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Jul 11th, 2016
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  1. [09.07.2016 00:52:51] K'Hara|Nemesis: **.. Other "Human-kin" greets 'ours' (amusement) ..**
  2. [09.07.2016 00:54:37] Chief: well this is interesting
  3. [09.07.2016 00:54:37] K'Hara|Nemesis: **.. -Many- "Human-kin" draw to ~this~ void ..**
  4. [09.07.2016 00:54:52] R~LH~Patrice: "Lets see.. Something i dont trust, something i dont trust at all.. And 2 people that i have no idea if they are trustworthy."
  5. [09.07.2016 00:54:55] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: I order that you leave the area at once. Or I will open fire. The Nomads are not welcome in Liberty space.
  6. [09.07.2016 00:55:24] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: Everyone loves the Zoners, except the Core
  7. [09.07.2016 00:55:36] R~LH~Patrice: "See here, the Navy. Polite as always."
  8. [09.07.2016 00:55:40] K'Hara|Nemesis: **{ You'd all her a snarking laugh, yet the voice was one that was still relaxed }**
  9. [09.07.2016 00:55:58] K'Hara|Nemesis: *.. (Amusement) 'yours' ~dare~ threaten 'ours' ..*
  10. [09.07.2016 00:56:18] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: Ready to attack if necessary.
  11. [09.07.2016 00:56:58] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: Hey Navy Flyboy, just know I watched another like that one kill two pilots earlier today, it took a fleet of battleships
  12. [09.07.2016 00:57:02] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: to drive it off
  13. [09.07.2016 00:57:18] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: Interesting.
  14. [09.07.2016 00:57:22] Death: [DSE]Retslife.Sheppard was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  15. [09.07.2016 00:57:22] R~LH~Patrice: "Reallly?"
  16. [09.07.2016 00:57:40] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: Watched it with my own two eyes
  17. [09.07.2016 00:58:04] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: It is my duty to protect Liberty from threats like this Nomad vessel. Preparing to engage.
  18. [09.07.2016 00:58:15] K'Hara|Nemesis: *Unlike the other form earlier, this one seems to be much more understanding of what it faced, several unknown spikes reaching
  19. [09.07.2016 00:58:20] K'Hara|Nemesis: around the form was it gets engaged*
  20. [09.07.2016 00:58:27] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: Going in.
  21. [09.07.2016 00:58:48] R~LH~Patrice: "This should be interesting."
  22. [09.07.2016 00:59:16] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: *lights a cig* I've got 250k on the nomad killing at least one of them
  23. [09.07.2016 00:59:37] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: Oh, I thought you were going in to Chief
  24. [09.07.2016 00:59:40] R~LH~Patrice: "Bets are on, gents."
  25. [09.07.2016 00:59:49] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: *chuckles*
  26. [09.07.2016 00:59:59] R~LH~Patrice: I got 100k and a donut on the Navy."
  27. [09.07.2016 01:00:01] Chief: well If the Navy asks for assistance, I will
  28. [09.07.2016 01:00:19] R~LH~Patrice: "To keep it interesting."
  29. [09.07.2016 01:01:48] K'Hara|Nemesis: *What arched from the arms of the creature seemed like something only from a movie, almost in the form of ion lighting bolts
  30. [09.07.2016 01:01:52] K'Hara|Nemesis: striking out*
  31. [09.07.2016 01:02:16] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: *pulls out his long range viewfinder* They look pretty evenly matched so far
  32. [09.07.2016 01:02:17] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: Stand by chief
  33. [09.07.2016 01:04:21] K'Hara|Nemesis: **.. "Yours" -leave- and ~survives~ (annoyance) ..**
  34. [09.07.2016 01:04:28] Death: Encelades was put out of action by Ryan.O'Doyle (Missile/Torpedo).
  35. [09.07.2016 01:06:50] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: Chief, you are authorized to assist. Let's take him down.
