation.” Asriel reached out and traced a finger along Frisk’s leg, touching the bare skin. Frisk looked at his lap, and then back at Asriel.
  151. “Give me back my clothes, Az.”
  153. “Hmm... Nah. Don’t think I will. I like you better like this.”
  155. Okay, now this was happening. If Asriel wanted to play games, that was fine. Frisk would just not react. He’d get bored eventually, and then maybe he’d stop thinking with his dick and be open to reason again. Maybe after that, they could start working on some kind of escape plan or something. A way out was seeming like the number one priority right now.
  157. Asriel frowned, which was unexpected. He sighed, sitting up. “Really?”
  159. “Really what?”
  161. “You’re still so hung up on that? Why can’t you just enjoy the moment you’re living in, Frisk?”
  163. “I- It’s important, Az. We can’t just-”
  165. “We can, though! I know you like spending time with me, and I like it too. It’s nice to be able to see how you feel, instead of having to guess and worry. Out in the real world, you’re always so closed off and defensive! Why can’t you just forget about the stupid dream thing and enjoy the stupid dream thing instead, for once in your life?”
  167. Frisk opened his mouth to respond and nothing came out. It was important, he was sure. The situation was out of control, unacceptable, they might even be in danger. ...Right?
  169. Very quietly, in the deepest part of Frisk’s mind, he wondered if maybe, it wouldn’t be so bad to just cut loose and enjoy himself for once. They didn’t seem to be in any danger, and of all the mental afflictions to have, shared dreams seemed to be one of the better ones. Besides, this side of Asriel, it was kinda…
  171. Frisk desperately tried not to finish the thought. He tried so hard.
  173. Asriel taking charge like this, being aggressive and dominant, it was kinda hot.
  175. Asriel breathed right into Frisk’s ear. From behind. Frisk blinked in shock as Asriel’s hands crept around his chest and stomach. “All I needed to hear. Just… Relax, ok? I’ll show you how.”
  177. “It’s difficult to relax when you’re teleporting around like the monster in a horror movie.”
  179. “Heh, guilty as charged.” Asriel chuckled, rubbing Frisk’s stomach gently with his hand, causing Frisk to shift on the spot, unconsciously backing into Asriel’s fluffy belly. “Here, maybe this will help.”
  181. Frisk was tempted to push him away. A large part of him was still not really in the mood for this, preoccupied and concerned. But, on the other hand, the rubbing did feel kinda nice.
  183. The other hand started to rub as well, and Asriel pulled Frisk into his lap, showcasing his strength in this form by seeming to do it without any effort. Frisk placed his hands on Asriel’s arms, gripping at his wrists slightly, but he couldn’t quite muster the Determination to pull them off of him. Instead, Frisk leant back against Asriel’s chest, taking a deep breath.
  185. “There we go. Just relax. Doesn’t it feel good, Frisk?”
  187. It did. The gentle touches made him squirm, but not in a bad way. But, at the same time, Frisk had butterflies in his stomach, and he was jittery, on edge.
  189. “Did you wanna talk about it? How you’re feeling, I mean.”
  191. “Why? You seem to be having fun holding both sides of the conversation for me.”
  193. “That doesn’t mean I don’t wanna talk, Frisk.”
  195. Frisk huffed, looking off into the distance. He was glad Asriel couldn’t see him blushing. “Well, I guess… I’m still a little uncomfortable.”
  197. “And what would be causing that? I’m not, uh, poking you, am I?”
  199. Oh god, Asriel’s dick was pressed right against Frisk’s butt. Now he was intimately aware of it.
  201. “No. At least, not until you mentioned it, jerk.” Asriel chuckled as Frisk fought the urge to shift away from it, but, given that they were both naked and Asriel obviously had no intention of letting Frisk go, Frisk would just have to deal with it. “I mean, more like… I dunno, I still feel like I should be doing something more than sitting in your lap.”
  203. “You basically admitted that there’s nothing to be done.”
