

Apr 18th, 2019
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XML 23.43 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 18.04 18:33:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  2. 18.04 18:33:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Добро               *
  3. 18.04 18:33:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *пожаловать          *
  4. 18.04 18:33:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  5. 18.04 18:33:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  6. 18.04 18:33:25 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] eventControlKey: ControlKey [scanCode=27, command=kbdCancel]
  7. 18.04 18:33:25 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] eventControlKey: ControlKey [scanCode=27, command=kbdCancel]
  8. 18.04 18:33:25 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] eventControlKey: ControlKey [scanCode=27, command=kbdCancel]
  9. 18.04 18:33:28 INFO  [TransferManager] Nothing yet not processed on server to resend
  10. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] eventControlKey: ControlKey [scanCode=10, command=kbdEnter]
  11. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] TP searchProduct 515151
  12. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [CatalogService] Get product by item '515151' result null
  13. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [CatalogService] getGoodsByBarCode barcode = 515151
  14. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [CatalogService] get product by barcode '515151' result: null
  15. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods: dataFinder.getProductByBarcode, barcode = 515151 time = 3 ms
  16. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods#getGoodsByBarCode, barcode = 515151 time = 3 ms
  17. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [SpeedLog] searchProduct time  time = 4 ms
  18. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [SCService] entering isEnabled()
  19. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [SCService] leaving isEnabled(). the result is: true
  20. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [SCService] entering isSmChCoupon(String). The argument is: "515151"
  21. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [SCService] leaving isSmChCoupon(String). The result is: false
  22. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] entering isEnabled()
  23. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] leaving isEnabled(). the result is: true
  24. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] entering isMlCoupon(String). The argument is: "515151"
  25. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] leaving isMlCoupon(String). The result is: false
  26. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] entering isEnabled()
  27. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] leaving isEnabled(). the result is: true
  28. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] entering isMlCard(String, boolean). The argument are: "515151"
  29. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] leaving isMlCard(String, boolean). The result is: false
  30. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [RegistryImpl] Subscription URLs of module CARDS:
  31.     JNP : jnp://
  32.     HTTP :
  33. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [RegistryImpl] Try register SubscriptionURL - CARDS : JNP:jnp://
  34. 18.04 18:33:32 INFO  [RegistryImpl] Try register SubscriptionURL - CARDS : HTTP:
  35. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [TechProcessImpl] entering applyClientRequisites(ClientEntity). The argument is: holder [ClientEntity [id=86829; guid=86829; deleted=false]]
  36. 18.04 18:33:32 TRACE [TechProcessImpl] leaving applyClientRequisites(ClientEntity). Cash template prohibits usage of personal-sensitive data to send e-receipt to a card-ho;der
  37. 18.04 18:33:32 ERROR [ExternalEncryptedEventPacket] Thread-45   Ошибка расшифровки пакета
  38. Unwrapping failed
  39.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineUnwrap(
  40.     at javax.crypto.Cipher.unwrap(
  41.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalPacketCipher.encryptAesKey(
  42.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalPacketCipher.decode(
  43.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalEncryptedEventPacket.parseEvent(
  44.     at ru.crystals.pos.emulator.prisma.PrismaEmulatorRunnable.decodePacket(
  45.     at ru.crystals.pos.emulator.prisma.PrismaEmulatorRunnable.readBytes(
  46.     at
  47.     at
  48. Caused by: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Decryption error
  49.     at
  50.     at
  51.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.doFinal(
  52.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineUnwrap(
  53.     ... 8 more
  54. 18.04 18:33:40 INFO  [TransferManager] Nothing yet not processed on server to resend
  55. 18.04 18:33:41 DEBUG [TechProcessImpl] Server online mode
  56. 18.04 18:33:42 INFO  [CommonLogger] Starting cleaning. All log records older than 18 января 2019 18:33:42 will be deleted.
  57. 18.04 18:33:42 INFO  [CommonLogger] Cleaning done.
