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Oct 21st, 2018
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  1. $character
  2. Anders
  3. Hawke
  4. Carver
  5. Bethany
  6. Fenris
  7. Isabela
  8. Merrill
  9. Sebastian
  10. Varric
  11. Bartrand
  12. Cullen
  13. Sandal
  14. Flemeth
  15. Gamlen
  16. Alistair
  17. Leliana
  18. Zevran
  19. Sera
  20. Morrigan
  21. Corypheus
  22. Knight-Commander Meredith
  23. Solas
  24. the Hero of Ferelden
  25. the Champion of Kirkwall
  26. $unoun
  27. love
  28. death
  29. rampant slaughter
  30. bioware
  31. hope
  32. glory
  33. healing
  34. salvation
  35. [|blood ]magic
  36. cheese
  37. magical fisting
  38. good hair
  39. friendship
  40. exceptional cruelty
  41. necromancy
  42. demonic possession
  43. power
  44. frog time
  45. careless trust
  46. pride
  47. perfection
  48. doom upon all the world
  49. $anoun
  50. a good spanking
  51. a generous kick in the face
  52. a fly in the ointment, a whisper in the shadows
  53. a growing lack of disgust for you
  54. a potential they can never hope to obtain
  55. a lyrium tattoo of breasts
  56. $cnoun
  57. jar of bees
  58. lyrium idol
  59. sword
  60. awkwardly long limb
  61. chantry explosion
  62. arrow
  63. mage rebellion
  64. big mouth
  65. [|lizard ]egg
  66. $thenoun
  67. maker
  68. orlesian empire
  69. chantry
  70. bone pit
  71. fade
  72. inquisition
  73. templar order
  74. circle
  75. maker’s bosom
  76. temple of mythal
  77. mage underground
  78. order of grey wardens
  79. korcari wilds
  80. blooming rose
  81. deep roads
  82. blight
  83. arishok
  84. [creature] uprising
  85. Hero of Ferelden
  86. Champion of Kirkwall
  87. [creature] occupational force
  88. Golden City
  89. hubris of men
  90. $unouns
  91. mage rights
  92. fine dwarven crafts, direct from orzammar[|. you won’t find better]
  93. andraste’s knickers
  94. pants that eat your eyeballs
  95. $adjective
  96. pathetic
  97. bald
  98. pretty
  99. antivan
  100. dangerous
  101. fereldan
  102. orlesian
  103. massive
  104. intelligent
  105. sadistic
  106. demonic
  107. annoying
  108. insolent
  109. $creature
  110. templar
  111. pig
  112. kitten
  113. witch of the wilds
  114. broodmother
  115. apostate
  116. [|blood ]mage
  117. girl
  118. noble
  119. orlesian
  120. dwarf
  121. lizard
  122. antivan crow
  123. mage rights activist
  124. mabari
  125. cat
  126. dog
  127. virgin
  128. ogre
  129. abomination
  130. human
  131. elf
  132. qunari
  133. dragon
  134. giant spider
  135. frog
  136. goat
  137. andrastian
  138. griffon
  139. darkspawn
  140. shem
  141. talking rat
  142. spirit
  143. demon
  144. creature of the fade
  145. bastard
  146. mortal
  147. ancient god
  148. $allitmany
  149. threaten [[creature]s|people]
  150. devour [[creature]s|people]
  151. defeat [[creature]s|people]
  152. fight [[creature]s|people]
  153. kill [[creature]s|people]
  154. save [[creature]s|people]
  155. kiss [[creature]s|people]
  156. rob [[creature]s|people]
  157. torture [[creature]s|people]
  158. make this place a sanctum of healing and salvation
  159. play despacito
  160. save the [|fucking ]world
  161. drown us in blood
  162. recite the maker’s blessings
  163. get eaten by [creature]s
  164. bring doom upon all the world
  165. unite the lands against the blight
  166. fight for mage rights
  167. raise the dead
  168. play wicked grace
  169. destroy the world
  170. summon demons
  171. invade [Ferelden|Orlais]
  172. study the blade
  173. suck lizard eggs
  174. put on a dress and dance the remigold
  175. get in all kinds of trouble
  176. crush something soft and watch it fountain blood
  177. go insane
  178. ravage the deep roads
  179. drive out the orlesian occupational force
  180. suffer various deaths of body and spirit
  181. get transformed into [an] [creature]
  182. prey upon helpless mortals
  183. throw a party
  184. bring sin to heaven
  185. $allitmanying
  186. threatening [[creature]s|people]
  187. devouring [[creature]s|people]
  188. defeating [[creature]s|people]
  189. fighting [[creature]s|people]
  190. killing [[creature]s|people]
  191. saving [[creature]s|people]
  192. kissing [[creature]s|people]
  193. robbing [[creature]s|people]
  194. torturing [[creature]s|people]
  195. making this place a sanctum of healing and salvation
  196. playing despacito
  197. saving the [|fucking ]world
  198. drowning us in blood
  199. [[creature]s|people]
  200. reciting the maker’s blessings
  201. getting eaten by [creature]s
  202. bringing doom upon all the world
  203. uniting the lands against the blight
  204. fighting for mage rights
  205. raising the dead
  206. playing wicked grace
  207. destroying the world
  208. summoning demons