  205. “Yeah, but that feels like giving up.”
  207. “And what’s wrong with giving up?”
  209. “I don’t do that. Not ever.”
  211. “Well, there’s always a first time.” Asriel’s soothing rubbing stopped, and his snout appeared in the top of Frisk’s vision, resting on top of his head. “Maybe that’s what we’ll do while we’re here.”
  213. “What, give up?”
  215. “Yeah!”
  217. “That doesn’t make any sense, Az. Give up what?”
  219. “Control, obviously. I’m gonna make you give up, for once.”
  221. Frisk blinked, considering this. He was already naked, sitting in Asriel’s lap, begrudgingly accepting a belly rub. It felt good. The idea of letting Asriel take charge evoked some unusual emotions in Frisk. Interest and curiosity. Fear. More than a little lust.
  223. “And what if I say no?”
  225. Asriel chuckled. Frisk could feel it, pressed against his chest as he was. “I can hear your thoughts, Frisk. You can lie to me, to everyone else in the entire world, but you can’t lie to yourself.”
  227. Huh. Frisk pulled at one of Asriel’s hands experimentally, seeing if he could move it. It might as well have been made of steel.
  229. No choice. No control.
  231. Frisk started to panic. It seemed like the reasonable thing to do. Asriel’s arms clamped down on his chest, pinning his hands against his sides. Frisk could barely move, wriggling on the spot, kicking at the air with his legs.
  233. “Az! Stop! Let go of me!”
  235. “Shhh. Shhhhhh. Just relax.”
  237. He didn’t relax. Frisk’s kicking became more frantic, and then was brought to a sudden halt as the darkness reached out and snagged both of his feet, bringing them to the ground and holding them firmly in place. That was a familiar trick. Frisk squirmed on the spot, panting and groaning with the effort to escape Asriel’s hold on him.
  239. Asriel, for his part, waited. It only took a few minutes for Frisk to tire out enough to go limp, his heart still beating a mile a minute, his breath coming in heavy gasps at the exertion and struggling.
  241. “See? Now we can continue talking.”
  243. “Fuck… You… Let me… Go!”
  245. “Maybe I will, later. For now, I just want you to calm down, ok?” Asriel shuffled, lifting Frisk out of his lap and putting him on the ground in front of him. The ground rippled and reached out as Asriel forced Frisk to lie on his back, Frisk squirming in his grip weakly, too tired to do much more. In moments, Frisk was lying on his back, staring up at the stars, pinned in place by the very ground itself. Asriel leaned over the top of his head, smiling down at him.
  247. “Comfy?”
  249. “No!”
  251. “Okay, okay. Hear me out, alright? I’m gonna say my bit, and if you don’t like it, I’ll let you go. Promise.”
  253. Frisk didn’t have much choice in the matter, but he still contrived to look unimpressed. Asriel shrugged, shuffling around besides Frisk and straddling across his stomach. Frisk clenched his fists and tried to wrench them free of the blackness, but there was no give in it. He couldn’t so much as poke Asriel in the butt. Great.
  255. “Alright. So, here’s my proposition. Before I go any further, I want you to tell me to do so.”
  257. “There is no way in hell I’m going to do that.”
  259. “Maybe. Maybe not. The thing is, when I said that I might not offer you a choice, you panicked. But, before you panicked, you did something else. What was that, Frisk?”
  261. Frisk gritted his teeth. Mindreaders. What a pain in the ass.
  263. “I wouldn’t need to be a mind reader if you knew how to talk about your feelings. You felt something else, right?”
  265. Frisk had felt something, alright. No control, no choice. Wrapped in Asriel’s arms, unable to resist. Helpless, vulnerable, open. Unable to escape, or do anything other than moan and whimper. The image and idea had welled up from somewhere deep inside of Frisk, and it had been… Intense. It burned with a passion so hot it was terrifying. How could weakness and vulnerability cause Frisk to feel so… Flustered? Aroused? Needy? It defied logic, it defied experience. Frisk fought with the idea, with all the Determination he had. He’d spent his entire life fighting to be stronger.