  58. 18.04 18:33:43 INFO  [CashConfigurationUpdateChecker] Current status: IN_WORK
  59. 18.04 18:33:43 INFO  [CashConfigurationUpdateChecker] Received patches list: []
  60. 18.04 18:33:43 INFO  [CashConfigurationUpdateChecker] isNeedWaitUpdateCommand: false
  61. 18.04 18:33:43 INFO  [CashConfigurationUpdateChecker] sleepInt(60000)
  62. 18.04 18:33:52 INFO  [TransferManager] Nothing yet not processed on server to resend
  63. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [TransferManager] OD found 0 documents to register
  64. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [DocumentSender] OD found 0 transactions to register
  65. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [DocumentSender] response message = Created
  66. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [TransferManager] Send document status : 111 > WAIT_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT            file name : 61/Document_20190418183355_843_7103_61.ser
  67. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [CheckService] SetSentToServerStatus : 111 > WAIT_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT file name : 61/Document_20190418183355_843_7103_61.ser
  68. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [DocumentSender] document 61/Document_20190418183355_843_7103_61.ser has been registered
  69. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [TransferManager] Send document status : 111 > SENT            file name : 61/Document_20190418183355_843_7103_61.ser
  70. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [CheckService] SetSentToServerStatus : 111 > SENT file name : 61/Document_20190418183355_843_7103_61.ser
  71. 18.04 18:33:55 INFO  [DocumentSender] OD found 0 payment transactions
  72. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] eventControlKey: ControlKey [scanCode=10, command=kbdEnter]
  73. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] TP searchProduct 00515
  74. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [CatalogService] Get product by item '00515' result ProductPieceEntity[name=Пряник яблочный сочный (Россия), item=00515]
  75. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [SpeedLog] getProductRestrictions  time = 1 ms
  76. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [SpeedLog] searchProduct time  time = 3 ms
  77. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [SpeedLog] (CHECK_CONTAINER) show product container time = 0,009 sec; average speed = 0,106 sec; position test num = 3.0; product item 00515; <9>
  78. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [CommonLogger] busy = false
  79. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] Screen updated:
  80. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  81. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Пряник яблоч 1 68.18*
  82. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Итого          68.18*
  83. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  84. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  85. 18.04 18:33:56 ERROR [ExternalEncryptedEventPacket] Thread-45   Ошибка расшифровки пакета
  86. Unwrapping failed
  87.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineUnwrap(
  88.     at javax.crypto.Cipher.unwrap(
  89.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalPacketCipher.encryptAesKey(
  90.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalPacketCipher.decode(
  91.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalEncryptedEventPacket.parseEvent(
  92.     at ru.crystals.pos.emulator.prisma.PrismaEmulatorRunnable.decodePacket(
  93.     at ru.crystals.pos.emulator.prisma.PrismaEmulatorRunnable.readBytes(
  94.     at
  95.     at
  96. Caused by: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Decryption error
  97.     at
  98.     at
  99.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.doFinal(
  100.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineUnwrap(
  101.     ... 8 more
  102. 18.04 18:33:56 ERROR [ExternalEncryptedEventPacket] Thread-45   Ошибка расшифровки пакета
  103. Unwrapping failed
  104.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineUnwrap(
  105.     at javax.crypto.Cipher.unwrap(
  106.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalPacketCipher.encryptAesKey(
  107.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalPacketCipher.decode(
  108.     at ru.crystals.pos.prismabridge.external.ExternalEncryptedEventPacket.parseEvent(
  109.     at ru.crystals.pos.emulator.prisma.PrismaEmulatorRunnable.decodePacket(
  110.     at ru.crystals.pos.emulator.prisma.PrismaEmulatorRunnable.readBytes(
  111.     at
  112.     at
  113. Caused by: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Decryption error
  114.     at
  115.     at
  116.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.doFinal(
  117.     at com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher.engineUnwrap(
  118.     ... 8 more
  119. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] TechProcess add position id: null; number: 1; item: 00515; type: ProductPieceEntity; count: 1000; sum: 6818; sumDiscount: 0; dateTime: (NULL); num-in-original: null