  209. invading [Ferelden|Orlais]
  210. studying the blade
  211. sucking lizard eggs
  212. putting on a dress and dancing the remigold
  213. getting in all kinds of trouble
  214. crushing something soft and watching it fountain blood
  215. going insane
  216. ravaging the deep roads
  217. driving out the orlesian occupational force
  218. suffering various deaths of body and spirit
  219. getting transformed into [an] [creature]
  220. preying upon helpless mortals
  221. throwing a party
  222. bringing sin to heaven
  223. $allitmanys
  224. threatens [[creature]s|people]
  225. devours [[creature]s|people]
  226. defeats [[creature]s|people]
  227. fights [[creature]s|people]
  228. kills [[creature]s|people]
  229. saves [[creature]s|people]
  230. kisses [[creature]s|people]
  231. robs [[creature]s|people]
  232. tortures [[creature]s|people]
  233. makes this place a sanctum of healing and salvation
  234. plays despacito
  235. saves the [|fucking ]world
  236. drowns us in blood
  237. recites the maker’s blessings
  238. gets eaten by [creature]s
  239. brings doom upon all the world
  240. unites the lands against the blight
  241. fights for mage rights
  242. raises the dead
  243. plays wicked grace
  244. destroys the world
  245. summons demons
  246. invades [Ferelden|Orlais]
  247. studies the blade
  248. sucks lizard eggs
  249. puts on a dress and dances the remigold
  250. gets in all kinds of trouble
  251. crushes something soft and watches it fountain blood
  252. goes insane
  253. ravages the deep roads
  254. drives out the orlesian occupational force
  255. suffers various deaths of body and spirit
  256. gets transformed into [an] [creature]
  257. preys upon helpless mortals
  258. throws a party
  259. brings sin to heaven
  260. $allitmanyed
  261. threatened [[creature]s|people]
  262. devoured [[creature]s|people]
  263. defeated [[creature]s|people]
  264. fought [[creature]s|people]
  265. killed [[creature]s|people]
  266. saved [[creature]s|people]
  267. kissed [[creature]s|people]
  268. robbed [[creature]s|people]
  269. tortured [[creature]s|people]
  270. made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation
  271. played despacito
  272. saved the [|fucking ]world
  273. drowned us in blood
  274. recited the maker’s blessings
  275. got eaten by [creature]s
  276. brought doom upon all the world
  277. united the lands against the blight
  278. fought for mage rights
  279. raised the dead
  280. played wicked grace
  281. destroyed the world
  282. summoned demons
  283. invaded [Ferelden|Orlais]
  284. studied the blade
  285. sucked lizard eggs
  286. put on a dress and danced the remigold
  287. got in all kinds of trouble
  288. crushed something soft and watched it fountain blood
  289. went insane
  290. ravaged the deep roads
  291. drove out the orlesian occupational force
  292. suffered various deaths of body and spirit
  293. got transformed into [an] [creature]
  294. preyed upon helpless mortals
  295. threw a party
  296. brought sin to heaven
  297. $before
  298. the chantry teaches us that
  299. it’s the divine. come all the way from orlais to tell you, personally, that
  300. news of the hour:
  301. andraste’s words were that
  302. we templars of the Chantry stand vigil to ensure that
  303. true [creature]s know that
  304. $phrase
  305. this is so sad alexa [allitmany]
  306. oh, hello… i’m [allitmanying]. would you like to join me?
  307. i happened to be in the area. [allitmanying], [allitmanying]... the usual
  308. [|[before] ]some people??? [allitmany]???? to cope???????
  309. *[allitmanys]* aesthetic.
  310. someone’s gonna [allitmany], and it sure won’t be me!
  311. i [allitmany] because it’s the right thing to do
  312. [|[before] ]magic exists to [allitmany] and never to [allitmany]
  313. [|[before] ]sometimes to achieve the world one desires, one must [allitmany]
  314. [|[before] ]you just can’t throw a decent party without [allitmanying]
  315. once i learn how to [allitmany], it’s over for you bitches
  316. [|[before] ] [allitmanying] is the demand of the qun
  317. alas, so long as the music plays, we [allitmany]
  318. [|[before] ] [allitmanying] is [creature] culture
  319. it’s a good day to [allitmany]
  320. [allitmany] challenge
  321. are you serious? right in front of my [[cnoun]|[thenoun]]?
  322. improvise. adapt. [allitmany]
  323. guess i’ll [allitmany]
  324. while you were partying, i [allitmanyed]
  325. i showed you my [[unoun]|[cnoun]|[thenoun]], please respond
  326. press F to [allitmany]
  327. it’s over, [character]. i have the [[cnoun]|[thenoun]]
  328. i have made this place a sanctum of [[unoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]] and [[unoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]]. why do you threaten it?