  267. And now he wanted to be weak.
  269. “That’s right. You want to know how it feels, right?”
  271. No. Yes. So much. “Az… This is, this is scary…”
  273. Asriel leaned down on top of Frisk, bringing his face right up close. Frisk could only stare at his eyes.
  275. “Do you trust me?”
  277. “Yes.”
  279. “So?”
  281. “...Show me, then.”
  283. The words slipped out, and Frisk tried to regret them and failed. He pulled at the darkness holding him in place and it didn’t budge an inch. Asriel looked pleased, not to mention kinda… Hungry.
  285. Asriel huffed and shifted back a little, parting his lips right in front of Frisk’s face and revealing a black tongue, longer than Frisk remembered. Frisk could only watch as it waved in the air and reached out, touching him on the neck with a sharp, warm wetness. Frisk’s surprised gasp turned into a quiet moan as the tongue trailed up his exposed neck, lightly tickling his chin and creeping around the side of his face. Frisk tried to pull away from it, but couldn’t. Asriel seemed to purr, amused by Frisk’s shifting muscles and the quiet, helpless reaction, leaning back and licking his lips luxuriously.
  287. “Nnnhaah! W-why did-?”
  289. “Because I could. And you couldn’t stop me. If I want to do it, I will, and you have to lie back and enjoy it.”
  291. Frisk could feel the blush rising on his cheeks. It was alarming, how much the idea flustered him. Asriel reached down and put a hand on his chest gently, feeling for his rapidly beating heart. He looked from his hand back to Frisk, who elected to keep his mouth shut. Frisk had said enough damning things today already.
  293. “Oh, you’re definitely not done digging holes for yourself yet. But if you’d prefer, I’ll let you speak in other ways for now.” Asriel put his other hand down on Frisk’s chest, scootching down onto Frisk’s lap in the process. Frisk felt the boss monster’s rear brush up against his raging erection, and winced. Shit.
  295. “Oho!” Asriel chuckled and squirmed on the spot, rubbing himself against it. “That’s interesting. Enjoying yourself, huh?” He ran both hands lightly along Frisk’s chest, trailing fingertips lightly down onto his belly, light enough that it tickled. Frisk couldn’t help but reward him with a squirm, shifting on the spot and biting down on a whimper.
  297. Tickling was the worst. Frisk steadfastly refused to allow anyone to tickle them, ever. It was too intense, it made him curl up and try to get away. But, when it came right down to it, it didn’t exactly feel… Bad.
  299. “Why did I think that.”
  301. “I know why. You want me to go further.” He ran a finger along Frisk’s side, grinning as he felt the soft, pale flesh, the way it jumped and twitched. Frisk made a strangled noise and held onto the laughter, trying to stop it from escaping.
  303. “N-no!”
  305. The sensation was so intense. Frisk wanted more. Asriel waved a hand and the blackness beneath the two of them rippled, gripping at Frisk’s arms and pulling them to the side, exposing his underarms. Frisk whimpered, struggling on the spot, as he felt Asriel’s fingers creep up both sides of his body.
  307. “Ah! Aaah! No no no no no nononoaaaahhhahah!”
  309. Asriel was nice enough to wait for notes of genuine panic and shivering before he relented, laughing all the while at Frisk’s tormented giggling and gasping. Twenty, thirty seconds tops, but it had felt like an eternity. Frisk was drenched in sweat, and felt like he had just run a marathon.
  311. “And yet, you’re smiling.”
  313. “Fuck yourself! Ah, hah… I’m gonna bite the shit out of you if you get near me again!”
  315. “Biting, there’s an idea. You’re just a wealth of ideas and suggestions today, Frisk. I almost feel bad for you, with how much trouble your mouth has gotten you into so far.”
  317. Oh no.
  319. “Fortunately, I can help with that.”