  36. [09.07.2016 01:06:58] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
  37. [09.07.2016 01:06:58] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
  38. [09.07.2016 01:07:01] K'Hara|Nemesis: **.. (amusement) ..**
  39. [09.07.2016 01:07:05] Chief: Roger that, engaging
  40. [09.07.2016 01:07:06] R~LH~Patrice: "Now that isnt very fair."
  41. [09.07.2016 01:07:27] R~LH~Patrice: "Dont be a pansy officer, be a man."
  42. [09.07.2016 01:07:42] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: That means nothing to me
  43. [09.07.2016 01:07:55] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: Protecting Liberty is my first priority,
  44. [09.07.2016 01:07:58] R~LH~Patrice: "So you arent a man? Interesting."
  45. [09.07.2016 01:08:10] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino: Intersting interpretation of what I said.
  46. [09.07.2016 01:08:19] R~LH~Patrice: "Anyone interested in a game of guess the gender?"
  47. [09.07.2016 01:14:39] R/V-Okeanos.Explorer: James: Well, let me know how it ends, I have a conference meeting I need to attend
  48. [09.07.2016 01:14:56] K'Hara|Nemesis: **.. "Yours" -may- still ~leave~ (foolish) ..**
  49. [09.07.2016 01:14:58] R~LH~Patrice: "I will."
  50. [09.07.2016 01:15:22] 2016-07-09 01:15:28 SMT Traffic control alert: R/V-Okeanos.Explorer has requested to dock
  51. [09.07.2016 01:18:11] Death: James."HELLFIRE".Rascal was put out of action by Ryan,_O`connor (Missile/Torpedo).
  52. [09.07.2016 01:18:20] Death: RamenWithASp00n suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  53. [09.07.2016 01:20:00] Death: RamenWithASp00n suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  54. [09.07.2016 01:22:36] R~LH~Patrice: "Well... I wonder if my 47 LPI guests are enjoying the show.." The person yells into the background. "Are you enjoying the -
  55. [09.07.2016 01:22:38] R~LH~Patrice: show?"
  56. [09.07.2016 01:22:44] R~LH~Patrice: Muffled moans are heard.
  57. [09.07.2016 01:22:55] R~LH~Patrice: "I guess they do."
  58. [09.07.2016 01:23:43] R~LH~Patrice: "Alright officers.. i got 10 credits on the nomad."
  59. [09.07.2016 01:23:51] R~LH~Patrice: Muffled moans.
  60. [09.07.2016 01:24:02] R~LH~Patrice: "Whats that? Six credits each on the Navy?"
  61. [09.07.2016 01:24:08] R~LH~Patrice: "Pfwah."
  62. [09.07.2016 01:24:19] R~LH~Patrice: "As if thats going to happen."
  63. [09.07.2016 01:24:32] R~LH~Patrice: "Look at that squid dealing hammer after hammer onto those two."
  64. [09.07.2016 01:27:16] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
  65. [09.07.2016 01:27:52] R~LH~Patrice: Muffled moans. "Oh shut up in the back, would ya?"
  66. [09.07.2016 01:28:55] 2016-07-09 01:29:01 SMT Traffic control alert: LL.Grand.Olympia has requested to dock
  67. [09.07.2016 01:28:56] 2016-07-09 01:29:02 SMT Traffic control alert: LL.Grand.Olympia has requested to dock
  68. [09.07.2016 01:30:10] 2016-07-09 01:30:16 SMT Traffic control alert: Ldwxx has requested to dock
  69. [09.07.2016 01:32:27] R~LH~Patrice: "Oooh! A snack!"
  70. [09.07.2016 01:32:37] R~LH~Patrice: "Come here baby."
  71. [09.07.2016 01:32:50] R~LH~Patrice: "Pwah, your no fun."
  72. [09.07.2016 01:33:55] 2016-07-09 01:34:01 SMT Traffic control alert: Ldwxx has requested to dock
  73. [09.07.2016 01:34:17] [HF]-Jack.Harrison.: *Puffs cigar* A'ight boys.