  120. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [SpeedLog] TP addPosition time = 13 ms
  121. 18.04 18:33:56 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] eventFunctionKey: FunctionKey [scanCode=32, command=kbdSubtotal]
  122. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [CommonLogger] busy = true
  123. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [TechProcessImpl] Start warn divide alco
  124. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [TechProcessImpl] End warn devide alco
  125. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] goToDiscounts
  126. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [LoyalBridgeServiceImpl] --------------- begin discount calculation ---------------
  127. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] getFactoryNum
  128. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] FactoryNum = 00000710361
  129. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] getRegNum
  130. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] RegNum = NFM.7103.61.0.1555581765687
  131. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] getEklzNum
  132. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] EklzNum = f2ad86f4-4c2e-428a-bdfe-5cf1dd35d726
  133. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] getVerBios
  134. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] VerBios = 27
  135. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] Screen updated:
  136. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  137. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Пряник яблоч 1 68.18*
  138. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Итого          68.18*
  139. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  140. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  141. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [LoyalProductFinder] Time finding items (1) = 2 ms
  142. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [LoyalProductsConverter] Time searching loyal goods for 1 productItems = 6 ms
  143. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [LoyalCalculatorConverter] Time converting 1 positions = 0 ms
  144. 18.04 18:33:57 WARN  [LoyaltyRestrictionsServiceImpl] checkRestrictions: no limits received
  145. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [DoProcessing] ============ LoyalCalculation: doDiscount start ============
  146. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [DoProcessing] GeneralInteractionMethod: MAXIMUM_DISCOUNT
  147. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [DoProcessing] ============ LoyalCalculation: doDiscount success ============
  148. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] entering doDiscount(Receipt). The argument is: ru.crystals.api.commons.ReceiptPurchaseWrapper@15b3934
  149. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] entering readProperties(IntegrationProperties, Logger)
  150. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] getUrlProperty: the "secondary.calc.url" is not set
  151. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] leaving readProperties(IntegrationProperties, Logger). The result is: LoyPluginEmulatorProperties{primaryCalcUrl=, secondaryCalcUrl=null, feedbackUrl=, connectionTimeout=1000, readTimeout=1000, cardProcessingId='null'}; it took 0 [ms]
  152. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] entering makeCalcCalls(List, EmulatorReceipt). The arguments are: urls: [], emulatorReceipt: emul-receipt [card: null; positions: [emul-pos [no: 1; marking: "00515"; qnty: 1000; sum: 6818; min-sum: 0; discountable: true]]]
  153. 18.04 18:33:57 ERROR [ConnectionEmulatorUtils] toString(XmlEmulatorException): the argument is null
  154. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] leaving makeCalcCalls(List, EmulatorReceipt). The result is: emul-loy-result [discounts: []; limit: null; taken-into-account: null]; it took 40 [ms]
  155. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] leaving doDiscount(Receipt). The result is: LoyaltyResult{discounts=null, bonusWriteOffsLimits=null, bonusesTakenIntoAccount=null, bonusAccrualResults=null, printDocuments=null, messagesToCashier=null, extendedAttributeMap=null}; it took 41 [ms]
  156. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] entering getMlCardNo(Purchase). The argument is: Purchase:[number=6;dateCreate=2019-04-18 18:33:32.095;operationType=true;checkSum=6818;discount=0]
  157. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] leaving getMlCardNo(Purchase). The result is: null
  158. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] entering getMlCouponNo(PurchaseEntity). The argument is: Purchase:[number=6;dateCreate=2019-04-18 18:33:32.095;operationType=true;checkSum=6818;discount=0]
  159. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] leaving getMlCouponNo(PurchaseEntity). The result is: null
  160. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] entering isEnabled()
  161. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] leaving isEnabled(). the result is: true