  321. This was going to taste like payback. Last time, it had seemed like such a cute idea.
  323. “Last time, yes. If I recall correctly, you wanted me gagged.” Asriel reached out and brushed at Frisk’s lips with a finger. Frisk clenched his jaws. Nuh uh, no way.
  325. “So defiant still! Fine, perhaps I will change things a little. I tire of teasing, anyway. I want the rest of you all at once, I think.”
  327. Asriel went to get up, thought twice about it, and then simply floated up into the air above Frisk. He pointed, and Frisk’s heart raced as the darkness beneath him lurched and shifted once more, this time wrapping itself around his wrists and ankles and pulling him bodily out of the muck. Frisk pulled and struggled as he was lifted , but couldn’t muster the strength to fight back, ending up hanging from both wrists above his head with his feet tethered to the ground still. He couldn’t see where the strand of darkness above him was attached to, and Frisk was beginning to think it didn’t matter. Asriel floated down in front of Frisk and admired him, eyes lingering on Frisk’s throbbing shame, taking particular note of the multiple droplets of pre that had run down the sides of it while Frisk had been on his back.
  329. “Even while helpless, you can’t help but worship. Luckily, I accept all tribute.”
  331. Not this shit again. God help us all, he was getting into… Character.
  333. “Yes… A God. Your God.”
  335. Despite the situation, Frisk couldn’t roll his eyes hard enough. That was a mistake, because he didn’t see Asriel move until it was too late, as he grasped Frisk’s cock firmly in one hand. Frisk gasped and went to protest, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Asriel slipped two fingers inside of it, pressing them down on his tongue.
  337. Liquorice. Why is it always liquorice.
  339. Frisk moaned, tried to bite, to protest. He squirmed on the spot, pulled on the bonds holding him in place. Asriel squeezed at his length, giving it a firm rub from tip to base, causing Frisk to arch his back and moan, his toes curling in midair. He tried to swallow at the black taste in his mouth and it only became more intense.
  341. “Mmm. Yes, this will do. Now, one last touch…”
  343. Asriel pulled his fingers out of Frisk’s mouth, trailing a thin black strand behind them. It looked depressingly familiar. Sure enough, Frisk felt the stuff moving inside his mouth, expanding and filling it from the inside, trapping his tongue and leaving him huffing through his nose, tossing his head back and forth. It reached around the back of his head and pulled close, so he couldn’t spit it out.
  345. “Mmmhmm!”
  347. Asriel just chuckled, showing off his fangs. In another light, they were cute. Now, they looked dangerously sharp.
  349. “I’ll be gentle, then.” Asriel let go of Frisk’s junk, touching Frisk’s unprotected midriff and trailing a finger around it as he floated in a lazy circle around Frisk, sliding out of sight of his peripheral vision. Suddenly, all Frisk could see was darkness and the stars, still sparkling like new.
  351. There was a small moment of calm.
  353. Asriel bit down on his shoulder. It was not gentle. Frisk groaned, squirming on the spot, but Asriel just chuckled around the mouthful of human and slipped one hand around Frisk’s front, holding him lightly. The other hand was busy, Frisk could feel movement in a place that made him both apprehensive, and despite it all, excited. Something warm and slick pressed gently into the small of his back. Oh fuck, it was bigger than he remembered. Asriel shifted and Frisk felt a fingertip caress him right on the pucker, causing him to jump. It was slick, gentle, but persistent. Frisk felt the bite press a little harder, the hand on his chest groping him a little, Frisk whimpering and squirming on the spot with a fresh bead of arousal running down the underside of his dick as the fingertip gently squirmed its way inside of him.
  355. “Mmm.” Asriel pulled away from the bite, and Frisk could see black saliva running down his chest. “You’re like an instrument, Frisk. Just waiting to be played, and it’s music to my ears.” Frisk managed a groan, although it was probably more from lust than disapproval. Halfway through, Asriel pushed his finger in a little deeper, pressing right into Frisk’s prostate. It was obviously intentional, causing Frisk to give a high pitched squeak, cutting off his own groan. Asshole.
