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Oct 22nd, 2018
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Dr. Why: Ryan
  3. Dr. Why: Ryan this is a bit important
  4. Dr. Why: I have not slept for 2 dats straight and I have to get to a meeting in one hour, but I have to tell you something if you already didn't know.
  5. Dr. Why: Ryan it's about vero and him talking to corrie.
  6. Ryan: Sorry
  7. Ryan: I was in the shower
  8. Ryan: What do you mean?
  9. Dr. Why: Sorry, I have to go in a bit and I'm unbelievably tired. So...
  10. Dr. Why: Vero talked to Long shot about what you wanted and Long shot ( after may or may not having spoken to corrie about it) told Vero that COrrie doesn't want to hear from Ryan becasue he drove arrk to drinking fits.
  11. Dr. Why: I peronaly talked to arrk and he said it wans't becasue fo chat.
  12. Dr. Why: But what can you do?
  13. Ryan: Wait what he fuck
  14. Ryan: The*
  15. Ryan: N
  16. Ryan: o
  17. Ryan: FUCK
  18. Dr. Why: Well
  19. Ryan: Typos are pissing me off
  20. Ryan: Badly
  21. Ryan: :l
  22. Dr. Why: If you'r trying so hard to make a difference, why not stop appologizing and CHANGE. Act first, then you can speak for it. As long as you can act as you say you are, frankly not many people are convinced of your ability to change or hold you in a very good standard becasue of your reputation.
  23. Ryan: No
  24. Ryan: I don't care about my reputation
  25. Ryan: I don't care about Corrie not wanting to speak to me
  26. Dr. Why: But if you really are so inclined maybe you can prove you are by beating the odds, I don't know this isn't soem kind of drama movie and I have basically no idea what to do because I'm more worried about my job.
  27. Ryan: What I'm wondering
  28. Dr. Why: But do what you have to do.
  29. Ryan: Is why the fuck would someone go in drinking fits because of the internet
  30. Ryan: Squishy is lying again
  31. Ryan: No one would be such a low life to do that
  32. Dr. Why: Dr. Why: I peronaly talked to arrk and he said it wans't becasue fo chat.
  34. Ryan: I am.
  35. Ryan: I didn't say chat.
  36. Ryan: I said the internet.
  37. Dr. Why: what makes you assume it's the internet?
  38. Ryan: What else could it be?
  39. Ryan: And I doubt whatever it is is true.
  40. Ryan: Why would someone just go and say that randomly?
  41. Ryan: He's bullshitting.
  42. Ryan: Again.
  43. Dr. Why: MAYBE, Just MAYBE he has a personal life? He's a fucking human being Ryan, like you and everyone else.
  44. Dr. Why: Stop thinking so hatefully of him.
  45. Ryan: I think hatefully of people who deserve it.
  46. Dr. Why: You KNOW he deserves it?
  47. Ryan: Nope.
  48. Ryan: I never said that.
  49. Dr. Why: I'm sorry ryan I didn't think you could look into your magic periscope and look through the eyes of others. Please go on...
  50. Ryan: 01:13 - Dr. Why: You KNOW he deserves it?
  51. 01:13 - Ryan: Nope.
  52. 01:13 - Ryan: I never said that.
  53. Ryan: You're so inclined on telling me that I don't listen yet you miss what I say myself.
  54. Dr. Why: I'm just showing you how redundant you can be, did you like it when I repeated old points?
  55. Dr. Why: no
  56. Dr. Why: Neither do others.
  57. Dr. Why: plus, live examples are the best way to learn, can you imagien yourself in their position?
  58. Ryan: Everyone in the internet can.
  59. Dr. Why: Everyone...
  60. Ryan: He is crying over someone hating him on the internet.
  61. Ryan: I'm done with this.
  62. Ryan: If Corrie is going to be the stupid stubborn piece of shit like he / she is, then there's no point.
  63. Dr. Why: ryan please.
  64. Dr. Why: perhaps it's you being stubborn. Is'nt she a nice person, have you seen her profile?
  65. Ryan: 01:08 - Dr. Why: Vero talked to Long shot about what you wanted and Long shot ( after may or may not having spoken to corrie about it) told Vero that COrrie doesn't want to hear from Ryan becasue he drove arrk to drinking fits.
  66. Ryan: I'm the one being stubborn?
  67. Ryan: She won't accept an apology?
  68. Ryan: When I'm open to having this over and done with?
  69. Dr. Why: I looked into her and from all my inferences she's a pleasent and fun person to be around, the reason she's so resistant to you is becasue of not only your reputation but your fightign for a cause that effects the chat's mods. The mods work under her to keep order, and she doesn't want anythign going wrong with chat. It's already a borderlien shitstorm that's been slowly healing. I can't blame her for her detached rule, sure sometimes there's a bad bias. But things are working out better little by little right? I'll admit if you really want to change than she's denying a fair request, and it's completely unfair toward you. But as I said before, your reputation (how you left the group and made a big deal of things) really is effectign you here. If your as inclinded as you are, like you told once a while ago, then won't you be willing to change first. Let time take it's course and people to calm down, apologize on your profile or even go into chat and do it. I don't know what to do, your starting from a holw ryan, a holw you dug. Whatever the case I'm not a guardian angel, I hope you can make good choices ryan. Not just for chat but for life, Surely somethign like this will have heavier consequences irl. Now enough rambling, I'm tired as... so tired I can't think of a clever saying. Also sorry for the spelling or grammar, again, no sleep in two days.