  162. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] entering calcDiscount(Purchase). The argument is: Purchase:[number=6;dateCreate=2019-04-18 18:33:32.095;operationType=true;checkSum=6818;discount=0]
  163. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] Send request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  164. <ChequeRequest xmlns="" ChequeType="Soft">
  165.     <RequestID>1555601612095</RequestID>
  166.     <Card>
  167.         <CardNumber>515151</CardNumber>
  168.     </Card>
  169.     <DateTime>2019-04-18T18:33:57.340+03:00</DateTime>
  170.     <POS>61</POS>
  171.     <Number>1555601612095</Number>
  172.     <Summ>68.18</Summ>
  173.     <Discount>0.000</Discount>
  174.     <SummDiscounted>68.18</SummDiscounted>
  175.     <Item>
  176.         <PositionNumber>1</PositionNumber>
  177.         <Article>00515</Article>
  178.         <ArticleName>Пряник яблочный сочный (Россия)</ArticleName>
  179.         <Price>68.18</Price>
  180.         <Quantity>1.000</Quantity>
  181.         <Summ>68.18</Summ>
  182.         <Discount>0.000</Discount>
  183.         <SummDiscounted>68.18</SummDiscounted>
  184.     </Item>
  185. </ChequeRequest>
  187. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] entering getServices()
  188. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] getting services (IN MEMORY)
  189. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] leaving getServices(). The result size is: 2
  190. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] Received response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  191. <ChequeRequestResponce xmlns="">
  192.     <RequestID>1555601612095</RequestID>
  193.     <Processed>2019-04-18T18:33:57.344+03:00</Processed>
  194.     <ReturnCode>0</ReturnCode>
  195.     <CashierMessageTO>0</CashierMessageTO>
  196.     <Summ>68.18</Summ>
  197.     <Discount>0.000</Discount>
  198.     <SummDiscounted>68.18</SummDiscounted>
  199.     <Item>
  200.         <PositionNumber>1</PositionNumber>
  201.         <Article>00515</Article>
  202.         <ArticleName>Пряник яблочный сочный (Россия)</ArticleName>
  203.         <Price>68.18</Price>
  204.         <MinPrice>0</MinPrice>
  205.         <Quantity>1.000</Quantity>
  206.         <Summ>68.18</Summ>
  207.         <Discount>0.000</Discount>
  208.         <SummDiscounted>68.18</SummDiscounted>
  209.     </Item>
  210. </ChequeRequestResponce>
  212. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCReceiptConverter] ml discounts: {position-key [marking: 00515; original-price: 6818]=0}
  213. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCReceiptConverter] it was inferred that no SC POS discounts were given on position [key: position-key [marking: 00515; original-price: 6818]]: SC discount value is: 0
  214. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SCService] leaving calcDiscount(Purchase). The result is: Purchase:[number=null;dateCreate=(NULL);operationType=null;checkSum=6818;discount=0]; it took 16 [ms]
  215. 18.04 18:33:57 DEBUG [LoymaxUtils] Loymax request:
  216. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><XMLRequest><Version>3.2</Version><Calculates><CalculateRequest PurchaseID="71030611555601637356" OperationID="1b3bea79e3dd4f31a9f711300cdd0c91" OperationDate="2019-04-18T18:33:57.356+03:00" ElementID="1"><Cheque ChequeDate="2019-04-18T18:33:32.095+03:00"><ChequeLine PosID="132" Amount="68.18" Name="Пряник яблочный сочный (Россия)" GoodsId="00515" Price="68.18" Quantity="1.000"/></Cheque></CalculateRequest></Calculates></XMLRequest>
  218. 18.04 18:33:57 ERROR [ConnectionEmulatorUtils] toString(XmlEmulatorException): the argument is null
  219. 18.04 18:33:57 DEBUG [LoymaxUtils] Loymax response:
  220. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><XMLResponse><ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode><Calculates><CalculateResponse AvailableAmount="68.18" AvailableBonusAmount="0" ErrorCode="0"><Cheque ChequeDate="2019-04-18T18:33:32.095+03:00"><ChequeLine PosID="132" Amount="68.18" Name="Пряник яблочный сочный (Россия)" GoodsId="00515" Price="68.18" Quantity="1.000" Discount="0"/></Cheque></CalculateResponse></Calculates></XMLResponse>
  222. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SMServiceImpl] entering calcDiscount(Purchase, long, long, ILoyTechProcess). receipt-id: 113; action-guid: 1890143020
  223. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SMServiceEmulator] entering getCurrentOffers(String, String). The arguments are: authHeader [Bearer MB>B B>:5= 25G5=], clientGUID [{"clientIdentifier":{"type":"GUID","id":"86829"},"timeZoneId":"Europe/Moscow"}]
  224. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SMServiceEmulator] entering getDelay(long, XmlRequestTypeEnum). The arguments are: guid [86829], requestType [OFFERS]
  225. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [SMServiceEmulator] reading SM-base...
  226. 18.04 18:33:57 DEBUG [SMServiceEmulator] The array a XmlSmBase object to be extracted from is neither empty nor null - its length is: 12627
  227. 18.04 18:33:57 DEBUG [SMServiceEmulator] Unmarshalling was complete successfully!