  357. “I do love that sound. I love everything about this, Frisk. You’re so focused on the here and now, on what kind of pleasure or torment I’ll inflict next. I never see this side of you, only glimpses in your most vulnerable moments. Your pleasure tastes as wonderful as your fear, and all I want is more. Luckily for the both of us, right now…” Asriel’s snout appeared in Frisk’s vision again. “I get exactly what I want.”
  359. Delicately, Asriel bit Frisk on the ear. Those were sensitive at the best of times, but strung out on hormones and lust like this, already overstimulated, it was like delicious torture. He started nibbling, gently, and Frisk squirmed and squealed, frantically trying to escape it. He didn’t even notice the finger slipping out of him, not until Asriel grasped his sides firmly with both hands and pressed his cockhead right up against Frisk’s butt.
  361. It was a dream. that was important to remember. Frisk was pretty sure it was impossible to actually get injured here. That was only a small comfort as Asriel forced his way inside of him, so large that Frisk felt like he was going to break in half.
  363. “Mmmm!”
  365. “Unnnngh. So tight today. Good.” Asriel harrumphed, deep in his chest, and Frisk could feel his small shiver as he hilted himself without hesitation. Memory and previous experience dictated that this should hurt like a motherfucker, and yet, Frisk felt himself pressing back against Asriel and whoever was moaning out of his mouth sounded like they were having the time of their lives. It definitely hurt, but also, god it felt amazing. The fullness, the deep heat, stretching him out. He was drenched in sweat and aching to touch himself, his hands still caught in Asriel’s black web.
  367. “Soon. When I decide, then you may cum. But, first…”
  369. Frisk had been expecting Asriel to go for it, now that they were finally right where he wanted them both. That’s why, when Asriel instead bit back down on his ear, he let out the girliest moan yet, which abruptly transitioned to frantic giggling and squirming as his thrice damned fingers went to work along Frisk’s unprotected sides. Asriel thrummed again, enjoying the way Frisk’s insides twitched and clenched as he wriggled in his grip, tormenting his prey for just one last, delicious moment, before the boss monster finally took it upon himself to finish the task at hand, not bothering to give Frisk a moment to recover and catch his breath before gripping at his hips, pushing him away slightly and then sliding his length all the way back in firmly. Frisk gave a hoarse groan, hanging limply from his wrists and drenched in sweat, trying to focus on his breathing. Turns out, focusing on your breathing was difficult when your boyfriend was determined to keep you reeling. Asriel settled into an uptempo rhythm, each of his thrusts causing Frisk to arch his back and groan, the pressing against his prostate sending electric sparks up his spine, his own sadly neglected cock throbbing and dripping with need as it bounced almost comically in front of him, Asriel’s ministrations slowly but surely increasing in intensity.
  371. For all his talk and teasing, it was apparent that Asriel had also been feeling the effects of his extended foreplay. His breath was already ragged, and Frisk could feel Asriel’s heart beating against his back, the boss monster shifting closer and pressing his chest against him, wrapping both arms tightly around Frisk’s chest as he adjusted the angle and pressed himself ever deeper inside of Frisk, each hump now accompanied by a lewd, wet noise as Frisk was thoroughly ravaged.
  373. The new angle was somehow, even better but even worse. Asriel ground himself against Frisk with each hilting, causing his cock to alternate between sharp thrusts and hard rubbing against Frisk’s most sensitive spot, and it was all Frisk could do to remain conscious. It was sharp, hot, almost blinding pleasure, it felt like he was on the cusp of cuming without even touching himself, it was so intense he almost wanted to blackout to escape it. Frisk whimpered, squirmed, slathered around the gag, his own drool running down his chin, unable to so much as focus his eyes. Asriel made a strangled sounding noise and pressed himself as deep as he could go, shaking with the strain, and another, new sensation flooded Frisk’s awareness, that of hot, thick cum, what felt like a dozen pulses of it, each nearly burning hot against his now thoroughly routed insides. Frisk’s high pitched whimpers died off into exhausted panting to match Asriel’s, and for a moment, that was all he heard. The weight of the boss monster, leaning on him, his warmth, it felt good, soothing.