  329. [|[before] ] [[unoun]|[anoun]|[an] [cnoun]|the [thenoun]] has meaning. [[unoun]|[anoun]|[an] [cnoun]|the [thenoun]] has meaning.
  330. you come into my house, you disrespect my [[cnoun]s|[thenoun]|[unouns]]
  331. i heard that [character,#c] has an 8 pack. that [#c] is shredded
  332. [|[before] ]what is needed now is not another [[cnoun]|[thenoun]|[creature]], but [an] [[cnoun]|[thenoun]|[creature]]
  333. i am dying of something worse than death. [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]s]
  334. i may not believe in the chantry but i believe in [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]s|[character]]
  335. [woman|[creature]] laughing alone with [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]]
  336. [|[before] ]the darkest path is filled with [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]s]
  337. Shadows fall And hope has fled Steel your heart [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]s] will come
  338. why are you booing me? i’m [the [thenoun]|[adjective]]
  339. what does [[unoun]|[anoun]|[an] [cnoun]|the [thenoun]|[an] [creature]] touch that it doesn’t spoil?
  340. have you ever licked [[an] [cnoun]|[an] [creature]] in winter?
  341. though darkness closes, i am shielded by [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]s]
  342. [|[before] ] [creature]s literally only want one thing. [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[creature]s]
  343. i don’t do anything involving [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[creature]s] or [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[creature]s]
  344. it’s nothing personal, i just don’t work with [[adjective] people|[creature]s]
  345. [|[before] ] [character] is an ass [|and everyone likes me better]
  346. you hear stories about these [creature]s. how they’re obsessed with [[unoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]]. and [allitmanying]
  347. don’t worry. [allitmanying] and [allitmanying] are what i’m best at
  348. it was a dark time. there was one light. [[character]|[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]s]
  349. when i was in the circle, [[unoun]|[anoun]|[an] [cnoun]|the [thenoun]] was only a game
  350. your pathetic maker is nothing compared to my [[unoun]|[cnoun]|[thenoun]|[unouns]]
  351. and they say [allitmanying] never solves anything!
  352. [|[before] ]if all else fails, [allitmany]
  353. [|[before] ]self care is [allitmanying]
  354. date [an] [creature] who [allitmanys]
  355. [|[before] ] [creature]s cannot be treated like people. they are not like you and me
  356. [|[before] ] [character] is dead and has been replaced by a clone
  357. [|[before] ]if she breathes she’s [[an] [creature]|[anoun]]
  358. [|[before] ]maybe the real [[unoun]|[cnoun]|[thenoun]] was the friends we made along the way
  359. gather your party and [allitmany]?
  360. those bastards made me get rid of my [creature]. poor ser [allitmany]-a-lot
  361. date [an] [creature] who [allitmanys]
  362. i would [allitmany] to keep you safe
  363. we’re here to [allitmany], yes? for sport?
  364. for 8000 sovereigns a month i will stop [allitmanying]
  365. why [allitmany,a] if you’re not [#a]ing hard?
  366. if thedas is so accepting, why is it that i, [[an] [creature]|the [thenoun]|[unoun]|[anoun]|[an] [cnoun]|[unouns]]
  367. me: wow the stars are beautiful gf: yeah they are me: you know what else is beautiful? gf: *blushes* what me: [[unoun]|[anoun]|[an] [cnoun]|the [thenoun]|[unouns]]
  368. tfw no [[unoun]|[cnoun]s|[thenoun]|[unouns]]
  369. [|[before] ] [the [cnoun]|the [thenoun]] is a metaphor. it’s in all of us
  370. [allitmany]. or [be killed|suffer the consequences]
  371. [|[before] ] your [[unoun]|[cnoun]|[thenoun]|[creature]] is a gift, but it’s also a curse
  372. do you need something, or are you just here to [allitmany]?
  373. [Ferelden|Orlais|Orzammar]… it’s not very interesting. mostly [[creature]s|[unouns]|[cnoun]s]... the occasional [[unoun]|[cnoun]|[thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]]
  374. make thedas [adjective] again
  375. [answer three riddles correctly|[allitmany]], and i will [allitmany]. fail, and i will [allitmany]
  376. that’s what everyone likes… [an] [|[adjective]] [creature] with [[unoun]|[anoun]|[an] [cnoun]|the [thenoun]|[unouns]]
  377. [allitmanying] and chill
  378. 20 minutes into [allitmanying] and chill and he gives you this look
  379. i have a purpose. i have [[character]|[unoun]|[anoun]|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[an] [cnoun]|[creature]s]
  380. magic can kill. [[unoun]|[anoun]|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[an] [cnoun]] can kill. even [creature]s launched at great speed could kill
  381. now we [allitmany]? how fun!
  382. did you really escape the circle so you could [allitmany]?
  383. last night, i saw [character] [allitmanying]… then he [allitmanyed]. i tell you he must be an abomination or something
  384. the power you hold is a gateway to greater things. [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]s]
  385. marvel at [unoun], for it is fleeting
  386. i have seen with my own eyes what lies on the horizon. [[unoun]|[anoun]|[cnoun]s|the [thenoun]|[unouns]|[creature]s]
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