  228. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SMServiceEmulator] leaving getDelay(long, XmlRequestTypeEnum). The result is: 500
  229. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SMServiceEmulator] No need to throw an exception for [holder-guid: 86829; request-type: OFFERS]
  230. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SMServiceEmulator] leaving getCurrentOffers(String, String)
  231. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SMServiceImpl] SM-offers received: offers-container [client-guid: "86829"; offers: []]
  232. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SetMachineCalculator] entering applyDiscount(OfferDTO, Purchase). The arguments are: discount [offers-container [client-guid: "86829"; offers: []]], receipt [Purchase:[number=6;dateCreate=2019-04-18 18:33:32.095;operationType=true;checkSum=6818;discount=0]], actionGuid [1890143020]
  233. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SetMachineCalculator] leaving applyDiscount(OfferDTO, Purchase): no offers
  234. 18.04 18:33:57 TRACE [SMServiceImpl] leaving calcDiscount(Purchase, long, long, ILoyTechProcess). It took 588 [ms]
  235. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [DoProcessing] ============ LoyalCalculation: doDiscount start ============
  236. 18.04 18:33:57 INFO  [DoProcessing] GeneralInteractionMethod: MAXIMUM_DISCOUNT
  237. 18.04 18:33:57 WARN  [AdvancedMessagesActionResult] Calculator returns empty result. Do not generate slips or messages
  238. 18.04 18:33:57 WARN  [AdvancedMessagesActionResult] Calculator returns empty result. Do not generate slips or messages
  239. 18.04 18:33:57 WARN  [AdvancedMessagesActionResult] Calculator returns empty result. Do not generate slips or messages
  240. 18.04 18:33:57 WARN  [AdvancedMessagesActionResult] Calculator returns empty result. Do not generate slips or messages
  241. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [DoProcessing] ============ LoyalCalculation: doDiscount success ============
  242. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [DoProcessing] ============ LoyalCalculation: doDiscount start ============
  243. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [DoProcessing] GeneralInteractionMethod: MAXIMUM_DISCOUNT
  244. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [DoProcessing] ============ LoyalCalculation: doDiscount success ============
  245. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [SetApiPluginLoyProvider] Plugin "ru.crystals.loy.plugin.emulator" does not do post discount tuning
  246. 18.04 18:33:58 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] entering getMlCardNo(Purchase). The argument is: Purchase:[number=6;dateCreate=2019-04-18 18:33:32.095;operationType=true;checkSum=6818;discount=0]
  247. 18.04 18:33:58 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] leaving getMlCardNo(Purchase). The result is: null
  248. 18.04 18:33:58 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] entering getMlCouponNo(PurchaseEntity). The argument is: Purchase:[number=6;dateCreate=2019-04-18 18:33:32.095;operationType=true;checkSum=6818;discount=0]
  249. 18.04 18:33:58 TRACE [MLServiceImpl] leaving getMlCouponNo(PurchaseEntity). The result is: null
  250. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [LoyalServiceImpl] Discount calculation (Purchase #6; Positions: 1
  251. 18.04 18:33:58 WARN  [LoyalServiceImpl] extractNonDiscountRelatedFields: the argument is NULL! Null will be returned!
  252. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [LoyalBridgeServiceImpl] Total time of discount calculation = 1030 ms
  253. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [LoyalBridgeServiceImpl] ---------------- end discount calculation ----------------
  254. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [SpeedLog] TechProcess discounts processing on cheque with 1 positions [sale] time = 1045 ms
  255. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CommonLogger] value = 0
  256. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] Screen updated:
  257. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  258. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Скидка          0.00*
  259. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Итого          68.18*
  260. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  261. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  262. 18.04 18:33:58 TRACE [TechProcessImpl] Start warn divide amount
  263. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] goToPayments
  264. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CheckContainer] startPayments() surcharge = 6818
  265. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CheckContainer] isPaymentComplete = false
  266. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CheckContainer] prevState = ADD_POSITION
  267. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CheckContainer] paid = 0
  268. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CheckContainer] surcharge = 6818
  269. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CheckContainer] getPaymentFiscalizeError = NONE
  270. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CheckContainer] Current payment container is
  271. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CommonLogger] busy = false
  272. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [SpeedLog] (SUBTOTAL) time = 1,102;
  273. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [CommonLogger] busy = false
  274. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] Screen updated:
  275. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  276. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Скидка          0.00*
  277. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Итого          68.18*
  278. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  279. 18.04 18:33:58 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  280. 18.04 18:34:04 INFO  [TransferManager] Nothing yet not processed on server to resend
  281. 18.04 18:34:04 INFO  [DocumentSender] ping = true
  282. 18.04 18:34:11 DEBUG [TechProcessImpl] Server online mode
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