  375. And then, gradually, Frisk saw one hand creep down his front. He could only manage a tiny groan, without even the strength to squirm, as it slowly slipped around his shaft and squeezed, causing him to arch back and shiver.
  377. “N-now… Cum for me, Frisk.”
  379. Asriel was still inside of Frisk, pressing against all the right places. His hand was warm and soft, and well practiced. It took mere moments for Asriel to stroke Frisk right to the edge, taking a moment to clench in just the right spot or rub under his cusp, Frisk’s breathing becoming shallow and rapid as he hovered right on the edge. Frisk couldn’t see it, but he could feel Asriel’s exhausted but satisfied smile as he stopped, holding his hand away for just one last moment of anticipation, leaving Frisk shaking with need, before moving in for the kill, pumping Frisk’s length as hard as he dared. Frisk gave a long, loud moan, leaning back against Asriel as he came as hard as he ever remembered, each squirt of his cum spiraling off into the darkness until he clenched his eyes shut, starting to wriggle in Asriel’s grip. He wasn’t stopping, he was overstimulating Frisk, drawing the orgasm out longer and longer, Frisk’s wriggling turned to struggling as his moans became high pitched whimpers of distress, Asriel only stopping when Frisk had entirely shot his load and was shivering, hanging against him helplessly.
  381. Frisk closed his eyes.
  383. ***
  385. “Hey, hey.”
  387. Frisk made a grumpy noise and rolled over.
  389. “C’mon, wake up.”
  391. “Mmno.”
  393. “Yes, there’s time for sleeping later. This is a little meta for me, honestly. I don’t think you actually need to sleep in a dream.”
  395. Frisk sat bolt upright in the ‘bed’. The thin layer of blackness that passed for a comforter pooled in their lap. Asriel was sitting on the bed, cross legged, looking a little worn out but much less, uh, dominant. He looked more concerned than anything. That was a relief. And only the tiniest, smallest amount of disappointing.
  397. He smirked. Frisk punched him in the snout, but only a little. He sprawled theatrically on the bed, holding it with both hands
  399. “By nodse!”
  401. “I told you to stop reading my mind, damn it.” Frisk rubbed their knuckles and looked from them to their wrists. No marks, no traces of blackness. That was a relief.
  403. Asriel peeked out from under his hands, all playful grin and no shame. At least he was wearing clothes now, although a plain t-shirt that was a little too small and some tighty whiteys was stretching the definition of ‘clothes’ a little. Frisk was wearing pajamas, purple with little white delta runes patterned on it. They suspected Asriel owned a pair just like it. Frisk took a steadying breath as Asriel clambered his way upright and sat on the bed again.
  405. “So… You okay?”
  407. That was a question with a lot to unpack. Frisk had been to a lot of new ground today, which was unusual even by the standards of Asriel’s magic dream escapades. Unfamiliar sensations, new feelings, confusing and actively conflicting desires. The memory of helpless squirming. For now, Frisk settled on a nod.
  409. “Yeah, I think so.”
  411. “You’re not angry at me?”
  413. Frisk sighed. “I would have liked to have been consulted a little more beforehand, but… I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t fun. Interesting, at least.”
  415. “See? Trust. And you haven’t been thinking about being trapped here in ages!”
  417. Asriel and Frisk looked at each other for a moment.
  419. “Oh, whoops. Sorry about that.”
  421. “It’s fine. You haven’t stopped being right, not much we can do about it now. Let’s just… Rest for a bit, for now. We’ll wake up eventually, but for now, this bed you made is kinda comfy. And, I notice, a kingsize.”
  423. Asriel shrugged. “Royal family, and we grow up big. I can’t help what I’m used to.”
  425. “Well, at least there’s room for the both of us. Now get over here.”
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