  70. Ryan: Corrie doesn't care for chat.
  71. Dr. Why: "detached" not "doan't care"
  72. Dr. Why: *doesn't
  73. Ryan: No.
  74. Ryan: You're saying she still cares for chat.
  75. Ryan: Not a lot, but a bit.
  76. Ryan: Which is wrong.
  77. Ryan: She doesn't care.
  78. Ryan: Or he.
  79. Ryan: I don't even know.
  80. Dr. Why: Why doesn't she? She's a female.
  81. Ryan: How can you be so sure?
  82. Dr. Why: II can't, but niether can you.
  83. Ryan: 01:25 - Ryan: I don't even know.
  84. Dr. Why: yes yes, I see that.
  85. Dr. Why: But what makes your opinion have bases?
  86. Ryan: I don't have an opinion.
  87. Ryan: I don't have an opinion because I don't know.
  88. Dr. Why: Yes you do Ryan, yes you do.
  89. Dr. Why: You just told me ryan.
  90. Ryan: What was my opinion?
  91. Dr. Why: On corrie?
  92. Dr. Why: Ryan: No.
  93. Ryan: You're saying she still cares for chat.
  94. Ryan: Not a lot, but a bit.
  95. Ryan: Which is wrong.
  96. Ryan: She doesn't care.
  97. Ryan: Or he.
  98. Ryan: I don't even know.
  99. Ryan: It's not an opinion because it's a fact.
  100. Ryan: Long said himself.
  101. Dr. Why: That's called an opinion, or a guessed-opinion
  102. Ryan: There are logs of it.
  103. Dr. Why: we call them hypothesis.
  104. Dr. Why: first you say your not sure now you say it's a fact?
  105. Dr. Why: Well where is this log?
  106. Ryan: Ryan: No.
  107. Ryan: You're saying she still cares for chat.
  108. Ryan: Not a lot, but a bit.
  109. Ryan: Which is wrong.
  110. Ryan: She doesn't care.
  111. Ryan: This is a fact.
  112. Ryan: Ryan: She doesn't care.
  113. Ryan: Or he.
  114. Ryan: I don't even know.
  115. Ryan: I don't know about thid.
  116. Ryan: This*.
  117. Dr. Why: I see.
  118. Dr. Why: so what again is the proof?
  119. Ryan: When she came into chat, before you were here, and went nuts.
  120. Dr. Why: what?
  121. Dr. Why: Explain.
  122. Ryan: She was told about night chat.
  123. Ryan: Which brought in the PG-13 rule.
  124. Ryan: When Arc was demoted.
  125. Ryan: Which almost got chat closed for good.
  126. Dr. Why: do you have a log of this event?
  127. Ryan: It happened around 2 months ago.
  128. Ryan: No.
  129. Dr. Why: damn, well juding from all the change in attitudes and acts in chat. plus other things I looked into more personaly, I suppose your right. But can you give me some fo the things she said? her diction if you will.
  130. Ryan: 01:29 - Dr. Why: do you have a log of this event?
  131. 01:30 - Ryan: It happened around 2 months ago.
  132. 01:30 - Ryan: No.
  133. Ryan: I have nothing.
  134. Ryan: I don't remember what she said.
  135. Dr. Why: were you not there?
  136. Ryan: I was there.
  137. Ryan: I just didn't save it because it wasn't important to me at the time.
  138. Dr. Why: give me the jist then.
  139. Ryan: After Arc was demoted, Corrie gave Arc's position to Squishy.
  140. Ryan: After she gave to position to Squishy, she joined chat for a bit.
  141. Ryan: People told her what happens in the chat.
  142. Dr. Why: and? What was she saying, you said she went on a tirade in chat?
  143. Ryan: What is said, what is linked, what the mods are like, etc.
  144. Ryan: Not in the chat, no.
  145. Ryan: About the chat, yes.
  146. Dr. Why: I see.
  147. Dr. Why: Listen ryan, this can be continued later. For now I have a meetign to attend. You sure pulled of some stupid shit earlier but if your really wanting to change... I can see how this may be difficult for you, I wonder if your inclinded enough to DO something. Either way, on the issue of Corrie's care for chat. I'm still iffy either way, but I'll have a counterargument later. For now all I can do is not take any sides, becasue quite frankly I don't like either of them. Good luck.
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