
break window

Nov 9th, 2024
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  1. Driscoll jumped up, too, but barely had time to turn around as the window behind them blew in with the force of a typhoon. The musky stench of the matted hair on Kongโ€™s enormous hand flooded into the room as the giant creature reached through the empty window frame. Kongโ€™s nightmarish visage filled the window across the room. His eyes blinked and leered at Ann.
  2. Driscoll picked up a heavy wooden chair and attempted to strike Kongโ€™s treelike arm. Kong must have noticed him, and flicked his arm in a side-sweeping arc with enough force to send Driscoll flying into a wall. The jolt brought an electric flash of yellow light, and that dissolved into a gathering darkness. Jack tried with all of his might to stay conscious as he slowly sank to the ground. Before his world went black he could see a long shadow envelop Ann.
  5. Merian C. Cooper's King Kong, Chapter 21
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