
"Guns are bad"

Jul 19th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was sitting at the kitchen table reading over emails that she'd gotten back that day while she kept an eye on Titus eating from his bowl, dragging it across the floor. She was looking at her own finances then back at the email, wondering if she could make that transfer now.
  2. Tsaaq: Remy walked from the music room and across to where the bedroom was. He looked over at Cadence and walked over to her, hovering over her. "Everything okay?" He asked her.
  3. Covet: "Mhhm. I got some responses back for some work stuff. I had them give me an estiimate, basically as a contracted make up consultant. I was thinking I could transfer the money from my account over to the wedding account now, that way we have it there to work with a head of time?" She said looking up at him. "I also looked into some local gun safety courses, cheapest one is thirty bucks for a six week course. Includes your conceal carry permit."
  4. Tsaaq: "Oh yeah that sounds great." He smiled and nodded his head. "I'm still trying to figure out how to get more hours at Tokemon. Coffman said while he's getting me a writing gig I can go back to being his teacher's assistant shit but... Do I really want that?" He muttererd. He groaned a little. "Do I have to take the gun safety classes? I already decided I want a sniper rifle for here and probably a hand gun at work."
  5. Covet: "Cool, They're paying me fifteen hundred for a six shot gig over the next few months. So that's a little more saved up for us." She said with a smile, then looked at him, "Can you see yourself not going crazy trying to read what is mostly crap again though?" Cadence asked him, then blinked, "Yes, you have to take the safety classes. I refuse to sign off on this without you taking the class, and why do we need a sniper rifle for here?"
  6. Tsaaq: "I don't know.. I need money." Remy shrugged his shoulders. "What if I don't need you to sign off on me getting a gun?" He asked with a raise of one of his brows. "I mean, plenty of people get guns without that. Do I even really have time for that? These are things I've been thinking since yesterday." Remy said then shrugged. "I don't know. It's more precise?"
  7. Covet: "Babe... Please take the course.. if for anything to put my crazy mind at ease. Plus, if people see you with said gun and want to whine, you'll have your permit to shove back in their faces. " Cadence said looking at him, then blinked, "More precise for what? An intruder.. sitting on the roof and reinacting the Kennedy assasination?"
  8. Tsaaq: He groaned exasperatedly. "I can't get a permit without the stupid class? I know that can't be true. Don't they sell rifles at walmart and shit? Wasn't that a movie?" He asked then shrugged again. "Like I won't have to get close when I'm shooting somebody or whatever."
  9. Covet: "The only reason the class is six weeks is because it's once a week for like an hour and a half. You can still get the gun, because you'll need it for practice and all that too. You can do the class in a few days but it's longer hours." Cadence said then turned to watch him, "I don't think Walmart sells sniper riffles. Sniper riffles are also horrible for close quarters."
  10. Tsaaq: "They don't sell sniper rifles they just sell regular rifles. I know THAT." Remy rolled his eyes. "Oh my god, six weeks. Are you fucking kidding me? That will take way too long. If I want to learn something I'll just watch it on YouTube or something. I really am not feeling the whole class thing."
  11. Covet: "Remy it's not about the class telling you how to use the gun. It's about how to be safe with the gun. Because honestly the whole gun thing kind of terrifies me. But you getting hurt because someone robs the store and you are prepared scares me a lot more than having a gun in the house." She said watching him with a slight frown.
  12. Tsaaq: Remy sighed a little bit. "What's there to prepare for? It's a gun. You point and you shoot?" He shook his head. "And I'm not even that worried and I'm working there. If some pothead comes in and sees a gun they're probably gonna run anyways. The last guys sucked."
  13. Covet: "Exactly. It's a gun. It has the power and capability of harming someone accidentally let along what it could do with intent. " Cadence said looking back at hae computer, biting the inside of her cheek.
  14. Tsaaq: "You're just gonna have to deal with it Cadence." He said with dismissive tone of voice. "You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who's to say I'll actually get to use it?"
  15. Covet: She furrowed her brow and turned around to look at him, "I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill? Because having one shoved in my mouth or being hit in the back of the head hard enough to do some semi permenant dammage doesn't give me any sort of cause to be even slightly concerned about this? Okay." She said shutting her laptop screen and picked it up heading for the bedroom. "Fuck me for thinking of safety first here." She set her laptop on the end of the bed then went to her closet so she could pull out some sweats to change into.
  16. Tsaaq: He sighed and shook his head. "I'm not gonna be doing any of those things with my gun though so what does that have to do with me!" Remy shouted back at her. "I know you're not a fan and you've been through shit. But I've been pistol whipped too. Like, on several occassions." He yelled as he followed behind her. "Just cause I'm not taking a dumb class doesn't mean I won't be safe for the record. But whatever. Be pissed off at me." Remy said, waving his hand at her as he walked out of the room.
  17. Covet: "I'm trying really hard not to be pissed at you. I don't want to be pissed at you. But responsibility is all fine and dandy right up until in involves a weapon, then nah, we're not going to worry about it. I can figure it out on YouTube? Do you not see the lack of logic there?" Cadence said poking her head out of the bedroom half undressed at this point.
  18. Tsaaq: "Why do you even give a shit, you're not even gonna be using it." Remy called out. "I used to be a drug dealer. I think I can figure out a fucking gun without killing somebody or killing myself." He rolled his eyes again and went out towards the kitchen again. "Don't worry about it I just won't talk to you about it anymore."
  19. Covet: "Because I give a shit about you. And I didn't think asking for one thing to make me feel just a little bit safer and at ease about it was going to put your panties in a bunch." She said "Fuck Me for caring and fuck me for worrying." Slamming the bedroom door she went back to the bed and climbed under the covers staring at the screen as she opened it back up, blankly.
  20. Tsaaq: He stopped in his tracks and leaned his head back dramatically as he groaned. "If you're mad, scratch your ass and get glad." Remy said calmly as he went to walk towards the music room.
  21. Covet: Cadence bit the inside of her cheek and went about putting three grand into the wedding fund account instead of the fifteen hundred. Now she was just being petty, if he wasn't going to listen to her in regards to this safety class, she wasn't going to listen to him about not adding more of her own money to help out.
  22. Tsaaq: Remy went into the music room to listen to vinyls and use his laptop or whatever since he wasn't planning on going into the bedroom anytime soon.
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