  74. [09.07.2016 01:35:00] [HF]-Jack.Harrison.: Alright i got Navy to ventilate. Guns online. *Stubs out Cigar* Let's dance.
  75. [09.07.2016 01:35:03] R~LH~Patrice: "Want to place bets, Jack?"
  76. [09.07.2016 01:35:24] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: [S]-Dwarrodelf
  77. [09.07.2016 01:35:36] R~LH~Patrice: "I got 10 credits on the Nomad, and my 43 guests each got 6 credits on that Navy."
  78. [09.07.2016 01:36:38] R~LH~Patrice: "This is quite hilarious."
  79. [09.07.2016 01:37:26] R~LH~Patrice: The pilot grabs popcorn and starts eating it.
  80. [09.07.2016 01:37:33] R~LH~Patrice: "This is entertaining."
  81. [09.07.2016 01:39:41] Death: James."HELLFIRE".Rascal was put out of action by Ryan,_O`connor (Missile/Torpedo).
  82. [09.07.2016 01:40:03] R~LH~Patrice: "Something's cloaked."
  83. [09.07.2016 01:40:15] Scared.Wolf: How interesting, a Nomad, a legion, and a lane hacker.
  84. [09.07.2016 01:40:28] R~LH~Patrice: "Making the odds uneven again?"
  85. [09.07.2016 01:40:34] R~LH~Patrice: "Pathetic."
  86. [09.07.2016 01:41:02] 2016-07-09 01:41:08 SMT Traffic control alert: Scared.Wolf has requested to dock
  87. [09.07.2016 01:41:08] Death: TBeninate was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  88. [09.07.2016 01:42:54] Death: Ryan,_O`connor suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
  89. [09.07.2016 01:45:02] K'Hara|Nemesis: *.. (Amusement) -no closer- ..*
  90. [09.07.2016 01:45:26] R~LH~Patrice: "Look Jackson."
  91. [09.07.2016 01:45:30] R~LH~Patrice: "They are still at it."
  92. [09.07.2016 01:45:34] R~LH~Patrice: "Or was it James."
  93. [09.07.2016 01:46:14] Death: Chief was put out of action by [HF]-Jack.Harrison. (Gun).
  94. [09.07.2016 01:46:22] R~LH~Patrice: "Oooooooh!"
  95. [09.07.2016 01:46:26] R~LH~Patrice: "Buuuuuuurn!"
  96. [09.07.2016 01:46:52] R~LH~Patrice: Dissappointed muffled groans are heard. "Oh shutup.. That was a perfect hit!"
  97. [09.07.2016 01:47:32] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
  98. [09.07.2016 01:48:03] K'Hara|Nemesis: *The creature didn't seem even close to tired just yet, and still was in perfect condition*
  99. [09.07.2016 01:48:44] R~LH~Patrice: "Look how even the odds are again. Cant say i feel bad for him."
  100. [09.07.2016 01:48:57] R~LH~Patrice: "He started with making it 2 on 1, now he gets repayed the same way!"
  101. [09.07.2016 01:54:04] [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino - Ping: 174ms (Max: 1000ms) Fluct: 3ms Loss: 0% (Max: 70%) Lag: 22% (Max: 100%)
  102. [09.07.2016 01:57:42] R~LH~Patrice: "The Ion storms must be focused solely on Ryan."
  103. [09.07.2016 01:57:59] R~LH~Patrice: "I wonder how his family is doing.. Hm.." The pilot opens a PDA.
  104. [09.07.2016 02:01:58] Death: [LN]-Ryan.Dagnino was put out of action by [HF]-Jack.Harrison. (Gun).
  105. [09.07.2016 02:02:14] K'Hara|Nemesis: **.. (Amusement/Victory) ..**
  106. [09.07.2016 02:02:16] [HF]-Jack.Harrison.: Yeah baby!
  107. [09.07.2016 02:02:30] [HF]-Jack.Harrison.: Woah. This toaster is cooked. Farewell folks.
  108. [09.07.2016 02:02:33] R~LH~Patrice: 43 muffled dissappointed graons are heard.
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